Chapter 350 The Will of the Universe
  Beside the wooden house pond, Duan Donghe said to Luo Yuan: "After the Lord of the Universe reaches the true god level, it is very difficult to become stronger. It usually takes tens of thousands of years, so it is difficult to advance behind closed doors. Most of the powerful Everyone has chosen to take risks and gain strength and breakthroughs in life-and-death battles."

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. Although he had a system to pick up attributes, he also found that after reaching the Lord of the Universe, his system became less and less effective, and it basically required his direct efforts to continue to change. Strong, after all, there are very few strong people in the entire universe who have reached his current strength, and they are all scattered. The talents of those strong people in all aspects are not up to Luo Yuan's current level.

Luo Yuan's true self has been hiding behind the scenes these years. Although it is safe, it lacks real training. However, Luo Yuan values ​​his own safety more than the rapid improvement of his strength. If he loses his life due to carelessness, then everything is meaningless. , and his current life span is endless, with at least three reincarnation eras left. Such a long time is enough for him to break through to the strongest person in the universe, that is, the realm of true gods.

In recent years, whether he was a mountain rider or the founder of the giant axe, the Lord of Chaos City had approached him and wanted him to go to the cosmic sea to hone his skills. However, after careful consideration, Luo Yuan decided to let his avatar take the risk. Because of his The clones are directly controlled by the consciousness of the main body, so everything they feel can be received by the main body. Although the breakthrough speed is slower, Luo Yuan's personal safety is more important than personal safety. You must know that this universe sea But many powerful men with malicious intentions are staring at him.

Although Luo Yuan thought so, he did not interrupt Duan Donghe's words, nor did he object to his opinion. After Luo Yuan completely took over the inheritance space and authority of Duan Donghe's lineage, it was not up to him to decide how to operate it. Implementing it himself, Luo Yuan also knew that if it weren't for his caution over the years, he would have lost it long ago. Even if he had a system, it would be useless. Everything should be stable.

Duan Donghe continued: "Since the birth of this universe, there have been countless people with outstanding talents, and there are also many strong people with great perseverance and great opportunities. But in the end, they can become the pinnacle powerful without using their own supreme good fortune. .

Therefore, if you want to become a superpower in all the worlds, you can’t just rely on your own talent and inheritance. Look at my Duan Donghe lineage, which has an inheritance that is the envy of countless top powerhouses. But so far, there are nearly two hundred inheritors. , there are only a few who can reach the pinnacle level of the universe, and they all turn into dust in the end. Even the strongest third-generation ancestor has fallen, so you have to be cautious, but don't be too careful, otherwise it will be difficult to make a difference. . "

Luo Yuan also nodded when he heard this. He also knew what Duan Donghe meant. Luo Yuan dared to say that he might not be the strongest in terms of strength, but when it came to saving his life, it was difficult for anyone in the entire universe to be strong. To be able to surpass him, only by thoroughly understanding the three secrets of the Donghe lineage, his life-saving ability will be even stronger.

Moreover, the current era is quite different from the ancient civilization era that Duan Donghe lived in. There are only a few true god-level experts, so Luo Yuan smiled at Duan Donghe and said, "I know, and you can rest assured." , The current era of reincarnation is no longer your era, and there are not many true god-level experts. As long as I am careful, I will still be safe."

After Duan Donghe heard Luo Yuan's words, he just smiled and shook his head and said: "Hunyuan, you still think of the problem too simply, and you also underestimate the strong man in this universe."

Luo Yuan couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and he humbly asked for advice: "What can I say? Please tell me if there is anything more dangerous. This way I can take precautions and avoid disasters."

Duan Donghe was not in a hurry to explain, he just said calmly: "You will understand if you study the three secrets of our Duan Donghe lineage carefully. If it is so easy, then the nearly two hundred inheritors before will know it." They will not perish, they are the most outstanding super geniuses in all the worlds."

When Luo Yuan heard this, he did not doubt Duan Donghe's words. Instead, he quickly came to take a closer look at what shocking information was hidden in these three secrets. Each of these three secrets was carried by a memory stone, and the information contained in them could be called There is so much information that even a peak true god would find it difficult to read it all in one go, let alone comprehend it. When Luo Yuan enveloped these three black memory stones with his divine power before, he only transferred this knowledge and information into his mind, and then stored it, and waited for time to slowly comprehend it, and because the amount of information was too large, so He could only proceed slowly.

Now Luo Yuan's brain computing power is comparable to the trillions of the most advanced supercomputers in the universe, but even so, it only takes a long time to carefully read one of the three secrets of breaking the East River lineage. After half a month, his expression immediately became abnormal, and a look of shock flashed through his eyes.

Duan Donghe looked at Luo Yuan's expression, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled and said, "How about it, are you very shocked? I was the same way at the beginning, and I am even more surprised."

Luo Yuan looked at Duan Donghe with a livid face and said, "These three great secrets were obviously left by our third-generation ancestor, and I saw that just this Duan Mie one has nine major volumes, but why can I only remember it?" Starting from the first three volumes, I have clearly read all nine volumes carefully just now. My memory is not that bad. Now the following six volumes are clearly recorded in my mind, but I cannot see clearly. How is that possible? Are there any limitations to this unique skill?"

Duan Donghe still looked calm when he heard this, and said: "Don't worry, you know it's not just these three secrets, but the knowledge and information recorded in the hundreds of millions of memory stones here. You can only See the first part, and this first part is enough for you to cultivate to the limit of the true god level, but the latter part can only be viewed and understood after your strength breaks through the true god level and becomes a more advanced powerhouse."

Luo Yuan couldn't help showing doubts when he heard this. He asked directly: "Can you tell me the reason? Do these secret techniques also set limits on strength?"

Although Luo Yuan asked this, he was not very anxious. After all, he was still far away from the peak true god level. It would be okay even if he couldn't remember the following information. You must know that what is recorded in the hundreds of millions of memory stones here is Countless inherited knowledge is enough for him to learn, which is why he is now a little curious about who set such restrictions and can silently block the information in his mind.

When Duan Donghe heard Luo Yuan's question, he looked at the vast universe. He couldn't help sighing: "The only one who can do this is the ubiquitous will of the original universe."

Luo Yuan was also shocked when he heard this. He heard about the will of the original universe more than once, but the existence of this thing has always been elusive. He only knew that the original ancestor was permanently suppressed by the will of the original universe. When he thought about it This boundless primitive universe actually had its own consciousness. It was as if he was standing at a high level and indifferently controlling everything. He felt chills in his heart. In other words, his every move was monitored by a will. This was really shocking. He feels bad.

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(End of this chapter)

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