Chapter 498 Crush the True God
  At this time, the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God stared at Luo Yuan who was attacking him. He also knew in his heart that Luo Yuan, as a soldier of the legion, must have come here for the testament of the true god-level powerful men in his hands this time, because these true gods The testament of a super strong person can be exchanged for a large amount of military merit. However, in the heart of the eight-hoofed beast true god, Luo Yuan's realm is only the master of laws, but he is a true god. Even the weakest true god is a true god, no matter it is Both the strength and the secret technique are at the true god level.

In the world of Jin, it is very rare for a law lord to defeat the true god in a head-on battle. Every law lord who can do this is a peerless genius, and the eight-hooved alien beast true god also recognizes Luo Yuan. He had previously snatched the inheritance of a true god-level strongman from Jiuyanze, so he also knew that Luo Yuan's strength was good, especially his movement skills were at the true god level. This couldn't help but make the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God excited, because Luo Yuan is definitely a peerless genius in the God King Legion.

And the Eight-hoofed Alien God, who has always been mediocre, feels that he can gain a lot of benefits from fighting against the peerless genius of the legion this time. As for the true god-level armor on Luo Yuan, this is not something ordinary warriors can possess. Yes, he is probably the elite ace of the special legion, and the eight-hoofed alien beast true god who has always wanted to obtain the true god-level armor is naturally very much looking forward to it. The eight-hoofed alien beast true god is not strong enough to deal with other true gods, but he can win one The Lord of Laws is still fine.

Therefore, the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God did not retreat or defend when he saw Luo Yuan's attack. Instead, he fought directly with Luo Yuan. The distance between Luo Yuan and the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God was already very close. , so in just a blink of an eye, Luo Yuan collided with the eight-hoofed alien beast true god. Luo Yuan waved his sword and a bright sword light appeared, and the eight-hoofed alien beast true god raised its huge claws and collided with the sword light. , and suddenly the sound of their battle shook the heaven and the earth.

For a time, the battle between Luo Yuan and the eight-hoofed alien beast true gods suddenly attracted the true gods fighting around them. They also sensed the divine power and discovered Luo Yuan's figure. They just saw that Luo Yuan, as a master of laws, dared to The courage of facing a true god made these true gods feel incredible. However, they were not optimistic about Luo Yuan and felt that Luo Yuan did not know how high the sky was. However, Luo Yuan had snatched the inheritance from a true god-level powerhouse before, which made them worried.

Although those true gods were not optimistic about Luo Yuan, they would not let Luo Yuan succeed. So those true gods who noticed the situation here flew towards the place where Luo Yuan and the eight-hoofed alien beast true gods fought. They obviously wanted to join forces. Let Luo Yuan fall here. Under the rules set by the high-level officials of the God King Legion, those Void True Gods cannot take action against the warriors who are performing their missions. However, True God-level powerhouses do not have this restriction, and Luo Yuan is in their eyes A first-rate genius.

As for the true god-level powerhouses of the two forces, since Luo Yuan feels that they have been betrayed by their true god-level powerhouses, they will not hold back, even if Luo Yuan is the peerless genius of the legion. After all, only growth can A genius who rises is a genius, and a genius who falls is just a flash in the pan.

And Luo Yuan also noticed the true gods who were besieging them. With the speed of those true gods, it would take about thirty seconds to come over, so Luo Yuan knew that he had to fight quickly, otherwise he would be surrounded by so many true gods. That's it. The field that can accommodate tens of thousands of true gods fighting is naturally very wide, and the eight-hoofed alien beast true gods with average strength have been lingering on the edge, and Luo Yuan is also following, so there is naturally a distance from those true gods. .

Therefore, Luo Yuan had to deal with the eight-hoofed alien beast true god within thirty seconds, so Luo Yuan did not care about the true gods who were surrounding him, but stared at the eight-hoofed alien beast true god in front of him, full of Fighting intent, and the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God also noticed Luo Yuan's actions. He was originally worried that the other True Gods would take action and escape directly with the movement skills Luo Yuan had shown before, but at this time Luo Yuan did not leave. Instead, he wanted to continue to take action against himself. In the eyes of the Eight-hooved Alien Beast True God, Luo Yuan did not leave because of greed, but this was in line with his thoughts. After all, the Eight-hooved Alien Beast True God also coveted Luo Yuan's equipment.

"Yes, boy, you have the guts to fight head-on with me, a true god. You are very good, but your strength is not good enough. The equipment you are wearing belongs to me, hahaha." The eight-hoofed alien beast true god Qiya sneered. . So the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God immediately continued fighting with Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan and the figure of the eight-hoofed alien beast true god were fighting like a stream of light. They fought countless moves in the blink of an eye. Luo Yuan kept waving his sword, displaying powerful sword skills and the eight-hoofed alien beast true god's The iron claws collided together. When the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God wanted to continue to attack, Luo Yuan immediately used Dream Bubble to dodge, so that the Eight-hooved Alien Beast True God could never hit Luo Yuan. There was no way to display its powerful strength, leaving the Eight-hooved Alien Beast True God with no place to display its powerful strength. The hoofed alien beast true god roared angrily.

