I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 289 The inheritance of the first line of Duandonghe

Chapter 289 The inheritance of Duandonghe lineage

Just like Luo Yuan, the Lord of Lu Chong, the Lord of Shadow Ai and the Lord of Witch Demon from the Divine Eye Clan, the Lord of Aihai from the Skeleton Clan, and the Lord of Liujiu from the First Ancestral God Religion, these are the six strongest peaks in the universe. The Lords looked at each other, and just when they didn't know what to do next, there was a buzz, and a golden throne suddenly rose up on the high platform of the control hall.

Space fluctuations appeared on the throne, and soon a fuzzy figure formed by energy sat on the throne. Then the fuzzy figure continued to solidify, and its image became clearer and clearer. This was a figure very similar to humans on earth. The middle-aged man is just like an ordinary person, except that his hair is naturally blue and he does not exude any aura.

The six Masters of the Universe present looked at the man who suddenly appeared, and they were all stunned with shock. The cyan-haired human man in front of them was wearing a simple battle armor with striped patterns on it. At first glance, he looked like this. The pattern seems to be flowing, like an endless river.

The green-haired man suddenly opened his cold eyes and looked down at the six masters of the universe indifferently. He slowly said in the universal language of the universe and sea: "I am Duan Donghe Wu!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the six universe masters present were shocked. Luo Yuan was shocked because he saw the teleporting Duan Donghe here, and the other universe masters were shocked because they heard the word "Wu" As for the special character, they knew that the ancient civilization that created the supreme treasure like the spaceship should be called Wu. Therefore, the character Wu represented nobility in the ancient civilization. People who can put Wu after their name are definitely not ordinary people.

The Lord of the Deer and Insects looked at the green-haired man on the throne on the high platform with a strange light passing through his eyes. He and the others began to transmit sounds with divine power, but the man on the throne ignored their actions and continued to explain: "This is I left behind a video. When you see this video, it means that I have really fallen. I don’t know which reincarnation era you are descendants of.

We were faced with a difficult situation at the beginning. Under the leadership of the general, we started an adventure, with the most powerful soldiers and the most powerful ships. However, this adventure path was still too dangerous, and we paid a huge price in the end. Failed.

I am the successor of one hundred and ninety-two Duan Donghe, and I am also the last one. All the previous strong men have disappeared in the long river of time. I cannot let the inheritance of Duan Donghe be cut off, otherwise I will I don’t want to die in peace, so I modified this tomb boat and added a place of adventure and a place of inheritance.

If you want to obtain the powerful inheritance of my Duandong River lineage, you will face great dangers. If you can become an inheritor, you can live and have a bright future. If you cannot become an inheritor, you will perish directly. There are no exceptions. So if you If you are afraid, leave quickly, otherwise all living beings who dare to pry into the inheritance of my Duan Donghe lineage will die!

Okay, the strong men of the later reincarnation era, you are making your choice now. You must know that only one can succeed in the end, and all other living beings will die, so you must think carefully. "

The green-haired man formed by condensation of energy disappeared directly after speaking, as if he had never appeared.

The six peak universe masters present had different expressions when they heard this. Luo Yuan still had a calm expression, and some of the others looked crazy and greedy, some were very excited, and some looked regretful and worried.

This is the inheritance from that powerful ancient civilization. This thing is more precious than a most powerful treasure. For example, why the God Eye Clan is so arrogant in the universe sea is not only because they have seven gods who are the strongest in the universe. Also, their Divine Eye Clan once received a complete inheritance from an ancient civilization.

Therefore, if the seven gods of the Shenyan clan join forces to perform the secret method of inheritance, the power of the explosion will be more powerful than any of the strongest people in the universe. Therefore, all the strong people in the universe sea know the power and preciousness of the ancient inheritance, and now they are in front of them. There is an ancient inheritance called the Duandong River lineage. Moreover, this Duandonghe line can leave a specific school name, and even the successors are given the noble title "Wu". This shows that this inheritance is also an unusual inheritance in that ancient civilization, and successive successors Only one person can put the word "Wu" after his name.

Moreover, this green-haired man can transform a tomb boat that is more powerful than the most powerful treasure, especially the general he talks about is so powerful. In short, the inheritance of the Duandong River line is extremely powerful and rare ancient Inheritance, and it is an inheritance that does not know what level it can be cultivated to. After all, the strong people in the universe know that the strongest person in the universe is not the highest state.

The six masters of the universe present all thought of the value of this inheritance, with greed in their eyes. However, they felt worried when they thought of the risks they would face, because they would have to die if they could not obtain the inheritance. Such restrictions were really too restrictive. It's so scary, they don't dare to say that the final winner must be them.

Therefore, the six strong men present were struggling. The control hall was extremely quiet and seemed a bit depressing.

For Luo Yuan, there is nothing wrong with going for it, but the three most powerful treasures and a dozen peak treasures in his hand are very precious. If his clone dies, these treasures will most likely be lost, so Luo Yuan was also thinking about it, but he really wanted to try it out. After all, he was very strong now and there were not many opportunities for him to pick up useful attributes. It would be good if he could get the inheritance of the Duandonghe lineage alive.

The other five peak universe masters are also constantly thinking about the pros and cons. They are all veteran peak powerhouses who have traversed the universe sea for endless years. They all have strong confidence in themselves, but this inheritance test is an ancient civilization. The extremely powerful people left behind may be even more powerful than the strongest people in the universe, so they are still a little worried about whether they can pass the test.

Just as the six masters of the universe were thinking, several more streams of light came to the control hall. The master of the shaman and sprites of the Shenyan tribe answered the cold voice and said: "Master of the Jin Fang, since you are here, don't hide. , you are also one of the top experts of our Divine Eye Clan, don’t let everyone look down on you.”

As soon as the Lord of the Witches finished speaking, a man from the God Eye Tribe wearing golden armor walked out of the void. He looked at the Lord of the Witches with some embarrassment, and then walked behind him, minding his own business. There are three powerful people from the Divine Eye Clan.

After the man in golden armor appeared, another tall figure appeared. This turned out to be a crimson skeleton and the Lord of the Universe of the Skeleton Tribe. When the Lord of the Sea saw this person, he said: "Red Pipit, you I am of the same race, this inheritance test is a narrow escape, you just make your choice, if you want to leave, I won't stop you."

The Lord of the Scarlet Pipit just nodded when he heard this, without saying a word, and walked to the side of the Lord of the Sea.

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(End of this chapter)

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