I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 313 The Invincible Star Tower

Chapter 313 The Invincible Star Tower
  Hearing this, the Lord of Huang Ke couldn't help but said: "How is it possible? Our clan only has a few of the most powerful treasures. How can the Lord of Hunyuan, who comes from a weak ethnic group, possess the most powerful treasures!"

The sinister old man of the Shenyan Clan was very unhappy with the words of the Lord of the Emperor, but he still said calmly: "I don't think this human Lord of Hunyuan has the most powerful treasure. You know just now, that Hunyuan Lord The Lord controls the bloody tower and the spar pillars to be tightly bound together.

This spar pillar is an inheritance test item set up by Duan Donghe. It is connected with the tomb boat. If you can really take over this human boy, wouldn't you give this spar pillar to If you break it, Donghe Donghe may punish you in some way. "

More than a dozen universe masters from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe, including the Master of Huang Ke, were all dumbfounded when they heard this. They originally thought that Luo Yuan's previous behavior was just a meaningless struggle before death, but they didn't expect it to be true. With this effect, they absolutely do not believe that Luo Yuan's blood-red tower is the most powerful treasure.

Luo Yuan looked at the aggrieved and livid faces of the universe masters from the East Emperor's Holy Land universe, and couldn't help laughing. He still underestimated the power of the Star Tower. His Star Tower was originally a treasure that suppressed seals. , and the base also has the function of swallowing all things. After using the blood cloud beads, the star tower can be transformed into any form.

Luo Yuan's Star Tower is now firmly embedded with the spar pillar. Even if the Lord of the Emperor can suck his star tower away, he still has to shatter the spar pillar, but these spar pillars The stone was left over from the Duandong River and was extremely tough. Unless you had the power to destroy the tomb boat, it would be impossible to break the spar pillar.

Judging from the information obtained from the data, there is no strong person who can break the spar pillars. If the other masters of the universe encounter such a situation of devouring the seal-like treasure, basically they can only rely on continuous Burn your own divine power to resist. If you also have a palace-type treasure, you must use this treasure to resist.

Of course, this situation occurs because the tomb boat and its contents have exceeded the level limit of the most powerful treasure, and such treasures are rare even in the three Jedi, and the actual situation This is also the case. In the three major Jedi areas of the Cosmic Sea, there are many environments like storms, flames, cold water, and magma.

In these vast environments, it is impossible to find something comparable to the level of the strongest treasure. Therefore, if you encounter danger or fight in these environments, it is also very difficult to find a bunker. Therefore, many strong people are Various attacks were either annihilated or sent to unknown destinations, and in the end they could only wander aimlessly.

Luo Yuan and the others are now in this mysterious tomb boat. Even the ordinary gates and the ground of this tomb boat are made of materials that cannot be destroyed by even the strongest person in the universe. These are used by Duan Donghe for testing. It’s not surprising that the inheritance candidate’s crystal pillars are so tough that they can completely withstand the attacks of the most powerful treasure.

Of course, it has never happened before that the most powerful treasure of the suppressing type was used in the tomb boat. It was only the appearance of a monster like Luo Yuan that made the powerful men of several major forces present feel pressured and threatened. He would put down his dignity as a strong man and do such a shameless act.

The Lords of the Universe present were all very depressed. They still underestimated Luo Yuan's rogueness, and also underestimated the tenacity of this spar pillar.

"It's really dissatisfying. We didn't hesitate to lose face and go to the strong men of the Shenyan clan for help, but nothing changed."

"This human Hunyuan Lord is lucky. It happens that there are spar pillars here that can resist the most powerful treasure."

"Then we have been doing this for a long time, borrowing the most powerful treasure, recognizing its owner, and attacking, but in the end it has no effect. I feel that our behavior is completely meaningless."     "Everyone knows that the supreme treasure is indeed It's very powerful, but the devouring power it exerts cannot break the crystal pillar, and it can't even break the pinnacle treasure. Now there is really no way to deal with this human kid, unless he escapes from this blood-red tower. come out."

"That's not right. The Hunyuan Lord of the human race from the original universe used the blood-red tower to cover the spar pillars, which happened to belong to him. If he had been hiding inside, wouldn't he be able to use the spar pillars directly? The rhinoceros situation is constantly evolving inside, thus completing the solution to the endgame.”

The strong men present also knew Luo Yuan's plan, which meant that Luo Yuan had already made the entire plan from the beginning, which let them know that they could not deal with Luo Yuan. If so, Luo Yuan would only throw them away. They were getting farther and farther away, and all of them suddenly became angry and irritable, but there was nothing they could do.

If Luo Yuan takes the lead and cracks the rhinoceros situation here to an extent that no other strong person can achieve, then the final inheritance will also be in Luo Yuan's bag, which also means that all the strong people here will eventually fall. Here it is.

The Seventh Lord of the Divine Eye Clan just sighed when he saw this. He did not expect these guys to destroy the Lord of Hunyuan. Now that he knew that these people were helpless, all the Seventh Lord said directly: "Okay Oh, Lord of the Imperial Palace, you have failed, now return my Ice Cliff Castle to me, and I will also return your eight top-quality treasures to you."

After the Seventh God and the Lord of the Imperial Palace exchanged the treasure, the universe masters of the three major forces present were busy in vain. In the end, they were helpless to Luo Yuan. Everyone was very angry. They were sure that if this happened If the incident is spread, then their three major forces will definitely become the object of ridicule by the major forces in the entire universe sea.

"There is no other way. We absolutely cannot let this human kid continue to crack the code. If he gets the inheritance first, you and we will all fall in the end. If so, it will be a huge threat to our tribe in the future. Now that we have taken action, we must kill it.”

"That's right, if the suppression is not enough, then we can only rely on strong attacks. Whether it is physical attacks or soul attacks, if we have so many masters of the universe acting together, even a most powerful treasure cannot completely resist our attacks. Damage, especially soul attacks, even if we can't kill him, we still have to interfere with him so that he has no time and thought to continue to crack the Rhino Emperor's game."

After the seven peak universe masters present reached an agreement, they began to join forces to attack Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan had been hiding in the core control room of the Star Tower and remained indifferent. He was now stepping up his efforts to crack the Rhinoceros situation, and also There is not so much thought to pay attention to these shameless guys. With the tenacity and strength of this Star Tower, how can these guys shake it.

Physical attacks cannot destroy the Star Tower, not even soul attacks. This Star Tower is made by mountaineers using special materials. It can isolate soul attacks, so no matter how these peak universe masters attack, it will not help.

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(End of this chapter)

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