Chapter 502 Find him

At this time, countless ribbons appeared on the black cloud wings of the strong captain, covering Luo Yuan, and the black ball formed became stronger and stronger, but Luo Yuan knew that he could not continue like this, although he did not know where the captain got such a powerful machine. It is a treasure, but its power is indeed not simple, so just when the captain thought he had captured Luo Yuan, the black ball actually flew up, and the speed was getting faster and faster, especially since the black ball had not been captured yet. The captain controls the flight, but is controlled.

Suddenly the ribbon that formed the black ball broke, and then a huge warship appeared. This was the tomb boat driven by Luo Yuan. He still underestimated the power of the mechanical flow treasure. If he only relied on himself It would be difficult to escape within a period of time due to his strength, so Luo Yuan could no longer hold back. He was not afraid of the captain and the dozens of team members, but he was worried that the true gods would discover him and attack him. The boat is a top-level mechanical treasure.

No matter how the ribbons of the black cloud wings of any captain were entangled, they could not stop the tomb ship from moving forward. Then the captain stared dumbfoundedly as he watched Luo Yuan flying rapidly in a simple-looking spaceship, especially at a speed that was even faster than his own. After using the Black Cloud Wing, he still couldn't catch up. Why didn't the captain expect that Luo Yuan, a newcomer, could have such a powerful mechanical flow ship? No matter how he burned his divine power to control the Black Cloud Wing, he couldn't create any hindrance to the Tomb Ship.

At this time, even if countless ribbons of the captain's black cloud wings were wrapped around the tomb boat, they could not stop it from moving forward. Instead, it was carried by the tomb boat to fly. Seeing this, Luo Yuan used his divine power to say : "Haha, my captain, aren't you threatening me with the true god of exploration in the sky? In this case, I will take you to see him. I want to see what he can do to me, but you will It's okay, I don't know, you have also snatched the true god's will."

As Luo Yuan said that, he drove the tomb boat and took the captain up to the sky. The direction he was going was the location of the True God of Alien Beasts in Jiuyanze. Seeing this, the captain couldn't help but became anxious. He said angrily : "Damn it, Hunyuan, what do you want to do? That's a true god. Go on your own adventure and don't take me with you. Do you want to perish?"

After hearing this, Luo Yuan was still flying rapidly in the tomb boat, getting closer and closer to the position of the true god. Luo Yuan's divine power transmitted his message: "Haha, do you think it is me or you who will die in the end? After all, we are all You are Jiu Yanze's enemy. Weren't you very arrogant before and threatened me? Now I am doing the opposite."

The captain became even more anxious after hearing Luo Yuan's words. He could feel that the tomb boat driven by Luo Yuan was a higher-level mechanical treasure than his Black Cloud Wing, and its level was probably above that of the True God of the Void. , even if thousands of Jiuyanze's true gods were exchanged for military merit, they would not be able to exchange it for military merit, and the tomb boat can also block all auras, so as long as Luo Yuan does not deliberately reveal his aura in the tomb boat, even if Even a true god cannot know the specific information about Luo Yuan.

The True God of Jiuyanze Alien Beasts in the sky who is looking for Luo Yuan will not take action easily before he knows the specific origin of the tomb boat. After all, there may be someone with Jiuyanze in this place where the Lords of Law gather to fight. Those juniors of Yanze who have a close relationship with the True God of the Void, but the captain who cannot hide his aura will be discovered by the true god at the first time. After all, this captain is also the first to snatch the inheritance of the True God of Nine Yanze, and the true god Of course he won't hold back.

Then it was not Luo Yuan who died but the captain. The strong captain quickly thought of this. He only felt that it was difficult. He never expected that Luo Yuan would have such a powerful person in his hands. It is estimated that the true god cannot harm the mechanical flow treasure, but if it continues like this, he will be in danger, so the captain decisively decided to give up the attack on Luo Yuan, and then as the ribbons retracted, the captain also Quickly move away from the tomb boat.

Then the captain saw Luo Yuan driving the tomb boat suddenly shrinking to the size of a dust particle, and finally flew into the grass to hide. Even if he used his divine power to detect, he could not sense any breath. The captain felt very sad. Unwilling to be reconciled, he had been planning for so long, but in the end he got nothing. He originally thought that it would be incredible for Luo Yuan to have a mechanical sword that could greatly improve his combat power, but he didn't expect that Luo Yuan also had such a powerful spaceship. , incredible.

