I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 433 The universe in your hand

Chapter 433 The universe in your hand
  When the Lord of Chaos City said that this sculpture like a work of art was the treasure of the clan left by the original ancestor, all the masters of the human universe present looked puzzled, because judging from the aura emanating from this sculpture, it was the highest There is a big gap between the level of a high-level treasure and the most powerful treasure. How could such a little thing control the clan? The Lord of Chaos City also expected that everyone would have such a reaction, so he just smiled.

Then the Lord of Chaos City said: "Don't look at the aura of this treasure, but its actual power is not simple. Now I use divine power to activate it, so you can know how powerful this treasure is." said the Lord of Chaos City. Immediately, majestic divine power surged out from the palm of his hand, and then all of this divine power was swallowed up by the sculpture treasure. Suddenly, the sculpture treasure floated up on its own, and then became huge, reaching tens of thousands of kilometers in just the blink of an eye.

A huge island appeared. There was an endless lake on the island. There was a hill on the lake, and there was a very spacious wooden house at the foot of the mountain. Then everyone followed the Lord of Chaos City to the island and came to the wooden house. See Looking at the vast and endless lake, I felt that the scenery was quite good, but everyone did not feel the powerful aura emanating from this treasure. The Lord of Chaos City immediately summoned another clone of himself.

The Lord of Chaos City explained: "It is a bit difficult to control this treasure, and the divine power required is also huge, so I summoned my clone and cast it at the same time as my original body to activate it. When I activate the secret method of this treasure, Everyone can naturally feel the power of this treasure."

After speaking, the Lord of Chaos City let his huge clone come to the mountain. Then his clone miraculously merged with the towering mountain in front of him, while the original body of the Lord of Chaos City flew to the center of the lake, and then Stepping on the lake like this, with the input of the Chaos City Lord's divine power, cyan secret lines suddenly appeared around the entire space. These secret lines were linked to each other and soon covered every corner.

The space of this treasure showed a green light, and then both the earth and the lake began to shake. The secret patterns had to approach the spacious wooden house one after another, turning the wooden house into the core of the secret patterns, and then released it in the wooden house. The bright divine light illuminated everything around it, and soon the space was enveloped in light. At the same time, a powerful pressure came, making all the universe masters present feel frightened, but it was very strong. .

The Lord of Chaos City stood on the lake, and his voice reached the ears of every Universe Lord: "This treasure was refined by Teacher Yuanzu with a lot of effort. It is called the Palm Universe. The materials of every component are very precious. It's just that the secret pattern structure is not that strong. After all, Teacher Yuanzu is not a specialized weapon refining master, so only by combining the power of all the components can a small world be formed. This should not be underestimated.

After all, Teacher Yuanzu was already the strongest person in the universe at that time, so he understood the laws of the universe better than any other strong person, so he integrated this understanding into this treasure. When it is fully activated, , can form a closed small universe, but it is relatively simple, and when the range covered by this handheld universe can be suppressed by the cosmic power it emits, it can also launch two peak sixth-order attacks.

Moreover, the area covered by this treasure can reach a diameter of one light-year, which can also pose a huge threat to the strongest people in the universe. "

The universe masters of all races present were stunned when they heard this. This high-level treasure, which was only refined by the original ancestor, actually produced more powerful power than the domain-type supreme treasure after being activated, because Domain-type supreme treasures are only used as auxiliary treasures. They can suppress the enemy to weaken the enemy's power. They cannot form attack power. They need to be matched with other means to achieve this level.

Therefore, the most powerful treasures in the field cannot exert the power of the sixth level peak. However, the handheld universe in front of you can not only suppress the enemy, but also affect a very wide range. The most important thing is that it can also attack the enemy within the covered area. Two sixth-order peak attacks are unparalleled. Once used, it is like two of the strongest people in the universe sending out a powerful blow. Moreover, they can attack from any angle at any time, which can achieve unexpected effects.

The Lord of Chaos City continued: "This is also the reason why it is named Palm Universe. Once it is used to envelope the enemy, it is like trapping them in their own small universe. As the master of Palm Universe, I only need A single thought can unleash a powerful attack on any target. Even the strongest people in the universe, trapped by this treasure, can suppress them for a period of time without being able to escape, and launch powerful attacks.

