I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 469 Weird Power, Small Universe

Chapter 469 Weird Power, Small Universe

Although Luo Yuan knew that this behemoth in human form was the body of the God King of the Mountain Guest, he didn't know the specific treasures in it. Therefore, out of a prudent idea, he would not let the strongest clone go when he went to explore this time. It was to send a backup clone, and even the treasures used were only peak treasures, so Luo Yuan's backup clone drove the spherical palace treasure and constantly teleported to explore. All the locations he passed were marked and made into detailed maps. This was a must. of.

At this time, in a void in the cosmic sea, a transmission channel suddenly appeared, and then the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect walked out of the channel. One of the ancestor gods said: "Jiuyou, the leader of the vanguard team we sent, According to the news sent to us by the Lord, it seems that the divine body of the supreme power has attracted the attention of all the forces in the universe sea. They have sent powerful people to explore, but they are very cautious and have sent out all the powerful people to explore. It’s just a clone, and he’s really smart.”

"Haha, so what. This time, the original will of the original universe gave them a great opportunity, but whether they can seize it depends on their strength. The birth of the fourth Jedi is not that easy, and the dangers involved are even greater than others. The three great Jedi are even more terrifying. As representatives of the original universe, we have something to do."

"It doesn't matter to us what dangers these forces will encounter and how many strong men they will lose. Let's go and take a look. Comparison is also a big opportunity, but we don't need to be so anxious. Let them test the dangers first. However, when it comes to understanding this behemoth in human form, no force knows it in more detail than we do, but we cannot tell other forces this information, otherwise the original will of the original universe will punish us."

The Ancestral God Religion of all dynasties is the representative of the original will of the original universe and the defender of its interests. Naturally, they also know many secrets, and this behemoth in human form as the fourth Jedi was obtained by the original will of the original universe. The Ancestral God The three ancestor gods of the religion naturally came here with the orders and tasks of the original will of the original universe. Although they know a lot of information, they must abide by the rules of the cosmic sea and cannot be careless. After all, the cosmic sea is very dangerous.

If it were in the original universe, the three ancestral gods would not perish no matter what, and could fight and explore with confidence. However, in the cosmic sea, without the powerful protection of the original universe, they had to be cautious in doing things. As the giant humanoid beast continued to slow down, , finally stopped moving and completely transformed into the fourth Jedi, which made all the powerful people present excited, which meant that they could explore well, just like exploring the other three Jedi.

Moreover, this fourth Jedi is still brand new and has not been developed. As the first batch of developers, they naturally have a much greater chance of obtaining treasures. At this time, the strong men of various forces on the surface of the humanoid behemoth also know this fact. Is it the divine body of a certain supreme powerhouse, or the fallen divine body? They were very interested in the entire set of armor they were wearing, and immediately used various methods to identify their master. Luo Yuan just sneered when he saw their behavior, It's all nonsense.

This is a god-king-level armor. How can it be so easy to recognize its master? Luo Yuan spent a lot of money to recognize the master of the Star Tower. Sure enough, no matter how these strong men tried, they had no effect on the giant humanoid armor. , even if the strongest man in the universe uses the most powerful treasure, he will not be able to leave any traces on the armor.

While Luo Yuan was paying attention to the situation outside the humanoid behemoth, he controlled the backup clone to explore the body of the God King. He drove the palace treasure and continuously teleported. The speed was also extremely fast, reaching tens of millions of light years, far ahead of the others. A strong man in power, in order to explore the surrounding environment, Luo Yuan also used domain-type treasures, so that he could know everything within a few light-years around him. Soon Luo Yuan saw an extremely vast scene with no end in sight.

Luo Yuan walked along the extremely broad passage. In order to avoid danger, Luo Yuan slowed down the speed of the palace treasure, but teleported more times. At the same time, the exploration of the domain treasure never stopped, but soon Luo Yuan discovered that he Luo Yuan's domain treasure actually encountered a blind spot, which meant that his domain treasure was blocked in a certain area. This made Luo Yuan unable to help but become interested. This meant that he might have encountered some treasure, so Luo Yuan drove the palace The treasure flew away quickly.

