Chapter 266 Pattern
  Luo Yuan and Sishanke, who were sitting in the mountain peak, watched several of the strongest people in the universe leave one after another. They had nothing to do, so they had no choice but to leave, so they rode the dark blue stone peak towards the entrance of the abyss. fly away,

The dark blue rocks are flying at a speed of hundreds of thousands of times the speed of light.

Luo Yuan recalled the scene of the battle between the founder of the giant ax and the two gods of the God Eye clan, and couldn't help but be fascinated. This is the strength of the strongest person in the universe at the peak. It is so strong that he can even control the original laws of the universe. If you want to disperse it, disperse it; if you want to bless it, bless it. This kind of power is something that the Lord of the universe cannot display and understand.
  After pouring a glass of wine for the mountain guest, Luo Yuan said: "Teacher, I would like to ask the founder of the giant ax what his current strength is. Can he destroy other strongest people in the universe?"

The Mountain Guest took a sip of wine, and then said with a smile: "With the current strength of the founder of the giant ax, it is no problem to destroy the strongest person in the universe. The current giant ax has the style of the original ancestor. You know When the Original Ancestor was in the Universe Sea, no matter whether it was the strongest person in the universe from the three major reincarnation eras or the two holy land universes, everyone who encountered the Original Ancestor took the initiative to give in. If the Original Ancestor had not destroyed their strength, would they have been like this? ?”

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this. The strongest person in the universe is a super strong person with a small universe. It is very difficult to destroy him. Most of the strongest people in the universe who disappeared have reached their end and fell. It is rarely heard of It is to be destroyed, and the original ancestor and the current giant ax have the strength to directly kill the strongest person in the universe, and the strongest people in other universes are not afraid.

Luo Yuan thought for a while, then looked at the mountain guest and asked, "Teacher, can the founder of the giant ax also kill the third god of the God Eye clan?"

Sitting Mountain Guest smiled when he heard this, and then said slowly: "It's difficult. The seven gods of the God Eye Clan are all the strongest in the universe. They usually have one most powerful treasure, but this third god has two. Blessed by a piece of the most powerful treasure, his strength ranks second among the God Eye clan. If he only has one piece of the most powerful treasure, he can still kill him with a little effort with the giant axe, but with two pieces of the most powerful treasure, he can only suppress it. Yeah, it’s very difficult to kill.”

Luo Yuan couldn't help but wonder when he heard this: "Then the Third God should also know that the founder of the giant ax cannot kill him, but why did he keep running away after seeing the strength of the founder of the giant ax, and finally compromised and handed over three peak treasures? ?”

The mountain guest couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. He said: "This giant ax is also a scheming person. He has always kept a low profile before. This time, his hidden strength was tested by the two gods of the Shenyan clan. Do you think I think Giant Ax can reach this level by practicing on his own. Wouldn't it be more powerful if he fights with other strongest people in the universe?

For a giant ax that can continuously improve its strength in battle, his strength will only get stronger and stronger, and his explosive power will become more and more powerful. Instead of promoting the enemy's strength to continuously become stronger, it is better to just admit defeat. This is also the case. The third reason for Allah’s final compromise. "

Luo Yuan couldn't help but smile after hearing this. It seems that the founder of the giant ax is the same explosive powerhouse as the original ancestor. Especially when being fed by strong men of the same level, the founder of the giant ax also has the talent comprehension ability. Against the sky, it can continuously improve its strength. It is hard to imagine how far the founder of the giant ax will reach if the two gods of the Divine Eye Clan still insist on confronting each other.

The mountain rider took a sip of wine, and then said leisurely: "This Divine Eye Clan is the strongest force in the first universe's reincarnation era. Even compared with the two holy land universes, it is not far behind. Even if the giant ax can suppress a person, Allah, even annihilation, but there are seven Allahs in the God Eye clan, and there are countless vassal clans.

Especially the No. 1 Allah of the Divine Eye Clan. Even the giant ax can only suppress him, but cannot kill him. If the seven Allahs join forces to attack the giant ax at the same time, it will be dangerous. You must know that this Divine Eye clan is a dead general. So, everyone is extremely crazy. If they really get anxious, it will not be good for them to fight with the human race in your original universe. "

When Luo Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but said: "If that's the case, wouldn't the founder of the giant ax and the God-Eye Clan also have enmity?" Sitting Mountain Guest said: "This time, the Giant Ax only asked for three dollars from the God-Eye Clan. It’s just a pinnacle treasure, and it’s nothing to the God-Eye Clan. There are human tribes behind the Giant Ax who naturally don’t want to start a war with the God-Eye Clan, and the God-Eye Clan don’t want to fight against the Giant Ax after seeing the strength of the Giant Ax. enemy."

After sitting on the mountain guest's explanation, Luo Yuan finally understood the cause and effect. Luo Yuan only knew the general plot. For these specific things, he didn't understand them so seriously at first, especially the subsequent content. He even just read it. Just for a moment, after all, there are too few people who can insist on seeing the back. These people are true love.

Luo Yuan knew very well that the current human race in the original universe was only supported by the strongest person in the universe, the founder of the giant axe. The other masters of the universe were still a little weak compared to those of the God Eye Clan. After all, there are many peak universe lords like the Chaos City Lord in the God Eye Clan. If the two sides go to war, the human race has little chance of winning.

And if the Shenyan tribe intends to target it, then it would be too dangerous for the human race’s universe masters to continue to come to the universe sea to hunt for treasures. If they cannot enter the universe sea to improve their strength, then it would be too dangerous for the human universe masters who want to break through to the universe entirely on their own. The strongest is unlikely.

Luo Yuan thought clearly about all the problem points and couldn't help but sigh. It turned out that the situation of the human race was not very good. He couldn't help but sigh: "The gap between the strongest people in the universe is also very big."

Hearing this, the mountain guest said: "Among the strong men of the human race in your original universe, the original ancestor is the strongest. Even I am amazed by the talent. The giant ax has reached the level it is today under the guidance of the original ancestor. Moreover, the original ancestor also taught several powerful masters of the universe, and they are now the mainstay of our human race."

Luo Yuan could only nod his head after listening to Mountain Guest's words. He knew that although the legendary original ancestor was permanently suppressed by the origin of the universe, his connection with mankind has never been broken, and the original ancestor's initial universe has also become a human genius. The cradle of training, basically the current peak human beings have learned in the original universe.


Luo Yuan and Sishanke were drinking and chatting while riding the dark blue Sishanke to the entrance of the abyss world. The devouring power here is indeed powerful, and the devouring power is even more powerful than the divine ax attack of the founder of the giant axe. , sitting on the mountain peak and finally coming out of the entrance against the direction of the devouring power.

The Mountain Guest will stay on the mountain peak far away from the abyss, and then upgrade and refine Luo Yuan's Chaos Divine Armor on the spot. This is also the Mountain Guest fulfilling his promise to Luo Yuan. As long as the Chaos Divine Armor is upgraded to the strongest The most powerful treasure, coupled with the silver wings that are comparable to the most powerful treasure, combined with the Star Tower, Luo Yuan is equivalent to owning three most powerful treasures. For Luo Yuan, who is still just the Lord of the Universe, this is unimaginable. .

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(End of this chapter)

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