Chapter 436 Join
  The owner of Shihua Island said: "The principle of your human race is really an amazing strong man, especially the virtual universe he created that can cover the entire original universe, allowing the entire human race to be connected no matter where they are, and also allowing the human race's culture to It blooms with unparalleled brilliance, especially the imagination of your human race, which makes me incredible. I also have an account in the virtual universe, I often play in it, and I really like the culture of your human race."

Luo Yuan admired the words of the owner of Sihua Island. He often played in the virtual universe to adjust his mentality. Although Luo Yuan didn't know how the owner of Sihua Island entered the virtual universe of the human race, but maybe It's licensed by the original ancestor, but the 100% simulation of the virtual universe is really amazing.

The owner of Shihua Island sighed for a while and continued: "I almost go to see every genius battle held by the human race. It's just that I was in the universe sea at the time, so I didn't see it. This makes me feel... It's a pity, otherwise I would have accepted you as my disciple directly. If that were the case, then I think it would be much easier to obtain the ultimate secret law inheritance of the strongest person in the universe, and there would be no need to spend so much time building a free alliance."

Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this, and he said calmly: "Honestly, even if you saw the genius battle I participated in, you may not want to accept me as a disciple in the end. After all, the genius battle of the human race is not good for the strongest person in the universe. It’s nothing, otherwise it wouldn’t be the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom who came to recruit a disciple. I also showed special talents in Chaos City and was finally accepted as a disciple by the Master of Chaos City. The strongest man in the universe is so high up there, how could he see me and others? Woolen cloth."

The owner of Shihua Island also nodded after listening to Luo Yuan's words. He said: "What you said makes sense. The genius battle of the human race is indeed nothing to us, the strongest people in the universe. My current hypothesis is also based on knowing This decision was made only after realizing your current achievements. Although you performed amazingly at that time, you were not worthy of being valued by the strongest people in the universe. It’s just that none of us are as talented as you who came from a backward planet and have grown up to this point in a period of time. "

Luo Yuan felt strange when he heard the master of Shihua Island chatting with him about daily life. After all, both the master of Shihua Island and Luo Yuan are very busy now. He still has to wait to go back to plan the next battle. So Luo Yuan said directly: "Master Shihua Island, just tell me what your purpose is. We are all very busy. You didn't come here just to talk to me about these meaningless things. If that's the case, , I went back."

The owner of Shihua Island couldn't help but look embarrassed when he heard this. He frowned. He didn't expect Luo Yuan to be so direct. He also wanted to build a relationship with Luo Yuan first and then negotiate. But now Luo Yuan has made it clear. The owner of Shihua Island didn't want to give in, so he simply said: "Luo Yuan, my purpose of coming here is very clear, and I also know what I want. The inheritance of the secret method that has been cultivated to the limit of the strongest person in the universe is for me." It's important to say.

Now the final victory or defeat of your human camp and the coalition camp composed of the six major forces can be said to depend on the decision of our Freedom Alliance. Which camp we join can help them win, but our Freedom Alliance is composed of many small ethnic groups. Yes, so they are divided into two factions. One wants to join your human camp in order to gain the experience and inheritance of the Master of the Universe to break through to the strongest in the universe, but the other is the same as me. "

Luo Yuan sneered when he heard this, and looked at the owner of Sihua Island with a very unhappy look. If Luo Yuan didn't care about everything, he could leave the owner of Sihua Island on the earth now, but this would undoubtedly mean directly entering into the Free Alliance. This super alliance was at odds, so Luo Yuan endured it and didn't want to finish.

The owner of Shihua Island knew Luo Yuan's answer just by looking at Luo Yuan's expression, but he felt threatened by the person facing Luo Yuan at this time, which made him feel incredible, so he smiled and said: "Lord of Hunyuan , don’t be angry. Even if it’s not me who formed the Free Alliance this time, it’s probably someone else who is alone in the universe’s strongest. I’m actually here to represent myself. If you will break through to the universe’s strongest The ultimate secret technique was passed down to me.

Then I will not spread the word, and the masters of the universes of the Free Alliance will not get this inheritance. I will also let the masters of the universe who support my side help you human race. After all, the purpose of the Free Alliance I established I have been trapped for a long time just for the ultimate cultivation experience of the strongest person in the universe. "

Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words of the master of Shihua Island. The reason why the top leaders of the human race did not agree to hand over the ultimate cultivation experience of the strongest man in the universe to these forces was because they were afraid that when these forces became stronger, many and original people would be born. With the ancestor-like existence, the advantage of the human race is not only gone, but also a big threat to the human race in the future. It would be nothing if you just give this practice experience to the master of Shihua Island.