Soon Luo Yuan came to a vortex similar to a black hole, and the power generated by the rotation of this vortex was extremely powerful. Even the ordinary Lord of the Universe might be annihilated when he came here, and Luo Yuan also saw this. The vortex should be a naturally formed wormhole, which is a transmission channel. Luo Yuan felt the power generated by this wormhole and couldn't help but frowned. This tearing and twisting force was too powerful. Luo Yuan had been wandering in the cosmic sea for so many years. I have never seen such a wormhole.

Although Luo Yuan felt that it was a bit troublesome, there was nothing he could do about it. He immediately took out two peak domain treasures, and then protected his palace treasures heavily. He walked along the natural wormhole, and the powerful devouring force suddenly hit him. , the outermost realm treasure was swallowed up, and cracks appeared, but Luo Yuan didn't care. He kept moving forward. With the influence of natural wormholes, it was impossible to teleport away directly. Then Luo Yuan saw To the vast abyss.

Luo Yuan didn't know what this abyss was. After all, Luo Yuan didn't know what kind of existence the mountain guest's divine king body was. Its structure was naturally difficult to guess. He could only continue to explore. Fortunately, Luo Yuan explored all the way. He didn't encounter any danger, but Luo Yuan kept flying at the extreme speed for several months without reaching the end of the boundless abyss, and he didn't find anything. This made Luo Yuan anxious, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. Know where you are.

Even when exploring among the three Jedi, it would not be like this, and this was while constantly teleporting. Just when Luo Yuan insisted on exploring, a gust of cold wind suddenly came quietly to where Luo Yuan was. Around him, the speed of the cold wind was so fast that Luo Yuan could not react at all, and it annihilated the spherical palace treasure that Luo Yuan was riding on into nothingness. Luo Yuan's backup clone was also immediately frozen. The ice sculptures then turned into debris and drifted away.

At this time, Luo Yuan's strongest clone suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face. The backup clone had the strength of the strongest person in the elementary universe, and it also used a set of peak treasures, but it was actually used by that clone. The sudden cold wind blew and was annihilated into nothingness. There was no chance of resistance. Whether it was the divine body or the entire set of peak treasures, this was something Luo Yuan had never encountered before. He couldn't help but think about that cold wind. What kind of dangerous existence is it?

In the control hall at this time, in addition to Luo Yuan, there was also the Lord of Chaos City. Looking at Luo Yuan's expression, he felt strange, so he quickly asked: "Luo Yuan, has something happened? You look like something is wrong. ." Luo Yuan didn't have to hide it, but said directly: "My backup clone fell directly while exploring the interior of the humanoid behemoth, and had no ability to resist at all." At this time, Luo Yuan also felt palpitations, and that said The cold wind is just too dangerous.

Even the other three Jedi have never had this kind of situation, unless there is such a terrifying and dangerous environment in the core area, but now Luo Yuan is only on the outermost edge of the human-shaped behemoth, and Luo Yuan was still using Several domain treasures were explored, but they did not have any effect on the cold wind. Even the peak palace treasures had no effect and turned into fragments. Luo Yuan knew very well that even his Wu-killing Wings' power to control time and space could not do this. . The Lord of Chaos City on the side was also very shocked when he heard Luo Yuan's words. He knew very well Luo Yuan's strength. Even as a backup clone, his actual strongest combat power was similar to that of the current Lord of Chaos City, except that he did not have some special features of the strongest person in the universe. His ability is no worse than the strongest in the universe in terms of combat power, but even so, he was directly annihilated. He asked a little eagerly: "What happened to your backup clone? How did it fall so quickly?" It shouldn’t be.”

Luo Yuan thought for a while and said: "The last thing my backup clone saw was a silent cold wind, but the specific situation is not clear because my domain treasure did not find any abnormalities at all. When I noticed At that point, both my domain treasure and palace treasure were turned into fly ash. Even my backup clone was the same. I didn’t even have time to react. I don’t know if the most powerful treasure can stop it. The corrosive power of the cold wind.”

The Lord of Chaos City was also shocked when he heard this. He knew that Luo Yuan's backup clone brought several top treasures, but even so, it still couldn't stop the power of the cold wind. Is it true that only the most powerful treasures can do it? But the most powerful treasures are not available on the market. Even the two holy places in the universe do not have a few most powerful treasures.

Fortunately, this time the eight Lords of the Universe from Hongmeng all sent clones to explore. After all, we don’t know what dangers there are in this giant humanoid creature. As Luo Yuan’s spare clone fell, soon the other seven Masters of the Universe The clones fell one after another, and none of them survived, and they all died silently on the periphery. This situation shocked the strong men of Hongmeng. Even the other three Jedi would not be like this. It's so scary like this.

