I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 407: The realm of divine swords, one sword reaching the sky

Chapter 407: The realm of divine swords, a sword that reaches the sky
  At this time, after the human race's universe masters took action one after another, they looked at Luo Yuan, because in the previously formulated battle plan, Luo Yuan was the last and very important finisher, especially the blood shadow knife behind Luo Yuan. He has never used it before. This is a magical weapon that can continue to grow. The divine wings behind Luo Yuan flapped rapidly. His speed immediately increased to the extreme, and he rushed towards the fallen demon clan warriors.

Luo Yuan pulled out the blood shadow knife from behind, and the bright sword light suddenly flashed. This scene frightened the strong men of the demon clan. They originally came to harvest these strong human beings with unrivaled strength. , but the reality is that they have been led by Luo Yuan and others, and every step is in Luo Yuan's calculations, and Dream Demon Ancestor also knows that although Luo Yuan is just the new Lord of the Universe, his strength cannot be underestimated, especially It has the inheritance of Duan Donghe.

But no matter how powerful the inheritance of the Duan Donghe line is, it still needs time to cultivate slowly. How can it reach a level that can threaten the strongest person in the universe so quickly? But when it saw Luo Yuan waving that stone weapon... When fighting the sword, Dream Demon Ancestor knew that he still underestimated Luo Yuan's strength. Among all the universe masters in the human race, the strongest one was actually Luo Yuan, whom he underestimated, but Luo Yuan had always kept a low profile.

Seeing this, the Dream Demon Clan of the Demon Clan roared angrily: "Human Hunyuan, you are hiding so deep. We, the Demon Clan, will never let you stay." After speaking, the Dream Demon Clan charged directly towards Luo Yuan, its huge The snake body smashed hard at Luo Yuan, but its speed was not as fast as Luo Yuan's knife. This blood shadow knife was originally a Yuan embryo, and it could be comparable to that of Luo Yuan without using any secret patterns. It is a powerful treasure, not to mention that it has been integrated into the secret patterns of the three styles of Ba Dao by Luo Yuan, and its power is unimaginable.

When Luo Yuan pulled out the Blood Shadow Sword, he directly used the first move of his self-created "Hegemon Sword", which surpassed the strongest person in the universe, to open the realm of the Divine Sword of Heaven. Immediately, endless sword light appeared, and then still It was not allowed to expand, and soon formed a huge dark sphere, imprisoning all the strong men of the demon clan. Those terrifying sword lights were crushing and killing the strong men of the demon clan. Each one was comparable to the peak universe. A blow from the Lord.

Moreover, this magical sword realm is like a condensed small universe. If all the sword lights in it cannot be blasted away, it is impossible to escape. Fortunately, the Dream Demon Ancestor has a powerful and treasure-level armor defense, and he did not suffer much damage. , but was unable to fight back for the moment, and could only be passively attacked by countless swords, and felt very aggrieved. It was the most powerful person in the universe, but now it could only be beaten passively, while the masters of the universe of the demon clan were in misery.

At this time, although the twelve demon clan masters of the universe were protected by the peak treasure, they were still overwhelmed by the endless sword light, and they felt that it was too much. If this continued, even the peak treasure would not be able to stop them, and sooner or later they would fall. Here, they also thought that as long as they remained still, they could return to the original universe and escape from the realm of swords. However, these sword lights were too fast, and they were enveloped before they had time to think.

Luo Yuan, who had been observing the changes of the demon warriors in the realm of the magic sword he used, also noticed their little thoughts. It seemed that these demon clan warriors also used their brains, and they only left him when they knew how to leave the dark universe. In the realm of divine swords, Luo Yuan would not let them have an easy time, so under the control of Luo Yuan, all the sword lights in the realm of divine swords left the combination and condensed into a sky-reaching giant blade. This giant blade was condensed by countless sword lights, and it possessed great strength. Naturally scary.

The power of this sword can be said to have reached the level of the strongest person in the universe. Then as the sword condensed, the original divine sword domain also disappeared. Then Luo Yuan controlled this sky-reaching sword to sweep directly towards those monster clan strongmen. , the speed also reached the extreme. At this moment, the masters of the universe of the demon clan saw a sword that they would never forget, a sword that made their souls tremble. This sword seemed to directly split the universe in half, and the surrounding time and space were directly Being split open by this knife was as easy as cutting tofu, and the terrifying knife light lingered in the universe for a long time.

The sword light flashed, and all of a sudden the demon clan masters of the universe let out shrill screams. Two of the twelve demon clan masters of the universe unexpectedly died, four were seriously injured, and even ten percent of their divine bodies were lost. No more. Although the remaining six were less injured, they had no power to resist, especially the top defensive treasures on their bodies were directly destroyed by this knife.

This is a top treasure. If they don't use these treasures to protect their bodies, they will really fall this time. Strong men who have not faced Luo Yuan's sword can't understand the mood of the masters of the universe of these demon clans at this time. , this knife made them feel scared, and they completely lost their belief in resisting, leaving a shadow on them. If they could not take this step, their realm would never be able to improve.

"What kind of sword technique is this? It's so strong that we have no faith to resist. If it weren't for the protection of the Supreme Treasure, we would also fall. If this human Hunyuan were to use a few sword techniques like this, wouldn't we? I have to explain everything here, I don’t want to fight, I want to go home, it’s too scary.”

"Hey, this human race seems to have risen. Even without the protection of the strongest man in the universe, they can't be defeated. The Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong are already powerful enough to control the most powerful and precious treasures. Unexpectedly, the The most powerful one turned out to be the Hunyuan Lord of the human race. I really underestimated him. Sooner or later, this guy will be known as the strongest. When he fails, those of us who take action will be in danger. Thinking about it, I really regret it. I shouldn't have done it. A standout."

These strong men of the demon clan were all depressed. They thought they were sure of victory this time, but they were beaten to a great deal of embarrassment. After having no choice but to leave the dark universe and return to the original universe, their Dream Demon Ancestor also returned immediately. In the original universe, without the protection of the Dream Demon Ancestor, they, the masters of the universe, would naturally suffer heavy losses. Seeing this, Luo Yuan and other human race masters of the universe also returned to the original universe. Now they cannot let these strong men of the demon clan escape.

At this time, in the uninhabited Star Territory of Annihilation, strong men from the demon race and the human race appeared one after another. Suddenly Luo Yuan's Chaos Cage and the Kingdom of Gold once again enveloped this star territory, and the invisible power of the domain moved toward The strong men of the demon tribe suppressed them. At this time, Luo Yuan had already controlled this star field. The masters of the universe of these demon tribes were frightened. They knew that Luo Yuan had a plan and he acted decisively. It also let them know that Luo Yuan was powerful enough to kill them. Suddenly, the masters of the universe of these demon clans sent signals for help to the Dream Demon Ancestor, because they knew they could not stop him.

At this time, the masters of the universe of these demon clans are all injured, and they no longer have the ability and belief to fight Luo Yuan and others. If Luo Yuan is allowed to take action, then they will all have to answer here, and the Dream Demon Ancestor Seeing the embarrassment of his men, the eyes he looked at Luo Yuan became even colder and angrier.

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(End of this chapter)

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