Chapter 374 Distribution
  The Lord of Chaos City also smiled when he heard the words of the founder of the giant axe: "The tomb boat driven by Luo Yuan is indeed extraordinary. I heard that Luo Yuan said that it was specially modified by the previous Duan Donghe in order to select successors, so its defense power Naturally, it is very powerful. Even if the strongest person in the universe comes, he will just look at him and watch him control the tomb boat and leave."

Just when the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Chaos City were talking in this temple, suddenly there was a light and shadow that condensed instantly. The two of them looked and saw that it was Luo Yuan who had entered the virtual universe. The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan and smiled happily. Said: "Luo Yuan, you are here. You really impress us. Originally, we were planning to pay some price to accommodate you."

The founder of the giant ax responded with a smile when he saw Luo Yuan. He and the Lord of Chaos City stood up from the throne and came to Luo Yuan's side together. They talked to Luo Yuan with great concern. They first exchanged greetings. After all, they had been together for a long time. Gone.

After the greetings, Luo Yuan smiled and said: "Teacher, the founder of Giant Axe, I want to tell you a great thing now, a major event related to our human race. If it can be completed, then the strength of our human race can It has been greatly improved, especially the strength of the founder of the giant axe.”

So Luo Yuan revealed his deal with the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe, which shocked the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Chaos City. Although they were both the pinnacle experts of the Universe Sea, and they had experienced countless things, their moods were even more... They could face any crisis without changing their expressions, but when they heard Luo Yuan's plan, they also showed shocked expressions.

The Lord of Chaos City said in a somewhat eager tone: "What you said surprised us. If we can really get those ten most powerful treasures, then the strength of the human race in our original universe will increase to a terrifying level. , you must know that it is very difficult to obtain ten most powerful treasures in the Universe Sea, and even the two holy places have to pay a huge price."

The founder of the giant ax nodded when he heard this, and he also praised Luo Yuan: "Luo Yuan, you have done a good job. You must know that those who can possess the most powerful treasure are basically the strongest people in the universe, and they are also the strongest. Of that batch, even the original ancestors would find it very difficult to kill the strongest person in the universe who possesses the most powerful treasure, let alone seize their most powerful treasure. However, you can do it just by relying on strategy. Although It will offend the powerful people in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe, but as long as we are careful, it will be difficult for them to deal with us."

The Lord of Chaos City also gave Luo Yuan a thumbs up and said: "Luo Yuan, you are indeed powerful. Not only are you strong, you can also use your brain."

Luo Yuan listened to the praises of the two big guys and said with some embarrassment and humility: "It's not that I planned it well, but that the Duandong River lineage I inherited has a great reputation and a deep accumulation, otherwise I wouldn't be able to attract Dong. The strong men of the Emperor’s Holy Land took the bait.”

Luo Yuan understood very well that when the strength reaches the level of the strongest in the universe, they can evade the laws of the universe, and can even use magical powers to follow the rules of the universe. With a small universe as an energy source, the strength they can explode is much more powerful than the master of the universe. Coupled with the most powerful treasure, the strength will directly increase exponentially.

If you have the most powerful treasure of the flying palace type as a weapon for defense and escape, even if the original ancestors come, they will not be allowed to fall, unless it is in some extremely dangerous areas among the three Jedi in the cosmic sea, or there are people from ancient times. This is only possible with secret techniques, but the strongest person in the universe who possesses palace-type supreme treasures is very rare, so the original ancestors back then were invincible in the universe sea.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and said: "Although my plan is very likely to be completed, I think it is very difficult to get the ten most powerful treasures. The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor Holy Land is not so brainless, even if he is against The cultivation inheritance of the strongest person in the universe and above is very needed, but it is not easy for them to come up with ten most powerful treasures at once, so it is impossible for them to give it to me without confirming the authenticity of the inheritance. In the end, they can It’s almost enough to get the two most powerful treasures traded for the first Memory Stone.”

When the founder of the giant ax heard this, he smiled and said: "It's okay, even if we can only get two of the most powerful treasures, we still made a lot of money, and we haven't lost much, not to mention that there is also a palace-type supreme treasure. , if these two most powerful treasures are obtained, then the strength of our human race will be raised to a new level. Even though my strength has been raised to a new level, it is still difficult to face the siege of several of the strongest people in the universe. If I can get a palace-like supreme treasure and use it with my divine axe, then I dare say that even if I am attacked by a dozen of the strongest people in the universe, I will have nothing to fear."

Luo Yuan also smiled when he heard this. He admired the open-mindedness and confidence of the founder of the giant axe. The other strongest people in the universe would not be able to be so calm when facing ten powerful treasures, and the founder of the giant axe The current strength of the leader is indeed very tyrannical.

The founder of the giant ax paused and continued: "Actually, I have been looking for palace-like supreme treasures in the cosmic sea for a long time. It's just a pity that such treasures are too rare. I have searched for countless epochs and still can't find them. But now with your plan, I have hope. Whether it is this most powerful treasure or the basic inheritance of practice from the ancient civilization era that you shared, it has made great contributions to the human race. We will remember your contribution to the human race. For the clan’s contribution, please feel free to ask for anything in the future.”

Luo Yuan also smiled with relief at the words of the founder of the giant axe. This time he deceived the strong men of the Eastern Emperor Holy Land with the mentality of giving it a try. After all, he didn't hurt anything, and he didn't lack the most powerful treasures, no matter what Whether it is the Star Tower or the Chaos God Armor, as well as the true god-level wings, it can be said that he has no lack of the most powerful treasure, and it is also the kind of treasure with great level and potential.

Therefore, Luo Yuan planned these most powerful treasures from the beginning to enhance the strength of the human race in the original universe, especially the strength of the founder of the giant axe. Although Luo Yuan has been exploring the cosmic sea with clones these years, he has also seen many He has a deep understanding of the cruelty of competition in the universe, and also made him understand the importance of a strong ethnic group.

The founder of the giant ax is the anchor of the current human race. In the universe, only one race can stand firm if it is protected by the strongest man at the top. Why do the strong men of the two holy places dare to be unscrupulous in the cosmic sea? This is because Their ancestors were powerful. If the strength of the founder of the giant ax increased to a level comparable to that of the two ancestors, which group would dare to challenge the majesty of mankind.

The founder of the giant ax looked at Luo Yuan solemnly and said, "If we can get our hands on these two most powerful treasures, you and I will each have one."

Luo Yuan shook his head when he heard this. He looked at the founder of the giant ax and the Lord of Chaos City calmly, and then said: "Give this one to you, and give the other to my teacher. You are both the pillars of my human race. , to ensure the strength and majesty of the human race."

The Lord of Chaos City on the side was also stunned when he heard Luo Yuan's words. He did not expect that Luo Yuan would give him another most powerful treasure. In terms of the greatest contribution to the human race nowadays, the founder of the giant ax and Luo Yuan are the ones who have made the greatest contribution to the human race. So they can No one would agree with getting two powerful treasures and dividing them between the founder of the giant ax and Luo Yuan, but Luo Yuan had no idea at all because he didn't need them.

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(End of this chapter)

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