After all, the owner of Sihua Island cannot change anything, but the human race is in a difficult situation now. It would be very helpful if the Free Alliance joins. What the current human race needs to develop is time. If only the owner of Sihua Island is given a Only one person can get more than 400 universe masters from the Free Alliance to join. The human camp will definitely win the final victory this time, and when Luo Yuan becomes stronger, the Shihua Island master will be directly destroyed if he disobeys.

Seeing Luo Yuan's interested expression, the owner of Shihua Island continued: "For those small ethnic groups in the Freedom Alliance, most of them long for the master of the universe to break through to the cultivation experience of the strongest person in the universe, but some of them have more ambitions. This is why you were conquered by me. If the human race passes on the ultimate cultivation secret method of the strongest person in the universe to me, I will immediately ask them to agree to join you, and I will not pass on the inheritance."

After Luo Yuan listened to the words of the Master of Shihua Island, he thought about it and felt that it was feasible. It would be fine if he only gave the ultimate cultivation experience of the strongest man in the universe to the Master of Shihua Island, and Luo Yuan did not need to worry about what the Master of Shihua Island would do. Leave it to others. After all, the owner of Sihua Island does not want anyone who threatens him to appear. The owner of Sihua Island is originally the strongest person in the universe alone. The purpose of establishing the Free Alliance is also for inheritance. In fact, he is not that concerned about this alliance. .

Luo Yuan had thought of a rather risky plan before. Although the success rate was high, it would be dangerous if something unexpected happened. If the Free Alliance was allowed to join, the human race would be able to achieve final victory, and the human race would rise rapidly in the future. The timing was right, so Luo Yuan looked at the owner of Shihua Island and said: "This matter is of great importance. In this way, I will first discuss it with the high-level officials of the virtual universe and my human race before giving you an answer. It will be very soon. It won't take a long time."

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he separated a consciousness and entered the virtual universe, summoned the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong, and then told the requirements of the Lord of Shihua Island, and then asked the three of them for their opinions. Yan was a little surprised, because it would be fine if he just gave one to the island owner of Sihua. Just like that, would the Lord of the Universe of the faction attached to the island owner of Sihua agree? But listening to the story of the island owner of Sihua, the success rate is still very high. High.

Lord Peng Gong said: "The team of the Freedom Alliance is really important for this final battle. Originally, the Freedom Alliance was divided into two parties. One party is willing to help our human race, and they only need the Master of the Universe to break through. The cultivation experience of the strongest person in the universe, but the other party is as greedy as the island owner of Shihua, and they also covet the inheritance of the ultimate secret method of the strongest person in the universe. It would be great if the island owner of Shihua is willing to come forward and let them help the human race. "

The Lord of Chaos City also nodded and said: "Although the plan we made before has a high success rate, it would be safer if the Free Alliance joins. It would be okay if we just give the Master of Shihua Island the ultimate training experience of the strongest person in the universe. , the most powerful person in the universe cannot threaten us yet."

The Lord of Darkness also sneered and said: "The Master of Shihua Island has always paid attention to the ultimate inheritance of the strongest person in the universe. This Free Alliance is just his bargaining chip. Although we can promise it to him, we cannot let him take advantage. , as long as the practice experience given to him is simplified as much as possible, even if he gets the inheritance, he may not be able to successfully break through to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. If he asks, we will say that it is like this originally, and there is nothing he can do.” Yuan heard the words and nodded. He was originally planning to do this. Even if those lone strongest men in the universe get the inheritance to break through to the limits of the strongest men in the universe, they may not be able to succeed. After all, this is different from a strong man. The cultivation talent is very important. Even if the original ancestor does not have any guidance, he can cultivate to the limit of the strongest person in the universe with his own talent. It is not just a magical skill that can cultivate him into a peerless powerhouse.

Luo Yuan thought about this, and he sneered: "Since the owner of Shihua Island wants it, then I will carefully prepare one for him. Although I cannot see the content of the strongest person in the universe, I can find one from the inheritance. It doesn't have much value, but it can still attract the inheritance of the island owner of Sihua. I will divide it into two halves and give him one third before the war starts to let him see hope, and then omit all the core content in the latter part. , all the fights have been completed."

