Chapter 451 Provocation
  The Lords of the Universe on the Xuanzehai Island were shocked when they saw Luo Yuan flying towards them in the Star Tower. At the same time, they were also very anxious. They had waited for such a long time and finally waited. The treasure came out, but Luo Yuan came at this time. They were all worried that Luo Yuan would snatch the treasure. Otherwise, why would Luo Yuan come here suddenly? With Luo Yuan's strength, even if they didn't want the treasure, it would be too late to escape. After all, Luo Yuan is too strong.

Moreover, Luo Yuan drives the Star Tower, the palace's most powerful treasure, and can fly freely in the Xuanze Sea without fear of the threat of the vortex and the strong wind in the Xuanze Sea. Moreover, these masters of the universe must be careful even when flying. If Luo Yuan is against If they take action, they will have no power to resist at all, so a strong foreigner walked out from among the Lords of the Universe on the island. He said to Luo Yuan: "Lord of Hunyuan of the human race, we know that you are very strong. The treasure is given to you."

At this time, Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower and came to the sky above the island. He teleported out directly and stepped on the void. He just lost interest in the treasure that came out with his spiritual thoughts. It was just a very ordinary peak treasure. Luo Yuan had several treasures. He looked down at the Lord of the Universe below, and suppressed it with a powerful pressure that far exceeded the sixth level, making all the Lords of the Universe below shocked and fearful, because this was only possessed by the strongest person in the universe. The pressure, but Luo Yuancai is the Lord of the universe.

Luo Yuan was wearing dark gold armor at this time, with four-winged divine feathers behind him. The divine light on his body was filled with light, and it looked like the true god had descended. He said directly: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, and the one who came out here is The treasure is also very ordinary to me. I still don't like it. I was passing by here originally, but I saw that there is a lord of the universe among you who has enmity with my human race. I am here for him. Lei Suo's Lord, what do you think I should do with you?"

As Luo Yuan spoke, his eyes rested on a giant below who was flashing blue thunder. As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, the Lords of the Universe present looked at the Lord of Leisuo with surprise in their eyes. , when did the Lord of Leisuo provoke the human race? At this time, the Lord of Leisuo also had floating eyes and a look of fear on his face. He looked around and had the idea of ​​​​escape, but he looked at Luo Yuan and Xingchen above. Tower, there are whirlpools and strong winds around.

There is no chance to escape at all, which makes the Lord of Leisuo very anxious. At this time, the other Lords of the Universe are far away from the Lord of Leisuo, for fear of being affected, and many of the Lords of the Universe are gloating about the misfortune. This is reality. Everyone is only interested in each other. Moreover, Luo Yuan has not made any move since he entered the space ship. He is just passing by. But now he suddenly deals with the Lord of Leisuo, saying that the Lord of Leisuo and the human race If there is no grudge, I don’t believe it.

Luo Yuan said to the Lord of Leisuo: "You are from the Thunderstorm Star Clan, right? Your ancestor is the Lord of Haolei Star, hahaha, that's great, then I'll collect some interest first."

Hearing this, the Lord of Leisuo was anxious and frightened and said: "Since you know that the ancestor of our clan is the Lord of Haolei Star, you still plan to deal with me. I don't know why you want to deal with me. I can't." I don’t have any grudge against you, I’ve never met you, why would you deal with me? If you don’t explain it clearly, I won’t accept it.”

Although the Lord of Lei Suo is also the Lord of the Universe, he knows that Luo Yuan's strength is enough to directly destroy him. It is not easy for him to practice now, and he does not want to die like this.

Luo Yuan snorted coldly and said: "You and I don't know each other, but I don't believe you and don't have any information about what your ancestor did to my human race. You also need to explain. I saw your expression before. I know, you must know something, it’s like this, then come in." After Luo Yuan said that, he took the Lord of Leisuo into the Star Tower. The Lord of Leisuo kept roaring in the Star Tower: "Human Race Hunyuan Lord, how dare you do this to me, my ancestor will never let you go."

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this. He was not afraid of the Lord of Haolei Star. The Lords of the Universe around him did not say much when they saw this. For them, the Lord of Leisuo was their competitor, and they did not dare to offend him. Luo Yuan didn't even want to get involved in the struggle between the human race and the Thunderstorm Star Clan.

Although the Lord of Lei Suo is also very powerful, he has no resistance at all when faced with the devouring of the Star Tower. The Lords of the Universe present also saw the power of the Star Tower. They also knew Luo Yuan's strength, so naturally they all remained silent. , just looking forward to Luo Yuan leaving as soon as possible, how could they not expect that the Lord of Leisuo had moved out the Haolei Star Lord, but Luo Yuan still did not care about the strength of the Haolei Star Lord, and the Haolei Star Lord was the number one The most powerful person in the reincarnation era, and also mysterious and ancient.

