I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 464 The Origin of Water and Fire

Chapter 464 The Origin of Water and Fire
  After hearing what Luo Yuan said, the Lord of Chaos City nodded and said: "Leave your matter to me. I will ask all the universe masters in the Hongmeng to help you find it. Although there are many powerful people in the Purple Moon Holy Land, Hua Hua There is still a chance to find it, you can go get Jie Fanzi's treasure first, it would be even better if you can get the most powerful treasure."

Luo Yuan also nodded gratefully when he heard this, and then drove the tomb boat towards the space boat, and soon came to the inner area. As Luo Yuan continued to advance, he passed many dangerous environments, which are the most harmful to the universe. There is a big threat to everyone. Although the defense of the tomb boat is invincible, Luo Yuan doesn't want to get into trouble, so he avoids them one by one. In order to ensure the success of his plan, he tries his best to hide his whereabouts, and also to deal with the Purple Moon Holy Land. Lord of the universe.

Nowadays, the human race and the Purple Moon Holy Land are already locked in a fight to the death, so if Luo Yuan meets the Lord of the Universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land, he will not hesitate to suppress it. This will not only weaken the strength of the Purple Moon Holy Land, but also He could get a lot of treasures and kill two birds with one stone. It was only after Luo Yuan traveled on the cosmic boat for a thousand years that he came to the cyan secret room he wanted to find, but he never encountered the cosmic cosmic person from the Purple Moon Holy Land. Lord, this left Luo Yuan speechless.

It seems that the Lords of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land are very afraid of him. It is estimated that there are no traces of them in the Universe Boat and Qingfeng Realm now. I have to admit that the powerful people in the Purple Moon Holy Land are very cautious, and they may have all gone into hiding. , but Luo Yuan wouldn't care so much. Luo Yuan looked at the cyan secret room in front of him and showed joy.

Luo Yuan directly drove the tomb boat and quickly approached the cyan chamber. In the past thousand years, in addition to rushing to find the Lord of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land, he also found some treasures that had come out. Although there was no supreme treasure, the power was still there. Yes, it’s also good for the human race. They have obtained several pinnacle treasures.

The reason why Luo Yuan can gain so much is due to the strong defensive power of the Tomb Boat. Among the three Jedi in the universe sea, there are very few environments that can pose a threat to the Tomb Boat. In Luo Yuan's It is estimated that this is the case in several desperate situations in the core, so Luo Yuan will obtain so many good treasures.

Luo Yuan felt very happy using the tomb boat to search for treasures this time. He also dared to wander around in the three Jedi, so Luo Yuan decided to get Jie Fanzi's treasure and then go to the three Jedi. He will definitely find more treasures when he comes. Now Luo Yuan mainly spends his time on practicing and understanding divine power and laws. A few days later, Luo Yuan finally found the secret room corresponding to his cyan token in a cyan secret room. With the tomb The boat of the mausoleum slowed down.

Luo Yuan teleported out, and then put away the tomb boat. He landed on a green leaf. This leaf was so huge that it was comparable to a continent. But when Luo Yuan saw the green building, he couldn't help but feel I'm a little speechless. The shapes of these buildings are very simple, without any sense of beauty at all. They feel like they were formed by hollowing out a huge stone, but the simple atmosphere they exude shows that they have existed for a very long time. Luo Yuan teleported here. In front of the building.

There was a water curtain in front of the blue building. Luo Yuan took out the cyan token. As the light on the token flashed, Luo Yuan knew that the identity authentication had been completed, so he crossed the water curtain and came to the cyan secret room. Luo Yuan looked up and saw that the secret room was very huge, countless times larger than the buildings he saw outside. It seemed that the secret room was an independent space, which could also be said to be a very huge world, and this space There are actually nine suns in the sky.

That is, nine huge stars. These stars are all giant stars, just like nine extremely huge fireballs hanging high in the sky, making the temperature of this space very high, but it has no impact on Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan also discovered that these nine huge stars were floating in a circle, and in the middle was a huge landmass, which was also suspended in the sky. It looked very magical. Luo Yuan also became interested. The wings behind him spread out and used Secrets of the Golden Kingdom.

Soon golden light enveloped the entire space, and then Luo Yuan began to explore the situation in this space through this domain-like secret method. However, Luo Yuan was extremely surprised after the investigation, so he teleported directly to the sky. On the suspended continent, this continent turned out to be larger and wider than what he had seen before. Then Luo Yuan looked up at the nine huge stars surrounding the sky, and then discovered that the light of these stars actually combined with each other to form a vast picture in the sky.

