I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 272 Black-patterned Stone Pillar Space

Chapter 272 Black-patterned Stone Pillar Space
  After Luo Yuan chatted with the Lord of Chaos City for a while, he went offline, and then the main body on the earth continued to spend a lot of effort to control the fourth clone to advance in the inner domain of the space ship. This time the destination was the black-grained stone pillar space. There is no danger in this area. After all, it is a place used to sharpen one's will. There is no point in fighting here.

This space is supported by sixteen black-patterned stone pillars, and these stone pillars are thousands of light years high. At a glance, they look like pillars reaching the sky, with no end in sight. Fortunately, teleportation can be done outside this space. , can save a lot of time.

It is hard to imagine that these sixteen sky-reaching stone pillars are naturally formed relics of ancient civilizations. They were raised to a very high level by incomparable experts who drew mysterious secret patterns on them. Even the strongest person in the universe cannot fully understand these. The secret patterns are similar to the secret patterns on the stone wall that Luo Yuan saw in the mysterious space under the ice. They are also of the same level, and it is difficult to understand them.

These sixteen black-patterned stone pillars contain tremendous power, and the terrifying aura they exude is even more powerful than the most powerful treasures. Moreover, the closer you are to the black-patterned stone pillars, the stronger the impact of your will will be, even if it is the strongest in the universe. The reader cannot directly contact those black-grained stone pillars.

The area where this black-patterned stone pillar is located can sharpen your will, speed up the flow of time, and allow teleportation. The danger is relatively small. Especially the secret patterns on these stone pillars allow strong people to understand powerful secrets, so they are entrenched here. There are many peak powerhouses, and it is also a secluded place for the veteran powerhouses in the universe sea, so you should keep a low profile here.

There is a very thick mist at the edge of the black-grained stone pillar space. On the contrary, the closer to the space, the thinner the fog becomes. Luo Yuan, wearing a black and gold armor, constantly teleports towards the black-grained stone pillar space. He spent hundreds of years to break through After passing through countless dangerous places, we finally arrived here.

Although the journey was dangerous, Luo Yuan also experienced many battles. These battles also improved Luo Yuan's experience against enemies and sharpened his mentality. Especially when he was in Bo Xinghai, he also used his own sword technique "Ba". "Knife" is the most powerful secret technique that has been upgraded to the pinnacle Lord of the Universe level.

At the same time, he also reached a level of proficiency in the use of Chaos God Armor. Nine million scales under the control of telekinesis are enough to strangle any peak universe master. Luo Yuan named this move "Nine Million God-Destroying Technique" .

Luo Yuan turned into a black-golden stream of light and streaked across the space. Suddenly a message came. Luo Yuan discovered that it was a message from the Hongmeng, a human group in the original universe. It turned out that he met other universe masters from the Hongmeng near the black-grained stone pillar space. , Luo Yuan stopped and waited, and soon a cyan rainbow light flew over.

Luo Yuan saw clearly that the person who came turned out to be a non-human universe master from Hongmeng, named the Lord of Yanying. This Lord of Yanying was also very powerful and belonged to the fourth level of the Lord of the Universe. Basically, he had always been Wandering among the three Jedi in the cosmic sea,
  The Lord of Yanying looked at Luo Yuan familiarly and said: "Lord of Chaos, today I have met a real person. I am the Lord of Yanying. I have heard about your various deeds a long time ago. I I wasn't sure when I saw you just now, but after I sent you a message, I realized that you are really a fool. It's really a very happy thing to see a member of our Hongmeng here."

The Lord of the Swallow Eagle is a dark blue bird, with huge wings fluttering, and its surface is covered with a blue armor. Especially the golden hair on the top of its head makes it look a bit funny. This is such a bird that actually said directly The universal language of mankind, if its identity was not shown in the information, Luo Yuan would have thought it was someone from the demon clan looking for trouble.

Although Luo Yuan was not familiar with the Lord of Yanying, but because he was a member of the Hongmeng, he politely replied: "I am also very happy to see other members of the Hongmeng here."

I saw the Lord of Yanying praising Luo Yuan: "I can often hear about your great deeds in this universe sea. You brought down the two peak universe masters of the God Eye Clan, and you also used Yuan Yuan. As the Lord of the Court, he can control the space ship and snatch all kinds of treasures, and no one can stop him. Even I am far behind in this strength."

Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this. The guy in front of him came to him and praised him. Although Luo Yuan felt happy, he was still a little wary in his heart. After all, in the eyes of the human race, people who believe in non-self Races must have different minds, even those who belong to the Hongmeng camp are no exception. Luo Yuan thought for a while and said humbly: "There is still a big gap between me and the top experts in this universe. Lord Yanying, don't belittle yourself. After all, the creatures that can survive in these three Jedi to this day are not weak. .”

The Lord of Yanying exchanged a few polite words with Luo Yuan, and then the two of them flew side by side towards the black-patterned stone pillar space, using their divine power to transmit sounds along the way. The Lord of Yanying asked: "What is the purpose of the Lord of Hunyuan coming here?"

Luo Yuan did not hide anything after hearing this, but replied seriously: "I came here just to sharpen my will. I heard that the effect here is the best, and there is still time to speed up, which can save me a lot of time."

The Lord of Yanying couldn't help but show interest after hearing Luo Yuan's words. He smiled and said: "There are three major reincarnation eras and two major holy land universes in this cosmic sea. There are countless strong people in them. Most of us come here to rest or comprehend the above. Secret Mark, there are very few strong people like you who come here specifically to sharpen your will. I have also spent a lot of time practicing here, and I can tell you some experience."

Luo Yuan also smiled when he heard this and said, "I'd like to hear the details!"

The Lord of Yanying thought for a while and said: "This black-patterned stone pillar space is not only safe, but also allows people to comprehend powerful secret patterns under the acceleration of time. Therefore, there are many strong people living here in seclusion. Among them, three of the strongest people in the universe are The strongest existences here, you should be careful when you mix here. These three are Lord Bei Chi, the ancestor of Blood Orchid, and the Rampant Demon God.

Among them, Star Lord Bei Chi and the ancestor of Blood Orchid are strong men from the reincarnation era of the first universe. Star Lord Bei Chi has a good temper and treats people gently. As long as you don't provoke him, you will be fine. And the ancestor of Blood Orchid is a Extremely evil plant creatures, if you encounter them, run away quickly, otherwise your life will be in danger.

As for that rampaging demon, he comes from the reincarnation era of the second universe. He is a very dangerous and vicious person. Once he gets involved, it will be difficult to get rid of him, so you should be especially careful. "

Luo Yuan listened to the reminder from Lord Yanying and nodded seriously. He had collected information about this black-patterned stone pillar space before he came to it. With his current authority, he naturally had no choice but to treat the three strongest people in the universe. There are some understandings, and they are all old antiques that cannot be easily offended.

Among them, the Rampant Demon God is an extremely dangerous guy. It can be seen from his self-proclaimed name that he is a very conceited and strong man. In fact, in terms of strength, the Rampant Demon God is only at the level of the strongest person in the universe, and The Great Ax Founder is far from it, but the reason why he is so terrifying is because he possesses a powerful supreme treasure.

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(End of this chapter)

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