In particular, the methods of Star Lord Haolei are very strange and difficult to deal with, so even the top forces of the God Eye Clan do not want to be enemies with Star Lord Haolei. The Thunderstorm Star Clan also takes the elite route, although the number of clan members is not large. , but each one is very strong. When the Lords of the Universe on the island below saw Luo Yuan capture the Lord of Leisuo, they did not leave immediately, but took the Star Tower and flew to the island. , which made the masters of the universe feel terrified.

Luo Yuan didn't pay attention to the thoughts of these universe masters. He just glanced at these universe masters and found that the strength of these universe masters were pretty good, basically at the fifth-level level, but they could reach the inner area of ​​the universe boat. It is not surprising to have such strength. Luo Yuan said to these universe masters: "I tell you the truth, what I really want to deal with is the Lord of Haolei Star. I want you to help me spread the news and let Haolei Star The Lord came to me and here I am.

I only give the Haolei Star Master five years. If the Haolei Star Master is afraid and dare not come, then I will let the Lord of Leisuo perish here and deal with the creatures of the Thunderstorm Star Clan. "

Luo Yuan saw that these masters of the universe were all frightened when they heard this and did not dare to speak. He couldn't help but glance at him, and then said: "You can understand what I mean."

The alien masters of the universe trembled when they heard the words, and said repeatedly: "I don't dare, I just spread some news. It's just a small matter for us. We dare to refuse, but we don't want to get involved with the human race and Thunderstorm Star." We cannot afford to offend you or Lord Haolei in the fight between clans."

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he said: "In that case, you can continue to hunt for treasures. I won't disturb you anymore." After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he directly enlarged the Star Tower and placed it on the island. Then Luo Yuan entered the Star Tower. In the control hall of the tower, while practicing, he was waiting for the arrival of Haolei Star Lord. With his current strength, methods, and treasures, Luo Yuan would not be afraid of Haolei Star Lord. Luo Yuan murmured: "Haolei Star Lord." Lord Thunder Star, I hope your strength will not disappoint me."

Since the decisive battle between the human camp and the coalition camp, Luo Yuan, as a key figure in the battle, has naturally become the focus of all powerful forces. Therefore, all of Luo Yuan's action information will be paid attention to by these forces. Soon Luo Yuan came to the space ship Finally, instead of dealing with other strong men, he directly captured the Lord of Leisuo, and also provoked the Lord of Haolei Star. He only waited for him in Xuanzehai for five years. This was a fight against the Lord of Haolei Star. The invitation can be said to be very courageous.

"The Haolei Star Lord is the strongest person in the universe who has been famous for a long time. It is easy to catch up with him at his speed. Even if he is far away from here, it will take more than a thought to come here. So wait and see, this human race What will happen between the Lord of Hunyuan and the Lord of Haolei Star? If they fight, who will win the most?"

Soon Luo Yuan came to the Xuanze Sea, and what he had done was spread out. At this time, in the center of Qingfeng Realm, one of the three Jedi in the Universe Sea, in an area called Wan Zhong Lang Shui, This place is very close to the dark place where the founder of the giant ax fell. This area of ​​10,000 waves is a naturally formed illusion. All creatures that enter will be enveloped by its psychedelic power. If you cannot get out of the illusion, It would be difficult to come out, but it is much safer than the dark place. At this time, in the area of ​​​​Ten Thousand Waves, there was a mysterious ancient battleship floating. There were three huge figures on the battleship. These were the Qiuyan Ancestral God and the Haolei Star Lord who planned the fall of the founder of the giant axe. As well as King Zhenjia, they are both strong men from the first reincarnation era and have good relations. They also got news about Luo Yuan, especially Luo Yuan’s challenge to Star Lord Haolei, which surprised them. After all, Luo Yuan The source is only the master of the universe and has limited power in the universe sea.

Ancestral God Qiuyan looked at Star Lord Haolei and said: "Star Lord Haolei, the Hunyuan Lord of the human race is provoking you. He also suppressed one of your outstanding juniors and publicly stated that he will wait for you for five years. This is tantamount to asking you to fight, you are the strongest person in the universe, if you don’t go, you will become the laughing stock of all the strong people in the universe sea.”

The steel giant King Zhenjia on the side opened his eyes as dazzling as stars, looked at Lord Haolei and said: "How about it, what is your decision?"

Star Lord Haolei snorted coldly when he heard this: "The Lord of Hunyuan of the human race is just the Lord of the universe. He is so powerful only by relying on the rules of the original universe and the most powerful treasure. I am the strongest person in the universe, and yet In this cosmic sea, I can exert my strongest strength, and I also have the most powerful treasure. The master of Hunyuan of the human race dares to challenge me, then I will go and see what he is capable of. He has obtained the inheritance of Duan Donghe, and I am I’ve been coveting it for a long time, it would be even better if I could get it this time.”

