I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 513 Analyzing the Origin of Life

Chapter 513 Analyzing the Origin of Life
  At this time, dozens of universe masters from the Purple Moon Holy Land were just staring at the warriors coming and going. Some of these warriors were from ordinary legions, and some were from special legions. The new era was the time to perform tasks, so go and carry them out. There are a lot of soldiers on the mission, which makes the soldiers who are staring at the Purple Moon Holy Land feel that there is a high possibility of finding Luo Yuan here. Even if the mission is issued by the legion, there is no need to execute it immediately. After all, this is the important thing. .

I don’t know how long it took, but the soldiers belonging to the Mang River Legion were also going to perform a mission, including the sixth detachment where Luo Yuan was located. This immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers of the Purple Moon Holy Land. After all, the Mang River Legion was also special. Legion, with Luo Yuan's strength and talent, it is not surprising to join the special legion, so the soldiers of the Purple Moon Holy Land are also full of interest in the soldiers of the Mang River Legion who are performing missions. They keep a close eye on the location of the Mang River Legion's team.

Then the soldiers equipped with the Mang River Legion flew out from the Eastern Army camp one after another. The soldiers of the Mang River Legion were all wearing the standard Mang River armor, so it was not easy to find Luo Yuan among these Mang River soldiers. Things, these warriors of the Purple Moon Holy Land have collected a lot of information about the God King Legion over the years, including the appearance and beauty of each special legion. Luo Yuan also said goodbye to Kufa and Wu He at the exit. After all, their The relationship isn't that bad.

Wu He knew in advance that Luo Yuan would not go with them on this mission, but he also didn't know that Luo Yuan was actually going to carry out the most dangerous sealing-level mission. When Kufa knew that Luo Yuan planned to go on the mission alone, she He looked at Luo Yuan and said, "Hunyuan, I know you are very powerful, but it is safer if we execute it together."

Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this. He knew that Kufa wanted to win over him, and it was also to increase safety. After all, the strength shown by Luo Yuan made the powerful captain fearful, so they did not want to offend Luo Yuan. Naturally, he spoke very directly, but Luo Yuan smiled and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go alone."

At this time, the warriors from the Purple Moon Holy Land also saw Luo Yuan's location, but they did not immediately recognize Luo Yuan's true identity. After all, Luo Yuan had changed his appearance, but he was still very similar to humans on Earth, especially Luo Yuan wore the Python River armor that covered his whole body. The red helmet hid Luo Yuan's face, but the warriors from the Purple Moon Holy Land still heard their conversation, especially when they heard Kufa and the others calling Luo Yuan Hun. In Yuan Dynasty, they immediately focused all their attention on Luo Yuan. In addition, Luo Yuan's appearance was very similar to that of humans. They felt that this was Luo Yuan in disguise.

So a warrior flew out from the dozens of warriors in the Purple Moon Holy Land and flew towards Luo Yuan's location. The Lord of the Universe was only wearing the gray armor of an ordinary legion and looked very inconspicuous, but Luo Yuan immediately discovered this warrior After scanning the face of this warrior, he immediately searched for information in his mind, and then found information about the Lord of the Universe. This turned out to be the Lord of the Universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land. After all, Luo Yuan was still When he was in the Universe Sea, he collected all the information about the Lord of the Universe, but Luo Yuan was very confused. After all, it was a coincidence that he met this person when he went out to perform a mission.

Luo Yuan analyzed it for a while, and then came to the conclusion that it seemed that the Purple Moon Holy Land had been looking for his whereabouts. For this reason, soldiers were specially sent to watch the entrance and exit of the Eastern Army's camp. How determined was this? The missions issued by the legion are no longer carried out, but it seems that the spies from the Purple Moon Holy Land have discovered his whereabouts, but in the world of Jin, the power of the Purple Moon Holy Land is not even as strong as the weakest tribe, so Luo Luo Yuan didn't take it to heart at all.

Purple Moon Holy Land is an overlord-like force in the Universe Sea, but it is nothing in the world of Jin. Especially under the control of the God King Legion, this Purple Moon Holy Land does not dare to be arrogant. If these Lords of the Universe of Purple Moon Holy Land dare to To attack him, Luo Yuan could only keep them all in the world of Jin. Even if hundreds of universe masters joined forces, they were not afraid, because Luo Yuan's strength had improved a lot, so Luo Yuan drove himself to exchange The warship flew towards the space-time wormhole.

Only the warrior from Purple Moon Holy Land who came to investigate confirmed Luo Yuan's identity, because even if Luo Yuan changed his appearance, his divine aura would not change, and Luo Yuan did not deliberately change, so the Purple Moon Holy Land's The warrior informed Ziyue Ancestor of the news about Luo Yuan, and then arranged how to deal with Luo Yuan.