It's a pity that the strongest attack that this handheld universe can perform can only reach the sixth level peak. However, in the original universe, the strongest people in the universe can only exert the power of the sixth level peak, so as a defensive treasure of the clan It's still pretty good, even if a few of the strongest people in the universe come, they have to kneel down. "

After hearing the words of the Lord of Chaos City, all the human universe masters present couldn't help but admire the ability of the original ancestor. The original ancestor was not a professional weapon refining master, but a high-level treasure he refined was actually stronger than the supreme in the field. The treasure is still powerful. If the original ancestor's refining level increases, then how much treasure can he refine? Of course, all the forces in the universe sea are not short of the most powerful treasure, so the final result is hard to say.

Luo Yuan looked at this handheld universe and couldn't help but think of his own Wu-Slaying Wings, which all contained the structural principles of the mechanical flow. However, his Wu-Slaying Wings, as the pinnacle of the mechanical flow, were much more complicated than the handheld universe in front of him. , Luo Yuan could see that the secret pattern of this handheld universe was simple, but it cleverly combined all the parts, and finally concentrated on that wooden house. This wooden house was the core of energy, and the energy that was not dared to be used was not Small.

Luo Yuan also understood why the Lord of Chaos City summoned a clone of himself to perform with his true form. That is to say, two peak universe masters were needed to burn the divine power together. The power was naturally powerful. After all, at the peak of the original universe The Lord of the Universe has the strongest combat power, and the strongest person in the universe can only exert this level of power. This consumes much more energy than Luo Yuan's Winged Treasure, so Luo Yuan's Winged Treasure is still stronger.

In other words, this handheld universe is a low-end mechanical treasure after all. However, when the original ancestor created it, he integrated the structural principles of the energy core into it and improved its power a lot. As long as the divine power during activation is enough, it will be enough. It can explode with powerful power, so this handheld universe seems to be at the level of a high-level treasure. However, with the Chaos City Lord and the clone working together to use divine energy to activate such a powerful power, it seems to be limited to the level of the sixth level peak.

The original ancestor integrated his own rules for the operation of the universe into this handheld universe. Whether it is the universe, all things, or the original laws of the universe, they all revolve around a core energy. Although it seems simple, the secret pattern structure is very important to all universes present. The masters have inspired them, giving them a more intuitive understanding of the structure of the small universe, which will play a great role in their future breakthrough to the strongest person in the universe.

After the Lord of Chaos City introduced the treasure of the Palm Universe to everyone, everyone also gained a certain degree of confidence in the upcoming battle, so they went back to prepare. Luo Yuan came to the balcony of the Lord of Chaos City's temple, overlooking the busy human race powerhouses below. , also looked solemn, especially since the establishment of the Free Alliance directly changed the existing structure, and their ambitions are not small. As the strongest force in the original universe, their requirements are also demanding. What worries Luo Yuan now is that the Ancestral God Cult and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance, including those who are the strongest in the universe alone, are waiting for his reply, and they all want Luo Yuan to break through the Duandonghe inheritance to become the strongest in the universe. Luo Yuan was very clear that if he really handed it over to them, all the forces in the entire universe sea would get it, which would be a greater threat to the human race. big.

And the reason why the human race is not willing to go to war with other forces now is not to protect these inheritances, because as long as the human race has these inheritances in their hands, then the human race will inevitably become the most powerful force in the universe sea in the future, but if they just hand it over, then what they have done before All efforts were in vain.

Not only Luo Yuan is worried, but also the Lord of Chaos City. Because the current human race has the inheritance of the Duandong River, they have suddenly become the enemies of all forces in the Cosmic Sea. The inheritance of Duandonghe that Luo Yuan received has this complete It is the practice experience and secret method inheritance of the ancient civilization. After all, the ancient civilization can be so powerful only through the accumulation of endless years to have such a glorious history. It is just a treasure to the forces in the current cosmic sea.

In addition to the entire inheritance process of how to train a creature from the apprentice system to the master of the universe, if the master of the universe continues to break through the cultivation experience to the limit of the strongest person in the universe, for all the forces in the universe sea and the original universe, They are undoubtedly more interested in the subsequent practice experience, but once these inherited secrets and practice experience are handed over, the various forces will inevitably grow up immediately.

