I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 278 The secret room space, the inheritance of the strong

Chapter 278 The secret room space, the inheritance of the strong

Deep in the space ship, the Lords of Wuhun and An Yong were moving quickly on a vast white snowfield. The sky above this snowfield was a dangerous zone. They had to walk instead of walking, and they could teleport hundreds of thousands of kilometers in one step. , after only walking a few hundred kilometers, the Lord of the Five Huns stopped.

Lord An Yong looked at the Lord of Wuhun in confusion, and the Lord of Wuhun frowned. He said angrily: "The Lord of Hunyuan is no longer here. This human kid ran to the black-grained stone pillar space. That place is a A treasured place for cultivation.”

Lord An Yong couldn't help but said after hearing this: "Isn't our tribe's Lord of the Pure Eyes in that black-patterned stone pillar space? The Lord of the Pure Eyes is a veteran universe lord who is more powerful than us. We can ask him to help destroy it. That human boy."

The Lord of the Five Huns shook his head and said: "Needless to say, the Lord of the Hunyuan caused the death of the friend of the Lord of the Pure Eye, so the Lord of the Pure Eye has already fought with that human kid. It's just a pity that the Lord of the Pure Eye also... He was no match for the Lord of Hunyuan, and was even beaten by the Lord of Hunyuan. In the end, the Lord of Pure Eyes still managed to escape from the close combat of that human boy by taking out a domain treasure."

Lord An Yong couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He had never imagined that the human Lord of Hunyuan could be so strong, but remembering the methods of Lord Jingyan, he asked doubtfully: "Lord Jingyan is a top soul powerhouse. His will is comparable to that of the strongest person in the universe. To deal with the master of the universe is to crush him. Why can't he deal with that human kid?"

The Lord of the Five Hun also said coldly: "The news I got is that the human boy seems to have practiced an extremely advanced method of cloning, but even so, how can he resist the soul attack of the Lord of the Pure Eyes? Forget it, I don't think about this anymore, I I won’t engage in a soul battle with him, I will kill him with the strongest power, but this human kid is running around, and now I don’t know where he is.”

The Lord of Anyong was stunned when he heard this. They chased him all the way, but when they arrived, they found that the human boy was missing. They were looking around like two headless flies. This was a great shame and humiliation for them, so Lord Anyong asked: "Do you know the nearest location of Lord Hunyuan? Let's speed up and chase him."

The Lord of Wuhun said depressedly: "I don't know where the Lord of Hunyuan has gone."


At this time, in the black-patterned stone pillar space, there were sixteen sky-reaching stone pillars, but the space here was extremely wide, at least thousands of light-years in size. Luo Yuan searched here for a full month before he found the secret room space he wanted. This secret room is where the Lord of the Five Huns hides his treasure.

The black token that Luo Yuan was looking for in the endless abyss was the key to the treasure secret room of the Lord of the Five Huns. Luo Yuan found the secret room space through the induction of the black token. Luo Yuan looked at the black Architecture, can’t help but laugh out loud.

"Lord of the Five Huns, I finally found your secret treasure room. Let me see what treasures you have in your secret room," Luo Yuan said with a chuckle.

Luo Yuan turned into a stream of light and flew towards the black secret room. The space of this secret room was actually huge, just like those huge rocks that were like a continent. When Luo Yuan flew to the black building, he looked at the building that didn't know how tall it was. , feeling as small as dust.

Luo Yuan walked to the black building, then stretched out his hand and pressed it on the giant black door. Then the giant door sensed the black token on Luo Yuan's body, and ripples appeared. Then Luo Yuan easily passed through the giant door and entered the secret room. It's like walking through a water curtain. Luo Yuan was walking in the secret room, and he discovered that the space in the secret room was actually an independent small world, and this space was extremely vast.

If you want to enter these secret chambers, you must have black tokens. Even the strongest people in the universe will not be able to enter these secret chambers without tokens.

For countless epochs, the strong men of the Universe Sea have also discovered that the secret chamber spaces here are extremely powerful. Even the strongest people in the universe cannot break the walls of the secret chambers. Therefore, these secret chambers have become the treasure troves of many strong men. If the tokens inside are not lost, you don’t have to worry about your treasures being robbed by others.

Luo Yuan stood in the middle of the secret room space, and then looked down at the vast land below. There was an endless mountain range on the land, and then one of the cliffs of these mountains was artificially flattened. There were countless secret patterns and ancient patterns on the flat ground. of text burning.

Luo Yuan dodged and landed on the cliff. Then he looked at these ancient words. Luo Yuan had never seen these words before. Even the ancient words on the space ship were different from these words, and these words It also has strong willpower and the aura it emits can convey various messages.

However, these unfamiliar words were not a problem for Luo Yuan. At Luo Yuan's level, his brain power was more powerful than any super intelligence, so he quickly deciphered these words by comparing the secret patterns, and then a large amount of information into his mind.

It turned out to be some soliloquies written by the successive owners of this secret room space, just like those tourists who went to a tourist destination wrote about someone who visited this place.
  And there are a lot of these records, tens of thousands of them. Looking at these ancient texts, it seems that I have seen the traces of endless years, and the vivid life imprints of those strong people at the top. These strong people have all kinds of strange personalities, and some of them deliberately left behind their inheritance. There are also those who engage in destruction. No matter how magnificent these powerful men are, they will eventually turn into nothingness and become nothing more than a background in history.

The rock walls here have been polished for endless years and appear to be very smooth and boundless. Luo Yuan walked leisurely in this secret room space. Every owner here almost represents an era of reincarnation in the universe, and the previous owners here have gone through thousands of years. People, let’s just say that this secret room space has also gone through endless reincarnations, and the owner will change only when the previous owner dies.

There are many secret techniques and tricks left by strong people on this endless rock wall, and they are almost the strongest secret techniques of those strong people. It is obvious that they want to leave their own inheritance, so that the destined people can inherit their inheritance. , and among these strong men there are also the strongest ones in the universe, so the secret techniques they left behind are also very powerful.

Luo Yuan looked at these secret techniques, then remembered them in his mind, and quickly compared and verified them with his various secret techniques in his mind. This benefited him a lot and played a great role in perfecting his own secret techniques. Luo Yuan When I see some secret patterns that I am interested in, I will stop and reflect. Although they are not comparable to the secret patterns on the stone wall in the mysterious space where the divine power is incarnated, they still have many effects when reflecting each other.

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(End of this chapter)

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