Just when the Eight-hoofed Alien God was negligent, Luo Yuan ducked behind the Eight-hoofed Alien God, then waved a huge sword, blessed with powerful strength, and then the sword fell directly on the Eight-hoofed Alien God. On his back, a powerful force suddenly knocked the eight-hoofed alien beast true god to the ground, blasting out a huge crater with a diameter of 10,000 meters. Before the eight-hoofed alien beast true god could react, Luo Yuan teleported to the side of the eight-hoofed beast.

Then Luo Yuan used the first form of his self-created Tyrannical Sword Technique, Kaitian. Suddenly a bright sword light appeared, directly opening a huge knife wound on the back of the eight-hoofed alien beast true god. He was still confident before The eight-hoofed alien beast true god let out a miserable howl. The battle between Luo Yuan and the eight-hoofed alien beast true god actually happened between the lightning and flint, because Luo Yuan knew that he did not have much time, only less than thirty. Seconds, so Luo Yuan did not hold back, and taking action was a unique move.

As a true god-level powerhouse, the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God was always in a state of not being crushed when fighting Luo Yuan. This made the Eight-hooved Alien Beast True God couldn't help but be stunned. He felt that the Luo Yuan he was fighting was not a member of the law. The Lord is a high-level true god with rich combat experience, so the eight-hoofed beast true god looked at Luo Yuan with fear in his eyes, and he shouted: "How is it possible, aren't you the Lord of Laws? Why are you so strong? And the divine power is stronger than mine.”

Luo Yuan looked at the frightened Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God, and knew that the Eight-hooved Alien Beast True God began to doubt life, but Luo Yuan did not explain, because all the True Gods who had fought with Luo Yuan in the universe sea in these years were like this. With an expression on his face, although Luo Yuan is still in the realm of the Lord of Laws, that is, the Lord of the Universe, his strength and reserve of divine power, as well as his secret magical powers, far exceed those of ordinary true gods. Naturally, Luo Yuan's strength is no weaker than those of higher true gods. .

This is still Luo Yuan's strongest clone. If Luo Yuan's true self were here, he would be destroyed in just the moment of fighting the eight-hoofed alien beast true god. But in order to save time, Luo Yuan's this The strongest clone used one of Duandonghe's secret skills, Duan Mie. After burning the divine power, he used a true god-level movement technique like Dream Bubble. He could not confront the eight-hoofed alien beast true god head-on. Even if the eight-hoofed alien beast true god's defense Although his attack power is not weak, he cannot stop Luo Yuan.

So in terms of speed, Luo Yuan completely crushed the eight-hoofed alien beast true god. Therefore, no matter how much he resisted, the eight-hoofed alien beast true god could not avoid Luo Yuan's sword skills. At this time, Luo Yuan kept waving the sword in his hand. , immediately both Kaitian and Miedi were used by Luo Yuan. In just an instant, the eight-hoofed alien beast true god was enveloped by countless sword lights, and the eight-hoofed alien beast true god's huge beast appeared After sustaining huge stab wounds, the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God, whose original strength had declined, now felt the passage of his life and couldn't help but fall into panic. He was really scared and his expression was a little sluggish. The Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God thinks that he is the true god, and Luo Yuan is just the Lord of Laws. Shouldn't he crush Luo Yuan directly? Why is the current situation that he, the True God, is crushed by a Lord of Laws? This is too unreasonable, but the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God also knows that if he continues like this, he will really fall into the hands of Luo Yuan, so the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God wants to escape from here, he I don't want to care about why this is happening.

The alien beast True God, who previously wanted to destroy Luo Yuan and seize Luo Yuan's true god-level armor, Ba Tu, had no such idea at this time. He only needed to stay away from Luo Yuan, the opponent who could make him fall, so Ba Tu The True God of Alien Beasts began to look for opportunities to escape, but how could Luo Yuan let him go? When Luo Yuan took action, he would not let him go, let alone give the True God of Alien Beasts with eight hooves a chance to escape. Luo Yuan wanted to survive those Get rid of the alien beasts and true gods in front of you before the true gods come to attack.

Luo Yuan felt the increasingly weak aura of the eight-hoofed alien god, so Luo Yuan continued to increase the size of his tools. Suddenly, powerful sword lights appeared and slashed at the eight-hoofed alien god. Each one was bright and bright. The sword light of Luo Yuan shook the void. This is because the world of Jin is relatively stable. If it were in the universe, each of Luo Yuan's sword lights would be enough to annihilate the void into nothingness. Therefore, at this time, the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God has been destroyed. The sword light covered it, like a realm.