This made the captain decide to explore Luo Yuan's bottom line if he did not die in this mission and return to the legion. How could a newcomer at the Lord of Law level have more experience than him, a veteran who had experienced countless dangerous missions? The captain is even richer and has too many trump cards and treasures, but this does not mean that he has nothing to do with Luo Yuan. He did not know that Luo Yuan had such a powerful spaceship before, so he will have to plan carefully next time.

No one in Jiuyanze knew where Luo Yuan was, but a huge golden-horned beast appeared in Jiuyanze's camp. Moreover, this golden-horned beast was unparalleled in combat power. It was fighting with the warriors in Xuanhuan Mountain. This is exactly one of Luo Yuan's clones. When he entered the world of Jin, Luo Yuan prepared a lot of things. When creating the clones, in addition to the four strongest clones, he also created some whose strength was second only to the strongest clone. The other clones, apart from the humanoid clones, were the Golden Horned Behemoth clones. So after Luo Yuan knew that the humanoid clones were being targeted, he took out the Golden Horned Behemoth clones, and his strongest clone was at this time. He is hiding in the inner world of the golden-horned giant beast clone, and then controls the golden-horned giant beast clone to mix among the millions of law lords in Xuanhuan Mountain. No one can easily find it.

At this time, Luo Yuan controlled the golden-horned giant beast and was fighting with the Lords of Laws in Xuanhuan Mountain. Although this golden-horned giant beast was just a clone of Luo Yuan, its aura was exactly the same as the real golden-horned giant beast. Even if it was really The golden-horned behemoth clan cannot be identified even when it comes, especially since all the powerful men in the world of Jin do not have pink, and no one can judge the true identity of the golden-horned behemoth, not even those from the sixth detachment. The team members were also completely unrecognizable.

At this time, the six Void True Gods who were presiding over the overall situation in Jiuyanze were also observing everything that happened in Jiuyanze. The battle between Luo Yuan and the captain was also seen by them, but because of the Legion Due to the restrictions of the Void True God, they could not take action no matter how angry they were. Following Luo Yuan's series of operations, even Luo Yuan used the Golden Horned Behemoth and was discovered by them, but they only thought that the Golden Horned Behemoth was used by Luo Yuan. Just a puppet controlled by the source.

A Void True God couldn't help but sigh: "This legion's warrior should be a newcomer. I learned from the information that there are no such outstanding warriors in the Manghe Legion. I didn't expect that the situation was originally a crisis, but it turned out to be so broken. , the black cloud wing is a good mechanical-style auxiliary treasure. After equipped, it is possible to defeat the true god even if it meets the true god. But I didn’t expect that this newcomer also has a lot of good things. Just the spaceship alone even made me look at it. I’m also very greedy.”

Another True God of the Void said coldly: "Don't mess around. You have forgotten the requirements of the God King's Legion. We and the True God of the Void cannot take action. Although the treasure that that boy has is pretty good, as the True God of the Void, you are going to grab a law." The treasure of the Lord, you are not afraid of the jokes of other Void Gods, but I am very optimistic about this newcomer. Now that he has the alien beast puppet, he is not afraid of other warriors discovering his true identity. He only needs to wait for the decisive battle to end. Can leave."

"Yes, I'm sure this newcomer can leave here safely. I didn't expect that after so many years, the legion finally had a good seedling." At this time, these Void True Gods couldn't help but sigh. After all, they were in the realm of Luo Yuan. It is impossible to achieve this step, so as long as Luo Yuan does not die, his future achievements will definitely be higher than theirs. Even Jiu Yanze, the leader of Jiu Yanze, sighed: "Although this newcomer has snatched many of my Jiu Yanze's true gods. , but I am also very optimistic about him. Even if he has a mechanical-style sword, he actually has a more powerful spaceship. If I read it correctly, that spaceship is also a very high-level mechanical-style treasure, especially in terms of defense. The power and power are very powerful, I dare say that even a dozen true gods cannot stop its progress.

It's just that this newcomer is only a Lord of Laws and can possess two such powerful mechanical treasures. It seems that he is a top genius among the newcomers. He is favored and valued by the top brass of the legion. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have so many powerful weapons. Life-saving means, and the secret method he used is also very powerful. "

The void power of these Void True Gods enveloped and sealed the entire Jiuyanze. Naturally, everything that happened in it could not escape their perception. It was just that they thought that the Golden Horned Behemoth clone was a puppet controlled by Luo Yuan, but when they thought of this, in fact It is also a clone. After all, in the world of Jin, they cannot have clones, and their natural cognition is limited. This is why Luo Yuan hid it so well. Even if Luo Yuan told them that he was not from this world, they would not believe it. .

