Chapter 317 Liuli Palace
  After all the powerful men at the scene calmed down, Duan Donghe looked at Luo Yuan's Star Tower again and said, "Hunyuan, come out!"

Duan Donghe's words came, and Luo Yuan, who was in the Star Tower to comprehend the rhinoceros emperor's situation, sighed. He knew that Duan Donghe would not let him pass so easily, so he had to put away the Star Tower and put on all his clothes. The black-gold Chaos God Armor came out. He saw Duan Donghe in mid-air and said respectfully: "Human Hunyuan pays homage to Lord Duan Donghe."

When Luo Yuan appeared, the 100,000 strong men present looked at him one after another, especially the later cosmic masters who showed curiosity towards Luo Yuan, especially the immortal gods and cosmic sages who even looked at Luo Yuan. Yuan showed admiration. After all, Luo Yuan was still safe and sound despite being besieged by more than a dozen peak universe masters for more than five hundred years.

Luo Yuan also understood why Duan Donghe suddenly appeared. Not only did he crack the two thousand endgames as quickly as possible, which is the minimum standard for the Lord of the Universe, but also because of the time he spent on training and his peerless talent. This is the reason why Duan Donghe is particularly concerned. It also means that the test standards for him and other veteran peak experts are different.

Luo Yuan was not complacent because he was the first to crack the Two Thousand Endgame. He just bowed slightly to Duan Donghe and stood calmly, not paying attention to the powerful men from all sides who were hostile to him. .

Duan Donghe looked at Luo Yuan below and said: "Human Hunyuan, you have reached the minimum standard for solving the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau, but the test time I set has not yet come. You should continue to crack it. This is also good for you. It’s good, the more endgames you solve, the greater the benefits you will get when you get the inheritance.”

Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said respectfully: "Okay, I don't care, but the other strong men here keep attacking me, making it difficult for me to comprehend with peace of mind."

Duan Donghe heard the words and said slowly: "This is simple, you better understand it carefully. No one can hurt you as long as I am here."

After Duan Donghe finished speaking, he pointed directly to the ground, and then saw the crystal pillar representing Luo Yuan emitting endless light, and finally condensed into a palace as huge as glass, with countless golden pillars on it. The secret pattern was flowing, and the terrifying pressure it exuded made all the powerful people present feel palpitations, including the strongest people in the universe.

Duan Donghe's cold eyes swept across the hundred thousand strong men present, especially those who were the strongest in the universe. Then he said: "From now on, the Lord of Human Hunyuan is under my protection, and no living being can Attack him, if he disobeys him, he will be directly deprived of his inheritance qualifications and killed on the spot!"

As soon as Duan Donghe finished speaking, the strong men in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe and Ziyue Holy Land Universe, as well as all the forces in the three major reincarnation eras in the Death Passage, were shocked, except for the strong men from the Hongmeng organization who belonged to the original universe. In addition, the strong men of other forces showed fear and anxiety in their hearts.

The strong men of these forces present have even divided their labors and cooperated in order to understand and crack the rhinoceros emperor's situation faster. Even if they fall in the end, as long as they gain inheritance for the ethnic group, it doesn't matter to them. More than five hundred years have passed like this, and with these Advantage, he only thought that Luo Yuan had just cracked an endgame in advance, and then he didn't care about Luo Yuan.

But they never expected that Luo Yuan's reappearance would directly reach the standard set by Duan Donghe for the Rhinoceros Bureau. This made them know that they had underestimated Luo Yuan's talent, and they were all anxious. Now Duan Donghe was protecting him. , they couldn't take action against Luo Yuan, they could only watch Luo Yuan go all the way, and in the end they all would probably perish.

"What should we do? Did we fall short this time after spending so much money?"

"This is really too bad. Do you want me to wait to die in this situation?" "Why is this human Hunyuan Lord so insightful, even though we have so many top geniuses from the top forces of the universe sea?" Together, we can't solve the game as fast as this one person. When we came out, we swore to seize the inheritance for the ancestor. This is our mission and we can't fail!" The strong men from the universe from the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor beat their chests one by one. , anxious inside.

Similarly, the Masters of the Universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe were also anxiously circling around like ants on a hot pot. Among them, the Lord of the Deer Insect who was the first to come in with Luo Yuan also said unwillingly: "In fact, from the very beginning, I passed the screening with the Rubik's Cube instrument. At this time, you can see how different Duan Donghe is from the master of human Hunyuan.

And now this human Hunyuan has been silently comprehending the Rhino Emperor Bureau, and is the first to meet the requirements of Duan Donghe. It can be said that the gap between us and this human Hunyuan is getting wider and wider. If he continues to comprehend, Then we will be even less able to catch up, and in the end we will most likely perish, and this inheritance will be acquired by this human being. "

The other universe masters in the Purple Moon Holy Land also communicated with each other to discuss.

"Lord of the Deer Insect, you are the first one to enter our Purple Moon Holy Land, and you are very powerful. How about we join forces to kill it directly?"

"Yes, as long as we kill this human Hunyuan, then we still have hope."

"That's right, we have already made enemies with the human race in the original universe. Even if we are killed by Duan Donghe, we must kill this human Hunyuan. Otherwise, when this human Hunyuan grows up, it will be a big threat to our Holy Land when it falls. Threat."

The Lord of the Deer Insects listened to the discussion of the tribe, and he directly sent a message: "We are not the only ones who are anxious here. Look at the major forces here. They have not sent the most elite and powerful people to snatch the inheritance. The Emperor Holy Land Universe is equally anxious, but the most anxious ones are the forces from the first era of reincarnation.

These forces in the first reincarnation era are approaching their end. This time they regard the inheritance of the East River as their only hope and hope. If this human Hunyuan obtains the inheritance, we will be enemies of life and death with them, so even if we If they don't take action, they will take action, and the glazed palace was designed by Duan Donghe, so it's not that easy to break through. "

At this time, when the strong men from the two holy places were discussing, other forces kept transmitting messages. Duan Donghe didn't care what these strong men were secretly planning. He said indifferently: "I am the master of human Hunyuan. With the powerful secret protection arranged, even if we work together, we will not be able to break open this palace. And if you take action, I will kill you without hesitation.

So it’s better for you to be honest. The time I give you to understand the Rhinoceros Emperor Game is not over yet. If you can reach my standards before the time is up, and the more games you solve, the greater the chance of inheriting it in the end. So you still have a chance, so work hard. "

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(End of this chapter)

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