Chapter 281 Priceless Treasure
  When Luo Yuan saw the appearance of the Lord of Chaos City, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, the Lord of Chaos City was about to break through to the strongest position in the universe. He stepped forward to congratulate him: "Congratulations, teacher, for making further progress on the road to becoming a strong person." further."

The Lord of Chaos City smiled and said: "I have stayed in the realm of Lord of the Universe for hundreds of millions of years, and now it is time to explore the higher level. Although this will lose the protection of the original universe, how can the path of the strong be defeated?" I have been addicted to the safe zone, and only by constantly exploring further realms can I live up to my time in this world."

When Luo Yuan heard the words of the Lord of Chaos City, he couldn't help but feel touched in his heart. If the master of the universe wants to break through to the strongest position in the universe, he can only find his own path, and it is a path that no one else has walked, and then keep walking on this path. To gain something.

But this path is destined to be lonely. When everything around them passes in the long river of time, many people can no longer persist. There are very few people who can walk out, so the strongest people in the universe are also very rare. The entire In the original universe, there were countless ethnic groups, but so far there are only a dozen or so strongest people in the universe.

Luo Yuan had already decided on his own path when he was at the planet level, which was to take the most powerful and difficult path. Whether it was the law of chaos or the path of divine power, he wanted it. Even if he followed the path that his predecessors did not dare to take, he could not. The path he took is probably unprecedented and unprecedented. After all, he only dared to think like this because he had a cheat like the system. Others should forget about it. Even the original Luo Feng couldn't take this path.

Many masters of the universe have various ideas when choosing their own path to the strongest person in the universe. There are also many strong people who try to take it, but most of them give up halfway. There are also many who go astray and go astray. He entered a path to death, and as a peak expert with powerful talents, the Lord of Chaos City also chose his own path early on.

And the Lord of Chaos City has always insisted on his own way, and then walked on unswervingly, so it is not surprising that the Lord of Chaos City can reach this point. Luo Yuan is happy for the Lord of Chaos City, and he himself has been moving forward on his own path, although It's boring, but as long as he gets through it, he will be the most powerful person. No one will be able to control his life by then, and he will only live for himself.

The Lord of Chaos City also smiled and nodded at Luo Yuan's congratulations, and then said: "I am still a little bit away from the strongest person in the universe. After all, I have accumulated countless epochs. I don't know when I will be able to cross this last step. Where we are Although this era of reincarnation in the universe still has a lot of time to come to an end, I can only do my best. If I don’t cross it, there will be no regrets.”

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this. He knew that the strongest person in the universe could only be born in the original universe. If he did not break through to the strongest person in the universe during the reincarnation era of the original universe, then it would be basically impossible to break through to this level in the future. , and then after three reincarnation eras, it will turn into a wave in the long river of time and disappear.

After the Chaos City Lord chatted with Luo Yuan about his current situation, the Chaos City Lord smiled and looked at Luo Yuan and asked: "You are usually practicing, and it is difficult to see you. Why did you suddenly come to me this time?"

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "I am looking for you this time, but there is something great, something that is of great significance to our entire human race in the original universe."

Upon hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smile: "Tell me about it."

Luo Yuan stopped talking nonsense. With a wave of his hand, three holographic stereoscopic projections appeared in front of the two of them. They were the panoramic views of the three major Jedi areas: Liuzhong Mountain, Universe Ark, and Qingfeng Realm. They looked lifelike, as if they were infinite. The real scene after zooming out is the same, and even the scenes inside are infinitely detailed.

Seeing this, the Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but said in surprise: "This is a detailed map of the three Jedi in the universe sea! There are many areas in it that we have not explored. This really surprises me. Where did you get this? It is of great significance to our human race." Luo Yuan smiled and said: "I also got this thing by accident. As for the mystery in it, I'd better just send it to the teacher to see for myself. There are too many things in it. , I can’t explain so much at once.”

As Luo Yuan sent this map to the Chaos City Lord, the Chaos City Lord received it and interpreted it in detail. Then everyone was shocked because this map was much more detailed than the maps of the three major Jedi mastered by the human race. It was so detailed. The Lord of Chaos City felt that his breathing was getting heavier.

Based on the understanding of the Lord of Chaos City, even the maps held by the two holy land universes may not be as detailed as the map Luo Yuan produced, so he was very excited. The Lord of Chaos City felt that this was a big deal and he needed to ask clearly about this. The source of the map is comparable to a priceless treasure, otherwise it will easily lead to unknown troubles.

"Luo Yuan, please tell me the specific process of obtaining this map. It is impossible to encounter such a thing randomly. This is a secret treasure trove related to a cosmic force."

Luo Yuan looked at the serious look of the Lord of Chaos City. He thought for a while, and then came up with a story that the Lord of Chaos City could accept, so he solemnly said: "This time when the disciple carefully probed the inner edge of the space ship, he didn't know it was... It wasn't luck that made me pick up a black token, and then when I arrived at the black-patterned stone pillar space, I happened to find the secret room space represented by the black token, and then I found this map inside."

The Lord of Chaos City did not feel surprised when he heard the black tokens. After all, black tokens are not that rare in this cosmic sea. These are just places where the strong men of the adventurous reincarnation era practice and hide treasures, and they are also the lowest level. There are many There are powerful people, but it is conceivable that the chance of such a detailed map spanning the three Jedi appearing in the black chamber is too low.

"Tell me the story in detail. Why don't I have such good luck? I really envy you." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

Luo Yuan knew that the Lord of Chaos City would say this, so he took out the rhetoric he had just made up: "There are no other treasures in that secret room space, but the successive owners of this secret room like to leave writings on the wall, and they will break into The past position is recorded into a black crystal stone, which is the crystallization of the continuous replenishment by tens of thousands of powerful people in the universe.

Although there were some evil-minded secret room owners who sabotaged it along the way, most of them still had the integrity to complete the map. Over the endless years, the current map was formed. "

After listening to Luo Yuan's story, the Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but smile: "Yes, this is my luck as a human being. The previous owners of those secret chambers usually want to leave something as a souvenir after they meet their end, and they will try their best to survive." It is also appropriate to keep the maps we have passed, so generations of accumulation and constant additions have turned this map into a priceless treasure."

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(End of this chapter)

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