Chapter 483 Manghe Heritage
  Luo Yuan knew that if he wanted to improve his genetic level, he needed to know more gene sequence components in order to reorganize his genetic level. The stronger the living beings, the higher their genetic level would naturally be. Their genetic sequences would be more important to Luo Yuan's. The reference effect is also the greatest. The genetic level of the powerful people above the True God is more important, but Luo Yuan has only collected a little bit so far. The most complete one is the testament of the Haolei Star Lord who was destroyed before, but it is just This is not enough.

Luo Yuan has long thought of a way forward, which is to analyze the genetic sequences of strong men from different ethnic groups to analyze their structures and even reach the legendary creation of life. Of course, Luo Yuan also knows that this is difficult, after all It is actually difficult to create a ethnic group from scratch. What is even more difficult is the continuation and future potential of this created ethnic group, otherwise it will have no value. As a former god king, Zuo Shanke has such Means, but also consume a lot of money.

The endless sea of ​​​​nine ethereal masters in the ancestral mysterious realm that Luo Yuan obtained has the ability to create life, and the divine body is huge, but it also has a big limitation, that is, the life it creates cannot continue, and will be gone once it falls. , without new people joining, it will disappear sooner or later. Of course, the lives it creates are only lives condensed by energy. It would be easy for Luo Yuan to create it, but it is obvious that it cannot meet the standards expected by Luo Yuan. That's the point.

If you can create a kind of intelligent life and then leave it alone, millions of years later, even if you are not around, they can continue their lives on their own and develop into a powerful civilization with an endless supply. This is the meaning of creating life. and value, instead of being restricted, but Luo Yuan also knew that reaching one step would not happen overnight. He needed to improve his genetic level. After reaching almost fifty thousand times the level, he could start. As a in accordance with.

The purpose of creating life is actually to have more foundations in the improvement of the genetic level to achieve a breakthrough in the divine power route. After all, the path Luo Yuan set for himself is too high, directly to the 100,000 times genetic level. Although it is difficult, but Once a breakthrough is made, it will be more powerful than any true god, and it will also lay a solid foundation for climbing to a higher realm. Therefore, Luo Yuan now needs the inheritance of more true god-level experts to study the recombination of gene sequences, which requires massive amounts of military merit.

After Luo Yuan arranged his island, he used teleportation to receive the basic inheritance of the Mang River Legion. Although Luo Yuan had a more powerful and advanced Dongdong River inheritance, he actually wanted to practice and fight here. Naturally, You need to understand the inheritance here, and as a special legion, the inheritance must be of great value.

There are many islands on this lake called Mang River, and the island in the center is the core of the Mang River Legion. The basic inheritance is naturally also here. When Luo Yuan came to this island, he found that it was like this Countless stone pillars were erected, but the tops of these pillars were suspended with shining crystal balls. This must be the carrier of inheritance. Luo Yuan also saw the strange beast named Wu He, At this time, I was holding a stone pillar to comprehend.

Wu He also saw Luo Yuan. He immediately got down from the stone pillar and ran towards Luo Yuan. As soon as Wu He saw him, he said: "Hunyuan, we are the only two newcomers who have received the basic inheritance of the Mang River Legion. But a disaster-level mission is about to begin. I have been here to understand this basic inheritance for a long time, but why did you come here? We have to hurry up, otherwise it will be difficult to survive the next disaster-level mission. , you should quickly choose an inheritance.

You also saw that there are many stone pillars and crystal balls here, and each one is a inheritance. Although they are only basic inheritances, they are extremely precious outside. Even my father, who is the Lord of the North True Sea, does not have it. So much, as members of the special legion, we can get it for free just by coming. But if you are a soldier of the ordinary legion, you need to exchange a lot of military merits to get these basic inheritances. Of course, higher inheritance military merits more.

Okay, having said all that, hurry up and understand these basic inheritances. We are pressed for time and strive to improve our strength before the mission begins, otherwise it will be really dangerous. "

Luo Yuan just nodded when he heard this. In fact, he was not particularly worried about this disaster-level mission. He came here with the inheritance of Broken East River and just wanted to learn from it and see the basic inheritance of this special legion of the God King's Legion. level, in order to speculate on the general strength of the God King's legion, so Luo Yuan directly spread out his mental power, and the general information in the stone pillars and crystal balls that recorded the basic inheritance was immediately transmitted to Luo Yuan's mind, and then Luo Yuan saw different types of basic inheritances, including melee and long-range attacks that focused on combat, and auxiliary inheritances such as refining treasures and illusions, as well as some powerful secret techniques.

