I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 260 The arrival of the giant ax

Chapter 260 The arrival of the giant ax
  After sitting on the mountain guest, the two masters of the Shenyan clan thought about it and thought it made sense. They looked at the Jinhuang Demon God, their eyes were full of coldness, but the Jinhuang Demon God was really going to explode with anger.

"You two guys, if I say I didn't get those two treasures, I didn't get them. I, the Jinhuang Demon God, keep my word. Even if you don't believe it, I'm not too lazy to explain so much to you. You God Eye Clan are powerful, but as the third An ancient existence from the era of reincarnation of the universe, your time is coming. It is still impossible to destroy me. At most, you can seal me.

So what if you can seal me, after this reincarnation, all your God Eye clan will fall, and I can be reborn. My clan is all in the small universe. As long as I don't tell you, you will never find it, ha. Haha, come on, you crazy people! "

The Jinhuang Demon God was going crazy. He originally just wanted to come here to fight the autumn wind. He didn't even see the shadow of the two treasures, but he was surrounded by two stick-like gods from the God Eye Clan. They started fighting if they disagreed. , said that he had obtained the two treasures, no matter how he explained it, he did not believe it, which made the Jinhuang Demon God almost crazy.

The Sixth Lord of the God Eye Tribe shouted coldly at the Jinhuang Demon God: "Stop pretending to be crazy here. Do you think we will believe you if you say this?"


The Jinhuang Demon God had no choice but to control the Jinhuang Beast to let out a roar and attack the two gods of the God Eye Clan. The two gods sneered when they saw this. The Star God controlled the most powerful and precious star kingdom and turned into countless stars to attack the Jinhuang Beast. Smashing it over, causing a distortion of time and space, and at the same time, the Blue-Eyed God controlled the most powerful blue-eyed light to turn into several rays of green light and cut through the void and hit the Golden Glory Beast.

Seeing this, the Jinhuang Demon God was furious and wanted to leave here directly, but he was surrounded by the clubs of these two Divine Eye Clan, and the terrifying devouring force at the entrance of the endless abyss would tear everything into nothingness. If he wanted to jump out of here, it would not be the only way. It's an easy thing, so if you want to leave here, you have to fight.

Time is like water. The two strong men are fighting non-stop. Every move makes the abyss world collapse. The scene is grand and wonderful. Luo Yuan is amazed by it. This is the battle between the strongest men in the universe. Ah, Luo Yuan couldn't help but take a few more sips of wine after watching this.

Luo Yuan said to the mountain guest with some doubts: "Teacher, those two treasures are in my hands. The Jinhuang Demon God has indeed not been obtained. The two gods of the God Eye Clan can cultivate to the realm of the strongest people in the universe. It’s not just two mallets, can they really not see it?”

Sitting Mountain Guest sneered and said: "This Divine Eye Clan is an ancient existence from the first reincarnation era. They have several of the most powerful treasures. They will really care about the two pieces in your hand. Even the most powerful treasures are not worth it." Isn't it a treasure? They are just attacking the Jin Huang Demon God, so they found an excuse. For the Shenyan Clan, face is important. They are like nobles who have been offended by the common people. Their majesty needs to be maintained, so Let’s find this Jinhuang Demon God to scare the monkeys.”

Luo Yuan heard this and asked: "Why do the Shenyan clan want to kill chickens to scare monkeys? They are so powerful, so there is no need."

The mountain guest took a sip of wine and said: "Among the hundreds of forces in the universe sea, who are the strongest in the universe who don't know that the strong men of the first universe's reincarnation era are approaching their end? All those forces are facing the first universe's reincarnation era. The awe of the strong has also dropped a lot. As the strongest ethnic group in the first era of reincarnation, the Divine Eye Clan needs a powerful being to establish their authority with the strongest person in the universe. They are all a bunch of lunatics anyway."

Luo Yuan nodded after listening to Mountain Guest's words, and he couldn't help but smile: "So it was the madness before death, but there is no point in staying here now, and the God of the Divine Eye Clan also said, There will be two other Allahs coming here, and then there will be four Allahs, and it will be very dangerous for us to stay here."

The mountain rider waved his hand and said: "It's okay, let's watch it here. The battle between the four gods of the Divine Eye Clan and the Jinhuang Demon God will definitely be exciting."

Luo Yuan didn't say anything after hearing this. With Sishanke's steady character, being able to stay here quietly watching the show shows that Sittinger has enough support. In this case, he has nothing to be afraid of.    …

At this time, in a certain area of ​​the Ninth Abyss, the founder of the giant ax was breaking through time and space and flying rapidly. Suddenly he felt a powerful battle wave, and couldn't help showing joy in his eyes. He had been looking for so long but couldn't find those two items. Treasure, but this battle fluctuation is obviously caused by the strongest people in the universe fighting, so what are they fighting for? Apart from those two treasures, there is nothing else.

Although the founder of Giant Ax is not afraid of other strongest people in the universe, when other strongest people in the universe are fighting, he does not want to suddenly run over and get caught in them, as that will only put himself in danger.


Time is like water, and I don’t know how long it has passed. Luo Yuan and Sishanke are still leisurely watching the two gods from the Shenyan tribe surrounding and killing the Jinhuang Demon God. Luo Yuan ate a few delicious melons. As a result, it feels like watching these strongest men in the universe fight is much more exciting than those movie special effects.

"Huh? That rat is hiding in the distance?" Suddenly the third god of the God Eye clan shouted in the distance. This voice was loud and majestic, resounding in this space, even Luo Sitting on the mountain peak Yuan and Sishanke also heard it, which made them all interested. They knew that the strongest person in the universe was coming again, which made it even more interesting.

  Suddenly, a sharp blade of light knocked away countless stars erupted by the Star Lord, and then a giant ax reaching the sky flew quickly with unparalleled momentum, and then the voice of the founder of the giant ax appeared: "Hahaha, it turns out to be God. The two gods of the Eye Clan are really powerful, and the star god is also powerful in the star field. I hid it so well, but you discovered it."

"It turns out that he is the founder of the giant axe of the human race in the original universe. He came just in time!" The Third God sneered, and the Sixth God also had a cold light in his eyes.

Jinhuang Demon God was overjoyed when he saw that he was the founder of the giant axe. With the addition of the giant axe, he could also reduce the pressure from the God Eye Clan.

The mountain guest also smiled and said: "This is even more exciting. The giant ax has also obtained a giant axe-shaped most powerful treasure."

At this time, five of the strongest people in the universe came here. Except for the founder of the giant axe, the other four strongest people in the universe found it very interesting. However, Luo Yuan was a little worried at this time. This time the founder of the giant ax came. This must also be for the two treasures that are comparable to the most powerful treasures. After all, the human race currently only has one most powerful treasure, so for the founder of the giant ax, these two treasures are very important to the human race.

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(End of this chapter)

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