At this time, in the universe of Ziyue Holy Land in the Universe Sea, the ancestor of Ziyue was sitting on the throne of the temple, waiting for news from the world of Jin. Then suddenly dozens of clones of the Lord of the Universe came to the temple to ask the ancestor of Ziyue. Report, and when Ziyue Ancestor heard about Luo Yuan's whereabouts in the world of Jin, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Ziyue Ancestor said coldly: "Are you sure that the Mang River warrior is the human Luo Yuan? This is very important. Regarding the next plan, please tell me in detail."

One of the Lords of the Universe below said: "Lord Ancestor, we have investigated and found out that the Manghe warrior is the human Luo Yuan. Although he has changed his appearance, his aura has not changed, especially since his name is still Hunyuan. , so we judged that he was Luo Yuan, and this is absolutely true."

Ziyue Ancestor was very satisfied when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "You guys have done a good job. It took so long for hundreds of universe masters to be dispatched this time to find the information about this human race Luo Yuan. If that is the case, then you guys Just continue to explore the specific information of Na Luo Yuan, I want to know the information of his brigade and detachment."

Dozens of universe masters below all agreed. This was not difficult for them. After all, after knowing Luo Yuan's name and changed appearance, they only needed to ask if they wanted to find out the information about Luo Yuan's team. He knew it right away, so Ziyue Ancestor continued: "The strength of this human race, Luo Yuan, has grown too fast. If he continues to grow, he will definitely become a serious problem for our race. Since he has offended him, he will be destroyed." , you go and investigate first.

After the specific information of the human race Luo Yuan has been clearly investigated, we should not take action yet. We only need to lay out the layout of our previous plan. We only need to wait for Luo Yuan to finish executing and return before we start taking action. If we take action now , will definitely attract the attention of Na Luo Yuan or the strong men of Hongmeng. If Na Luo Yuan becomes defensive, it will be difficult for our plan to succeed. We only need to arrange everything and wait for Na Luo Yuan. Caught and then destroyed. "

Dozens of universe masters nodded respectfully when they heard this. After all, in order to deal with Luo Yuan, they spent an era planning and arranging, and then repeated simulation experiments. However, they still underestimated Luo Yuan's strength. In particular, Luo Yuan has obtained a large number of military merits, and then exchanged them for high-level mechanical treasures. Luo Yuan is not worried about this, because after he completes the task of sealing the rank, his status is equivalent to that of the four highest generals, and he is still afraid when he falls. who.

At the same time, Luo Yuan was driving a warship to the Valley of the Gods alone. In the human territory of the original universe, at the edge of the original secret realm, Luo Yuan's clone of the Endless Nether Sea came back, and then turned into the Netherworld. The sea mode directly reaches the size of tens of billions of light-years. This is the strength and divine power that have grown after tens of millions of epochs of cultivation. You must know that whether it is the Lord of Laws or the True God of Machinery, they will feel helpless when facing Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​clones. feel. Because the size of this endless sea of ​​​​netherworld also means how much Luo Yuan’s divine power is reserved, which is a power that has far exceeded the level of perfect genes. Compared with before, it is unknown how many times it has been enhanced. At this time, a battleship in the original universe There were geniuses from the human race on the ship. They were shocked and dumbfounded when they looked at Luo Yuan's endless sea. This endless sea was bigger than the true god's small universe. At this time, they were full of respect and respect for Luo Yuan. envious.

"He is indeed the endless sea of ​​​​the Lord of Hunyuan. I grew up listening to his stories. The Lord of Hunyuan is the hero of my human race. I will be like him in the future. I heard that the previous alliance camp and our human race During the decisive battle between the camps, the Lord of Hunyuan just took out the clone of Endless Nether Sea and left the strong ones helpless, even the strongest in the universe. How powerful is this? Today I saw the Endless Sea of ​​Lord of Hunyuan. Youhai, this is more powerful than the legend."

"Yes, this endless sea of ​​​​netherworld is tens of billions of light-years in size, and the divine power stored in it is so huge. It is incredible to think about it. The Lord of Hunyuan is really just the Lord of the universe. I dare to say that there is no such universe. The reserve of divine power of the Lord can be compared with that of the Lord of Hunyuan. With so much divine power, if you use the secret method of burning divine power to increase your strength, I don’t know how much your strength can be improved at once. It would be great if I also had so much divine power. It’s really amazing.”

These geniuses are all strong men from the human race who have grown up over tens of millions of epochs, or are new types of strong men trained according to the training plan planned by Luo Yuan. They are both good in terms of strength and talent. These geniuses are also like this. The top geniuses who were sent to the original secret realm for the first time to practice, but when they saw Luo Yuan's Endless Nether Sea clone, their originally very complacent minds calmed down. This was also the effect achieved when Luo Yuan let them see the endless clone. .

