Chapter 299 Rhino Emperor

In the passage, four people were flying. Their speed was not fast, and no one knew what danger might suddenly appear. Luo Yuan's own body soon received the news sent to him by the human race, and learned that many forces had sent many peak combatants. Li Zheng arrived, including the powerful men from the two holy lands, and they were all led by the strongest men in the universe.

At the same time, the Lord of the Deer and Insects of the Purple Moon Holy Land, the Lord of the Shadow Ai and the Lord of the Witches and Demons of the Divine Eye Clan also received the message from their tribe and learned about the arrangements within the tribe. They all felt happy in their hearts. If If strong men from the same ethnic group can come, they will have a greater chance of inheriting the inheritance.

The Lord of the Deer Insect was personally received by the ancestor of the legendary Purple Moon Holy Land. The Lord of the Deer Insect felt very honored. You must know that there are countless powerful people in the Purple Moon Holy Land who have never seen the ancestor, and the Lord of the Deer Insect as Zi Yue The vanguard of the Holy Land also became the main contributor this time.

The seven gods of the Shenyan Clan also personally met with the clones of the Lord of Shadows and the Lord of Witches, asking the two Lords of the Universe to use any means to obtain the inheritance of Duan Donghe, and the two also learned that there was a second god. The Seventh God led the elite masters of the universe from the God Eye Clan to come.

The Lord of Shadow Ai and the Lord of Witches and Demons also communicated through divine power: "This time the gods have personally received us. What an honor. We, husband and wife, must work hard. Even if we die, we must win this inheritance for the clan."

The Lord of the Deer Insect was also full of excitement at this time. He was also received by the ancestor of Ziyue. This could be said to be the highlight of his life. He decided to do his best to obtain this inheritance for the ancestor.

Luo Yuan was also full of joy at this time. He knew that the human race in the original universe was still very weak, and its peak combat power was much lower than that of other forces, especially when it was incomparable to the two holy places. This time Luo Yuan Yuan also decided that he must get this Dongdong River inheritance, otherwise it would be a big threat to the human race if it was acquired by other forces.

At this time, the eyes of the four strong men were full of fighting spirit. They each looked at each other and knew each other's determination and firmness.

As the four strong men kept flying, the passage they saw became wider and wider, and the passage in front became more and more transparent. Soon, they saw exquisite stone pillars emerging on both sides of the passage. , and there are three-dimensional shadows of various shapes floating on each huge stone pillar.

Luo Yuan carefully looked at these stone pillars and found that the shadows on the stone pillars on the left appeared very solid and emitted different fluctuations, while the shadows on the stone pillars on the right appeared loose and slowly formed an illusory The skeleton only has more than a hundred stone pillars on the left, while there are tens of thousands of stone pillars on the right.

"What is this?"

Luo Yuan, the Lord of the Deer Insects of the Purple Moon Holy Land, the Lord of the Shadow Eyes and the Lord of the Witches and Demons from the Divine Eye Clan were all confused. They were still flying slowly and carefully observing the shadows on the tens of thousands of stone pillars. , these shadows are extremely huge, and they are constantly releasing powerful pressure fluctuations.

Luo Yuan also discovered that the huge shadows on the hundreds of stone pillars on the left corresponded to the huge shadows on the hundreds of stone pillars on the right. The shadows on the left were so solid that they seemed to be connected together, like those on the earth. The Great Wall is somewhat similar, but the shadow on the right has only a skeleton structure, which seems a bit illusory.

Luo Yuan also sighed. Although there were only hundreds of stone pillars on the left, the three-dimensional shadows on them were very solid. There were tens of thousands of stone pillars on the right, but the shadows on them looked very illusory, and all these shadows The beautiful colors emanating from it are very beautiful. The passage here looks very delicate, and various precious decorations make it look like a fairyland. Luo Yuan and the four of them kept moving forward, and it didn't take long to reach the end. Then on the right side of the passage, there were tens of thousands of stones. In front of the pillar, light condensed into a figure, and this person was none other than Duan Donghe.

The Lord of Shadow Ai and the Lord of Witches and Demons from the Shenyan Clan both respectfully said when they saw Duan Donghe: "Greetings, sir."

Then Luo Yuan and the Lord of the Deer Insect also hurriedly saluted. They didn't know what tricks the Duan Donghe intelligence would come up with next. It was obvious that this intelligence had evolved over countless epochs and had some human emotions and thoughts. They had better be respectful, otherwise if this guy tries to play tricks on them, it will cause them a lot of trouble.

Regarding the respectful attitude of the four Luo Yuan people, Duan Donghe has been here for countless epochs and has experienced this kind of test every time, so he was expressionless from beginning to end, and then he looked at the tens of thousands of stones in the passage. He sighed at the three-dimensional shadows floating on the pillars, and then asked: "Have you also seen the shadows on these stone pillars?"

In order to show off, the Lord of Shadow Ai of the Shenyan Clan stepped forward and said respectfully to Duan Donghe: "Sir, we can see very clearly that there are hundreds of stone pillars on the left and hundreds of stone pillars on the right. Pillars, and these three-dimensional phantoms are floating on these pillars, and the phantom on the left seems to contain complicated secrets and is very complete, but the phantoms on the right are lacking."

The Lord of the Deer and Insects on the side also quickly chimed in: "I also discovered that the shadows on the hundreds of stone pillars on the left correspond to the shadows on the stone pillars on the right."

Duan Donghe looked at the three-dimensional phantoms on these stone pillars. His eyes looked a little vicissitudes of life, and he said with memories: "These phantoms are a form of entertainment from the civilization of my hometown. This method can also improve the level of entertainment." Comprehension, almost all forces will use these things as an effective way to cultivate the comprehension of their descendants or inheritors, this entertainment method is called Xihuangju."

Luo Yuan, the Lord of Lu Chong from the Purple Moon Holy Land, the Lord of Shadow Ai and the Lord of Witch Demon from the Divine Eye Clan who were present all showed doubts when they heard Duan Donghe's words. They had no idea about this rhinoceros emperor situation. I understand, but this thing is just a form of entertainment of that ancient civilization. This is just a form of entertainment, but it can enhance understanding, making everyone present feel very shocked and yearning.

Duan Donghe looked at the confused four people, and then said slowly: "The origin of the Rhinoceros Bureau has a legendary history. It was created by the rhinoceros emperor, a peerless strong man from the ancient civilization I came from, who spent a lot of time and cost. , the Rhinoceros Emperor is a hero to our civilization. Although his life was ill-fated, he created many inventions that helped enhance the power of civilization.

He is stronger than me. Although the rhinoceros game he created is just a way of entertainment, he can't help but have a high level of understanding. He can also improve children's understanding through constant play, and later became the owner of the civilization in my hometown. a form of entertainment.

This type of entertainment has a total of more than 10,000 endgames. The ones on the right are these endgames, and the ones on the left are the hundreds left after passing the perfect solution. They are now very complete and mysterious. "

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(End of this chapter)

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