The secret technique that Wu He used to increase his strength by burning divine power is also here. This shocked Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan originally came here just to take a look. After all, it was just a basic inheritance, and his Broken East River The inheritance is definitely incomparable, but as Luo Yuan's interpretation became more serious, although these basic inheritances are very basic, they are very detailed and practical, without any fancy content, all dry stuff, and there are many Less fighting skills.

Luo Yuan was also fascinated by what he saw. This was very helpful for improving his strength and also supplemented a lot of Luo Yuan's content. Of course, the basic inheritance here is definitely not complete. After all, it is an inheritance for the Lords of Law. The true god level is over. If you want the following content, you need to use military merit in exchange for it. It is very realistic. Luo Yuan can see it because he is a soldier of a special legion. If he is a soldier of an ordinary legion, he will not have such treatment at all. The basics must be replaced by military merit.

Luo Yuan's mental power is very strong and has reached the true god level, so he can interpret and understand a lot of basic inheritance information here at the same time. He does not need to hold a stone pillar to understand like Wu He, so Luo Yuan will soon All the basic inheritance here is memorized, and only the parts that are useful to him are extracted and integrated into his own inheritance system. Luo Yuan finds it interesting that the secret technique of burning divine power in exchange for strength is somewhat similar to his annihilation. .

This makes Luo Yuan no longer look down upon the inheritance of the God King Legion. After all, it is the inheritance left by the God King-level powerhouse Zuo Shanke. Even if it is just the basics, it is extraordinary, but the basic inheritance here is obviously It is the basic part of those powerful inheritances. If you want to obtain the following content, you must obtain a large amount of military merit in exchange for it. Link by link, it is really like this. It is indeed similar to what Luo Yuan guessed before. This also guarantees the inheritance. Coherent and systematic.

Of course, the basic inheritance here is definitely not comparable to the core inheritance of Duandonghe. However, compared with the large number of basic inheritances included, it is still very good and belongs to the upper level. After all, the inheritance of Duandonghe basically combines the ancient civilizations. All the powerful inheritances of the era have been collected, which also cost the previous Duandonghe a lot of money. After all, it was difficult to obtain inheritances in the ancient civilization era, but in the God King Legion, as long as you have military merit, you can exchange for what you want. of.

As a special legion of the God King's Legion, the Mang River Legion provides these basic inheritances to warriors for free. Even in the ancient civilization era, it is at a high level. It is impossible for big forces to come into contact with it. Although Luo Yuan possesses Duandong The river inheritance is much more powerful than these basic inheritances, but Luo Yuan is not from the world of Jin, and all inheritances in the world of Jin are controlled by the God King Legion. Therefore, if Luo Yuan uses the secret method of breaking the East River inheritance, he will immediately Caught.

So Luo Yuan came here to understand these basic inheritances to conceal his identity. However, because Luo Yuan himself mastered many secret techniques, and the basic inheritances here also have many similar parts, Luo Yuan could quickly master these basic inheritances. And use it freely, such as the secret technique of increasing strength by burning divine power. Luo Yuan quickly mastered it on the basis of the secret technique of annihilation. He will not arouse their suspicion when using it in the future when performing tasks. Luo Yuan knew very well that all the powerful people from the Universe Sea who came to the world of Jin from the outside world were now hiding their identities honestly. If the local powerful people here knew that they were outsiders, they would probably It will be destroyed directly. After all, the strong men in this world of Jin are simply crushed compared to the universe sea.

For those newcomers who want to understand the basic inheritance here in half a month, it would be good, let alone use it freely. But Luo Yuan is different. He has a strong inheritance foundation. He originally mastered the corresponding inheritance abilities, but now looking at some basic inheritances is as easy as a college student looking at elementary school students' questions. Luo Yuan only needs to know how to use these basic inheritances, but he can use them by changing them. It is completely easy and freehand. .

But Luo Yuan would not deliberately show off his strength. When he was pretending to learn the basic inheritance here, he had already made up his mind to share the information here with the human race. After all, this is also a good basic inheritance, although for Luo Yuan is useless, but can be useful to the human race. In addition, there is no contract binding, so he can safely hand it over to the human race. However, those high-level inheritances in the Duandonghe inheritance cannot be passed on because they have established inheritance contracts, so Luo Yuan will use this way.

