Chapter 305 Domineering
  From the fluctuations of the aura he felt, Luo Yuan could find that he could feel the same aura as the people from the East Emperor's Holy Land who came in. Luo Yuan also got news from the human race in the original universe. The original Beizhen Star of the East Emperor's Holy Land universe The Lord then blocked the hatch of the tomb boat.

There was a black star blocking the door. Luo Yuan observed from the images transmitted. Isn't this the sealing star from his Star Tower? I wonder if it was sold to the North True Star Lord by some ethnic group in the original universe. Luo Yuan I only felt speechless for a while. I didn't expect that the Dongdi Holy Land Universe, which had always been aloof, acted so domineeringly this time. This shows how much they attach great importance to inheritance.

As the pioneer of the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, the Lord of the Deer Insect became even more furious when he learned that the Beizhen Star Master of the East Emperor Holy Land Universe actually blocked the powerful men from his Purple Moon Holy Land Universe. He glanced coldly at them. The hundreds of strong men from the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land who were trying their best to understand the rhinoceros emperor's situation in the passage had murderous intent in their eyes, but they quickly endured it.

This Beizhen Star Lord usually stays in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe to preside over management affairs. He is an extremely low-key and the strongest person in the universe. He is also the pinnacle powerhouse in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe second only to the Eastern Emperor's Ancestor. It can be said that he has a high position. weight, and is only loyal to the ancestor of the East Emperor and the Holy Land of the East Emperor.

Although the Beizhen Star Lord has lost his small universe, relying on the Holy Land Universe, his strength has not decreased but increased. After countless reincarnations, he has also received many ancient inheritances in the universe sea. It can be said that whether it is in the secret magic or the ultimate In terms of powerful treasures, they are much stronger than other strongest people in the universe.

There are not many powerful people in the universe sea who are willing to provoke the Beizhen Star Lord. This time, the Holy Land Universe is obviously coming with great momentum and will not give up until it inherits the inheritance. The Eastern Emperor Holy Land has even more elites coming out. Beizhen Star Lord He also came here with four most powerful treasures, which shows that the other three most powerful treasures were lent to him by the other strongest people in the universe in the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land.

The four most powerful treasures currently in the hands of Beizhen Star Lord are flying, melee combat, long-range attack, and defense. They can be said to be powerful in all directions. This guy blocked the hatch of the tomb boat and was like a man. When Guan Wanfu was unable to open his door, no powerful man from all forces in the universe, including the Ziyue Holy Land, could come in to snatch the inheritance.

The Lord of the Deer Insects felt angry rising when he thought of this, but now he had no choice but to snort, and quickly used all his strength to study the situation of the Rhinoceros Emperor in front of him. He glanced at Luo Yuan, and found that Luo Yuan was always acting like a He looked calm and composed, which made him feel a lot of pressure.


At this time, outside the tomb boat, the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Eastern Emperor Holy Land were fighting each other, almost beating each other out. The terrifying aftermath of the battle forced the surrounding weak forces to stay away from each other. After a long time, there is still no winner. It can be seen that both sides have spent a lot of money this time, but Beizhen Star Master is guarding like a door god, leaving the strong men of Ziyue Holy Land helpless.

Beizhen Star Master caught up with the powerful ones from the Purple Moon Holy Land, and he also brought four powerful treasures, a detailed map of the space ship, and was able to take a shortcut to get here. The troops from the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Divine Eye Clan also It was just three days later than the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land, and then several forces met and started fighting.

Seeing the Beizhen Star Lord blocking the hatch of the tomb ship, the strong men from the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Divine Eye Clan formed a temporary alliance, and then joined forces, the two gods from the Divine Eye Clan and the leaders of the Purple Moon Holy Land The strongest team in the universe began to besiege Beizhen Star Lord.

As the strongest person in the universe, the gods of the Eye of God clan are approaching their end, but they all have a complete small universe, so their combat power is still at its peak, and the second god and the seventh god also control the ancient secret method of combined attack.

The God of the Divine Eye Clan looked at Star Master Beizhen angrily and said, "Beizhen, as the pinnacle of the Holy Land Universe, don't you feel shameless in behaving like this?"

"Beizhen Star Master, by doing this you have offended all the forces we belong to. Aren't you afraid that it will cause the Purple Moon Holy Land, Shenyan Clan, and other forces to start a war with your Eastern Emperor Holy Land?" Beizhen Star Master has always been expressionless. He received an order from the founder of the East Emperor to seize the Dongdong River inheritance. Now he was afraid of any force, so he directly faced the strongest man in the universe from all forces who questioned him and said slowly: "Get out!"

The Lord of the Divine Eye Clan saw Lord Beizhen's tough stance, so he had no choice but to join forces with the strongest men in the universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land to attack Star Lord Beizhen. A golden ferocious beast formed from the most powerful treasure in the sky began to attack. Beizhen Star Master attacked and left. Although Beizhen Star Master was powerful, he had some scruples and could only resist the siege of the three strongest men in the universe. However, it was difficult for him to defeat four hands with two fists, and there would always be a moment when he would be blown away. .


At this time, Luo Yuan and other hundreds of strong men were still studying the Rhino Emperor Bureau in the Death Passage. However, Luo Yuan, the Lord of Deer Insects, and the Shadow Witch couple were naturally studying the Rhino Emperor Bureau faster than these new strong men. There are many. While these newcomers are still deducing the basic game rules of Xihuang Game, Luo Yuan and others have already begun to crack the endgame.


The sound of fighting came from the other side of the gate, and the energy fluctuations emitted by the monster lion-headed man Quilo made Luo Yuan understand that another large number of people had broken in, but with so many people coming, he could finally get the inheritance. There can only be one, which means that so many people are basically here to die. This makes Luo Yuan feel that these people are crazy and do not consider the cost and consequences for an unknown inheritance.

After a while, hundreds more powerful people flew in as expected. Luo Yuan saw that these people were basically people from the Purple Moon Holy Land, but among these people, the majority were immortal gods, and the Venerable and the King of the Universe There are far fewer masters than those in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe, but the Purple Moon Holy Land has the Lord of the Deer Insect as a pioneer, so the chance of obtaining inheritance is greater than that of other forces.

Luo Yuan didn't expect that the strongest man in the universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Divine Eye Clan was capable. He could defeat the Beizhen Star Lord who had four powerful treasures, and let so many people in. It was really impressive.

When the Lord of the Deer Insect handed over the basic game rules of the Rhinoceros Game that he understood directly to the powerful people of the Purple Moon Holy Land universe, these powerful people of the Purple Moon Holy Land could directly skip this most basic process and directly participate in the game. Wu completely solved the game, which made people in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe envious. This was the advantage of being first.

With the arrival of these hundreds of powerful men, Duan Donghe appeared again, and then explained the basic inheritance rules to these people according to the regular process. After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then said coldly: "This rhinoceros emperor situation Although it is just an entertainment game in my hometown, in the past such a long time, one of the first four people to come has already cracked the 124th endgame.

Others are too slow. If you linger for a while, you will eventually perish, so study it with all your potential. "

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(End of this chapter)

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