I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 325 Strong men emerge in large numbers

Chapter 325 Strong men emerge in large numbers

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it had been four thousand years since Luo Yuan came to this death passage. During this period, the number of candidates who had reached the first level was increasing. However, until more than five thousand years, no strong person could Breaking through the first level.

In response to this, Duan Donghe's figure appeared in mid-air in the passage. He looked at all the powerful men below and felt a little disappointed. He said coldly: "Is this all you can do? You have reached the first level so far. There are only two hundred and ninety-eight of you. You must know that you are one hundred thousand strong men, and you are all the most talented men in the universe sea. Just this, you have disappointed me."

Luo Yuan, who had been in the Liuli Palace emitting golden-red light, also took a fancy to Duan Donghe in mid-air. He also knew that this rhinoceros emperor game tested a strong person's understanding, logical thinking ability, and willpower, and it was not It is said that the longer it takes, the higher the resolution requirements will be.

After all, there are many immortal gods and cosmic lords here who have limited potential and talent. It is also extremely difficult to reach the first level of the Rhino Emperor Bureau. Otherwise, Duan Donghe would not use this Rhino Emperor Bureau as a test for inheritance. Among the powerful people who have reached the first-level requirements, the strongest people in the universe have all met the requirements, and the Lord of the Universe has basically reached it, but the venerables and immortal-level powerful people who have arrived are still in the minority.

Moreover, these 298 strong men who have reached the requirements only belong to the first level. There is no one at the second level, and the third level is Luo Yuan.

Duan Donghe in mid-air looked at the strong man below with cold eyes, but suddenly he looked at the Jade Blood Venerable who came to the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe and found that he had just reached the second level, so he smiled slightly and said: "East Emperor Holy Land's Green Blood, yes, you have reached the second level. Keep working hard. I hope you can also meet my requirements. After all, the more excellent my inheritors are, the better. The more you meet the requirements, I can too. There are more options.”

Upon hearing this, Venerable Jixue from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe quickly bowed and said, "Lord Duan Donghe, I will work harder."

Duan Donghe looked at Lord Jade Blood and nodded, then he pointed to where Lord Jade Blood was. A golden-red glazed palace also appeared to cover it, and a spar pillar also appeared in front of Lord Jade Blood. He looks the same as Luo Yuan did at the beginning. This shows that Duan Donghe does not favor one over the other. It can be said that he is absolutely fair and just.

Luo Yuan also glanced at the Jade Blood Venerable and felt that this Universe Venerable was quite capable. From the power he radiated, Luo Yuan could see that this guy's will had reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, and his strength was also He has reached the level of the pinnacle Universe Lord, and his talent is also good. It seems that the Jade Blood Lord has reached the level of the quasi-Lord of the Universe. He can only be promoted to the Lord of the Universe when the Eastern Emperor Holy Land reserves a place.

At this time, the masters of the universe from the East Emperor Holy Land universe are also very happy. For them, since their ancestors ordered to fight for the Duan Donghe inheritance, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for the East Emperor Holy Land. After getting the Duan Donghe inheritance, as long as it belongs to their East Emperor Holy Land universe, it doesn't matter who gets the inheritance.

Venerable Jixue also smiled humbly when congratulating these clansmen who also came from the universe of the East Emperor's Holy Land. For him, this inheritance of Duan Donghe is also a great blessing for him. If he can obtain it, he can change his destiny. The original Lord Jixue is at least an ordinary quasi-universe master in the East Emperor's Holy Land universe, and because the number of universe masters that the East Emperor's Holy Land universe can bear is limited, he has been waiting for the opportunity.

If you want to advance from the Lord of the Universe to the Lord of the Universe, you need a huge amount of divine power. Without the supply of the source of the universe, it is impossible to reach the Lord of the Universe. However, the Jade Blood Lord passed through this rhinoceros situation all at once. He became the most handsome boy in the universe in the East Emperor Holy Land, and his status suddenly surpassed all the masters of the universe and the strongest people in the universe. Even the founder of the East Emperor Holy Land wanted to meet him in person, which made him suddenly become a little embarrassed. Become embarrassed. At this time, in the universe of the Holy Land of the East Emperor, the ancestor of the East Emperor was receiving the clone of the Venerable Bixue. He looked at the Venerable Bixue with admiration and said: "Bixue, you did a good job, and you were able to crack the rhinoceros emperor's situation to the second level. This It shows that your potential and talent are extremely high. Even if you don't become the final inheritor this time, our Holy Land will train you as a genius of the highest standard, so you don't need to feel pressure and work hard. I am optimistic about you.

If you can meet the requirements this time, and even obtain the Dongdong River inheritance this time, then our Holy Land will spend a huge price to train you to become the strongest person in the universe. If you work hard enough, you will eventually be able to transcend reincarnation and open up a new world. The Holy Land Universe became the second ancestor of our clan. "

When Venerable Bixue heard the pie painted by the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor, he was moved to tears with a relatively simple mind. At the same time, endless ambition boiled in his heart, and the passion of his youth was also ignited. He remembered He recalled the years when he was still a teenager, and running under the sunset was his lost youth, and the local fighting spirit burned again in his heart.

But Lord Jixue was also confused, because he knew that becoming the strongest person in the universe could only be born in the original universe, otherwise it would be impossible. But since the founder of the East Emperor said so, there must be a way. After thinking about it, I feel that the only chance of hope is this Donghe River inheritance.

If the Donghe Duan inheritance can break the rules of the universe and allow the inheritors to continuously improve their strength, then it will not be surprising to become the strongest in the universe. Moreover, he has also heard that ancient civilizations possess such great power, otherwise they How can it maintain countless reincarnation eras? Even if the original universe is destroyed, it can still continue to grow stronger. This is because it has escaped the control of the original universe.

If it weren’t for the supreme inheritance that would allow future generations to rise to the strongest level in the universe and transcend reincarnation, then it would be impossible for the founder of the East Emperor to attach so much importance to the Dongdong River inheritance and not only send out the most elite and powerful men to seize the inheritance. , and has been paying attention to everything here.

Lord Jixue doesn't care whether what the founder of the East Emperor said is true, but he is also full of desire for the inheritance of the East River, because he understands that the inheritance of the East River is a great opportunity that can make him stand up, and even if he fails It can also prove that his potential and talent are extremely high, he will get the attention of the high-level officials of the East Emperor Holy Land Universe, and he will get a lot of benefits. Maybe even if he falls in the end, he will be resurrected by the ancestor of the East Emperor.

Venerable Jade Blood has been cultivating silently by himself. After endless years of hard training in silence and solitude, today he is finally able to become a blockbuster and astonish everyone.

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(End of this chapter)

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