I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 297 The Endless God Realm, the First Ancestor Appears

Chapter 297 The Endless God Realm, the First Ancestor Appears

The inner highest area of ​​the East Emperor Holy Land universe is called the Endless God Realm. Here are almost all the immortals, venerables, lords of the universe, and the strongest people in the universe. The God Realm here is extremely beautiful, with pleasant scenery and different characteristics. The exquisite architecture and exotic flowers and plants are everywhere, just like a fairyland.


In the core area of ​​the Endless God Realm, there is a towering giant tree that spans the sky and the earth. It emits a terrifying sound wave that vibrates out in all directions. This tree is green and ancient, connecting the sky and the earth. There are also countless crystal jade vines, which are blown by the breeze. It swayed back and forth under the influence, and the sound it made made the soul feel intoxicated. Moreover, there were many figures sitting cross-legged under the ancient tree. From a distance, it could be said that it was densely packed.


Suddenly the ancient tree vibrated, emitting a cyan divine light, and then the color of the light changed, from cyan light to red light, then to black light, blue light, and golden light. These divine lights formed a five-color aperture, which looked bright and beautiful, and the endless light emitted illuminated it. The entire endless divine world.

This is the ancestor tree of the Endless God Realm. Everyone in the Holy Land knows that when the five-color divine light appears, it means that their ancestor is about to be born.

For a time, all the strong men sitting under the ancient tree knelt down on the ground in excitement and couldn't help crying. Most of them had practiced for countless epochs and had never seen the ancestor. When the ancestor was about to appear, they all Extremely touching, this is the reverence for the ancestor that has penetrated deep into the bones.

As the oldest existence in the Holy Land Universe of the East Emperor, the supreme great figure in the hearts of countless creatures here is their creator and maintainer, the legendary ancestor 'East Emperor'. His status among the creatures in the Holy Land Universe cannot be shaken. .

The ancestor 'East Emperor' has a special status and terrifying strength, but this person will basically never show up. Many of the masters of the universe here have never seen this ancestor 'East Emperor'. As for the strong men of other forces in the universe sea, more I have never heard of this person's existence. It can be said that he is extremely low-key.

The original ancestor of the original universe is called the most powerful by countless powerful people in the universe sea, but compared with the ancestors of these two holy places, he is still far behind. After all, the ancestors of this holy land universe have transcended reincarnation and are immortal. To worry about the birth or destruction of the original universe, for them, they can completely ignore it.

Therefore, the strong men of the two holy places have always been in a transcendent position and will not interfere in the fighting and competition between the various forces in the three major universes in the reincarnation era. They use countless resources and have unlimited lifespans. There is no need to fight, but even if Even so, there are still many strong men in the Holy Land who have never seen the ancestor they miss so much, but according to legend, when their ancestor appears, the ancestor tree will appear with a strange sight of five-color divine light.

"Hahaha, I can finally meet the ancestor!"

"Lord Ancestor!"

The Lords of the Universe in all the palaces around the Ancestral Tree were very excited, excited and crazy.

"From the day I was born to now and through hundreds of reincarnations, I have always heard that the ancestors are deeds. It is also because of the existence of the ancestors that we can have such a prosperous life. My respect for the ancestors is deep in my bones, but I have never seen the ancestor before, and the ancestor is going to show up this time, I am so lucky!"

One by one, the masters of the universe fell into madness. They flew directly to the Ancestral Tree, wanting to see the true form of the ancestor.

Suddenly everyone in the Endless God Realm fell into madness. As ancient beings who have lived for at least hundreds of reincarnations, they have pride in their hearts, and all of this comes from their ancestors. This East Emperor Holy Land universe can be said to be The number one force in this cosmic sea, their Eastern Emperor ancestor is extremely powerful. He is the real true god, even more powerful than the Purple Moon Holy Land. Everyone in the Dongdi Holy Land Universe is so proud, but they also worship the Dongdi Ancestor extremely. As long as the Dongdi Ancestor exists, they can maintain their eternal transcendent status and happy life.

  Countless streams of light from the Endless Divine Realm flew down to the Ancestral Tree, and at the same time there were thousands of figures suspended in the sky around the Ancestral Tree. These were the Lords of the Universe and the strongest people in the universe. They all looked respectful, and then fell silent. Waiting for their ancestor to arrive.

You must know that there are countless ethnic groups in the original universe, but the total number of Lords of the Universe is only a dozen, and there are only a few strongest people in the universe. However, in this East Emperor Holy Land universe, there are enough powerful people above the Lord of the Universe. Thousands of them are not even a little bit stronger than the original universe.


The sound waves emitted by the Ancestral Tree are getting louder and louder, and all the powerful people present have intoxicated expressions, especially the strongest ones in the universe. They are the ones who most hope that the Ancestral Tree will come, and they want to go further through the Ancestral Ancestor's guidance.

In the wonderful sound waves, a dazzling figure condensed by endless divine light suddenly appeared in the sky. In front of him was an ordinary blue robe, but there were countless emerald green branches wrapped around the robe, which looked like a decoration. And from this person exudes majestic vitality.

At this time, countless strong men in the Endless God Realm shouted the name of the ancestor and expressed their reverence. The silhouette of the ancestor in the sky waved his hand, and endless green light suddenly poured down, making all the strong men present feel a strong sense of vitality. After entering the body, all the hidden injuries in their divine bodies were instantly restored. All the strong men bowed down in gratitude and shouted: "Welcome to the ancestor!"

Then all the strong men calmed down and looked at their ancestor Dong Emperor with blazing eyes. The body of the first ancestor Dong Emperor was bathed in a rich green light. All the strong men now, including some of the strongest men in the universe, also felt terror. pressure.

The first ancestor, the Eastern Emperor, looked at the powerful man in the God Realm below, and his voice slowly sounded: "I heard that there is a supreme inheritance. It seems to be the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage. The birthplace is one of the three Jedi. Inside the spaceship, do you know whether this is true?"

All the powerful people present were stunned when they heard this. It turned out that their ancestor, the Eastern Emperor, was awakened because of the emergence of the supreme inheritance. No wonder he appeared at this time, but they all quickly answered in unison: "My lord, this is indeed the case! "

Nowadays, the inheritance test of Duan Donghe lineage and the six peak universe masters has been spread everywhere by the master of the universe of the skeleton clan. Now all the powerful forces in the entire universe sea don't know about it. It's just them. Considering that even the first ancestor, Dong Emperor, could have received this news while he was sleeping, this shows that the first ancestor, Dong Emperor, had vast supernatural powers and knew everything.

After the founder of the East Emperor was confirmed, he directly issued an order: "This Duan Donghe inheritance is the supreme inheritance of the ancient civilization. Our Holy Land Universe of the East Emperor is bound to win it. Now I order the North True Star Lord to lead the team with 20 A pinnacle master of the universe and 300 lords of the universe formed an army and rushed to the place where the inheritance came out, and then sent some strong men from the younger generation to seize this inheritance. If anyone blocks it, they will be destroyed."

As soon as the first ancestor Dong Emperor finished speaking, a man in a white robe quickly stepped forward and replied: "Beizhen has an order!"

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(End of this chapter)

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