The number of those forces who are not only the masters of the universe but also the strongest people in the universe will also increase rapidly. If a few strong people like the original ancestors who are the strongest in the universe are born, it will be dangerous for the human race. In that way, the human race will gain The Duandong River inheritance has completely lost its role in taking the lead. Then what is the significance of Luo Yuan spending three epochs to pass the Duandong River test to obtain the inheritance? Is it just to make a wedding dress for other forces?

The Lord of Chaos City was also discussing the next battle plan with the human race's universe masters at this time. He said directly: "The inheritance that the human race finally obtained cannot be handed over just like this, so I decided to fight them. They want to get our inheritance. It's just nonsense, Luo Yuan, how are you completing the four strongest clones you created?" Luo Yuan smiled and said: "Teacher, they have been completed through time acceleration, and each one has the strength of the sixth level peak."

The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but be happy when he heard this. With the four clones of Luo Yuan, plus the Lord of Peng Gong and the Lord of Darkness, plus the three clones of the Lord of Chaos City, the human race has a sixth-level peak combat power. It increased a lot all of a sudden, and he had the confidence to fight against other forces, so the Lord of Chaos City said happily: "Yes, Luo Yuanqian did a good job. It is a blessing for our human race to have a strong man like you. It’s also our luck.”

Luo Yuan also smiled, and then said: "Teacher, I see that you have been frowning. Are you worried about the final battle?"

The Lord of Chaos City also sighed after hearing this: "You have finally figured it out. The opponents faced by the human race this time are too powerful, especially the sudden appearance of the Free Alliance. They are so ambitious that they have directly become the most powerful force in the original universe. , and has a strong attitude, even neutral forces such as the Ancestral God Sect and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance have made various demands on us, not to mention the strongest in the universe who are alone, they are all eyeing us."

Luo Yuan also frowned when he heard this. This was what he was worried about before. The current human race does not have the strongest person in the universe. Although they have a lot of treasures and have won a great victory in the battle with the three-race coalition, no matter how strong their human race is, , it is impossible for one clan to fight against all the forces in the original universe, so Luo Yuan asked: "Then what is the teacher's final decision? Your decision will affect the next human race's enemy plan. After all, you are the decision-maker. "

After hearing what Luo Yuan said, the Lord of Mixed City said directly: "I have already thought about it. This inheritance is very important to the human race. How can we get advantage of those forces in vain? If we give it, then all our previous efforts will be in vain." It’s all in vain, then we, the human race, are still talking about the rise, maybe we will become a weak race in the future, this is absolutely unacceptable, so I decided to give it a try, at worst, we will retreat to the original universe in the end, and they will be helpless.”

Luo Yuan heard this and said: "Teacher, we haven't reached this level yet. The four clones I created are not just as simple as having the sixth level peak strength, they have all my skills and secret magic powers, and One of my clones also possesses the powerful skill of the Endless Nether Sea. Don’t ask me why I have this skill. Just think that I learned it by referring to that special life, and I also have a plan..."

Then Luo Yuan revealed all his plans. Because everyone was in the virtual universe at this time, in addition to the lord of the universe of the human race, even the original ancestors also appeared. They also felt about Luo Yuan's plan. It was unbelievable, but they couldn't make fun of Luo Yuan's life, so they decided to wait for Luo Yuan to conduct some experiments before making a decision. So the Lord of Chaos City summoned all the Lords of the Universe from the human camp, more than a hundred of them in total.

Then these masters of the universe cooperated to conduct an exercise experiment in the original secret realm. After the experiment, they discussed with the original ancestor and felt that Luo Yuan's plan was feasible. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City did not have the previous worries, but was full of confidence, so he said : "During this period, various forces have put pressure on our human race and want to obtain our inheritance. They are all greedy. Now that we have the power to fight back, we will teach them a profound lesson this time.

They all say they are waiting for our reply, but they are secretly preparing for war. If this is the case, then we are not polite, especially the Free Alliance and the neutral forces. We have to let them make a choice, which one they choose to help. "

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(End of this chapter)

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