Chapter 392 You listen to my excuses

The training room in the inheritance space of the Duandong River lineage has the function of accelerating time to ten thousand times, so Luo Yuan is not worried about not having enough time. After all, one year from the outside world, Luo Yuan's consciousness stayed in the training room for an epoch, even if No matter how difficult and complicated the inheritance of the Duandonghe line is, it is only a matter of time for Luo Yuan. After all, Luo Yuan's comprehension has reached the level of the strongest person in the universe. It can be said that except for the two ancestors of the Holy Land, Knowing the details, Luo Yuan's understanding is number one.

But Luo Yuan also understands the principle of combining work and rest, so he devoted most of his consciousness to the understanding of the inheritance of Duandonghe lineage, and left some consciousness to enjoy life, in addition to communicating with Jiang Fang, Peilan and others When talking about the meaning of life, I would also take some time to connect with some friends. The Venerable Guiyi in front of me can be said to be one of his closer friends and also his senior brother.

Just when Luo Yuan and Lord Gui Yi were drinking tea and reminiscing about the past, Luo Yuan suddenly frowned because he found that the summons token handed over to him by the North True Star Lord actually vibrated. This made Luo Yuan a little surprised. Could it be that His temporary memory stone that recorded false inheritance was discovered by the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor. He wanted to question him, but Luo Yuan was not afraid even so.

It’s just that there were a total of three memory stones in the deal that was negotiated with the founder of the East Emperor. It’s just that these three memory stones were made by Luo Yuan with the help of the founder of the giant axe, and they did have something to do with it. The content of the cultivation experience that surpasses the strongest person in the universe is just the content classified as ordinary basic level by the predecessor Duan Donghe, so those cultivation experiences are naturally not advanced.

In the inheritance of Duan Donghe, all the contents listed as core inheritance were carefully collected and organized by successive Duan Donghe. Only those dispensable contents that were not valued by them were placed like this. The book exists as an extracurricular reading, so its help to the founder of the Eastern Emperor must be limited, but Luo Yuan will definitely not admit that it was intentional.

He is not afraid of being discovered by the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor. First of all, Luo Yuan is now in the original universe of the original ancestor, and the earth lineage has also been evacuated by him. He is not afraid that the people from the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor will cause trouble for him, and he was trading at the beginning. Shi Luoyuan only said that he would give the ancestor of the East Emperor the inheritance about the superpowers of the ancient civilization, but he had no guarantee that it would be useful to the ancestor of the East Emperor, and Luo Yuan couldn't see it either.

After thinking about this, Luo Yuan calmed down. He took out the communication token from the storage space, and after infiltrating the divine power into it, a figure came in his mind, calling his name, which made Luo Yuan was stunned. It seemed that the strong men in the Eastern Emperor Holy Land already knew his true identity. However, after thinking about it, Luo Yuan didn't find it strange. After all, there were only a dozen or so peak strong men in the human race. He has been thoroughly studied by the strong men of those forces, so it is not surprising to find his name.

Regarding this, Luo Yuan also said calmly: "Who are you, the Lord of Beizhen Star? What do you want from me?"

When the ancestor of the East Emperor across from him heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. He and the Beizhen Star Master had different divine powers. This human Luo Yuan asked this question. It seemed that he was confident, but he also admired Luo Yuan very much. , originally he did not know Luo Yuan's true identity, and only thought that he was a sudden rise of the human race. After analysis by his intelligence team, and combining information from all parties, he came up with Luo Yuan's true identity. For this reason, The Eastern Emperor's Holy Land also exchanged information with other forces in the original universe at a huge cost.

The talent of Luo Yuan, who had only practiced for a few epochs and reached the pinnacle of the Master of the Universe, shocked the founder of the East Emperor. Especially after Luo Yuan obtained the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage, the founder of the East Emperor understood that Luo Yuan and his After growing up, it is no longer possible for any of the strongest people in the universe to kill him. After all, Luo Yuan's character is too stable, and it is difficult to have a chance to truly kill him.

The founder of the East Emperor calmed down his mood, and he added another mana message: "I am the founder of the Holy Land of the East Emperor, the East Emperor."

When Luo Yuan heard this, he was also stunned. Why did this powerful man suddenly come to him? Could it be that he wanted to raise an army to accuse him? But it didn't sound like it from his tone. This Eastern Emperor was the same as the ancestor of the Purple Moon Holy Land. Ziyue is also the oldest and most powerful super power in the universe sea. Apart from the original universe, these two are the strongest. Even their small universe is the largest. But Luo Yuan was not panicked. Could it be that the ancestor of the East Emperor could still follow the network cable to beat him? So Luo Yuan said calmly: "I didn't expect that the ancestor of the East Emperor already knew my true identity. How could I be beaten by you, a super strong man?" You know, I'm really honored, so why are you looking for me? I'm very busy now, so if you have nothing to do, don't nag."

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor was not angry at Luo Yuan's seemingly respectful but distant attitude, and asked: "Are you able to use the two most powerful treasures I asked Master Beizhen to give you?"

Luo Yuan just said calmly when he heard this: "Well, the two most powerful treasures you gave me are okay, but I'm not used to using the Yanjun stick, and the attack method is also single. If I replace it with a rare one The most powerful treasures in the palace or realm are almost the same.”

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor laughed inwardly at Luo Yuan's appearance of being a good boy after getting an advantage, and he sent a message: "I, the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor, will try my best to satisfy you with the request you made before, but the Memory Stone you gave me I was disappointed by the recorded practice experience.

Although there is information about the cultivation experience that has surpassed the level of the strongest person in the universe, it is not only very messy, but most of it is just conjecture. It has little practical value to me. You don’t really want to trade like this. The rest It’s hard for me to trade with you for the seven most powerful treasures. I think you are a peerless cultivation genius, but you can’t be so incompetent. "

When Luo Yuan heard that the ancestor of the East Emperor said that he had no character, he was immediately unhappy. However, having studied the self-cultivation of actors, he still kept this unhappiness in his heart. He directly argued: "This Lord East Emperor , you also know that I am only the Lord of the Universe now, and I cannot see content at the level of the strongest person in the universe, let alone content that surpasses the strongest person in the universe.

Even the founder of my clan’s giant ax can’t see it, so how can I deceive you? So I don’t know what information about the strongest man in the universe is recorded in those memory stones. As for whether it has any information for you. Help, I don’t know even more about this. You are really wronging me by saying this. My reputation as the Lord of Chaos is very good in this cosmic sea. I have always been very disciplined in doing things. I will destroy anyone I say. Who, you see, I have been wandering in this cosmic sea for so many years, and everyone who has been ordered to kill me has escaped. "

A trace of anger flashed in the heart of the founder of the East Emperor at Luo Yuan's sophistry, and he said coldly: "Human Hunyuan, do you think that with my identity and strength, it is necessary to specifically question you because of two powerful treasures? It's just It’s just what you did that made me dissatisfied.”

When Luo Yuan heard this, he knew that the ancestor of the East Emperor didn't completely disbelieve his words. Otherwise, this guy would have been offline long ago, so he continued to quibble: "Master East Emperor, you can't say that. I just said before that I would record it." I have exchanged the memory stones of those super powerful people from the ancient civilization era with you for ten powerful treasures. How do I know if they meet your requirements?"

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(End of this chapter)

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