At this time, the six True Gods of the Void were just sitting high in the sky, overlooking everything that was going on. However, due to the restrictions of the legion, they could not take action and influence these warriors to perform their tasks. No matter what these warriors did, time passed like water, and no matter what they did, time would pass like water. I don't know how many years have passed, but the decisive battle between Xuan Huanshan and Jiu Yanze is almost over. However, under the leadership of the captain, more than a dozen members of the sixth team still have not given up looking for Luo Yuan. He is still thinking about the true god's legacy. Convert.

The strong captain kept dazzling the Lords of Laws in Huan Mountain who gathered in the place to look for him, but they couldn't even find Luo Yuan's shadow. The captain roared very unwillingly: "Why, why since I attacked the Hunyuan... , that Hunyuan seems to have disappeared without a trace. We have been searching for so long and can't even find the shadow. Where is he hiding? For so many years, we have searched all the venues where the Lords of Law gathered to fight, and it is still the same. .”

At this time, the other dozen team members were very anxious. He saw that the decisive battle between the two forces was about to end. If he could not obtain 10,000 military points, it would be even more impossible to obtain them after the decisive battle, so he was also looking for Luo Yuan everywhere. Figure, but they searched the entire place where the Lord of Laws fought and couldn't find it. They didn't think that Luo Yuan would hide in the place where the true god-level strong men fought again. At this time, the strong captain was actually more anxious and worried than these team members.

Because the captain knows how strong Luo Yuan is. Just a newcomer can kill a true god of alien beasts head-on, and he also has at least two mechanical treasures and powerful secrets in his hand. With the strength shown by Luo Yuan and potential. If you can't win over him, you can only destroy him. And the captain has already taken action against Luo Yuan, which means he has offended Luo Yuan. If Luo Yuan cannot be destroyed, when Luo Yuan grows up in the future, that is When they all fell.

So during this period of time, the captain did nothing else and kept looking for traces of Luo Yuan. Apart from coveting the True God's Yidui and those mechanical treasures in Luo Yuan's hands, even if he was afraid of Luo Yuan, he didn't want to grow up in Luo Yuan. He killed him before he got up to eliminate the hidden danger, but he asked all the members of his team to search for so long and couldn't even find Luo Yuan's shadow. How could he not feel angry and unwilling? Seeing that the decisive battle was about to end, he couldn't wait. .

The strong captain said angrily: "Now if you want to complete this disaster-level mission and survive, you must use all your means to find traces of Hunyuan. He cannot go to other places. He can only go to other places." Here, you continue to search. Only by finding him and getting the true God's will in his hand can you complete the mission and survive." The dozen or so team members who followed the captain were also very anxious, and they also knew this truth. , also found.

A team member said: "Captain, you don't need to tell me this. We will do our best to look for him. After all, we don't want to die. But we have been looking for so long and haven't even seen the shadow of Hunyuan. How about we find him?" Let’s tell Kufa and Yuluo Team this news, and let them help find it together.”

The forced captain heard this, thought for a while and nodded. They didn't have much time left. If they still couldn't find Luo Yuan, these team members would perish, and the captain would leave behind a powerful enemy who would live in fear. That mission was destroyed by Luo Yuan. After all, fighting between soldiers is not prohibited in the legion, so the captain said: "Well, this is the only way. Since Hunyuan has been offended, then He cannot be allowed to survive.”

Then the forced captain sent Luo Yuan's information to Kufa and Yuluo squads, but he did not tell them about Luo Yuan's true strength and the two mechanical treasures he owned. He just said that Luo Yuan was lucky enough to pick up the Nine Treasures. The news about the fallen true gods of Yanze immediately shocked Kufa and the members of the Yuluo team. Why didn't they expect that a newcomer could grab dozens of nine Yanze true gods? Time they just don't believe it.

And the captain also knew that Kufa and the members of the Yuluo team did not trust him. He just said: "Anyway, believe what I told you. Whether you believe it or not, I know that you have basically not gathered together." Ten thousand points of military merit. Now the decisive battle between the two parties is coming to an end. If you don’t want to die, this is your only chance. Our team has been looking for him for a long time, but this kid’s hiding ability is too strong. I don’t know who is hiding in Jiuyan now. Where is Ze?"

After the captain finished speaking, he stopped talking to them. Now these team members have no choice. They can only believe his words and look for traces of Luo Yuan. With the addition of the other two teams, they have a chance to find Luo Yuan. It will also be larger. The captain is not worried that the other two teams can steal Luo Yuan's treasures and the true god's testament, because with Luo Yuan's strength, the members of those two teams have no chance, but they can take Luo Yuan's treasures and the true god's testament. It is also good to draw out the source.

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(End of this chapter)

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