Chapter 441 Crisis
  The owner of Shihua Island knew that there was nothing he could do if he continued to scold these masters of the universe, so he directly said: "I actually chose to help the human race because they were willing to give me the inheritance information that broke through to the limit of the strongest person in the universe. Now it has Gave me part of it. Originally, I planned to wait for you to help the human camp defeat the coalition camp, and then I could get the rest of the inheritance information. But now that you do this, my inheritance information will be gone. What about the Purple Moon Holy Land? me?"

The Lord of the Universe who explained before also replied: "We asked for you when we were negotiating with the true god of the Purple Moon Holy Land, but the Purple Moon Holy Land said that you cannot be the leader of the Free Alliance, and they It is also impossible to give you the inherited secret method that breaks through to the limit of the strongest person in the universe, so we did not inform you when we made the final decision, just to prevent you from contacting the human race, which caused us to lose this opportunity. I hope you can understand. ,For survival."

The Master of Shihua Island was speechless when he heard this. The Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance had long ignored him. What is the difference between him now and the nominal leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance? So the Master of Shihua Island said coldly: " So, you were the one who passed the information to the coalition before. It turns out that I was the only one who didn't know. I don't find it strange that you made these decisions for the benefit of your tribe, but you shouldn't hide it from me. What should I do now?"

At this time, in the temple of the human race's virtual universe, Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City and others were also discussing, and they were also waiting for the reply from the Lord of Sihua Island. However, when the Lord of Sihua Island opened his eyes, his expression was very helpless. , then he looked at Luo Yuan and others with apologetic eyes, and then said: "You don't need to wait any longer. All the masters of the universe in the Free Alliance have agreed to join the coalition camp. You must be prepared, I will take them too." There’s nothing I can do, they won’t listen to me.”

As soon as the Master of Shihua Island spoke out, the senior human race officials present felt incredible, and their expressions became solemn. They also knew that if the Freedom Alliance really joined the coalition camp, then the human race would be really in danger. Chaos City Lord looked at it Xiang Shihua Island Master said: "Can you tell us what happened?"

The owner of Shihua Island sighed, and then said: "The ancestor of the Purple Moon Holy Land contacted the Lords of the Universe in the Free Alliance. The leader was the Lord of Light. This ancestor of the Purple Moon Holy Land gave them the Master of the Universe breakthrough. The inheritance experience of the strongest person in the universe, and it is much more detailed than the inheritance experience you gave me. Ziyue Ancestor has only one purpose for doing this, which is to let the Free Alliance help the coalition camp deal with the human race, especially the Lord of Hunyuan. you."

When Luo Yuan heard the words of the Master of Shihua Island, he couldn't help but be stunned. Then he looked at the Master of Shihua Island and asked: "Purple Moon Holy Land is a super power in the universe sea. I have no enmity with them. Why should they deal with it?" Neither I nor the people of Purple Moon Holy Land want to pass on the message to me, so what’s the point of them doing this.”

Luo Yuan was very unhappy with the behavior of the Purple Moon Holy Land at this time. When he was negotiating with the East Emperor Holy Land Universe to inherit information, he felt strange that the powerful people of the Purple Moon Holy Land did not contact him. Could it be that the ancestor of the Purple Moon Holy Land had no contact with him? The Duandonghe inheritance didn't dare to be interested, but now he suddenly took action and asked the Freedom Alliance to join the coalition camp to deal with the human race. What a sinister idea. With Luo Yuan's current strength and various treasures, even if the original universe is destroyed, he It’s okay.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Purple Moon Holy Land to obtain the Donghe River inheritance owned by Luo Yuan. But if that is the case, then why did the ancestor of the Purple Moon Holy Land not contact him like the founder of the East Emperor? Through analysis, Luo Yuan discovered that this Zi Yuan Moon Holy Land didn't care that much about the Dongdong River inheritance he had obtained, but why did Ziyue Holy Land spare no effort to deal with the human race and itself? For this reason, it did not hesitate to give out the detailed inheritance experience of the Lord of the Universe's breakthrough to the strongest person in the universe.

Although Luo Yuan didn't know the true purpose of Ziyue Ancestor, he knew that the purpose of Ziyue Ancestor was definitely not simple, and there must be something happening that he didn't know about.

At this time in the temple, the owner of Shihua Island said unwillingly: "I did not fulfill my promise this time. Since you have given me part of the inheritance information, then I will choose to remain neutral like the mountain guest, but I can’t help you humans, after all, the coalition camp is too strong, so I have no choice but to leave first.”

After the Master of Shihua Island finished speaking, his figure disappeared. Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City and others did not dissuade him, but just let the Master of Shihua Island leave. Luo Yuan and others understood that even if the remaining inheritance information was given to Shihua, Hua Island Master, let Shihua Island Master join the human camp, but it will be useless if only one of the strongest people in the universe joins the human race, so the human race is willing to break through to the inheritance information of the strongest person in the universe, and those strongest people in the universe who are alone will definitely Joining the human race is meaningless.