At this time, in the human territory of the original universe, Luo Yuan's true self was still on the throne of the only temple on Earth in the Milky Way. The Milky Way has now become his own personal domain. For this reason, Luo Yuan also built the most powerful Defense and control system, so any disturbance in the entire galaxy cannot escape Luo Yuan's detection, even in time and space. Whether it is the past, present or future, it can be said to be impregnable, the only realm of the Kingdom of God.

This is why Luo Yuan used a special secret method to turn the Milky Way into an existence similar to a small universe. Even though Luo Yuan has not yet broken through to the true god level, his galaxy can exert the power of the peak true god level, no matter who it is Even if you come here, you can't fight against him. Luo Yuan is the only true god here, an invincible existence.

Luo Yuan's true self has divided into several consciousnesses to control several of the strongest clones to do their corresponding things, but the most important time and thought is still on personal cultivation. As for the management of the entire galaxy, Luo Yuan has completely handed it over to Jiang. Fang Jinu and Luo Feng's family are together. After all, Luo Yuan is here. No matter what happens, he can directly suppress it. Suddenly Luo Yuan sensed something. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the endless void. Where was there a stream of light? Come quickly.

After a little exploration, Luo Yuan found out that it was the Two-faced Ancestral God. Why did this Ancestral God come to him if he didn't have the Ancestral God Religion? Luo Yuan let go of the restrictions and allowed the Two-faced Ancestral God to come to his temple. No matter what the Ancestral God wanted to do, he could not do anything to him. Even the original will of the original universe cannot completely limit any threat posed by Luo Yuan. However, when the Double-faced Ancestral God came to the temple and saw Luo Yuan on the throne, he saluted respectfully and then smiled. Luo Yuan treated him The performance is not surprising either.

After all, with Luo Yuan's current strength and status, which is equivalent to that of a true god, even if the three ancestor gods meet each other, they must treat each other with courtesy. Although Luo Yuan does not know why the two-faced ancestor god suddenly came to his true self, he will not What did he show? He was just a little surprised and said: "The ancestor god usually sees people, how come you have time to come to my core place now? Is there any new information from the original will of the original universe that you want you to convey to me? Yes, let’s talk about it.”

The double-faced ancestral god was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he quickly adjusted his expression, and then smiled and said: "Luo Yuan, I'm not happy if you say that. I taught you when we were in the ancestral mystical realm. We were neighbors at that time. We have been dating for many years, and now that I have nothing to do, why don’t I come to you to catch up on old times?”

Luo Yuan listened to the words of the Two-faced Ancestor God and just sneered in his heart. The interest relationship between them was greater than any kind of kindness. Luo Yuan did not need his help at all at the beginning. It felt like it was just a trick they directed and performed, and When the coalition camp came to attack the human race, the Ancestral God Sect had been waiting and watching. However, without reaching out to hit the smiling man, Luo Yuan still wanted to see what the two-faced Ancestral God wanted to do, so he smiled kindly and said: "Okay, let's have a good time. Let’s talk.”

The Double-faced Ancestral God chatted with Luo Yuan for a while, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and then revealed his true purpose of coming here. He said: "Luo Yuan, actually I came to you for something, our Ancestral God Sect As the representative and executor of the original will of the original universe, I naturally got its instructions when I came here. The original will of the original universe told me that you gained a lot in that world of Jin, so he asked me to come here I’m here to discuss something with you.”

Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard the words of the Double-faced Ancestral God. When he was in the world of Jin, he felt that the rules and restrictions were much looser than in the cosmic sea and the original universe. He could fully use all his power. After all, he had once It is the God King's small universe, but when Luo Yuan tried to bypass the limitations of the original will of the original universe and interpret the knowledge beyond the true god level in Duan Donghe's inheritance, he found that it still didn't work, and it was just a little looser. This shows that It still has an impact.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it. After all, in the universe sea, no force can surpass the strength of the original universe, not even a mountain guest. Otherwise, why would he choose to reincarnate in the original universe to accumulate strength and train disciples? As the original will of the original universe, the ability is naturally very strong, and the appearance of the God King's body in the cosmic sea after the death of Zuoshanke is not controlled by the original will of the original universe. Three ancestor gods were also sent to convey the message.

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(End of this chapter)

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