I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 257 The Peak Secret Pattern Inheritance

Chapter 257 The Peak Secret Pattern Inheritance
  Luo Yuan and Mountain Guest were extremely fast. They turned into two streams of light and roamed in this extremely vast palace. Everything they experienced along the way was seen in their eyes. When they reached their state, their thinking ability and memory were comparable to each other. The most advanced brains are billions of times more powerful.

There are many stone palaces on this island, and the interior of each palace seems to be its own world. However, there are no living creatures or vegetation, and it looks extremely desolate. Similarly, Luo Yuan and Sishanke have visited the two palaces and found nothing. Treasures, Luo Yuan felt that this island would not be empty of anything.

Suddenly, the mountain guest excitedly sent a message to Luo Yuan, asking Luo Yuan to come over quickly. Luo Yuan was delighted when he heard the words. It seemed that the mountain guest had discovered some good treasures. He quickly speeded up and entered the depths of the third palace. , when he arrived at the palace location marked by the mountaineer, there was a huge courtyard, and the walls were still covered with exquisite carvings.

But there is a very wide stone wall in this huge courtyard, which is several kilometers long. There is a strong aura flowing on the stone wall. Then Luo Yuan looked at the stone wall carefully and found that there were countless secret patterns on it. These patterns are very exquisite and detailed, reaching the nanometer level, and finally form a huge secret pattern array.

A powerful will suddenly hit Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and the stone wall in front of him seemed to turn into a real world in a painting. Then Luo Yuan walked in and saw countless creatures from hundreds of millions of ethnic groups kneeling to him, shouting demons in their mouths. The sound of the name was overwhelming like a tide, making Luo Yuan's blood boil.

"Disciple, wake up quickly!"

Suddenly, Luo Yuan was awakened by the mountain guest's loud shout. Luo Yuan knew that he had just been disturbed by the spirit on the stone wall and fell into an illusion. He couldn't help but feel frightened just thinking about it. He had the power of the strongest person in the universe. The will will still fall involuntarily. If it weren't for the mental impact of the mountain guest, he might be addicted to it forever.

Luo Yuan saluted the mountain guest with lingering fear. Luo Yuan also studied the secret patterns in the Star Tower, and also spent a huge price to obtain the secret pattern map of the micro universe from the treasure house of human knowledge, and studied it carefully for many years. But compared with the secret patterns carved on the stone wall, these secret patterns seem much simpler.

The scene Luo Yuan just saw should be a secret pattern on the stone wall. If anyone watches it, they will be enslaved souls involuntarily and become their slaves and driven by them. Even the master of the universe will be enslaved instantly when he sees it. Servant, this is really terrible, this is just a stone wall that has experienced countless years.

The mountain guest looked at Luo Yuan and said: "Everything in this stone palace is weird. How could you look directly at the secret pattern on the stone wall as soon as you come here? After all, this is something left by the ancient civilization. Although it has gone through countless years The erosion, but its power is also unimaginable, even I dare not stare at it casually, and I have only mastered a little bit."

After the mountain guest finished speaking, he took Luo Yuan to look at another wall. There were some ancient words on it. They were written in the same handwriting as the strong man talking to himself before. In other words, these words were left by the same strong man. Down.

"Why, I finally broke through, but why can't I escape the fate of falling? Is it because of the rules of the universe?"

"I'm really unwilling to accept it. I obviously worked so hard!"

"I regret a little. I spent countless years cultivating and understanding, but in the end it was all in vain. If I had known this, I might as well have enjoyed the joy of life. It was a waste of time."

"Hey, there's no use regretting it. It's already too late. I finally transcended the strongest realm in the universe and created the strongest secret method, which is this secret pattern. It carries all my hard work. It's The pinnacle masterpiece, but it’s of no use, I’m still going to perish! I’m really unwilling to accept it...”    ……

Luo Yuan looked at the words on the wall and felt a sense of sadness. So what if the unparalleled strong man could not transcend this universe. The world would eventually come to the end of life and fall. It was just a huge secret pattern on the stone wall. Tu made Luo Yuan interested. This was the strongest inheritance left by a peak powerhouse.

Sitting Mountain Guest looked at these words and sighed: "In the core of the three Jedi in the universe sea, there are many monuments like this, and there are also many inheritances left by this sculptor. The ones I have seen are at least There are nine places, but some monuments can still gain some experience and understanding, while some monuments have been completely eroded by time."

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard the words. He remembered that there were messages left by the two strongest people in the universe in the passage connecting the white wing space. He didn't know whether those two people had successfully passed through reincarnation and gained a new life. Otherwise, they will all perish.

These powerful people left these monuments just to let future generations know their existence. They did not want to leave a legacy. After all, once they fall, even leaving a legacy will only make it easier for those who come after them, and it has no meaning to them. They just feel that it would be too sad to leave no trace in this life. As the pinnacle of the universe, they will just be annihilated into nothingness in the end.

The mountain guest said calmly: "It is a good opportunity for the sculptor to leave his most proud secret patterns here. After all, this set of secret patterns is very complete. The God Eye Clan was lucky enough to get Only by inheriting a complete set of ancient relics can you rise quickly, and I can't practice this secret pattern. As for you, it's better not to comprehend it casually, it will be very dangerous."

The mountaineer said and turned to look at Luo Yuan, only to find that Luo Yuan was watching the stone wall again. The mountaineer couldn't help scolding: "Disciple, this stone wall is not something you can see at your current level!"

But at this time, Luo Yuan was trapped in the mysterious pattern of the stone wall. He was only looking at a point of the secret pattern. This point was less than one ten millionth of the entire secret pattern, but it was just this point. But he could see magical pictures composed of mysterious runes, as if the light particles formed a living person.

The various secret patterns on this secret pattern diagram seem to be the transformation of the ten original laws into specific runes, and merged with each other into new high-level law runes. However, if you look carefully, it doesn't feel like it. It depends on the law talismans. Wen also had a higher level of existence, Luo Yuan couldn't describe it, he just felt it was very mysterious.


Suddenly a mental shock came, it was the mountain guest who took action. He could not let Luo Yuan continue to indulge in it. With Luo Yuan's current state, it was very dangerous to rashly contact these high powers, but it also benefited Luo Yuan a lot. Luo Yuan woke up, couldn't help but shiver all over, and suddenly felt that everything was boring.

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(End of this chapter)

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