Chapter 356 Divine Power and Laws

All the high-level human beings present looked at Luo Yuan, and Lord Qingdong was a little nervous and excited and said: "Luo Yuan, do we really have a chance to break through to the strongest person in the universe? We have spent so much time pursuing this path. For countless epochs, we have been searching for this in the three Jedi of the cosmic sea. If you can lead us on this supreme road, we are willing to follow you."

The Lord of Peng Gong on the side asked directly: "Luo Yuan, do you think I can break through to the strongest person in the universe? I know that even if your inherited knowledge can increase the chance of breaking through to the strongest person in the universe, it will not. It doesn’t mean it will be successful.”

Luo Yuan said: "Don't say that. I am also a member of the human race. The inheritance of the Duandonghe line I obtained this time contains a lot of basic knowledge from ancient civilizations. These Duandonghe rivers do not prohibit me. Side story, I can share it with you, and you all have the highest combat power of the human race, both in terms of talent and potential.

It can be said that it is extremely extraordinary that you have been able to reach where you are today without anyone's guidance. Now that you have guidance from ancient civilizations, your chances of breaking through to the strongest person in the universe are naturally the highest, but who in the end will I can't say for sure whether I can truly break through to the strongest person in the universe. After all, I don't know much about everyone's cultivation situation. But if you work hard, you will definitely have a chance. "

The founder of Giant Ax looked at the excited Masters of the Universe present, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "You are all a little impatient, so you'd better listen to Luo Yuan. Who of you can break through to the strongest person in the universe? In the end, you have to rely on Yourselves, the knowledge shared by Luo Yuan is something that countless powerful people are pursuing even if it is placed in the universe sea. With this knowledge, you will also have more opportunities to improve."

It’s not surprising that the masters of the universe at the scene look like this. They have waited for countless years to break through to the strongest person in the universe and paid a lot of price for it. But even so, after hearing the words of the founder of the giant axe, they They also endured the complex emotions in their hearts. They all looked at Luo Yuan honestly at this time, waiting for Luo Yuan's explanation. Even the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Chaos City were like this, and the truth they could not see was Zu was also here listening carefully at this time.

After Luo Yuan watched everyone present quiet down, he said seriously: "There is nothing special about the process from apprentice to master of the universe. The strong men in the universe are all the same. But if you want to break through from the Lord of the Universe to the Strongest Person in the Universe, there is indeed a bifurcation. Because everyone's cultivation path is different, the method of final breakthrough is also different.

But no matter how these masters of the universe choose the path to breakthrough, they can be summarized into two broad categories in the end. One is based on improving the purity and reserves of divine power, such as divine power multiples, and the other is based on understanding and controlling the laws. Finally, the fusion of laws is realized and the degree of chaos law is realized. "

When the founder of the giant ax heard this, he couldn't help showing doubts and said: "As far as I know, all the strong men in our original universe have continuously improved through comprehending the laws. In the end, they integrated the understanding of the ten laws to a perfect level. If you have broken through to the strongest person in the universe, such as those eight beast-god fusion laws, then what is this breakthrough based on divine power?"

Luo Yuan laughed when he heard this and said: "Yes, basically according to the normal cultivation method, basically all the masters of the universe take the road of breaking through the laws, but this road is very difficult to walk, and it depends on the understanding of the laws and the Control, and finally take the road of fusion of the ten laws, but in addition, there is a road that relatively few people take, which is to start from divine power, so what is divine power and how is it formed.

Many strong people have not conducted in-depth research on the energy of divine power. Everyone knows that when a strong person breaks through to the realm of immortal gods, his body will be transformed into a divine body, which is an energy body constructed by divine power. Every particle of divine power contains It contains the mark of the soul, which is the mark of life, and is also the core of a strong man. As long as the mark of life is immortal, he can be resurrected.

There are many ethnic groups in the universe that have souls, but there are also many ethnic groups that are born without souls. No matter which kind they are, they all have the mark of life, which means that all the masters of the universe can have divine bodies, which is endless divine power. ” ˆ ˆ Everyone present listened to Luo Yuan’s words honestly. They felt that they were getting closer and closer to the secret of the universe. Everyone couldn’t help but feel extremely excited. They all looked at Luo Yuan with bright eyes, waiting for him. Further explanation is really interesting.

Luo Yuan took a sip of tea, and then continued: "The Lord of the Universe wants to break through the strongest person in the universe. What is the most important thing? Yes, it is to break the suppression of the original will of the original universe. Only by breaking this rule Only by suppressing can you go further. For example, if you want to move forward from the law, you must achieve a breakthrough in the law. When the law reaches a limit, you must realize it.

Through the connection with the origin of the original universe, you can receive the endless power of laws to continuously improve your divine kingdom, and finally evolve into a small universe. Only in this way can you transcend the original universe and rely on this small universe to exist. Even if the original universe is destroyed, It can continue to survive, but it can only exist for three reincarnation eras. If it cannot escape reincarnation in the end, it will still die.

But if it is to break through from divine power to become the strongest person in the universe, it is another way. Everyone knows that the genetic level of the masters of the universe can only be increased to 10081 times, which is the so-called perfect genetic state. This can be said to be This is the limit that the masters of the universe can reach. If you want to break through to the strongest person in the universe, you must be able to break this perfect genetic level and raise your divine power to a new level.

When everyone's divine power can break through the limits and reach a new level, both the body and the soul will evolve. This is the so-called one-power breaking all laws. An extremely powerful force can break this layer of imprisonment. When After the breakthrough, your Kingdom of God will continue to expand, and eventually the Kingdom of God will evolve into a small universe. "

All the powerful human beings present listened carefully, thinking that they did not dare to disturb Luo Yuan's explanation. They must know that the powerful people from various forces in the entire universe sea are actually slowly exploring on their own, and they are lucky enough to take the right path. Only the strongest can break through, but it is obviously difficult to break through the strongest in the universe through luck, so it is very difficult for them to turn their experience into a systematic model that others can imitate.

So far, the strongest person in the entire universe has not reached a limit. You must know that your own breakthrough experience cannot be passed on. After all, every strong person takes a different path, and there are only many successes. Only after the breakthrough experience is integrated can a systematic inheritance be formed.

Luo Yuan said: "If you can break this layer of restrictions, then you will finally be able to fly as high as the sky, start to control your own life, be able to use the great magical power of speaking and acting, and also make the laws of the universe automatically retreat. If you start from Breaking through in terms of divine power is actually the most difficult, but it is easier to break through in terms of laws. I will explain it first in terms of laws that are easy to break through."

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(End of this chapter)

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