Chapter 319 Everyone’s Attention
  In the virtual universe, Luo Yuan's personal plane.

At this time, the clouds and mist were lingering, and there were tens of thousands of stone pillars standing, with a three-dimensional shadow floating on each stone pillar. Luo Yuan was currently meditating on the 2001st endgame. At the same time, there was another person Luo Yuan could not see. The white-robed man who arrived was also comprehending the end game. Luo Yuan could do nothing about this original ancestor even if he knew of his existence.

Suddenly, several figures appeared and walked towards Luo Yuan's location. These people were all high-ranking members of the human race in the original universe. They were also the pinnacle experts of the human race. They included the founder of the Giant Axe, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Dragon Walk, and the Lord of Ice Peak. , Lord of Youhou, Lord of Darkness and other powerful men, all of them were smiling, and Luo Yuan also smiled when he saw them.

The founder of the giant ax laughed and said: "You are really amazing. You can actually copy this Rhinoceros Game into the virtual universe. It has become a major heritage of our human race. And you are too low-key. You are the first to reach this level." Understand the basic requirements of ending the Donghe inheritance, why didn't you inform us of this happy event as soon as possible.

You have left them far behind now. As the saying goes, one step at a time, one step at a time. As long as you keep on walking, they will never catch up with you. Moreover, with your talent, they are also incomparable. It can be said that this time you Your chances of being passed on are the greatest, and we all support you.

You don’t have any scruples. No matter if you offend any force in the cosmic sea, our human race will most likely return to the original universe. Even the two major holy places and the other two major reincarnation era forces cannot come to the original universe to attack us. As long as you get the East River-breaking inheritance, our human race will have a chance to surpass that holy land. And I have received news that the ancestors of the two holy places ordered that they spend a huge price to snatch this inheritance. It can be seen that this inheritance How high is the portion. "

The Lord of Chaos City on the side also nodded and said: "The giant axe is right, Luo Yuan, you don't need to worry about anything now. The most important thing now is to seize the inheritance of breaking the East River."

Luo Yuan also smiled and responded after hearing this: "Okay, teacher, I am now protected by the secret technique cast by Duan Donghe, and he also directly said that if anyone attacks me, I will be killed on the spot, so I don't have to worry about them. Come and do something to me.”

The founder of Giant Ax was also happy when he heard Luo Yuan's words. He said: That's good. If you continue to comprehend, we won't disturb you anymore. "

The Lord of Darkness, who usually had a face of ice, also smiled and said: "This time we are here to cheer you up and celebrate you. This inheritance of the East River is a great success for the human race in my original universe. An excellent hope. This kind of great opportunity may not be encountered even in thousands of reincarnations in the past. We cannot miss it and must firmly grasp it."

The other masters of the universe on the side also gave words of encouragement, which made Luo Yuan feel happy. The human race was so united, so why not be strong? He also became more confident in cracking the Rhino Emperor's situation.

While Luo Yuan was talking to the peak human combatants, the original ancestor who had been standing not far away and silently watching all this was also smiling. No one present could discover the existence of the original ancestor, because the original ancestor was destroyed by the universe. The origin was permanently suppressed, so he could only watch and worry about the various crises faced by the human race for countless epochs. When he saw the achievements of the human race, he was equally happy.

The original ancestor has been wandering in the virtual universe like a ghost in these years. He will appear to listen to every supreme meeting of the human race. Even if no one knows his existence, he has never stopped. It can be said that in this virtual universe He is an omnipotent existence, but he is also lonely, so he smiled and blessed Luo Yuan when he saw his achievements. Although the original ancestor was permanently suppressed by the origin of the universe, over the endless years, his understanding of the origin of the universe became deeper and deeper, and his strength became stronger and stronger. He dared to say that if he could come out, he would be completely successful even if he tried to reincarnate. It's just that he was suppressed and could only suppress his thoughts for the time being.
  Moreover, the original ancestor never gave up on suppressing the origin of the universe. He believed that as long as he got a glimmer of hope, he could escape from the predicament. After thinking about this, the original ancestor began to focus on the rhinoceros emperor situation again. He also began to understand the rhinoceros situation. The imperial situation strengthened his own strength, and he even felt the hope of getting out of trouble.

Soon, time flew by, and at this time, the needle drop could be heard in the death passage of the tomb boat. It was completely different from the usual lively scene. The strong men from the major forces in the universe sea were conscientiously comprehending the Rhinoceros Emperor. They didn't bother Luo Yuan anymore. With Duan Donghe's protection, these strong men did not dare to attack Luo Yuan, and there was no point in attacking Luo Yuan now.

Luo Yuan seemed a little leisurely at this time. He has relaxed a lot since he met the requirements of Duan Donghe. Now he is just increasing the number of solutions to the rhinoceros emperor. Luo Yuan thought about it, and he discovered it very early. Knowing that the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau and the Secret Pattern Diagram are similar, he is not in a hurry now, so he plans to combine the understanding of the Secret Technique Diagram and the Rhino Emperor Diagram, and improve his understanding of the Secret Pattern by comparing them with each other.

So Luo Yuan decided to use 70% of his time to study the Rhinoceros Game, 20% to understand the secret patterns, and the remaining layer for entertainment, such as playing various real simulation games in the virtual universe. Try some delicious food, or discuss the origin of life with a few close friends. Combining work and rest is beneficial to your physical and mental health.

Over the years, Luo Yuan's incarnation of the divine power left in the mysterious space under the ice has been studying the secret patterns on the painting wall. Nearly a thousand years have passed. Coupled with the transformation of consciousness, the incarnation of the divine power left in the black-grained stone pillar space has With the internal clone's time accelerating three thousand times, Luo Yuan has studied this secret pattern for nearly hundreds of epochs, which allowed his way of the beast god to directly reach the state of perfection.

At the same time, Luo Yuan's will continues to improve, and has reached the mid-level of the strongest person in the universe. He believes that when his will reaches the peak of the strongest person in the universe, he can go to the cave to claim the white wings and obtain them, which is the same as his own. The fusion of silver wings can definitely reach the level of advanced to powerful to treasure level, so he has another trump card.

At this time, the peak powerhouses in the universe sea also understood the importance of the Duandonghe inheritance that appeared this time. Even those who did not understand, after learning that even the two holy places that had always been in a transcendent status were willing to sacrifice their face to snatch it. They also know how valuable this inheritance from ancient civilization is, and it can even give them hope of transcending reincarnation.

These strong men also hope that the tribesmen sent by their tribe to snatch the inheritance can meet the basic requirements of the Rhinoceros Bureau set up by Duan Donghe as soon as possible. They are all waiting silently. The inheritance of Duan Donghe has triggered the power of the universe sea. the heart of the person.

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(End of this chapter)

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