Chapter 366 Crazy Siege
  Star Lord Beizhen was very anxious at this time as he watched the huge tomb boat in front of him rush away like this. He had already thought of various ways to deal with the tomb boat, but to no avail, so he became a little annoyed and angry. The Beizhen Star Master directly burned his divine body, and the dazzling divine power was integrated into the spherical supreme treasure, and then he crashed into the huge tomb boat.

Unfortunately, even so, the tomb boat had no impact. It was like an ant biting an elephant, but it didn't even bite the elephant's skin. Immediately, the Beizhen Star Master felt a little powerless, so he directly contacted Zhu Dong. The incarnation in the Emperor Holy Land universe.

Then let the avatar transmit a message to their ancestor of the East Emperor: "Master Ancestor, the human Hunyuan Lord has indeed received the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage, and has also recognized the tomb boat as its owner. At this time, Controlling this boat of tombs, we are unable to stop it with all our methods. Even if I use all my strength to use the most powerful treasure, it will be of no avail. We no longer know what to do."

In the universe of the Holy Land of the East Emperor, the ancestor of the East Emperor, who received the voice transmission from the incarnation of the North True Star Lord, appeared directly. He asked in shock: "Why can't you stop it? Even if you can't beat it, can you not even stop it? So much combat power was dispatched this time, and this is the result?”

Star Lord Beizhen listened to the words of the ancestor of the East Emperor, and he quickly replied: "Master ancestor, it's not that we are not strong enough, it's that this tomb boat was modified by the Duan Donghe River, and it is better than anything we have seen before. The tomb boat is powerful, so neither our attacks nor our restraints are of any use, and all soul and material attacks are also ineffective against it, so I came to report this to you."

The founder of the East Emperor couldn't help but feel distressed when he heard this. He couldn't take risks with his own life, because he was the backbone of this holy land universe. If an accident occurred, the consequences would be unpredictable. That's why he was so anxious at this time. If this human being is allowed to After the Lord of Hunyuan received the inheritance of the Duan Donghe lineage, his growth was a disaster for their Eastern Emperor Holy Land. After all, they had already offended him.

Moreover, the hundreds of universe masters led by Beizhen Star Lord are the strongest combat force that the East Emperor Holy Land universe can send, and they are carrying a large number of the most powerful treasures. If other powerful people come, , there is no way to stop it, even the strongest in the universe will fall when they come. Their team is enough to overthrow any force in the universe sea, but there is nothing they can do about this tomb boat.

The ancestor of the East Emperor couldn't help but sigh: "The Donghe River is really powerful. Just a simple modification of the tomb boat can resist any of our methods. But Beizhen Star Lord, since you can't stop this human being Hunyuan, then keep following him. You must know that we are not the only ones who are sending out forces to besiege this human Hunyuan this time. Let’s see if other forces have any means to stop him. You just wait for the opportunity. If this human Hunyuan Come out of the tomb boat and grab it directly from me."

Beizhen Star Master frowned when he heard this, and he said with some worry: "Master Ancestor, what if we can't snatch this human Hunyuan."

Beizhen Star Master felt that the founder of the East Emperor was trying to embarrass him. You must know that this time in order to snatch the inheritor of the Duan Donghe lineage, that is, the master of human Hunyuan, the Universe Sea mobilized almost all its strength. Even the strongest in the universe Dozens of soldiers were dispatched.

In particular, almost all the strongest people in the universe from the first era of reincarnation are here. If they were asked to deal with only one force, they could still do it, but this time they have to fight against the strongest people in the universe from almost all the forces in the universe sea, and then Trying to seize the master of human Hunyuan is simply a fool's errand. Not to mention seizing the inheritor of Duandonghe. Whether these strong men can survive is a question. You must know that in the face of this supreme inheritance, These forces will not take into account the face of your East Emperor Holy Land Universe.

The ancestor of the East Emperor looked at the tangled expression of the Beizhen Star Master. He also knew that he was a little pushy, so he coughed and said: "If we really can't get the human Hunyuan, then we will launch a special plan. The action process is like this..."

Beizhen Star Master listened carefully to the words of the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor. After he finished listening, he could not help but widen his eyes in shock and said in disbelief: "Master ancestor, this is not good. If you do this, wouldn't it be too much?" That guy is better off." Hearing this, the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor directly scolded: "That's it, do you want a better way? Don't let me down."

Star Lord Beizhen saw the serious expression on the ancestor of the East Emperor, and he could only nod his head, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time, in the Flame Ice Domain of the Space Ship, after Luo Yuan, the current inheritor of the Duandong River lineage, appeared, it suddenly became the center where all the forces in the Universe Sea gathered. Countless powerful people came one after another, especially the Universe. The number of the strongest people far exceeded the total number of the strongest people in the entire original universe. It could be said that all the heroes gathered just to snatch Luo Yuan, which made Luo Yuan speechless.

"Look, it's the tomb boat. The person training inside must be the new inheritor of the Duan Donghe lineage. It's really interesting. Even the strong men who occupy the innermost Dongdi Holy Land Universe didn't take him. Stop, this is incredible.”

"Hahaha, who cares, wouldn't it be better if the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land didn't catch him? This is our opportunity. If we can seize it, then the inheritance of the Duan Donghe line will belong to our clan. Well, even the Eastern Emperor’s Holy Land has nothing to say, let’s do it.”

At this time, many forces from the Cosmic Sea have gathered in the outer area, including the Purple Moon Holy Land and powerful men from all sides from the first era of reincarnation. Even though the Purple Moon Holy Land is also very strong, it cannot suppress all other forces. As the time goes on, especially when the end is approaching, the strong men of various forces in the first reincarnation era are even more crazy, because the inheritance of the Duandonghe line is related to whether their group can transcend reincarnation and become the next holy land universe, even if it is He did not hesitate to offend the two holy places.

So these strongest men in the universe from the first era of reincarnation took action one after another, and then they took out their most powerful treasures, burned the treasures crazily with their divine power, and launched an attack on the tomb boat that was moving forward. Terrifying and powerful attacks erupted one after another on the tomb boat, and the aftermath of the battle caused the space and time to be shattered, revealing the chaotic dimensional wall.

There are also terrifying space turbulences overflowing from it, forming a space strangulation. The strongest people in the universe have shown their own magical powers. Some want to ban the tomb boat and suppress it, and some want to directly use their stubborn power to suppress it. Some of them were just trying to fish in troubled waters. As a result, the masters of the universe did not even dare to approach the battlefield. They could only hide in the distance and launch attacks from time to time.

The tomb boat was also under these various terrifying attacks, with all kinds of ripples and brilliance rippling on its surface like a target, and even trembling, but it still kept moving forward at the previous speed, and sat in the core control hall. Luo Yuan on the throne looked coldly at the crazy attacks of the strongest men in the universe from various forces in the universe sea, with a sneer on his lips. He had memorized all these guys. When he is strong enough in the future, these guys will become his Fireworks to celebrate yourself.

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(End of this chapter)

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