Hearing this, Ancestral God Qiu Yan said: "If you go, it will be troublesome for us to deal with the other strongest people in the universe. Only the two of us are a little reluctant. We spent a lot of time setting up a trap to make the founder of the giant ax fall. It takes a little effort, but the Hunyuan Lord of the human race is not that easy to deal with, especially since the Tomb Boat and Star Tower he owns are not simple supreme treasures. Before, almost all the strong men in the universe sea joined forces to deal with him. They all let him run away unscathed.

And don’t you think it’s strange, why did the human Hunyuan Lord suddenly attack your Thunderstorm Star Clan? Did he know that we were setting up a trap to deal with the giant axe? "

King Zhenjia thought for a while and said: "This is still possible. After all, the founder of the giant ax was able to deliver news before his death. It would not be surprising if he told the human race about our setup, and then the human race came to deal with us. It’s just that the Hunyuan Lord of the human race is not easy to deal with. We, the strongest people in the universe, don’t need to worry, but the masters of the universe of our clan will be in trouble. If the human Luo Yuan takes action against the master of the universe of our clan , then what should we do?”

Star Lord Haolei just sneered when he heard this: "So what if the human race defeated the coalition camp in the original universe? That is the rule restriction of the original universe, so that the strongest person in the universe can only display the peak strength of the sixth level, but here is The universe sea, even if the founder of the giant ax tells the human race about our plan to deal with him, no matter how many masters of the universe the human race has, they are still a mess. They don’t have the strongest person in the universe to sit in. What can they do to us? Why should we? Worry.

Besides, we all come from the first era of reincarnation, and soon after the three eras of reincarnation are over, if we can't transcend reincarnation and advance to the Holy Land Universe, we will have no choice but to perish in the end, so this time we took such a big risk to do it. What are these things for? Isn't it just for an opportunity? "

Ancestral God Qiuyan and King Zhenjia both nodded when they heard this. As mysterious and ancient beings, the strength of the three of them has reached a bottleneck. If other methods are not adopted, the only way is to fall. This is not something they can allow. , as their deadline is approaching, nothing is as important as their lives.

Star Lord Haolei stood up and said: "You don't need to worry, this is the cosmic sea, and if the human Hunyuan master dares to challenge me, then he must be prepared to fall. I will let him know the power of the strongest man in the universe. How powerful is the strength?" After speaking, Lord Haolei directly drove the palace treasure to Xuanzehai.

Ancestral God Qiuyan and King Zhenjia actually wanted to let Star Master Haolei test some of Luo Yuan's true strength, but they did not dare to underestimate Luo Yuan's strength, so they sent a message to all the universe masters in their clan, They were ordered to return immediately to avoid being caught by Luo Yuan.

Time is like water. At this time, on the island in Xuanze Sea, the Star Tower is standing like this. Luo Yuan has been practicing in the Star Tower. More and more Lords of the Universe are gathering here. They all want to be born. The treasures came. If Luo Yuan hadn't expressed his disinterest in these treasures, they, the masters of the universe, would not have dared to come here. But now that the treasures appeared, they all gathered here. After all, the treasures above the peak treasures have no influence on the universe. The main attraction is great.

At this time, three more universe masters were born in the Ziyue Holy Land universe and the East Emperor Holy Land universe. This was the last time the Donghe inheritance was tested, and the masters of the universe fell in the two holy lands, so those quasi-universe masters obtained In order to obtain the promotion quota, the news of the birth of a new Lord of the Universe by each force will attract the attention of other forces. The same is naturally true for the human race. Because the number of the strongest people in the universe is very rare, the Lord of the Universe naturally becomes the peak combat power and the main force. of combat power.

Soon the Lord of Chaos City also got the news. He felt a little speechless. After all, these two holy lands have existed for countless eras of reincarnation. Their strong men relied on the holy land universe and could remain immortal. However, if they wanted to be promoted, there was no one else but themselves. In addition to his cultivation talent, he also has the quota of the Holy Land Universe. However, he did not expect that the two Holy Lands would lose several Universe Masters. They could make up for it so quickly, and their combat power was not disturbed at all. This shows that the two Holy Lands have a lot of background. powerful.

Soon these messages were also passed to the Lords of the Universe. After all, every time a Lord of the Universe is born, all his information will be collected and organized by various forces and then spread out. This is so that when encountering these Lords of the Universe, he can To deal with them better, but it only records some superficial information.

At this time, Lord Haolei drove the Palace Treasure out of the Qingfeng Realm. He looked in the direction of the space ship, his eyes full of anger. It was the three strongest men in the universe who took action against the giant axe, but Luo Yuan was the first. Then the Thunderstorm Star Clan performed an operation, which made the Haolei Star Master feel that he was underestimated, especially when Luo Yuan openly challenged him, which made the Haolei Star Master very unhappy. He is the strongest person in the universe, and Luo Yuan He is just a newly promoted Master of the Universe, and he is really too arrogant.

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(End of this chapter)

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