Chapter 295 Clearance
  Although Luo Yuan was crushing the lion-headed man in front of him, he was still unable to kill him. Moreover, every time after knocking him down, when Luo Yuan wanted to cross the lion-headed man and go to the distant palace, the lion-headed man would immediately He jumped up and rushed towards Luo Yuan like a candy, unable to shake him off.

Moreover, Luo Yuan found that the lion-headed man Quilo in front of him was constantly improving in strength as he continued to be ravaged. He felt like a monster. Luo Yuan's current avatar was actually only the first-order Lord of the Universe, but his actual The combat power is comparable to that of the peak master of the universe of the sixth level, and the aura of Quilo in front of him has been continuously rising to the strength of the peak master of the universe.

The lion-headed man in front of him, Quilo, didn't know any secret techniques and fought completely by instinct. His fighting weapon was his body, reaching the ultimate speed and strength.


Quilo, who looked like a monster in front of him, roared angrily, and the sound waves produced made Luo Yuan frown. This guy's strength improved too quickly. Quilo's eyes flashed red, and disappeared in the next moment, and then appeared. In front of Luo Yuan, he then raised his fist and hit Luo Yuan hard. The terrifying power distorted time and space, and even the light was crushed and exploded. This power was enough to easily destroy a star field.


Luo Yuan's five-finger sword collided with the monster Quilo fiercely, and the explosive sound resounded throughout the space. Luo Yuan found that Quilo's power was stronger, but Luo Yuan's power was even stronger, and he was still the lion. The headman Quilo was shaken out by the impact, and then hit the alloy wall hard, and even made a large dent in the alloy wall.

But the power of the monster Quilo was still growing, and soon it reached the level of the strongest person in the ordinary universe. This made Luo Yuan call it outrageous. He finally understood why two of the five masters of the universe perished in a short period of time. The reason is that this monster named Quilo is completely invincible and the kind that gets stronger the more he fights.

Then the fight between Luo Yuan and Quilo became more and more difficult. His divine power was constantly being consumed, and the monster named Quilo in front of him became stronger and stronger, without any fatigue at all. In the end, he was being ravaged. , this is too skinny, and does not talk about martial ethics at all. Luo Yuan does not believe that the five masters of the universe are facing the strength of Quilo, the strongest person in the universe. If this is the case, then none of the five of them will survive. Come down.

"No, if this continues, I will have to burn my divine body, but the guy in front of me has not declined in strength at all, but is getting stronger and stronger." Luo Yuan thought to himself, as he looked at the monster that kept roaring. Quello, immediately felt furious in his heart, and he also roared angrily.


Luo Yuan directly used his divine power to activate his silver-white wings. Immediately, endless golden light overflowed, imprisoning anyone millions of kilometers around. This was Luo Yuan's ultimate secret method. The powerful binding force formed by the golden kingdom bound the monster Kui in front of him. Luo restrained and slowed down the monster a little. Then the wings behind Luo Yuan vibrated, and he teleported to avoid Quello's attack, and kept keeping distance from it.

Luo Yuan remembered that Duan Donghe only said that flying palace treasures could not be used in the test, and other items could be used. The wings possessed by Luo Yuan had the ability to control time and space, and could be used anywhere, regardless of rules. It can be said to be very tyrannical.

Although the lion-headed man Quilo in front of him is very fast and powerful, he does not know any secret techniques, nor does he have the special abilities of the Lord of the Universe and the Strongest Man in the Universe. However, he cannot teleport quickly, so this Quilo No matter how Luo attacked, he couldn't hit Luo Yuan in front of him.

Quilo was teased by Luo Yuan for a while. He seemed to be angered. He let out a roar that shook the world and formed an invisible powerful ripple to attack Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan directly used the golden kingdom to block the sonic attack.

"Ang!"    The lion-headed man Quilo continued to kill Luo Yuan. Seeing this, Luo Yuan used his secret skills, and combined with the vibrating silver wings to form a phantom in the air, he then directly fought with Quilo at close range. Luo Yuan was also there During the battle, his level continued to improve, until he reached the fifth level of Lord of the Universe. With the three most powerful treasures, Luo Yuan now completely became the sixth level of peak Lord of the Universe. His actual close combat power also reached the highest level in the medium universe. The degree of strength.

Even though the strength of Quilo in front of him improved so fast, he still couldn't defeat Luo Yuan at this time. Then Luo Yuan discovered that Quilo's strength was actually improving to the strongest in the universe. This made Luo Yuan feel extremely outrageous. The monster in front of him What is the limit of the strength that can be improved?

Moreover, Luo Yuan found that the binding force of his golden kingdom on the monster in front of him was slowly weakening. Quelo's strength and speed were also getting faster and faster. The power fluctuations generated between each move made Luo Yuan feel frightened.

The lion-headed man Quilo in front of him has truly reached the peak of the strength of the strongest person in the universe, and Luo Yuan's clone's ultimate strength is only average to that of the strongest person in the universe. Therefore, in the constant battle with Quilo, Luo Yuan slowly... Slowly falling into a disadvantage, every time he faced a death attack, he used Chaos Divine Armor and Silver Wings to forcefully resist.

If Luo Yuan's true body comes, he can compete with Quilo in front of him, but his clone is still unable to defeat him. Luo Yuan doesn't know what kind of strength this Quilo is when the five peak universe masters face Quilo. But he was certain that Quilo at that time would never have had the strength of the strongest person in the universe, otherwise those five guys would have been turned into scum in just one encounter.

Just when Luo Yuan was secretly complaining, the lion-headed man Quilo in front of him suddenly stopped attacking, and then seemed to lose his life all of a sudden. He collapsed directly on the ground, closed his eyes, and made no sound.

Then Duan Donghe's voice came from Luo Yuan's mind: "Okay, you performed very well and have passed the test. Let's move on!"

Luo Yuan relaxed after hearing this, and finally got over it. He looked at the puppet Quilo who was slumped on the ground with some shock, and then flew towards the front of the passage. Soon he saw a gate, and then in As Luo Yuan approached, the huge gate continued to rise.

When Luo Yuan walked into the palace at the end of the passage, he saw the three surviving masters of the universe. The three were also surprised when they saw Luo Yuan, but they didn't find it strange at all. After all, Luo Yuan was not very powerful. None are weaker than them.

The Lord of the Witches and Demons of the Shenyan Clan looked at Luo Yuan and said, "Lord of Hunyuan, you did come in alive. We were five of us working together at the beginning, but you did it by yourself. If you are powerful."

The Lord of Shadow Ai was also shocked and said: "How is it possible? How did you escape from that monster and get here."

The Lord of Deer and Insect looked at Luo Yuan and gave a thumbs up and said: "Awesome, I admire you. Lord of Hunyuan, it seems that everyone still underestimates your strength."

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(End of this chapter)

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