Chapter 338 Inheritance Space
  The tomb boat is in the inheritance space of the Duandong River.

After Luo Yuan and other two hundred candidates came in, they felt like they had entered a wonderful world. The scenery here was pleasant, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, blue sky and white clouds. Divine birds were flying in the sky, and various rare and exotic animals were running on the ground. These birds Many of the beasts are special beings that have never been seen before, and they are at least at the level of immortal gods. Every move they make carries a variety of rich magical powers, and various special effects appear.

The two hundred strong men felt incredible when they saw this. This independent small world felt more like a holy land to them.

Duan Donghe just smiled when he looked at the expressions of the two hundred candidates. He had the same shocked expression when he first entered here. He slowly said: "This is the inheritance space of my Duan Donghe lineage. , all inheritors need to accept the inheritance here."

After all the candidates entered the inheritance space, the entrance was immediately closed. Looking at the condition of this independent space, this entrance was the exit, but they knew that without Duan Donghe's permission, they would have to leave here. Impossible, either obtain a complete inheritance, or directly perish here.

However, the two hundred strong men who came in were already mentally prepared, so they did not care about the only closed portal. Instead, they were full of expectations for the inheritance of Duan Donghe that they were about to come into contact with, and from the description of Duan Donghe, You know that this independent small world existed when the Duandong River line was born, and the Duandong River line is a powerful inheritance force that has existed since the ancient civilization era, which means that this space world exists The time is unimaginable.

Duan Donghe looked at this inheritance space, with a proud look on his face, and continued: "The reason why the inheritance space of my Duan Donghe lineage can exist for such a long time is because this space can itself Absorbing any energy from the cosmic sea, whether it is dark energy, the divine power of the original law, or even chaotic airflow, these energies can maintain the ecological balance of this space and make it immortal."

Duan Donghe's words surprised the two hundred candidates present, but they soon calmed down. After all, this is a supreme inheritance from the ancient civilization era. It would be strange for them if they did not have these strange abilities, and this They saw a lot of things along the way, so they gradually got used to the strangeness of this thing.

Based on the information known to the powerful people present, the only thing that can directly swallow the chaotic airflow of the cosmic sea into energy is the small universe with only the original universe and the strongest person in the universe. This space world is obviously independent, but they think You can understand it if you think about it. After all, the inheritance of the Duandonghe line comes from ancient civilizations, and the secret methods of ancient civilizations are quite different from the current secret methods, so it is not surprising that this can be achieved.

The three Jedi in the cosmic sea all have the ability to do this. For example, the cosmic boat can continuously and automatically absorb the chaotic airflow of the cosmic sea as energy. However, the original universe can only last for one era of reincarnation, and the strongest person in the universe can The small universe can only exist for a maximum of three universe reincarnation eras.

But now they see that the inheritance space of the Duandonghe line can always exist, and they don't know how many reincarnation times it has gone through. This alone can show how powerful the inheritance of the Duandonghe lineage is.

After Duan Donghe waited for the two hundred candidates present to calm down, he said, "Okay, now you have to really get in touch with the inheritance."

After Duan Donghe finished speaking, he pointed directly into the distance. All the powerful men present also looked at the place where Duan Donghe was pointing. They saw many light gates suddenly appearing on the vast grassland, and every time A light door exudes bright light. In these lights, there seems to be a strong man performing an extremely powerful secret method, which makes the viewers feel fascinated. Duan Donghe looked at the light gates and said: "There are a total of 820 light gates here, and the inheritance of my Duan Donghe lineage can be said to be all-encompassing, whether it is close combat, long-range attack, or auxiliary type. You can come into contact with them after entering through these light gates, and you can only enter one of these light gates per person.

Of course, these are the most basic inheritances at the beginning. They are used to test whether you are consistent with the inheritance of my Duandonghe line. Only the inheritor who is the best in the end and most in line with the core inheritance of my Duandonghe lineage can After surviving for a while, only Duan Donghe of each term can be contacted, and the other candidates will only perish.

Okay, now Hunyuan is the first to choose the light gate to enter and accept the basic inheritance, then there are the candidates for the second level, and then there are the candidates for the first level. You start choosing now, Hun. Yuan, you choose first. "

When Luo Yuan heard this, he walked out from the crowd, then turned into a black stream of light and rushed towards the more than 800 light gates. These light gates were lined up one by one, looking very magical, but not imposing. Majestic, just like the gates of time and space.

Luo Yuan's figure appeared in front of these light gates. His eyes swept across these light gates. Each of these light gates represented a basic inheritance. These basic inheritances were insignificant to the Duandonghe lineage. They were only used for It tests the inheritor's understanding and compatibility with the inheritance, so it doesn't matter even if these basic inheritances are passed on. Maybe these basic inheritances that were looked down upon by ancient civilizations are difficult for the major forces in the universe to access. The supreme treasure.

Luo Yuan divided these basic inheritances into five categories, including close combat secret arts, long-range attack secret arts, mechanical technology, weapon refiners, and strange miscellaneous categories. How is the weapon refiner among them refined? The inheritance of the treasure, otherwise it would be too shameless, but you are mechanical technology. It can control technological weapons and machinery, ranging from mobile phones, computers and mechas, to supreme battleships like spaceships, which Luo Yuan can see. Also shocked.

Looking at these light gates, Luo Yuan knew that this was also a screening process for these candidates. Only by passing the test of these basic inheritances could it be proven whether the candidate's understanding and the following core inheritance of Duandonghe were consistent. No wonder this Duandonghe Ask them to understand the rhinoceros emperor's situation.

Luo Yuan knew that if he wanted to pass the test of this basic inheritance, he needed to choose the one he was best at, otherwise it would be difficult just to get started. This basic inheritance was just the beginning, but if he couldn't understand the perfection of even this most basic inheritance , then it is even more impossible to understand the core inheritance of the final Duan Donghe lineage.

Luo Yuan looked carefully at the shadows appearing in each light gate. They were hazy figures performing inherited techniques. Soon Luo Yuan saw a figure performing sword techniques. This was obviously about sword techniques. Luo Yuan's eyes lit up at this basic inheritance. He had started practicing sword skills when he was on earth, and he had reached the level of supreme artistic conception, so he decided to choose the inheritance of sword skills.

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(End of this chapter)

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