Chapter 310 Seal
  "Lord of Hunyuan, after all, you are also the pinnacle of the human race. How come you have become a coward, hiding in the most powerful treasure in the palace? Do you think that we can't do anything to you?"

"Human boy, if you hide in this tower, we will surround you, and you won't be able to come out to solve the problem. In the end, you will perish!"

These seven peak universe masters surrounded Luo Yuan's Star Tower and kept looking for ways to crack it. They looked at this tall bloody tower with excitement in their eyes, and they couldn't help but laugh. Now they feel that they It's like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I haven't seen the palace's most powerful treasure in the form of a tower. Which one of you wants to try it?"

"Do it? The seven of us have given him a lot of face just by surrounding him, but it is not easy to break this treasure."

"Why do you want to break through? Just seal him off and get it done."

"That's how it is. Lord of Feng Yan, don't you have a suppressing treasure? Although it is only a pinnacle treasure, it is also very close to the most powerful treasure. How about you take action to suppress this human boy?"

When these seven peak universe masters were discussing, Luo Yuan hid in the Star Tower and captured all the scenes and sounds outside. He was sitting at the control core of the Star Tower at this time and did not dare to relax his vigilance and hear these sieges. He couldn't help but find it funny what his Master of the Universe was saying.

The Star Tower mastered by Luo Yuan is a god-king-level treasure. It is a full-function treasure that integrates defense, attack, suppression and flight. Although he cannot yet exert its full functions and power, it is not a big one. The pinnacle sealing treasure can seal the Star Tower, but these guys still underestimate his treasure.

At this time, outside the Star Tower, the Lord of Feng Yan heard the compliments of other peak universe masters. He laughed and said: "No problem, this treasure of mine has suppressed many powerful people, including the masters of the universe. And it is impossible to escape as long as you are restrained by my supreme treasure."

The Lord of Feng An seemed to forget what he was talking about, which made the other six peak Universe Masters a little embarrassed. One of the Masters of the Universe directly sent a message to the Lord of Feng An to ask him to keep a low profile. You must know that they are currently in Duandonghe. Territory, such high-profile discussions on how to deal with other inheritance testers would not be a good thing if it touched Duan Donghe's bottom line.

It's just that what the Lord of the Winds said is correct. If the testers here are sealed, then they will not be able to touch the stone crystal pillars here, and naturally they will lose the opportunity to accept the inheritance. They, the pinnacles of the universe, The war between the masters resulted in the death of more than a dozen immortal gods and testers of the Universe Venerable. This touched upon the details of the Duandong River and directly killed the Mist Master who was the first to cause trouble.

Despite the constant boasting of the Lord of Feng An, he was actually worried that if Luo Yuan was sealed off and Luo Yuan lost the opportunity to inherit, would this touch Duan Donghe's bottom line, because Duan Donghe had not seen it? He had said the rules in his heart, so they didn't dare to test it casually. If they failed, they would be killed by Duan Donghe directly. This was really unjust. Moreover, Luo Yuan was looked at differently by Duan Donghe. They didn't know this. What did Duan Donghe think?

The Lord of Winds stretched out his palm, and then a mark on his palm lit up. With a buzz, a mini version of the three-color tower pillar shining with endless divine light appeared, and then floated quietly on his palm. He looked in front of him. The blood-red Star Tower sneered: "Lord of Hunyuan, I know you can know what we just talked about, and now I'm going to take action, Feng!"

As soon as the Lord of Winds finished speaking, he burned his divine power to activate the three-color tower pillar on his palm, and then the tower pillar automatically flew to Luo Yuan's bloody star tower, and then below the three-color tower pillar A huge black hole suddenly appeared in the mouth. The black hole rotated rapidly, and the terrifying devouring force sucked it towards the Star Tower below.

"Rumble!" The devouring force generated by the three-color tower pillars of the Lord of Wind made the Bloody Star Tower begin to vibrate. The Lord of Wind saw that although the bloody tower was shaking, it was still standing firmly on the ground of the passage. On the top, he couldn't help but frown, his divine power burned crazily, he chanted the divine inscriptions, and shouted: "Suppress the seal!"

"Lord of Feng Yan, can you handle this treasure of yours? I heard you brag about it just now, but why is this bloody tower still motionless?"

"Lord of Feng Yan, quickly increase the output of your divine power and enhance the devouring power of the treasure. Now that you have taken action, you cannot hold back and must use all your strength!"

The six peak universe masters present were also worried about the Lord of Wind, and they kept talking anxiously.

The Lord of Feng Yan listened to the six guys who were urging me on the side. The veins in his forehead were twitching. He turned around and roared: "You guys, if you don't come to help, you are still making sarcastic remarks and urging me. I I have already used my full strength now, and I am also helpless. I don’t know what level of treasure this human boy’s bloody tower is. It feels very unusual to me. Why don’t you try it too?”

One of the six peak universe masters, a sinister old man from the God Eye Clan, walked out directly and said loudly: "It's really useless, let me do it. This Lord of Hunyuan has a grudge against my God Eye Clan and once asked me to do it." The two peak masters of the universe have fallen, and I have long wanted to deal with him!"

So the peak lord of the universe of the Divine Eye Clan also continuously inputs his divine power into the three-color tower pillar above.

Luo Yuan in the Star Tower was sitting on the throne in the control room, drinking wine while watching the strong men in the outside world move the three-color tower pillars. Luo Yuan looked at these strong men with pale faces, and looked like they were severely depleted of their divine power. His decadent look made him burst out laughing.

If he wants to swallow up his Star Tower and seal it, he only needs to use the most powerful and treasure-level sealing treasure, and it may not be possible. After all, the level of the Star Tower is too high and has exceeded the cosmic sea. If you want to find a treasure of the same level as the Star Tower, even the strongest people in the universe cannot come up with it.

The peak masters of the universe present came forward to test one by one. They kept inputting their divine power, and finally they all went up together. However, they still failed to make the Star Tower move. This meant that the sealing had failed. They all stared anxiously. The bloody tower is helpless.

They tried to attack the bloody tower with all their strength, but in the end they didn't even leave a trace, so they only had the means of suppressing it, but together they couldn't suppress Luo Yuan's bloody tower. They also realized that this bloody tower The tower is not a simple treasure.

Then the two major holy land universes and the peak universe master of the God Eye Clan borrowed treasures from all the powerful people present to deal with Luo Yuan's Bloody Star Tower, but no matter what secret methods and treasures they used, they could not succeed. Suddenly, a Everyone felt that their faces were burning. They, the veteran strong men, had put down their dignity to deal with a new junior figure, but in the end they were helpless.

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(End of this chapter)

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