The Lord of Chaos City said directly: "In that case, let's fight directly and let them know how powerful our human race is." Luo Yuan and others also nodded solemnly.

At this time, the consciousness of the owner of Shihua Island returned to his own body. He looked at the Lords of the Universe who supported him and said with a wry smile: "Then you still recognize me as the leader of the alliance?"

"Master Shihua Island, we are sorry for you this time, but we are all for the strength of the clan. The Lord of Light has brought us more detailed training experience, so we chose to join the coalition camp, so they recommended him Being the general representative, but this is only temporary. You are the only one who can lead us in the end, so if you are missing, you are our leader. We will support you as always, so we hope you can understand us. After all, everyone is for profit, right? .”

The Lords of the Universe present were all trying to persuade the Master of Shihua Island and talking about their own difficulties, because they knew that this time the Master of Shihua Island was really angry, even if their relationship was good, but even if they got a breakthrough to the universe's ultimate With the inherited experience of the powerful, they dare not say that they will definitely be able to break through to the strongest person in the universe, and it will take an unimaginable amount of time, and this period of time is required to initiate the island master, the strongest person in the universe. They all know who is in charge.

At this time, more than 70 universe masters who supported the island owner of Shihua Island were trying to persuade him, but they were all standing at the exit of the palace treasure. They were afraid that the island owner of Shihua Island would suddenly attack them. They gave humans in exchange for inherited information. If more than seventy of their universe masters attacked at the same time, even the master of Shihua Island would be unable to do anything to them. Therefore, the master of Shihua Island also felt helpless. He had no choice but to say: "I understand you." behavior, now prepare to fight."

Although the master of Shihua Island's plan was ruined by Ziyue Holy Land, he also knew that he could not blame these masters of the universe. After all, their purpose in choosing to participate in the battle was to gain the inheritance experience of breaking through to the strongest person in the universe, and Ziyue The more detailed inheritance experience provided by the Moon Holy Land was naturally more attractive to the Lords of the Universe of the Free Alliance, so they chose to join the coalition camp, which is what the owners of Sihua Island would have done if they were in their position.

Moreover, the Freedom Alliance was divided into six factions at this time, and the leader of Shihua Island was only a representative of one faction. His status as leader was more of a nominal one, so his control over the Freedom Alliance was not as good as he thought. To this extent, as for the Lord of Light, he only serves as an intermediary between the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Free Alliance. After the Masters of the Universe of the Free Alliance obtain the complete inheritance information, they will naturally stop listening to him. It was from the owner of Shihua Island.

Not only does the owner of Shihua Island have the support of a faction, but as the strongest person in the universe, he can naturally better protect the interests of the masters of the universe.

At this time, when the strong men in the coalition camp saw that the Freedom Alliance chose to join them, they all laughed. They believed that the human race would definitely be defeated. The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan even sneered: "This human race doesn't know how it did it. Unexpectedly, even the Free Alliance failed to win over them. Instead, they turned against us and joined us. Look, we now have more than a dozen of the strongest people in the universe and more than 800 masters of the universe. It can be said that most of the peaks of the original universe are gathered here. Then what do humans fight with?"

"That's right, the human race will definitely be defeated. Their total number of masters of the universe is only over a hundred, and there is no strongest man in the universe sitting in charge. So what if there are some powerful treasures? If they want to fight with the power of a clan, How is it possible for all the forces in the entire primitive universe, so the human race is bound to be defeated this time."     "Hahaha, yes, the human race will definitely fail in the end. The current human race still dares to resist us. As long as we join forces to attack once, then I’m afraid even the human race can’t stop it. When the time comes that the human race camp will be unable to deal with it, then the human race’s masters of the universe will definitely fall a lot in the end, and the human race won’t even have a chance to escape.”

The current strength of the coalition camp is enough to crush any force in the original universe. However, the human race did not fight them at this time, but just hid in the Star Tower and did not come out. No matter how strong the coalition camp attacked, it was of no avail, so the coalition forces The strong men in the camp were immediately furious and they were discussing.

"It's really abominable. The strong men from the human camp have been hiding in the Star Tower. We can't do anything about them. What can we do? Are they just spending time here like this?"

"In this case, let us directly surround the Star Tower. We only need to guard the exit of the Star Tower. As long as the strong men from the human camp dare to come out, we will jointly launch an attack. I don't believe that the strong men from the human camp can stop it. Stay here, unless the strong men of the human race dare not come out, we will hold on here."

"That's right, if the strong men from the human camp keep hiding like this, we can only trap them here. We have more than 800 Lords of the Universe. We only need to divide the Lord of the Universe into three parts, and then chaos Liu will guard these strong men of the human race and make them unable to move. Then we will send strong men to occupy the territory of the human race. Even if these strong men of the human race come out, they will not have the resources to become stronger. In the end, they can only return to the original universe. It’s very difficult to develop.”