After these tens of millions of epochs, as the human race has shown great strength, it has made all races in the original universe fearful. Naturally, the status of the human race has also increased. No force dares to face the human race openly, but for the sake of the current human race forces Expansion, the strong men in the coalition camp will still take action to test the strength of the human race, but the strong men above the True God cannot take action, even the Lord of the Universe cannot take action casually, and there are restrictions.

So the last ones to take action were the powerful ones below the Venerable. However, because the cultivation of the human race was very effective, and the rise of strong men like Luo Yuan in the human race, these talented and powerful human race men were also full of fighting enthusiasm, and Not afraid of those strong men in the coalition camp. In fact, this is also a way to improve the strength of the new strong men on both sides. After all, without competition and fighting, it will be difficult for them to improve their strength. However, because Luo Yuan's status in the human race is getting higher and higher. .

The senior leaders of the human race intend to let Luo Yuan take over the position of leader. This is still the consciousness of the original ancestors, so the senior leaders of the human race intend to build momentum for Luo Yuan, because the strength and talent shown by Luo Yuan are qualified for this. Although these new geniuses The strong men don't know how strong Luo Yuan is, but just the Endless Nether Sea clone makes them feel boundless pressure, so now the strong men of the human race think that apart from the Lord of Chaos City, the strongest one in the human race is Luo Yuan. source.

Both the Chaos City Lord and Luo Yuan are now the pillars and spiritual leaders of the human race. The Chaos City Lord is the current pillar, and Luo Yuan is the hope and pillar of the future of the human race. He is also the person who the new strong men admire and admire the most. Now they They are all being trained according to the strong man training plan of the ancient civilization era, so the number of strong men appearing is increasing. However, they all have the opportunity to go to Chaos City to continue their improvement, so they all come to the primitive secret realm to see them.

Luo Yuan's endless sea of ​​​​netherworld is like a barrier, which not only protects the safety of the original universe, but also gives these newcomers a show of strength, letting them know their own insignificance and calm down to practice. As we continue to move forward, there is a realm of small universe type in a certain area of ​​the boundless endless sea, and there are all kinds of things in this realm, including testaments or organizations from various ethnic groups, and various things. A variety of metallic materials, as well as some difficult-to-distinguish materials, including the components of all matter that can be seen in the entire cosmic sea and the original universe.

There are even components of some true god-level testaments and materials that Luo Yuan collected in the World of Jin. These were the first and strongest clones given to the Endless Sea of ​​Netherworld clones, including the mysterious gods that were originally stripped off the Wu-slaying wings. Blood is included. Luo Yuan collects these substances in order to let the Endless Sea clone use his innate secret method to analyze and create, and to analyze the most powerful genetic sequence that suits him, so as to improve the genetic level of his divine body.

In Luo Yuan's opinion, the ability of this endless sea of ​​​​netherworld is really too strong, especially the innate secrets it possesses are even better than those of advanced inherited secrets. It is said that its innate creation can decompose and reorganize any matter. It can also analyze the core origin of life, but after analyzing almost all the material components of the original universe and the cosmic sea collected before, it is of little help to improve the genetic level of the divine body. After all, the strongest genetic level among them is not even complete. The level has not yet been reached, but the genetic level of the materials in Jinzhi World is very high. I hope that Luo Yuan's genetic level can break through the bottleneck.

The reason why Luo Yuan has so much confidence this time is because he has collected a large number of divine blood from true god-level powerhouses in Jiuyanze. The genetic level of the powerful men who can cultivate to true gods is naturally not low, especially the true gods from the time of Jin. So, after all, they are the descendants of those powerful species from ancient civilizations. Naturally, through the bloodline improvement and inheritance of generations of strong men, it is much easier for them to improve their strength than other ethnic groups, and their genetic sequences are naturally more advanced. high.

If the divine blood of a true god-level powerhouse is too small, it will be difficult to analyze. But when the amount is large, with comparison and reference, we can also find out what the special genetic sequence is that increases his strength. So Luo Yuan's consciousness fully mobilized the Endless Nether Sea clone to analyze these substances. If he could succeed, it would also be of great help in challenging the next leveling task. As Luo Yuan analyzed, he discovered the structure of these powerful substances and divine blood. Very wonderful and profound.

This gave Luo Yuan the same feeling as when he was analyzing the Rhino Emperor Bureau when facing the Duandong River inheritance. It was even more difficult than the Rhino Emperor Bureau. After all, the Rhino Emperor Bureau was ultimately a powerful person from the ancient civilization era in order to cultivate and improve his full name. A toy of comprehension, the genetic sequence currently analyzed by Luo Yuan is the life source of each powerful species. It is the core composition of life. If it can be analyzed, both the genetic sequence and the innate ability of its group can be easily controlled.

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(End of this chapter)

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