Chapter 336 Choice
  Duan Donghe looked at all the powerful men below indifferently, and said: "Let me explain first, the only ones who have reached the third level so far are the Lord of Human Hunyuan and Jixue from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe, and the human Hunyuan They have reached the fourth level standard, so it is likely that the two of them will be able to fully accept the inheritance in the end.

As for those who have reached the second level, there is a little bit of hope, but those at the first level will still perish in the end unless they have some adventure. There are also six of the strongest people in the universe, including Lei Yi. , you should leave, there is no hope for the strongest person in the universe, I will open the channel to let you leave.

If there are still people who want to quit now, let's go together. If you can't stop once you start contacting inheritance, you will either succeed or die. This is my last warning. You can make your own decision. "

As soon as Duan Donghe finished speaking, the entire inheritance hall suddenly fell into silence. The more than 200 strong men present were thinking and making decisions. They did not dare to take any chances. The ten candidates are proof. Duan Donghe said this, naturally giving these strong men a last chance to choose. Especially those at the first level frowned in thought.

Soon some strong people chose to withdraw after weighing the pros and cons, especially the strong ones from the human race camp in the original universe. They knew that with Luo Yuan here, there was a great chance of obtaining this inheritance, but they did not. It is necessary to waste lives here. Of course, this is also the order of the founder of the giant axe.

At the same time, forces from all sides are also making secret arrangements. They also let some strong people who have no chance to obtain inheritance opportunities withdraw. After all, various forces spend a lot of money to cultivate strong people. There is no need to do so when they know that they cannot get rewards. Let them pay a meaningless sacrifice for this.

After making some decisions, there are now only nearly two hundred strong men left. The other strong men left quickly after opening the gate of the Duandong River. As the strong men withdrew left, the gate was closed again, and the two hundred strong men present were The strong men held their breaths and waited with solemn expressions to receive the inheritance. Many of them decided to send back the Dongdonghe inheritance they received even if they had to sacrifice their lives, even if it was only part of it.

Luo Yuan glanced at the nearly 200 strong people present who generously volunteered for charity. He felt a little admired in his heart. Although they were in different camps and even enemies, these people were willing to sacrifice and sacrifice for the strength and continuation of this ethnic group. Spiritually, he also felt the strong cohesion of the group. Undoubtedly, only one of the two hundred strong men here would survive and get the complete inheritance.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the end, only Luo Yuan or the Jade Blood Venerable can truly inherit the Duan Donghe lineage. As for the other strong men, they are just here to make up the numbers. They still insist on staying in order to save themselves before they fall. Part of the inheritance received is transferred back to the clan.

Duan Donghe looked at the determined candidates, with a smile on his lips. Not long after, Duan Donghe stood up from the throne, and said in a calm tone: "You all come with me, I, Duan Donghe In the end, only one person can completely inherit the inheritance of a line. Behind me is the real place of inheritance, and in the end, only the successful one can come out of it."

After Duan Donghe finished speaking, he pointed to the throne behind him, and a rumbling sound suddenly appeared. The huge throne split apart, revealing a portal. From inside the door, there was the sound of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers, and a huge waterfall fell. The sound of water flowing and the roars of countless powerful beasts make it feel like there is a small independent world inside.

Duan Donghe looked at the inheritance gate, his eyes full of memories and hopes. He said to the two hundred strong men behind him: "Okay, the inside of this portal is the real inheritance world of my lineage. All the The inheritors all receive the final inheritance here, and I am the same, and now is your opportunity, seize it, this opportunity only comes once, you will either succeed or die."

…   At this time, at the hatch of this huge tomb ship, there were defenders from various forces, led by the strongest veterans in the universe such as the Beizhen Star Lord from the Eastern Emperor’s Holy Land. They saw The candidates who had withdrawn flew out of the passage one after another, looking confused.

But before they could think about it, Duan Donghe's extremely cold voice came out: "Okay, the real inheritance is about to begin. In order to ensure the safety of the inheritors, I will completely close the hatch of the tomb boat. , please leave quickly, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Whether it was the exiting candidates such as the Thunder-clothed Demon God who was about to fly out of the hatch, or the strong men from all forces waiting outside, they were all shocked and started the inheritance. They did not expect that even the hatch outside would have to be closed. , which means that only one of the two hundred strong men who accepted the inheritance will finally come out alive and become the new Duan Donghe, which completely blocks their escape route.

Although they were unwilling to do so, all the strong men present still retreated out of the hatch. After they all came out, the huge hatches closed automatically, leaving no gaps. This made it difficult for those who had just flown out of the cabin to Not only did the exit candidates look at each other in disbelief, most of them wasted three epochs in it, which was just a bit of soy sauce, and the one who gained the most was the Thunder-clothed Demon God.

The strong men present also cast envious glances at the Thunder-clothed Demon God, and congratulated them one after another. There was not much hostility. After all, it was the Thunder-clothed Demon God who first discovered the inheritance of the East River. If he hadn't left the tomb Even if the Lingzhizhou was brought out from the core of the Spaceship, it would be impossible for them to come into contact with the Dongdong River inheritance.

Moreover, the Thunder-Clothed Demon God has only eliminated the candidates of the God Eye Clan from the beginning to the end. Even if they have other thoughts about the Thunder-Clothed Demon God, they are powerless. After all, the Thunder-Clothed Demon God himself is the strongest person in the universe. , now there are two more powerful treasures and two top-grade treasures for body protection.

In terms of combat power, he is no weaker than any of the strongest people in the universe. In addition, this Thunder-clothed Demon God is a lone ranger. If he is provoked and goes crazy, it will be very scary for each of their groups. Therefore, all parties present Powerful people prefer friendship rather than hostility.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God also knew the thoughts of the strong men present. He said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone, I, the Thunder-clothed Demon God, are only targeting the God Eye Clan. They can be said to be despicable and shameless. They don't want the face of the strong at all. When the seven gods joined forces, By attacking me, even my only best friend, the Demon God Kong Luo, fell as a result, so I am living now to avenge the God Eye Clan and will not stop until all the God Eye Clan are destroyed."

The strong men from all sides present took a deep breath when they heard this. How many strong men had the Divine Eyes clan offended? With the Thunder-clothed Demon God as their formidable enemy, it seemed that the Divine Eyes clan had not yet waited for their final day. , it is estimated that it will be over.

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(End of this chapter)

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