At this time, there is a huge Star Tower suspended in the endless starry sky. At this time, hundreds of universe masters from the coalition camp are controlling many palace treasures, and they are patrolling in a circle around the Star Tower. It looks like It surrounded the Star Tower into a spherical shape. At this time, the strong men of the Ancestral God Sect who originally joined the human camp began to waver. They felt that the human race could not win this battle. After all, the coalition camp was too strong. They I also started to panic.

At this time, the strong men of the Ancestral God Religion gathered at the Ancestral God Altar, the treasure of the Ancestral God Religion. This was a treasure given by the original will of the original universe and was comparable to the most powerful treasure. The strong men of the Ancestral God Religion sent to the Star Tower of the Human Race. The Lord of the Universe is just a clone. If they feel that the situation is not right, they can leave completely. So although they are panicking now, they have not made an immediate decision to leave the human camp. At this time, they are discussing how to make a decision.

"Hey, I didn't expect that it would develop like this now. The human race is really going to lose this time, but we are already in the middle. If we take action, we will definitely fall here. We can't go out directly. If we go out, we will immediately If we are besieged by hundreds of universe masters from the coalition camp, we will be doomed, so we will hide in the ancestral altar and not get out. Even the strong men from the coalition camp cannot break the defense of the ancestral altar. The human race will understand us. .”

The Ancestral God Altar is the most powerful treasure given to the Ancestral God Sect by the original universe. It is a most powerful treasure comparable to the palace. It is also protected by the original will of the original universe. Therefore, they are not worried about being attacked by strong men from the coalition camp while hiding in the Ancestral God Altar. Neither physical attacks nor soul attacks can harm them.

At this time, in the Star Tower, in addition to the human race's own universe masters, the other alien universe masters who had taken refuge with the human race were panicking. At this time, the universe masters of all human camps in the star tower could They could clearly see the scene outside. The sight of countless palace treasures spinning around the Star Tower really shocked them. They felt like they were like turtles in a urn, unable to leave because they would be attacked once they appeared. .

Outside the Star Tower, in addition to being surrounded by hundreds of palace treasures, voices kept coming: "Human race, you don't have the strength to fight against our coalition camp now. Even if you have been hiding in the Star Tower, it will not help. You should just admit defeat." , the Duandonghe inheritance that you have is also brought out honestly. Whether it is the detailed inheritance of the master of the universe who has broken through to the strongest person in the universe, or the inheritance that has broken through to the limit of the strongest person in the universe, also give it to us. We are still waiting. what.

If you take out the inheritance, we will naturally let you go after we confirm that we meet the requirements. If you are still stubborn, don't blame us for being rude. We will send out strong men to occupy the territory of your human race. When the time comes, You don’t have the resources to practice. When you fall, it will be difficult for you humans to stand up. "

The above words were continuously passed to the ears of the universe masters of every human camp in the Star Tower. At this time, the alien universe masters who vassalized the human race became even more panicked. Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City and other human race strongmen also understood. People's hearts are now in chaos, and it is difficult for these alien universe masters to deal with it. Even if Luo Yuan and others use their power to let them go to the exit of the Star Tower to deal with the coalition camp, it is impossible for these alien universe masters to go, because They are all afraid.

The Lord of Chaos City listened to the waves of persuading speeches coming from outside. He couldn't help snorting coldly: "The human race is not at the end of its rope yet. It is ridiculous for us to give our inheritance to them like this. If it is so easy to give it to them, then Why have we persisted for so long, and why have they joined forces to deal with us?"

Luo Yuan also said coldly: "I obtained the Duandong River inheritance by my own ability. These forces cannot pass the test of Duandong River and obtain the inheritance, so they use this method to threaten us. It's really good, isn't it just to see Isn't the human race developed now? I'll make a note of it, and I will destroy them directly when I break through to the True God."

The reason why the top leaders of the human race have been unwilling to pass on the inheritance to the forces of these coalition camps is because if these are passed on to them, the advantage of the human race will be gone. When other super forces develop, the human race will be able to fight against them. It becomes even more troublesome, and the human race has this inheritance, and other groups of forces do not. Then the human race will surpass all the forces and ethnic groups, and then all the forces will not be the enemies of the human race, and the human race will be the main force.

For the coalition camp, now is the only opportunity to deal with the human race. If they miss it and wait for the human race to develop, then they will really have no chance. They will only become weaker than the human race, but the human race will become the most powerful in the original universe. At this time, the Chaos City Lord and others looked at Luo Yuan, and remembered the plan Luo Yuan had proposed before. Although it was very dangerous for Luo Yuan, the chance of success would be great.

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(End of this chapter)

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