Chapter 340 Tyrant Sword
  Luo Yuan felt incredible when he saw three majestic icebergs suddenly falling from the sky. These three icebergs are hundreds of millions of kilometers high, and they look crystal clear without any impurities. At the same time, there are countless streamlines like starlight flying around the three icebergs. It looks like a fairyland in a fairy tale, so beautiful.

Luo Yuan didn't wait long before a mechanical intelligent voice sounded in his mind: "Hello, first candidate, because you are the best candidate and you also have the core authority here, so you can not only learn from There are 360 ​​secret techniques of swords here, and there are also these three sword mountains for meditating on.

These three mountains of swords are formed by integrating the secret patterns of the law and the principles of the sword, as well as all the ultimate secrets about the way of the sword. They can be said to be supreme treasures, and they are the reward for you as the first candidate. You... The theme of this test is to learn from these 360 ​​secret manuals of swordsmanship and the secrets of swordsmanship, and then create your own swordsmanship. If your self-created swordsmanship reaches the standards set by Duan Donghe, then you will Can become the new Duan Donghe. "

Luo Yuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. These three icebergs turned out to be mountains of swords, and the meteor rays containing mysterious laws in these three mountains of swords made Luo Yuan feel intoxicated, especially the secret patterns of laws in them were bigger than his. The secret patterns he had comprehended before were even more profound and mysterious. Luo Yuan could feel the ultimate power from these countless meteor rays, and the laws contained in them were more advanced than those he had comprehended before.

Luo Yuan could feel that the patterns of law contained in the meteor rays entwined on the sword mountain actually possessed terrifying power that transcended the laws of the universe. You must know that the strong men in the cosmic sea actually understood the laws and gained recognition from the origin of the universe. After obtaining the divine power of law from the origin of the universe, the pattern of law in the meteor light is indeed a transcendent existence.

Luo Yuan was also very shocked by these patterns of law. This is a cultivation model that is different from the traditional practice of the universe sea. He even wants to simulate these three sword mountains in the human virtual universe, so that not only can there be more If you have time to understand it, you can also bring this special cultivation method to the human race, but the result is simply difficult to simulate.

The main reason is that these meteor rays are in a constantly changing state and are not fixed. Therefore, even if Luo Yuan simulates a temporary state, these meteor rays will change the next moment. Especially this vast and changing picture is even more difficult. Simulation, if this continues, it will be very difficult to simulate, let alone have time to practice.

Luo Yuan also knew that the most important thing now was to learn from the 360 ​​Secret Codes of Swords and the Mountain of Swords to create a sword technique that meets the standards of Duan Donghe, so he put aside the matter of simulating it into the virtual universe. For the best, now you have to put all your attention here.

Luo Yuan looked at the three sword mountains with a solemn face. There were countless flying meteor rays in them, which looked very dreamy. If you look carefully, you will find that there are countless sword lights shining in these sword mountains. At the same time, as Luo Yuan As Yuan watched, different secrets of sword techniques also appeared directly in his mind, which made Luo Yuan feel incredible. This is the pattern of laws formed by the perfect combination of sword ways and laws. The power contained in it is enough to One universe collapsed into nothingness.

Luo Yuan was sitting cross-legged in the void, comprehending and studying the secrets of these three hundred and sixty sword techniques, and at the same time comprehending the patterns of laws contained in the mountain of swords. As countless sword techniques merged and collided with each other, he began to master the sword techniques. The understanding of Taoism became more profound, and at the same time, the countless meteor rays also danced in response to Luo Yuan.

It can be said that these three hundred and sixty secret laws of the sword are means and skills, and these three mountains of swords are the supreme masters who have reached the ultimate in the laws of the sword, and have pushed the sword to the end that can be reached, and It is very mysterious, and Luo Yuan can only continue to interpret the true meaning of these three sword mountains by constantly comprehending the secret patterns of these 360 ​​sword techniques. At the same time, Luo Yuan's sword techniques have become more brilliant.

Luo Yuan is like a sponge at this time, constantly absorbing the knowledge here. All the strong men who are good at sword skills that he has seen are insignificant compared to these three sword mountains, especially the sword mountains surrounded by The patterns of law contained in the countless meteor rays are even more beautiful. Luo Yuan feels relaxed and happy just looking at these secret patterns, and his state of mind and sword skills are constantly improving. Time flies, half a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and the person who is in the personal plane specially opened for Luo Yuan in the small universe of the founder of the giant ax has also been enlightened for nearly five thousand years.

Luo Yuan also has a new understanding of the fusion method of the sword path and the original law. It is more profound than the fusion method of any powerful person in the universe. Even the eight law fusion methods in the inheritance of the beast god in the ancestral mysterious realm cannot Compared with the secret of the fusion of the laws of the sword, the fusion method of the pattern of laws contained in the mountain of swords appears more natural and rounded.

Luo Yuan thought, and a magic sword similar to the Blood Shadow Saber appeared. This was a top-quality treasure that Luo Yuan had asked Mountain Guest to refine for him. It was called the Chaos Divine Sword. It was the same as the Chaos Divine Armor. With the matching treasure, Luo Yuan had comprehended a sword technique known as the Overlord Sword a long time ago, and as he continued to improve it over the years, it had also been upgraded to the level of the secret of the sword.

Luo Yuan's overbearing sword combines thousands of sword techniques into three moves, namely splitting the sky, splitting the earth, and destroying the world. It can be said that the most powerful sword is the destroying world. Once used, it is enough to collapse a star field into nothingness. , and now he has been promoted to the level of the most powerful secret technique. He decided to fuse his three sword techniques with the secret patterns of the law, thus raising it to a whole new level.

In fact, when Luo Yuan was comprehending the rhinoceros emperor bureau before, he took time to compare and comprehend the secret patterns, especially using the incarnation of divine power in the mysterious space under the ice and the black-patterned stone pillar space. Both of these clones have profound secret pattern diagrams. Luo Yuan has also improved his secret pattern attainments to a very advanced level while time is accelerating.

Now Luo Yuan wants to merge his three styles of domineering swords with the ten original laws of the universe, as well as the 360 ​​supreme swords here, into the secret pattern of the sword, and draw on the secret patterns of countless swords on this mountain of swords as a breakthrough and As a reference, I have never created a secret pattern of the Supreme Sword that suits me, and I will definitely be able to meet the requirements of cutting off the East River.

So Luo Yuan stood directly on the endless chaotic air flow. He held the Chaos Divine Sword in his hand and looked at the three sword mountains while practicing his sword skills. He was also constantly correcting every movement of his sword, and then followed Luo Yuan's movements became more and more smooth, and then as Luo Yuan waved the magic sword in his hand, threads of shining light appeared. These threads were the secret patterns of the sword. They looked like a dream, but the power they exuded Let the void vibrate.

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(End of this chapter)

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