I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 352 Endless inheritance treasure

Chapter 352 Endless inheritance treasure
  After Luo Yuan came back to his senses after sighing, he looked at the dark environment around him and was suddenly confused. The Duan Donghe disappeared, but he was still here. He had not yet controlled the entire inheritance space. Going out here gives me a headache just thinking about it.

But before Luo Yuan could worry for a long time, a golden light flew out from the darkness above at a very fast speed. Before Luo Yuan could react, this golden light enveloped Luo Yuan's entire body, and then the inheritance on his brow The mark absorbed all the golden light, and suddenly everything around him seemed to be under his control. He had a feeling that in this inheritance space, he was a god.

This entire inheritance space is like an extension of his body. He can control everything here with just a thought. For this reason, he directly sat down for an experiment. Luo Yuan didn't like this dark space very much. With a thought in his mind, this dark space directly turned into a fairyland with birds singing and flowers fragrant. A throne made of gold suddenly rose up, and he sat on it.

The original land of more than ten kilometers has turned into a fairyland on earth, and the surrounding area is an endless ocean. There are also blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and the rich chaotic airflow has been transformed into the divine power of the universal law and filled this independent space. Luo Yuan also understands He has completely recognized the inheritance space of Duan Donghe's lineage, and his consciousness can cover the entire inheritance space, and he has not found Duan Donghe's figure. It seems that the former inheritor has really disappeared. , which made him sigh a little.

From today on, he, Luo Yuan, is the 193rd inheritor of the Duandonghe lineage, named Duandonghe Luo Yuan. Of course, he still maintains a low profile in the past. Before he became the strongest person in the universe sea, Before becoming a true god, he was still known as Duandonghe Hunyuan, so that not many people could guess his true identity. Steady development was the way to go.

Even though Luo Yuan has become the new Duandonghe and has obtained all the treasures of the Duandonghe line, he still cannot relax his vigilance, and there are many things he does not understand about this inheritance space and the tomb boat. After all, he has previously His knowledge was still at the level of the Lord of the Universe, so he directly reached out and put away a black memory stone suspended in the void.

Divine power enveloped this black memory stone, and he found the knowledge he needed from it. Fortunately, the knowledge inside had been classified and had an outline title, otherwise he would not know how long it would take to find the information he needed. It seems that Duan Donghe is still a particular person and has a calm mind. Soon Luo Yuan found information about the tomb boat and the inheritance space.

From this information, Luo Yuan found the instructions for the use of this entire inheritance space. Both functions and taboos were very complete. It also included the transformation of the tomb boat by Duandonghe when he took office. Even the tomb boat was There are various control methods and control points. Every step is recorded in detail. Even a novice can understand it immediately and follow the operation directly.

The inheritance space of the Duandonghe line was basically created by the strongest third-generation ancestor, and only a small part was perfected by the later inheritors. Not only did all the facilities here serve to cultivate the strongest people The base, and the kind that can teach itself without being taught by others, makes Luo Yuan feel incredible when he thinks about it. Of course, this is also related to the extremely high understanding of the previous inheritors.

The scale of this entire inheritance space is similar to those of the True God's small universe, but it is higher in level. It also has many independent small worlds, and there is so much knowledge recorded in it that even if the knowledge of the entire universe sea is gathered together, it will not be able to compare. One ten thousandth of the knowledge reserve in this inheritance space. This shows how much knowledge there is in this inheritance space, and the various magical powers and secrets are endless.

After all, the level of knowledge that can be brought into this inheritance space by successive Duan Donghe is at least the peak true god level. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is an ocean of knowledge, and this knowledge is directly recorded in the Memory Stone and can be directly interpreted. This memory The stone has the characteristics of immortality, so Luo Yuan is not worried about the loss and incompleteness of this knowledge.

For a moment, Luo Yuan seemed to be swimming in the ocean of knowledge. He just wanted to briefly understand the general situation and did not dare to take a closer look. Otherwise, he would not be able to finish it even if he spent three reincarnation eras. The East River would basically be cut off here. All high-value knowledge from the ancient civilization era to the present era has been collected. Moreover, all the inherited knowledge here points directly to the supreme realm above the True God. Among them are the insights and experiences left by the previous Duan Donghe. This is a supreme treasure that can make Luo Yuan's future journey less difficult. Detours, as long as he doesn't commit suicide, it will be easy to cultivate to the realm of true gods, even surpassing true gods, it just takes time to accumulate.

In addition to the inheritance of these supreme secrets and supernatural powers, there is also an independent space dedicated to enlightenment and cultivation, which can accelerate time to hundreds of thousands of times. As long as Luo Yuan's divine power can support it, you must know those in the universe sea. The peak true gods can accelerate time to ten thousand times and cannot support it anymore. Of course, it is also related to the fact that their small universes do not have such advanced functions.

In addition to the independent space used for enlightenment and cultivation, there is also a virtual space used for actual combat, which contains nearly three hundred peerless experts, including the previous Duan Donghe. Luo Yuan can enter it and interact with any Duan Donghe. He fought in the river to improve actual combat experience, but judging from the recorded information, the strongest opponent among these settings was the third inheritor, and Luo Yuan did not dare to underestimate him.

In addition to these independent spaces, there are also independent spaces that match different inheritances, such as a space for refining the most precious magic weapon, a space that can help you create your own magical powers and secret techniques, and an independent space for improving your understanding and state of mind. It can be said that it has everything. It is called the most perfect training base for strong men. No wonder every Duan Donghe is so strong. True God is only just starting out. Luo Yuan still has a lot to learn.

Luo Yuan believes that with this inheritance space, he can make up for all his shortcomings. After he consumes all the inheritance here, there will be only a handful of strong men in the world who can match him. , he will also become a strong man at the highest level in the endless universe. The inheritance space of the Duandonghe lineage is really too powerful and can be the most top-level training place.

With Luo Yuan's supreme understanding and talent, coupled with this most luxurious inheritance configuration, as long as he has the determination and perseverance to keep making progress, his future achievements can only exceed anyone's imagination. Even if he conquers the Origin Continent in the future, it will not be a problem. Although the core inheritance cannot be passed on to outsiders, those basic inheritances can still be cultivated by the powerful legions in his Kingdom of God. It is not impossible to cultivate an army of true gods at the last moment. At this moment, Luo Yuan improved the basic sequence of his soldiers. To the level of a true god.

You must know that even the most powerful third-generation master has still fallen, and the nearly two hundred Duan Donghe have also disappeared in the long river of time. You must know that these strong men all started as average true gods, and they are still the most powerful. The true god sequence, but in the end it was gone. Luo Yuan felt that he still underestimated the power of this endless universe. The will of a primitive universe could annihilate them.

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(End of this chapter)

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