And Luo Yuan's sword light formed a storm, and every strand of this storm was condensed by the sword light. This made it impossible for the eight-hoofed beast true god to escape, and could only continue to be consumed by Luo Yuan's attacks. Once The disappearance of the power of the divine body of the Eight-hoofed Alien Beast True God means that he will fall, and everything about him will become Luo Yuan's trophies. This makes the Eight-hooved Alien Beast True God feel confused. This is still the law. Lord, when did the soldiers of the legion become so strong?

At this time, in addition to the eight-hoofed beast true gods who were shocked to despair by Luo Yuan's strength, the besieging true gods also noticed the situation here. They were also very shocked. They originally thought that Luo Yuan was the master of the law. , they were able to snatch a testament of a true god-level powerhouse from the hands of a true god-level powerhouse, just because Luo Yuan had mastered powerful body skills, but now they found that Luo Yuan was also very powerful in terms of combat power, not at all better than them. These are really bad. Is this still the Lord of Law? This is something they, the true gods, cannot understand and accept, so a true god said: "This warrior is only the Lord of Law, and it is absolutely impossible to have such combat power, even the best Lord of Law." I can't do this. I guess the sword in his hand is definitely not an ordinary piece of equipment. It might be a mechanical treasure that can greatly enhance combat power. Otherwise, how could he, a mere Lord of Laws, be able to crush the true god level? Of the strong.”

As the true god spoke, the other true gods also nodded. They would not believe that this was Luo Yuan's own strength. He definitely borrowed the power of the mechanical sword to have such heaven-defying combat power. He must have It turned out that the sword contained extremely powerful power, and it was just extracted by Luo Yuan.

At this time, in addition to those true gods who were shocked, there was also the strong captain of the sixth point pair who had been hiding on the other side. His expression was even more exciting than those true god-level strong men. He knew Luo Yuan's bottom line. Luo Yuan He is just a newcomer who has just joined the legion. Even if he accepts the most basic inheritance of the legion, it only takes less than half a month. In such a short time, let alone mastering the basic inheritance, it is good to finish reading it. .

And even if he could fully comprehend those basic inheritances, it would be impossible for him to have Luo Yuan's fighting power at this time. He had never seen the new Lord of Laws be able to crush a true god. When the Eight-hoofed Alien God God took action, the captain felt that Luo Yuan was overestimating his capabilities. Even the captain who had experienced hundreds of battles could only dare to deal with the mechanical treasures he had earned in exchange for his long-term military exploits. The true god takes action, but I dare not say that he can crush it.

Moreover, the captain has not taken action and is still wary of the fighting true gods around him, because once something abnormal happens to the eight-hoofed beast true god, these true gods will immediately besiege them, and they will only fall down, so this The captain just shook his head and thought that Luo Yuan was about to perish, but the result left him dumbfounded. Luo Yuan actually dared to take action against the eight-hoofed alien beast True God when dozens of True Gods were besieging him, and he had the power to crush him as soon as he took action.

A newcomer who can crush a true god, this strong captain has never been heard of in the God King Legion. Even though the eight-hoofed beast true god is at the bottom of those true gods, it is not at the level of the Lord of Laws. A newcomer can do it. Now the captain only feels that his three views have been shattered, because this is too outrageous. At this time, the captain also feels like those true gods that Luo Yuan must have such strength. It is possible to create a treasure of mechanical flow.

Because no matter in the cognition of those true gods or the captain, it is impossible for the Lord of Laws to do this in the world of Jin. Only Luo Yuan has a powerful mechanical flow treasure in his hand. Only with his strength can he have such strength, and this mechanical treasure is probably the sword.

For a while, the strong captain couldn't help feeling jealous of Luo Yuan, because this captain had performed many tasks in the legion, including many disaster-level tasks, and even the most dangerous reincarnation-level task. , he didn't know how many methods he used to survive, and he exchanged the military achievements accumulated in so many years of missions for a mechanical treasure, and he has never dared to use it, but Luo Yuan, as a newcomer, has a powerful mechanical treasure.

Moreover, the captain also understood that the mechanical treasure that Luo Yuan possessed could only have been possessed before entering the legion. Otherwise, Luo Yuan would not have been able to have such a powerful strength and be able to leapfrog and crush him in the realm of the Lord of Laws. This made the captain feel very uncomfortable at the moment when he was overwhelmed by a true god-level powerhouse. He also felt that he had underestimated Luo Yuan. He did not expect that Luo Yuan, who had no power behind him, actually possessed so many treasures and secret techniques.

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(End of this chapter)

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