There were mysterious characters made of flames on this huge picture. There were many words, and the words exuded spiritual fluctuations. When Luo Yuan covered these words with his spiritual thoughts, he could immediately understand the meaning of these words, so Luo Yuan Yuan immediately interpreted: "Latercomers, when you see these words I left behind, it means that I have embarked on the path of transcending reincarnation. I don't know whether I can succeed. Before that, I will pass on my inheritance Leave.

Latecomer, you are lucky. Being here means that your strength has at least reached the level of the Lord of the Universe. My name is Jie Fanzi, the strongest person in the universe. At the same time, I am also a special life, born to be immortal. God, and he is also born to control the law of water, so I practiced very smoothly without any bottlenecks. In this way, I have been cultivating to the true god level. This level in the universe sea is also called the strongest in the universe, but I will not stop. Here it is.

I want to pursue a stronger realm and see a broader world. I believe that there must be a broader and higher world outside the universe, so I am looking for my own path. I find that in the universe, most of the lives are We cannot live without water, especially the planet I live on. The creatures here are basically composed of water, but my planet has nine stars. Yes, the space you are in now is actually the planet I lived in. With special Created by secret methods.

It is precisely because of these nine stars that provide a steady stream of energy to the planet that allows all life on the planet to grow and become stronger. This is the law of fire. Of course, the two laws I am talking about here are But the powerful people in the universe understand different laws. The laws of water and fire that I understand are the most essential part of the universe. I call them the origin of the laws. I condense all my insights into a unique science called the origin of water and fire. To perfect it.

I have traveled to all universes, not only the original universe, but also the entire universe sea. It took nearly three reincarnation eras to finally take shape, but I feel that this unique skill I created can continue to improve, even surpassing the strongest level. The secret method, but I don’t have time. I have reached the limit of being the strongest in the universe, but if I can’t transcend reincarnation, I will eventually fall, so I must transcend reincarnation, but even so, I am still not absolutely sure that I can transcend reincarnation.

But I spent a lot of effort and time to create this secret skill of the origin of water and fire. It is like my child. If I die, all this will be meaningless, so I will leave this secret skill here and wait. If someone is destined to inherit it, if the latecomer gets it, please continue to help me pass it on.

The nine huge stars you see now are actually magical substances called ice crystals that I found from the Qingfeng Realm, and then evolved according to the secret method of the origin of water and fire that I created, and finally completed the essential transformation and became the water. The complete combination of the law and the law of fire formed the nine stars and formed a whole.

The power generated by the union of these nine huge stars is very powerful, and under this continent, I have also hidden a peak palace-like treasure, which contains all the treasures I left behind, including the details of my secret skill of water and fire. , I hope those who are destined to cherish it in the future can continue to pass it on, thank you. "      After Luo Yuan read these words formed by flames, it seemed that these were left by Jie Fanzi, but Luo Yuan did not expect that Jie Fanzi's strength and perseverance were somewhat beyond his original imagination. Luo Yuan guessed this Jie Fanzi is the strongest person in the universe. Otherwise, how could he dare to go through reincarnation? But he didn't expect that Jie Fanzi would spend nearly three reincarnations to create a unique skill. This kind of perseverance is unimaginable. , this also made Luo Yuan interested, wanting to see how strong it was.

Luo Yuan felt that Jie Fanzi was a master-level strongman with unimaginable persistence and patience in martial arts. Jie Fanzi's strength was comparable to that of the original ancestor at his peak, and he must have been the strongest existence at that time. , but Luo Yuan understood that the talent of Jie Fanzi was definitely not as strong as that of the original ancestor. After all, it only took the original ancestor less than one reincarnation era to reach the ultimate strength of the strongest person in the universe, and it also threatened the original will of the original universe. Being permanently suppressed, it can be said that there is no one left.

But it took Jie Fanzi nearly three reincarnation eras to reach this level, but he is still more talented than most powerful people in the universe sea. However, his self-created water and fire origin is also very powerful. Luo Yuan can For reference, in fact, as early as the cosmic level, Luo Yuan began to comprehend the ten original laws. He wanted to take the path of integrating the laws of chaos and become a chaos saint. However, as his strength became stronger, Luo Yuan discovered these original laws. Something is always missing.

These original laws are not as powerful as Luo Yuan thought, but it is difficult to continuously integrate them. The fusion of two laws is okay, but the fusion of more than three laws is difficult after all, and this Jie Fanzi created by himself The secret knowledge of the origin of water and fire must be different from the laws of water and fire that he has understood. The origin of water and fire created by Jie Fanzi actually also contains the mysterious origin of life. This is very interesting, because the origin of life and the law of fire Related at the genetic level.

