Chapter 405 Authority
  The Lords of the Twelve Universes of the Demon Clan heard the order from the Dream Demon Ancestor, and immediately took action one by one. They knew that they really underestimated the human race this time, and if they did not use all their strength, they would really fall. In this way, if the demon tribe loses their peak combat power, won't they be eaten up by other forces in the original universe? And they know that the Lord of Peng Gong is the weakest among the three Luo Yuan.

Immediately, the masters of the universe of the monster clan rushed towards Lord Peng Gong one by one. Whether it was long-range telepathy weapons, melee peak treasures, or soul treasure attacks, they all came to greet Lord Peng Gong. The Lord of Peng Gong was even more angry. Although he was the weakest among the three, there was no need to bully him. He was not an honest person. Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness who were on the side couldn't stand it anymore, so they started to bully him. Take action.

The Lord of Darkness summoned the Black Prison Tower that was blasted by the Dream Demon Ancestor, and then used the soul secret method Dark Sinking. Suddenly an invisible wave of power suppressed the twelve Masters of the Universe of the Demon Clan. Luo Yuan also saw this. He exerted the power of his Chaos Cage to the maximum, and at the same time used the powerful secret method of the Golden Kingdom to suppress the twelve masters of the universe of the demon clan. This time, the power was even stronger, allowing the strong men of the demon clan to Frightened.

Meng Yaozu, the strongest person in the universe of the Monster Clan, felt troubled when he saw the domain power exerted by Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness. He knew that if this domain power was not broken, then the twelve Masters of the Universe of the Monster Clan would not be able to break through it at all. Without the power to fight back, the Dream Demon Ancestor roared, and its majestic divine power erupted like a volcano. Immediately, the time and space began to vibrate under the influence of the powerful divine power, forming a terrifying impact that affected the fields of Luo Yuan and others. .

Suddenly, both Luo Yuan's domain power and the Dark Ancestor's soul fluctuations were suppressed by the Dream Demon Ancestor. However, the Demon Race's Master of the Universe was not affected by the Dream Demon Ancestor's divine power, which gave them another advantage. , the twelve Lords of the Universe immediately concentrated their strength and bombarded the Lord of Peng Gong. They understood that both Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness also had the most powerful treasure, so he had to give priority to destroying the weakest Lord of Peng Gong.

At this time, Lord Peng Gong wielded the Yanjun stick and tried his best to resist the joint attack of the twelve monster masters of the universe. However, it was difficult for him to defeat the four hands with two fists. Lord Peng Gong's attack was quite difficult. You must know that these twelve monsters The Lords of the Universe of the clan have joined forces, and even without the most powerful treasure, they have been able to contend with the true strongest person in the universe for a while. The Dream Demon Ancestor once blocked the joint attacks of Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness, and still had time to laugh at Peng Gong. The Lord disturbs his mind.

Dream Demon Ancestor saw that Lord Peng Gong was increasingly at a disadvantage. It directly used its body skills, and suddenly came to the side of Lord Peng Gong at an extreme speed exceeding the speed of light, and suppressed Lord Peng Gong. It knew that here It is difficult for the original universe to kill Lord Peng Gong, so the Dream Demon Clan is preparing to seal and suppress Lord Peng Gong and other human universe masters. The Dream Demon Ancestor looked at Master Peng Gong and sneered: "You humans Do you still want to win without the strongest man in the universe?”

Suddenly, the twelve monster universe masters who were besieging the Lord of Peng Gong saw the Dream Demon Ancestor coming, and they were all excited. They were definitely under the leadership of the Dream Demon Ancestor, and they could deal with the Master of Peng Gong together. As soon as they caught it, they immediately gained confidence. The Dream Demon Ancestor also directly expanded his body to millions of kilometers in size, and then the powerful snake tail swept towards the Lord of Peng Gong. The Lord of Peng Gong had no choice but to control the Yanjun stick to block it with all his strength.

