Chapter 394 The giant ax fell?
  As a powerful universe lord who can independently navigate the universe sea, the Lord of Basi is not at the same level as the creatures living in the giant axe's small universe. He naturally has a very high vision and rich knowledge. When he saw the creation of the giant axe, After seeing the changes in the observer's small universe, he immediately understood that the small universe in front of him was disintegrating, and the disintegration started not long ago. This meant that the strongest human race in the original universe was also the only one who could The strongest man in the action universe, the founder of the Great Ax, has fallen.

At this time, the Lord of Ba Shi's eyes widened. He felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary. He knew that there were only two strongest people in the human race in the original universe, and the strongest original ancestor had been killed a long time ago. The original will of the universe has been permanently suppressed. Now the founder of the giant axe, who is the only one who can control the human race, has fallen. Doesn't it mean that the current strength of the human race is rapidly declining, and it no longer has the qualifications to be the pinnacle race. This Lord of the Bashi is The strong men of the Prison Tribe have always been suppressed by the four peak tribes.

In the view of Lord Basin, whether it is the Zerg, Monster, Mechanical, or Human races, the four peak tribes have the strongest people in the universe at their command, so they can always occupy the best territory in the original universe, but now the Human race has lost Being protected by the strongest person in the universe, doesn't that mean that the prison clan also has a chance.

And some time ago, I heard that the Hunyuan Lord of the human race also obtained the inheritance of Duan Donghe, which is a supreme inheritance that can be coveted by hundreds of powerful forces in the entire universe sea. I heard that Duan Donghe The inheritance of one line and the knowledge inheritance that allows the strongest in the universe to transcend reincarnation and promote the small universe to the holy land universe, wouldn't there be a chance now?

The Lord of Basi couldn't help but ponder, if the news of the death of the founder of the giant ax was passed on, wouldn't all the forces in the universe sea go crazy, especially the various ethnic groups in the original universe would take action against the human race, and then there would be a good show I saw it, but now there is no news about the death of the founder of the giant ax in the original universe. This shows that the human race has concealed the news very well.

The Lord of Ba Shi felt that now was an opportunity for his prison tribe, because now that tribe knew the news and took the initiative, so the Lord of Bas Shi decided to quickly spread the news of the death of the founder of the giant ax back to the prison. clan.

At this time, "Prison", the hometown of the Lord of the Basi Lions, is the birthplace and residence of the Hell Clan. All races here yearn for the strong. It is a place where the weak and the strong eat the strong, so these creatures are fighting every day to win. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Although there are different races, they are all born and survive in this place called prison, so they are directly named after the prison clan.

It can be said that this place called prison is a place of extreme chaos. Among these prison clans, the strongest one is the demon ancestor of the prison clan. This is also the real controller of the prison clan. His status is naturally the highest. There is no one in the prison. The race dared to defy his orders.

At this time, in this boundless prison, there is an endless mountain range, which is shrouded in terrifying cold air all year round, and these mountains are distributed in a ladder shape, spreading from the lowest mountain range to the highest mountain range. This is the prison clan The ancestral mountain of the Hell Clan is the place that the strong men desire most. All the strong men of the Hell Clan also live in it, and they occupy the mountain range according to their strength.

The person who can live at the peak of the highest mountain range is naturally the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Tribe. At this time, a figure is flying rapidly towards the highest peak of the Hell Tribe's ancestral mountain. This is the avatar of the Lord of the Basi Lion left here. Because the Lord of the Basi Lion is powerful and has the peak combat power among the Hell Clan, he has a very high status. Even the guards did not stop him from flying all the way.

Soon the Lord of the Basi Lion arrived at the highest peak of the Hell Clan’s ancestral mountain. There was a magnificent temple here. The moment the Lord of the Basi Lion appeared, the head guard guarding the door of the temple immediately spotted him and quickly stopped him and shouted. : "Lord of the Basi Lion, why did you suddenly appear here and send a clone here? Is this a provocation to the Lord Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan?"

The Lord of Basi was unhappy with the way the leader of the guard in front of him slapped him, but he was indeed in an emergency right now and had no time to waste time with this little guy. If the guy in front of him was not a core member of Lord Demon Ancestor, he would just He slapped him down, so he just said coldly: "I must have something urgent to do with Master Demon Ancestor. This is a major matter related to the survival of our prison clan."

Hearing this, the leader of the guard carefully looked at the Lord of Bashi and did not stop him, because the Lord Demon Ancestor must have known everything that happened here. As the leader of the guard opened the door of the temple, the Lord of Bashi came. He flew directly in, and soon the Lord of Ba Shi arrived in the main hall of the temple. The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan was already sitting on the throne on the high platform of the hall, looking at the Lord of Bas Lion. The Lord of Basi looked carefully at the Demon Ancestor on the throne. He saw that the Demon Ancestor was covered in a mixture of silver and black, making it difficult to see his face. He looked like a human, but he had a long face. He held his tail, and the aura emanating from his body brought great pressure to the Lord of the Basi Lion, which made him quickly lower his head, not daring to look at the Demon Ancestor.

The Lord of Basi knows that the reason why the current Hell Clan is in this extremely chaotic situation is all controlled by this Demon Ancestor. Whether it is the hierarchy he created or the way in which all members of the Hell Clan can pass Fight and rob to satisfy all your demands. As long as you are strong, you can do whatever you want in this prison clan. There is no law here, only the law of the jungle.

This caused the Hell Clan to become such a chaotic place. It was like raising poison. The strong ones who survived could be accepted as disciples by the Demon Ancestor, and then became one of the controllers of the Hell Clan. It was so cruel. Although the competition system of the Hell Clan has caused the death of countless members of the Hell Clan, it has indeed ensured the strength of the Hell Clan, because every surviving Hell Clan member has no weaklings.

The Lord of Ba Shi bowed respectfully to Demon Ancestor, and then said: "Master Demon Ancestor, I came to you suddenly this time to inform you of something important."

The Demon Ancestor's voice that could not tell the difference between male and female said in a deep voice: "Oh, aren't you wandering around in the cosmic sea now? You suddenly sent a clone to see me. Did you find anything interesting in the cosmic sea that can make you so nervous? I hope the news doesn’t disappoint me.”

The Lord of Basi couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He smiled and said: "Lord Demon Ancestor is indeed a mastermind. When I passed by the small universe of the founder of the human race's giant axe, I found that his small universe was disintegrating. It means that the founder of the great ax has fallen."

As soon as the Master of Ba Shi finished speaking, the Demon Ancestor immediately turned into an afterimage. The next moment, he appeared in front of the Master of Ba Shi. Then he grabbed the Master of Ba Shi by his collar and stared at Ba Shi with his red pupils. The Lord looked very anxious and said: "Lord of Basi, are you telling the truth? The founder of the giant ax of the human race is stronger than me. How could he fall so easily?

I heard that the founder of the giant ax not long ago obtained a most powerful and treasure-level divine ax. His strength must have reached the peak of the strongest person in the universe. Now you tell me that he has fallen. What kind of cosmic joke are you kidding? If you dare to lie to me, you can't afford the consequences. "

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(End of this chapter)

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