Jie Fanzi, the ultimate strongest man in the universe, does not have the help of Duan Donghe's inheritance, but he can create the tenth-level peak secret technique completely by himself. This is already very powerful, especially the secret technique of the origin of water and fire. The secret method is even more helpful to the current Luo Yuandu. It is much more powerful than the other secret methods created by the strongest people in the universe. However, so far in this universe sea, there are only the Ziyue Holy Land universe and the East Emperor Holy Land universe. That is to say, Jie Fanzi has fallen.

The strongest person in the universe who is so amazing and talented is still unable to break through reincarnation. This shows how dangerous it is to break through reincarnation. No wonder that after countless reincarnations in the universe sea, there are only two holy land universes. Luo Yuan sighed. Shaking his head, this also made him decide that he would not easily go through reincarnation without being 100% sure, otherwise all his efforts would be wasted. After all, it is not easy to become the strongest person in the universe. Things are going hard.

Luo Yuan took the Star Tower, and then collected the nine huge stars suspended in the sky. These were all refined by Jie Fanzi using the rare objects of heaven and earth. They can provide endless energy and can also Help Luo Yuan to understand the unique skill of the origin of water and fire. After doing this, Luo Yuan looked at the ground under his feet. With a sweep of his mind, he saw the peak palace treasure that Jie Fanzi mentioned. Luo Yuan directly used his powerful mental power to He took it out from the ground and was recognized as its owner by Luo Yuan.

It's just a peak palace treasure, and Luo Yuan has many of them. Only if it is the most powerful palace treasure, Luo Yuan will take a fancy to it. However, what Luo Yuan values ​​​​the most is the treasure in it. Luo Yuan just explored it with his spiritual mind. Immediately, joy appeared on his face. It was truly a treasure left by the strongest person in the universe. The treasures included were of various kinds, but they were all of a very high level. They were worth more than any of the strongest people in the universe in the universe. More than dozens of times.

There are more than a hundred peak treasures alone, including many palace and domain treasures. As for the number of treasures below the peak treasures, there are not many. It must be that Jie Fanzi doesn't like them either, although there are no peak treasures. It is a powerful treasure, but it is also very good. After all, the supreme treasure is very precious. If it really exists, it will be taken by Jie Fanzi to reincarnate. In addition to the treasure, there are many precious materials, whether it is used It's good to refine treasures or restore damaged divine bodies.

Moreover, Luo Yuan also discovered treasures that can enhance the genetic level of the Lord of the Universe. These treasures combined are several times more than the current treasure trove of the entire human race. With these things, the strength of the human race can be further improved. Improved, but judging from the records left by Jie Fanzi.

This Jie Fanzi is a lone strongest man in the universe, and he also likes to wander in the cosmic sea. After three consecutive reincarnations, with the strength of the strongest man in the universe, he has collected a huge amount of treasures. It's just that he is a strong researcher and scholar. He has always been obsessed with improving his strength and creating secret techniques, so he has not collected treasures. But even so, his wealth is astonishing. Luo Yuan's Wu-killing Wings are also available if he wants to repair them. Enough material.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel very happy. He took out the crystal stone recording the secret knowledge of the origin of water and fire from the treasure and looked at it. Then Luo Yuan became more and more surprised as he looked at it. He did not expect that the origin of water and fire created by Jie Fanzi was The secret method in the secret technique also has very precious inspiration for him. If judged by level, this secret technique of Jie Fanzi can be classified into the core inheritance of Duandonghe, especially in which a universe can be evolved by just using the original law of water and fire. ,very interesting.

Therefore, powerful people above the Lord of the Universe know that if you want to create a small universe, you need a huge amount of power of laws, and most of them require several kinds of power to complete. A stronger one also requires the power of ten kinds of original laws, but Jie Fan Zi's ​​secret knowledge of the origin of water and fire only requires two laws, and they are two completely opposite laws of water and fire. Luo Yuan also benefited a lot from the mystery of the origin of life involved, and even the basic construction of a small universe, which is very wonderful. .

What makes Luo Yuan feel that this water and fire source secret skill is most powerful is that he can use the secret method to create a small universe at any time, and then trap the enemy in it. He can also borrow the power of the universe to kill them, even in the original universe. It can be used. This small universe is still real. It is much more powerful than the treasure of time and space control left by the original ancestor. This is an extremely powerful domain-type secret skill, which is more powerful and precious than the domain-type supreme treasure.

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(End of this chapter)

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