Chapter 302 Shadow Bell Demon Lord
  Just when Luo Yuan solved the endgame, the Lord of the Witches and Demons of the God Eye Clan also studied the game rules of the Rhinoceros Emperor Game under the acceleration of time ten thousand times. I saw that he actually danced with excitement and saw Luo Yuan shaking his head. He shook his head, and he was so happy just to understand the rules of the entertainment game, which shows that he has an average mind.

"Ying Ai, I finally figured out the rules of the Rhinoceros Game." The Master of Witches excitedly sent a message to her husband, the Master of Shadow Ai.

The Lord of Shadow Ai couldn't help but rejoiced when he heard this: "Okay, okay, this rhinoceros game is also difficult. Even if I accelerate the time ten thousand times to study this ancient civilization's entertainment game, I haven't found anything yet. , come on, tell me what are the rules of this game?"

The couple, the Master of Witches and the Master of Shadows, began to share the rules of the rhinoceros game. Looking at their appearance, Luo Yuan just twitched the corner of his mouth. It was hard to imagine that these two were veteran strongmen who had experienced countless eras. As if his mind was like that of a child, Luo Yuan no longer paid attention to these two people.

The Lord of Shadow Ai was very happy and said to the Lord of Witches and Demons: "Yes, that's right. I have been studying these cracked endgames for a long time and still can't figure it out. Now after getting your thorough study of the game rules, , it will be much faster for me to study these phantoms, Wu Xi, you are really talented, I wonder if the Lord of Hunyuan and the Lord of Deer and Insect have figured out the rules of the game."

Then the Lord of Witches and Shadows looked at Luo Yuan and the Lord of Deer and Insect, and found that the two of them had no expression on their faces, just standing there studying the end game.

The Lord of Shadow Ai said: "Well, they can only work behind closed doors. The two of us study together and confirm each other, but it is much faster than them."

The Lord of the Witches also sent a message: "When the two gods and many strong men from the clan arrive, their chances of seizing the inheritance will be much greater."

Hundreds of forces from the three major reincarnation eras and the two major holy land universes sent teams of peak experts to rush to the space ship. Among them, a team from the Tianzhong clan from the first universe's reincarnation era came immediately. Although the strength of this clan is not strong, in order to seize the inheritance this time, they will not hesitate to send the most elite and powerful ones.


There was a loud noise, and a figure suddenly turned into a stream of light at hundreds of thousands of times the speed of light and ran rampant in the flaming ice field. Everything that blocked its progress was wiped out into dust, and it soon arrived at the door of the tomb boat. , the Lord of the Sea, the Lord of the Scarlet Pipit, and the unhappy Lord of the Rock, who had been unwilling to come back to guard the door, were immediately frightened when they saw the visitor.

The Lord of the Sea, the Lord of the Scarlet Pipit, and the Lord of the Rock Giant communicated to each other: "This is definitely the strongest person in the universe. Is such a strong person also here to steal the inheritance?"


The figure that was running rapidly slowed down suddenly, and then the figure continued to solidify, and the surrounding time and space also stabilized. It was just the domineering aura of the strongest man in the universe that made the Lord of the Sea, the Lord of the Scarlet Pipit and the Giant Rock... The Lord stepped back continuously. They looked at the shadow and were shocked and said: "It turns out to be the Shadow Bell Demon Lord, greeting you."

The figure who came to eat at this time was an old man with long, disheveled hair. This old man exuded black energy, and all the hair on his body was entangled with countless mini black bells, and there was also a black bell on his head. The bell shadow exudes a terrifying aura. It is a powerful treasure, and it produces bursts of bell sound when the old man flies.

The Shadow Bell Demon Lord glanced at the Lord of the Sea, the Lord of the Scarlet Pipit, and the Lord of the Rock Giant. He smiled and said: "It turns out to be you guys. I would like to thank you for the news spread by the Skeleton Clan, otherwise my Heavenly Bell Wouldn’t our clan miss this great opportunity? The strong men of my clan happened to be nearby, so they rushed over as soon as possible. This is really a blessing from God for our clan.”

As soon as the Shadow Bell Demon Lord finished speaking, three powerful figures appeared behind him. They were the pinnacle Lords of the Universe of the Tianzhong Clan. These four people came directly to the cabin door. The Shadow Bell Demon Lord directly ordered: "My God Sons of the Zhong Clan, the three of you hurry up and get the control room. By the way, Lord of the Sea, you should know the route in." Upon hearing this, the Lord of the Sea was frightened by the power of the Shadow Bell Demon Lord, and he directly Use divine power to outline the route to the core of the control room in the void, so that everyone present can see and understand it. Seeing this, the Shadow Bell Demon Lord smiled with satisfaction and said: "You are very sensible, okay, let's go quickly , the future destiny of our clan depends on you to fight for it."

After the Shadow Bell Demon Lord finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the three peak universe masters of the Tianzhong Clan behind him directly transformed into three streams of light, and rushed towards the control core with firm eyes.

Time flies, and one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, at the hatch of the tomb boat, the Shadow Bell Demon Lord was guarding here like a door god, blocking other forces from entering. This made some of the forces gathered here furious. They were all not far from here. The powerful treasure hunters in this place also came after receiving news from the Skeleton Clan. In order to increase the chances of his people to obtain inheritance, the Shadow Bell Demon Lord has been guarding this place, regardless of being the strongest person in the universe. of dignity.

"Demon Lord Shadow Bell, you have gone too far. This supreme inheritance does not belong to your Tianzhong family. Why should you block our way? Do you want to provoke a war between the two forces? We are both number one. Who is afraid of the forces in the era of cosmic reincarnation? Our First Ancestral God Sect is stronger than you." At this time, several peak universe masters from the First Ancestral God Sect said angrily to the Shadow Bell Demon Lord.

The Shadow Bell Demon Lord was still standing there, ignoring these universe masters from different forces with a cold expression, and just snorted coldly at the accountability of these powerful men.


Suddenly, a terrifying momentum came from a distance, and a hole was torn open in this place in time and space. Then a figure walked out of the hole. The Shadow Bell Demon Lord who had been blocking the hatch also showed a look of shock. He looked towards The vague figure sighed: "This aura is so strong, it is even stronger than me. Why is the aura of the strongest man in the universe so strange? Could it be that some old monster has been born?"


A white afterimage teleported directly into the cabin door. The Shadow Bell Demon Lord saw the appearance of this white-robed figure in the electric light and flint. This was an old man surrounded by emerald green vines. The aura on his body made him the strongest in the universe. The Shadow Bell Demon Lord was also palpitating, and the Shadow Bell Demon Lord also recognized the identity of the white-robed old man, who was the Beizhen Star Lord of the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe.

Beizhen Star Master was followed by a large number of peak experts, and they filed in one by one. Beizhen Star Master said: "Go all, this supreme inheritance belongs to our Eastern Emperor Holy Land Universe, you must take it for the ancestors. .”

Many powerful men from the East Emperor's Holy Land universe agreed, then saluted respectfully and ran directly to the control hall.

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(End of this chapter)

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