The senior human race leaders present nodded when they heard Luo Yuan's words. They felt that Luo Yuan had considered it very carefully, and even the original ancestor agreed with Luo Yuan's idea.

After Luo Yuan got the opinions of the senior leaders of the human race, he also regained his consciousness. Luo Yuan looked at the owner of Sihua Island who was waiting anxiously and said: "Your request has been agreed by the senior leaders of the human race through discussion. You also Don't be happy yet. Our clan has decided to hand over one-third of the ultimate training inheritance of the strongest man in the universe to you before the war. After you lead the Free Alliance to join the clan camp and defeat the six major forces together, we will give the remaining to you. I'll leave it to you."

The owner of Shihua Island smiled when he heard this. After planning so much, he finally got the human race to agree to give him the inherited experience, so he asked eagerly: "Then when do you plan to reach the limit of three of the strongest people in the universe?" Give me one-third of your cultivation experience?" Luo Yuan felt a little unhappy when he heard this.

But Luo Yuan still said patiently: "Don't worry, I will give it to you soon." The owner of Shihua Island also directly replied: "Okay, only you will inherit this one-third of the experience information Give it to me, and I will immediately ask the Freedom Alliance to help you humans win this war."

Then that day, Luo Yuan gave the owner of Shihua Island a simplified version of the inheritance information. The original version of this information was among the lowest and least valuable in the Duandonghe inheritance. After Luo Yuan simplified it, It would be strange that the master of Shihua Island could cultivate to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. If he had the same peerless talent as the original ancestor, it would be similar. Then Luo Yuan sent one-third of this information to the master of Shihua Island, letting him The owner of Shihua Island was very happy.

So the owner of Sihua Island interpreted this third of the information and combined it with his own understanding over the years. He felt that there were many similarities. This also gave him a vague understanding of his future path, but he wanted to When he looked at the rest, he found that it was gone. He then thought that the remaining two-thirds had not been given to him, but that the remaining content could only be obtained after helping the human camp defeat the six coalition forces. He did not dare to He is also full of confidence.

At this time, the human race was also waiting for a specific reply from the owner of Shihua Island. Luo Yuan directly sent a message to the owner of Shihua Island: "Master of Shihua Island, the human race has completed your request. The next step is to see your performance. I have information that you are more interested in the remaining inheritance information, and I hope you will not break your promise."

The master of Shihua Island replied directly: "Lord Hunyuan, don't worry, I am discussing with the masters of the universes in the Freedom Alliance to unify their opinions and will reply soon."

After waiting like this for more than ten days, the owner of Shihua Island finally sent a message: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my destiny. I have asked all the universe masters in the Freedom Alliance to agree to join your human camp. With our joining, your human race will It’s easy to defeat the coalition of six major forces, so don’t forget the remaining inheritance.”

At this time, after a game in the entire primitive universe, almost all forces participated in the battle between the two major camps, and were divided into six major force camps and the human camp. The headquarters and gathering base of the human camp were in the primitive secret realm of the human territory, and The headquarters and gathering base of the six major forces' coalition camps are on the Bloody Fang Star in the Monster Clan's territory. At this time, a huge warship is parked on the Bloody Fang Star, and a large group of strong men are holding a party on it.

Almost all the strongest men in the original universe gathered on the warship, especially the strongest men in the universe who were traveling alone. There were also a large number of masters of the universe. They were eating delicious food, drinking fine wine, and discussing this matter. In this battle between the two major camps, they have full confidence in the coalition camp.

"Look at our strength. Not to mention the number of universe masters, just the number of the strongest people in the universe. Almost all the strongest people in the original universe have been gathered together. Look at the human camp, there is not even one strongest person in the universe." There are none, but those lords of the universe still want to fight against us, hahaha."

"That's right. Let's talk about the Free Alliance. Although there are a lot of Lords of the Universe, they all have second- and third-level strength, let alone the most powerful treasure. In normal times, how can we wait for it? In their eyes, they are all weak ethnic groups. Even if they form an alliance, they are nothing more than a piece of loose sand. Believe it or not, when this battle is over, the Free Alliance will be disbanded. If the bastards get together, they will still be bastards. I want to make a comeback.”

The strongest people in the universe present were all discussing freely, especially those who were walking alone. For these strongest people in the universe, there was no need to worry about their lives in the original universe. What was wrong with them? Dare, and the coalition camp of the six major forces includes most of the powerful people in the original universe. In particular, the number of the strongest people in the universe can challenge the two holy land universes even if they are placed in the cosmic sea.

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(End of this chapter)

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