At this time, the eight masters of the universe who sent their clones to explore the behemoth in human form detailed the situations they encountered, and the circumstances of their clones' deaths were all different. Luo Yuan encountered a cold wind, and the other seven universe masters Some of the Lords encountered flames, some encountered mist, and some encountered waves of water, but no matter what kind of power they were, they were extremely powerful. All the clones and peak treasures of the eight Lords of the Universe were completely annihilated, and the losses were also Very tragic.

The strong men of the Hongmeng who were originally exploring the behemoth in human form were also worried at this time, but the surrounding areas were so dangerous, so how could they continue to explore? The Lord of Chaos City also saw their worries, but he could not let this emotion continue. Go down, so the Lord of Chaos City said directly: "Listen to what I have to say, everyone. I have also been collecting information from other forces. Just after the integration, I discovered some strange things. All of our Hongmeng explorers have died.

But the same is true for the strong men of other forces. During their exploration, they also saw the boundless abyss and encountered strange forces such as wind or fire. Moreover, their clones and treasures were all annihilated without exception, and they also encountered strange forces such as wind or fire. Some powerful forces and even the most powerful treasures were directly annihilated into nothingness. "

All Hongmeng strongmen present were shocked when they heard the words of the Chaos City Lord. They originally thought that it would be terrible for the pinnacle treasure to be annihilated by those powers, but now they heard that even the most powerful treasure could not resist those powers. This is a bit incredible. You must know that even the strongest person in the universe cannot annihilate the most powerful treasure into nothingness. Seeing this, the Lord of Chaos City said: "This news is absolutely true, and the most powerful treasure does not even have the ability to resist." .”

Luo Yuan was also very surprised when he heard this. He could guess the danger of Zuo Shanke's divine king's body, but he didn't expect that even the most powerful treasure would be difficult to resist the attacks of those forces, and it was completely incapable of resisting. Luo Yuan Yuan is very clear that even the tomb boat modified by Duandonghe can only make the strong fall. Even the strongest person in the universe cannot escape. However, it cannot annihilate the most powerful treasure into nothingness. It can still be done so easily. This situation.

"No, we have only reached the periphery. We have not even explored the true core. Now even the most powerful treasure is difficult to resist and is directly annihilated into nothingness. So what should we do? If we continue to explore, won't we all have to do it? The three major Jedi are not so dangerous." The powerful men of Hongmeng also panicked. It is terrible to know that the most powerful treasure that was annihilated was the palace treasure. Luo Yuan also frowned. It won't be that simple.

When the Lord of Chaos City saw the chaotic situation at the scene, he said: "It's not as scary as everyone thought. I just got the news that those strong men from the first reincarnation era who were about to die have spent a lot of money this time. They even went into those dangerous natural wormholes to explore, and discovered the secrets. Those natural wormholes are connected to a small universe, and in addition to the small universe, even the boundless chaotic airflow and the cosmic sea resemblance."

The Hongmeng strongmen present all showed shocked expressions after hearing this. Luo Yuan was okay. He also guessed the secret of those natural wormholes, but he was curious about how those strong men from the first reincarnation era entered. Those who go into the natural wormhole must know that even his backup clone cannot stop the dangerous environment outside the wormhole. Now that they know that even the most powerful and supreme treasure-level palace treasures are equally difficult to resist, then they are How to do it.

However, the strong men of Hongmeng and Luo Yuan were paying attention in different directions at this time. They were shocked that those small universes connected by natural wormholes were actually in the divine body. Aren't the small universes of the strongest people in the universe all in the cosmic sea? This is true even for the two holy land universes, but the small universe of this supreme strongman is actually within the divine body. How is this done? Then what kind of strength does this supreme strongman have? The Hongmeng strongmen present are not Know the realm after the true god level.

The Lord of Chaos City continued: "According to the information I have received, this humanoid creature is the divine body of a certain supreme power, and those powerful men who enter the periphery of those small universes through natural wormholes cannot even get close to those small universes. The boundary wall cannot be touched, and then the power will be annihilated into nothingness, and even the strongest person in the universe cannot get close, so there is still a trial to explore like this, and now everyone is thinking about how to break the situation."

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(End of this chapter)

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