Chapter 369 A little thought

At this time, Luo Yuan was not worried about the strongest people in the universe besieging him, so he naturally became a little interested in the deal just mentioned by Beizhen Star Lord. This ancestor of the East Emperor was the founder of the East Emperor Holy Land, and he was beyond reincarnation. The treasures he possesses are naturally very rich, so he also used his divine power to transmit a message: "What deal do you, the founder of the Eastern Emperor, want to make with me?"

Beizhen Star Master of the Tomb Boat heard Luo Yuan's divine power transmission, and immediately felt relaxed. He was afraid that Luo Yuan would directly refuse or ignore him, and then Beizhen Star Master directly transmitted the message: "Lord of Hunyuan , the fact that you can obtain the inheritance of Duandonghe line also proves your ability. The founder of the East Emperor said that he wants to get the inherited memory that you have obtained. We are not short of treasures and so on. We can exchange it with you. If you can get Duandong It would be better if the core inherited memories of the He lineage were exchanged."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but sneered when he heard this: "Hahaha, it's really funny, Beizhen Star Lord, don't you know why the top experts from all ethnic groups in the Universe Sea came to capture me this time? It's impossible for your Eastern Emperor ancestor to I don’t know, isn’t the most precious thing passed down by the Duan Donghe lineage the inherited memory? Why does your ancestor of the East Emperor ask for these inherited memories with just one mouthful? It’s really a fool’s errand.”

Beizhen Star Master was not angry at Luo Yuan's scolding. He also knew that the demands they made were a bit difficult, but this time the inheritance of the Duandonghe line involved too many things, so he still said patiently: "You should also You know that our East Emperor Holy Land universe has existed for countless years and has received many inheritances, even some supreme inheritances. As long as you agree, we can exchange them with you, and even the most powerful treasures can be given to you."

Luo Yuan heard this but didn't think too much. He said coldly: "Don't even think about it. Your East Emperor Holy Land Universe really likes to dream."

Luo Yuan is still very interested in what the Beizhen Star Master proposed. This cosmic sea is very vast and mysterious, and there are many unknown places. The ancestor of the East Emperor must have the most treasures and inherited information in this cosmic sea. Yes, the treasures they have in their hands are rare and good things for Luo Yuan, but the inherited memory Luo Yuan obtained is the core of Duandonghe's lineage, and he has long been conducting research on the third generation ancestor of Duandonghe. He swore an oath and was bound by the inheritance mark, so it was impossible for him to hand over the inheritance memory.

Seeing Luo Yuan's strong refusal, Beizhen Star Master wanted to try harder, so he said: "The ancestor of our clan, the Dong Emperor, just wants the inherited memory of the Duan Donghe lineage that you have obtained, which can be copied. of."

Luo Yuan still refused: "Stop talking about it. It is impossible for me to agree to the deal you proposed. Don't mention it again."

Star Lord Beizhen felt a little embarrassed when he heard this. He couldn't help but remember that the ancestor of the East Emperor had told him that ancient inheritance like the Duan Donghe line had never been passed down in the continuous inheritance. In other words, There are special protection methods for the secrets of inheritance, so he has no hope of getting the inheritance of Duandonghe line from Luo Yuan.

But Beizhen Star Master was still unwilling to give in. After thinking for a while, he hurriedly said: "What if we exchange part of the inherited memories? Forget those core inherited memories. We just want some training experience. Our clan's Although the founder of the East Emperor is extremely powerful, if he wants to take a step forward, he needs more advanced spiritual practice experience, so that he can avoid detours."

Luo Yuan heard the words and sneered: "Your ancestor of the East Emperor had a pretty good idea, and he also knew that these high-level cultivation experiences are more precious. These things are much more precious than any secret magic power, and your East Emperor Holy Land Universe is not the same. Lack of mystical magical powers.”

In the inherited knowledge of the Duandonghe line that Luo Yuan obtained, in addition to the core inheritance of the three secret arts, there are also the practice experiences of nearly two hundred inheritors of the Duandonghe and those super powerful people in ancient civilizations. The next thing is the basic inheritance knowledge. In fact, the most valuable among these inheritances is the practice experience of various superpowers. The successive inheritors of Duandonghe also understand the importance of high-level cultivation experience, so they record all their cultivation experiences in the inheritance, and they also continue to collect the cultivation experiences of those who are at the peak of their abilities, and will continue to integrate these experiences. In the lineage of Duan Donghe, it is not surprising that the founder of the Dongdi Holy Land universe wants these cultivation experiences.

It's just that these high-level cultivation experiences are also the core part of the Duandonghe lineage inheritance, and they belong to the oath Luo Yuan made at the beginning, so he can't pass on these inheritance cultivation experiences, but the cunning flash in Luo Yuan's eyes, He thought he could deceive this guy from the East Emperor Holy Land Universe. You must know that the human race in the original universe is still too weak.

In particular, the most powerful treasure is also owned by the founder of the giant axe, so Luo Yuan decided to deceive some of the most powerful treasures from the ancestor of the East Emperor to enhance the strength of the human race. The reason why Luo Yuan dared to do this is because now he only has He knows the inheritance of the Duandonghe line best, so it is still possible to defraud the most powerful treasure, even if he fails, it will be okay.

Luo Yuan didn't believe that the founders of the East Emperor's Holy Land universe dared to come out to catch him. You must know that from the start of the inheritance of Duan Donghe to now, the two founders of the Holy Land have not been seen. With their attitude towards Duan Donghe Luo Yuan didn't believe the importance attached to the inheritance and said they didn't want to come out to snatch it. In other words, the two ancestors couldn't come out because they were subject to some restrictions.

With the protection of this invincible tomb boat, Luo Yuan is not worried about being retaliated by them after defrauding the treasures of the universe in the Holy Land of the East Emperor. Their ancestors cannot come out to deal with him, and other powerful people, even the strongest in the universe, Strong people cannot pose a threat to Luo Yuan. After he returns to the original universe and has the protection of the original universe, he will not be afraid of these guys. If he breaks through to the strongest person in the universe, then even the two ancestors will take it. There was nothing he could do, and he still didn't know who would deal with whom when the time came.

After Luo Yuan thought about these things in his mind, he immediately formed a perfect plan, so Luo Yuan's expression became gentle, but he showed some embarrassment: "I can't pass on the inheritance of the Donghe line, even part of it. Not even inheritance."

When Beizhen Star Master heard this, he was overjoyed, because he felt that there was something in Luo Yuan's words. The inherited memories of Duan Donghe's lineage could not be passed on to others, but the inherited memories of other superpowers collected by Duandonghe's lineage should be Okay, those things are the same.

So Lord Beizhen hurriedly said: "Lord of Hunyuan, you can't spread the inheritance of the Duan Donghe line. Naturally, we can understand it, but the Duan Donghe line has inherited countless reincarnation eras and must have collected many super supers. The cultivation experience of a strong person, that’s all we need. Our clan is willing to come up with the secret inheritance and the most powerful treasure, which will definitely satisfy you.”

When Luo Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart. The founder of the East Emperor and the Beizhen Star Master knew a lot, but they knew so much that the training experience of the super strong person even collected by the Duan Donghe lineage was listed in the list. It has entered the core inheritance.

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(End of this chapter)

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