Chapter 262 Eternal God
  The Sixth Allah watched the Third Allah and the founder of the giant ax keep bickering. He frowned and then said: "Star Allah, let's take action directly. If you delay, more and more of the strongest people in the universe will come. .”

The Third Lord smiled awkwardly upon hearing this, and then nodded, then he raised the corners of his mouth and said in his mouth: "Welcome to my eternal kingdom, all the star beasts obey my orders, merge with me, and transform into the eternal true god! "

As the voice of the Star God fell, the Blue-Eyed God also emitted endless green divine light from the most powerful treasure in his hand. These divine lights formed complex secret patterns, and then the secret patterns projected the endless divine light on every star beast. On the body.

The alien beasts transformed from countless stars let out roars after feeling the emerald-green divine light. These alien beasts also became very powerful. Luo Yuan could feel that the endless divine light emitted was actually the souls of each of them. , formed through precise manipulation of ancient mysterious secrets.

As these countless alien beasts merged, a majestic and powerful super beast was finally formed. This giant beast had nine huge heads, thirty-six wings, more than a hundred hooves, and nine heads of different colors. Tails, as soon as this super giant beast appeared, all the laws of this space disappeared.

Moreover, the aura exuded by this super giant beast is more powerful than the strongest person in the universe. Seeing Luo Yuan, he was stunned. He never thought that the God of the God Eye Clan could create such a terrifying super beast with the ancient secret method. , the other strongest people in the universe present also looked shocked and quiet.

The Jinhuang Demon God had already given up resistance when he saw this super giant beast, because he knew that he would never be able to defeat this strange beast. The founder of the giant ax also stared at the giant beast with a cautious face, with savage-like eyes. There was a flash of worry, and even the mountain rider was surprised.

The Third God of the God Eye Clan looked at the founder of the giant axe and the Jinhuang Demon God and sneered: "This is the most powerful secret method that I have spent countless epochs to cast. This super alien beast has the strength of the eternal true god. You still think you are Those who can beat me, hahaha, kill these two guys for me!"

I saw the Third God pointing at the founder of the giant axe, and the eyes of the nine heads of the super alien beast with the eternal true god's strength showed a cold light, and the faces of these nine heads showed ferocious expressions, and their eyes Wherever it reaches, all time and space are immediately frozen, and even the strongest person in the universe cannot break this time and space bondage.


The super alien beast stepped on the void, and every time it stepped on it, it made the void tremble, making a sound that made everyone present palpitate. Especially this alien beast has more than a hundred pairs of feet, but the sound it makes is particularly neat, and it sounds like it is... It's like there are thousands of troops coming to kill.

At this time, the strongest people in the universe did not dare to make any move. After all, the difference in strength was too big. The founder of the giant ax also held the giant ax in his hand with a firm expression, but his heart could not help but tremble. He never expected it. This time I just came to grab two peak treasures, but I met such a strong person.

Seeing this, the Sixth Lord of the God Eye Clan couldn't help but laugh up to the sky. This is the power of being powerful. In his opinion, the founder of the giant ax is just a rising star in the third reincarnation era of the original universe. In their eyes, The tears of these ancient strong men are just little ones.

Compared with them, the time for the founder of the giant ax to become the strongest in the universe is still too short. If the two gods join forces, especially in their information, the founder of the giant ax does not have the most powerful treasure yet, so they have not considered it. The founder of Giant Ax takes it seriously.

The Third God of the Divine Eye Clan even said coldly: "The founder of the Giant Axe, so far, the strongest person in the universe has not been able to survive our secret method, so you must die today!"

In fact, it is very difficult for the strongest person in the universe who owns a small universe to be killed. Most of the strongest people in the universe who have disappeared have exceeded three reincarnation eras and turned into nothingness when the end came. Their small universe has also Destroyed and turned into ruins.

But for the Third God and the Sixth God of the God Eye Clan, if they want to use the founder of the giant ax to establish their power, then they will destroy the founder of the giant ax, otherwise it will not be enough to scare the monkeys. “Boom, boom, boom!”

The super alien beast is still stepping on the void. It seems to be very slow. In fact, the speed has been increased to more than a hundred times the speed of light. In addition, the original law of the universe cannot suppress it, so the speed has been increased to a limit, so this super beast is The alien beast quickly rushed in front of the founder of the giant axe.


This super alien beast suddenly let out a terrifying roar that shocked the soul, and then exploded directly. I saw this super alien beast raised its huge hooves and claws and slapped the founder of the giant ax fiercely.


As the huge hoof claws fell, the originally frozen time and space collapsed directly, turning into fragments flying towards the founder of the giant axe. The power of each fragment was comparable to the strongest blow of the strongest person in the ordinary universe.

Seeing this, the founder of the giant ax quickly raised the divine ax in his hand and slashed at the huge hoof and claw. However, the difference in strength between the two was a bit big. Although the founder of the giant ax barely blocked the attack of the alien beast, he was also knocked back a few times. Years away.

The two gods of the Divine Eye Tribe standing in the void were a little surprised when they saw this scene. The third god among them said coldly: "It seems that we still underestimate you a little, giant axe, you are worthy of being proud of being able to block the blow of the eternal true god. , but that’s all, you won’t be so lucky next!”

The founder of the giant ax immediately stabilized his figure after being knocked back and looked at the two gods with firm eyes. He had disheveled hair and looked like a savage. He smiled boldly and said: "You God-Eye Clan are still somewhat capable. This one has The alien beast with the strength of the Eternal True God is indeed powerful, and every move contains soul impact. I just haven't fought you before, so I don't know your insidious tricks. Don't be complacent. Next, I will show you the power of my giant axe. sharp!"

The voice of the founder of the giant ax was loud and resounded in all directions, shocking everyone present. Regardless of whether what the founder of the giant ax said was true or not, he was still not afraid of danger in the face of such a powerful beast. In the eyes of the two gods of the Divine Eye Clan, this courage is admirable.

Even the mountain guest praised the founder of the giant ax. Luo Yuan knew that the founder of the giant ax had obtained a most powerful treasure, but he did not use its power now. It seemed that he had something to rely on. Maybe there was something else. A powerful trump card, he also has some confidence in the founder of the giant axe. As a human race in the original universe, Luo Yuan naturally does not want anything to happen to the founder of the giant axe.

As long as the founder of the giant ax has no life-threatening concerns, it is easy for the strongest person in the universe to recover. The strongest person in the universe with a small universe is extremely terrifying in terms of divine power reserves and combat power. Their vitality It's also amazing. Generally, people rarely die. Unless the end of time comes, they can last for endless years.

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(End of this chapter)

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