Immediately, the Lord of Peng Gong spread the word to Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness that he really couldn't stop him. The task of testing the strength of the strongest man in the universe was finally completed. After all, they hadn't really taken action yet. This time they just wanted to collect the most powerful people in the universe. It was a test of the strength that a strong man could exert in the original universe before he could adopt a countermeasure. After getting Luo Yuan's permission, Lord Peng Gong took advantage of the opportunity to be blasted away by the Dream Demon Ancestor and used the secret method of speed. speed of light.

As Lord Peng Gong used a powerful secret method to reach the speed of light and then entered the dark universe, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Darkness also smiled when they saw this. They also used a secret method to reach the speed of light. Suddenly the three figures disappeared. Arriving in the dark universe, the strong men of the demon clan were stunned.

At this time, the Dream Demon Ancestor also looked at Luo Yuan and the others who disappeared out of thin air. Not only did it frown, he could see that Luo Yuan and others had entered the dark universe. At this time, the Dream Demon Ancestor expanded his divine body to One light-year in size, the twelve monster universe masters stood in front of it like dust. However, these monster universe masters thought that Luo Yuan and others could not be defeated, so they ran into the dark universe. They all said they wanted to enter. The chase ensues in the dark universe.

The Dream Demon Ancestor also nodded upon hearing this, and its huge divine body instantly sensed the direction of the dark universe, and then transferred to the dark universe. At this time in the virtual universe, the plane space previously opened for the founder of Giant Ax is still maintained. Luo Yuan and other human race masters of the universe are gathered in the temple at this time. Although they are fighting in the starry sky of the universe, they can There is always a separate consciousness gathered in this temple to communicate and cooperate at any time. This is more powerful than any means of contact, allowing them to completely unite without any hesitation.

Lord Peng Gong was the first to speak: "As the strongest person in the universe, the Dream Demon Ancestor can be used as our assessment of the strength of the strongest people in other universes this time. However, the Dream Demon Ancestor is indeed powerful, as well as the twelve demon clans The Lord of the Universe actually chases me and fights me, it’s really abominable, I almost died.”

The Lord of Darkness also nodded when he heard this and said: "The strength of the strongest man in the universe cannot be underestimated, especially since the Dream Demon Ancestor also possesses the most powerful treasure."

Luo Yuan also nodded in agreement. This time he was really facing the attack of the strongest person in the universe. After all, the strongest person in the universe was more powerful than the Lord of the Universe. As they were restricted by the rules of the original universe, no matter whether it was divine power Or the attack power has been weakened, and these strongest people in the universe did not dare to actually kill the Lord of the Universe in the original universe. If they dared to do so, they would be punished by the original universe. Even Quan Bin, who said and followed the law, would not Gone.

But even so, the strength of these strongest people in the universe is still stronger than the master of the peak universe. Especially the strongest people in the universe who possess the most powerful treasures are invincible existences in the original universe. They are both speed and combat power. The master of the universe far exceeds the sixth level, and when these strongest people in the universe are able to resist the attraction of the dark universe when they use speeds far exceeding the speed of light, they have a speed that even Luo Yuan and others cannot react to.

You must know that even if the Master of the Universe reaches the speed of light in the original universe, he will be directly forcibly transported to the dark universe, which means that he may miss the opportunity to fight, but the strongest person in the universe can indeed resist the attraction of the dark universe. In the original universe, one could reach extreme speeds far exceeding the speed of light, but Luo Yuan and the other masters of the universe did not dare to use speeds exceeding the speed of light, as that would lead to a direct battle.

That's why the speed of the Dream Demon Ancestor was so fast that even Luo Yuan and others couldn't react. This is also the authority and special ability of being the strongest person in the universe. Therefore, even if Luo Yuan's true form has a combat power that surpasses the strongest person in the universe, However, he would not easily fight against the strongest people in the universe, because there was no guarantee that he would not overturn. He decided to wait until his breakthrough reached the strongest people in the universe before taking action. He was extremely stable and the only way to crush him with force was to .

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(End of this chapter)

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