I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 519: Different, high-level attention

Chapter 519: Different, high-level attention

Judging from the current test requirements of Wu Qilou, only one of each batch of ten warriors may survive in the end, or even the entire army may be wiped out. However, Luo Yuan believes that with his own strength, he will definitely be the one to survive in the end, so Luo Yuan Yuan continued to restore his divine power while looking at the five warriors in the distance who were facing the test. At this time, the standard building in the Valley of the Gods is the Wuqi Tower. After all, the height of the Wuqi Tower has reached thousands of light years. In addition to the Wuqi Tower, there is also a palace not far away. This palace is very It is ancient and simple, but this palace is the management place guarded by the God King Valley. Naturally, those who can live in the palace are also the high-level people of the God King Valley. Even the warriors guarding outside the palace are at least high-level true god-level powerhouses. At this time, In a large hall on the highest floor of the palace, there is a powerful aura.

There are only four thrones with ordinary shapes in this hall. On one of the thrones, there is a strong man shrouded in black mist, quietly looking at the position of the void. There is a virtual projection in the void, and there is a virtual projection in the projection. It was the scene of the warriors in Wuqi Tower breaking through the barrier at this time. As the scene changed, the scene on the second floor of Wuqi Tower soon appeared. Then the high-level strong man saw the five warriors who were struggling to resist the secret pattern. The attacks of the formation diagram and the flame giant were very embarrassing.

The figure shrouded in black mist could not be seen at all, but the aura it exuded was powerful. Although it was still the True God of the Void, its aura was much more powerful than the ordinary True God of the Void. This was the strength of one of the four high-level officials in the God King Valley. Moreover, they are the bestowed strong men who have been given the title of Jin by the God King. They have the same status as the generals of the four Eternal True Gods in the God King’s legion. Moreover, even the Ultimate Void True God is not a single enemy in front of them. This means He is a powerful person who has been granted a level.

The figure in the black mist shook his head and said: "Hey, what a bunch of trash. How many years have we been waiting for, can't there be a powerful person with a title level among the Lord of Laws? If His Majesty the God King comes back, this is what we should be waiting for Report, are all the masters of countless laws useless? When will such a strong person appear?

Is it really weak? Is this the strength of the current top law lord? Even ordinary true gods cannot leapfrog and destroy him, and he still dares to call himself a genius and strong man, especially the second level lord of law. These tests are still It was just the beginning, and they could only resist reluctantly. Looking at them like this, it is estimated that none of them want to succeed. As for the remaining five, they look average. His Majesty the God King still lives at this time, and strong people have emerged in large numbers. Now they are all It’s no longer possible, everyone has stepped back. "

In fact, with the guarding power of God King Valley, there will be no danger. Naturally, these high-level experts are basically practicing, but there is still a high-level person taking turns observing the situation in Wuqi God in this hall. They are not worried about those What happens to the warriors in it? After all, the warriors who cannot survive are just ants in their eyes. If they fall, they will fall. They don't care. I don't know how many top masters of laws in the world of Jin are the main geniuses.

It can be said that only the emergence of that kind of peerless genius will attract the attention of these high-level officials. The True God of the Void shrouded in black mist remembered the task His Majesty the God King gave them, which was to let them cultivate a Zhen Gushuo. Today's peerless genius, that's why the test standards set are so high, but after countless reincarnations, countless masters of top laws have come to break through the test, but so far there has not been a strong genius who can meet the requirements, I just feel guilty.

At this time, the True God of the Void could only feel ashamed of His Majesty the God King. If he could complete the tasks entrusted to them by the God King, he would not have any complaints even if he died. Now this senior executive was actually thinking about what he should do to Wu Qi Tower and even the entire Is the selection system of Jin Zhi World low? Otherwise, as long as the selected top law masters have this strength, they are only on the second floor of Wuqi Tower. These law masters will not be able to persist. There are still several floors to come. It was strange that these warriors could complete the task of increasing their level. It would be great if they survived in the end. While the high-level warrior was thinking about this, the five warriors were beaten and could only resist in embarrassment.

At this time, in the five independent small worlds, the divine power of the five warriors is constantly being consumed, and even the divine bodies are beginning to show signs of wear and tear. If this continues, there is no telling whether these five warriors will survive in the end, especially those flames. The giants never seemed to tire, with a steady supply of magma energy. The combat power of these flame giants always remained at its peak. Luo Yuan could only look at the situation of the five warriors and think of countermeasures, while the other four warriors had ugly expressions. .

In the judgment of Luo Yuan and other five warriors, the strength of those flame giants is comparable to the true gods, and their strength has always remained at its peak, as if it will never be consumed forever, and they cannot be eliminated no matter how hard they fight, so they can only resist in embarrassment, hoping to test the time. In the past, if you couldn't persevere, you would only perish, so they were also thinking about how to deal with it next. It was also good for Luo Yuan and other five warriors to be able to see the dangers they would face next.

An hour passed like this. Wuqi Artifact Spirit judged that the rest time for Luo Yuan and other five warriors was enough, so he started teleportation. As the power of time and space filled the air, Luo Yuan and other five warriors were immediately teleported to a place by a powerful force. The same is true for Luo Yuan, an independent small world. He looked at the boundless flow of magma and flew directly into the air. Then, a secret pattern array that was exactly the same as the one the five warriors faced before appeared on the sky above.

Suddenly those secret patterns were activated, and countless rays of light appeared from the secret patterns and swept towards Luo Yuan. Countless lasers were intertwined and entwined with extremely powerful power. Under the attack of these rays of light, the red ground was cut open like tofu. The magma flows directly out, and the power of each stimulation of these rays of light is comparable to the full blow of an ordinary true god. If it were an ordinary Lord of Law, it would be directly annihilated into nothingness by these rays of light in just an instant.

Soon these rays of light turned into countless rays, so many that Luo Yuan could not count them. He could only use the dream bubble movement technique to dodge, but it was still very easy for Luo Yuan. After all, there were still gaps between these rays of light, otherwise This test is really too dangerous. Not to mention the Lord of Laws, even if the Eternal True God comes, he has to avoid it. And this is just a test item on the second floor of Wuqi Tower. From here, we can see that Wuqi The power of Qishen.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but think of the Star Tower. The Star Tower was a bit similar to the Wuqi Tower, but now Luo Yuan suddenly felt that the Wuqi God was more powerful than the Star Tower. After all, they were both treasures refined by a mountain guest. More and more rays of light were attacking, and Luo Yuan could not resist them all, so he simply took out the blood shadow knife and slashed at the attacking rays. Sparks suddenly flew everywhere. After all, the blood shadow knife is now a true god level. Equipped, and these light powers want to be.

But under the attack of several true god-level rays at the same time, Luo Yuan still took several steps back. However, through observation, Luo Yuan also slowly understood some of the rules of these ray attacks. It was like what was coming from a fixed program. What angle of time excites the light, so Luo Yuan becomes more and more able to resist it. At this time, Luo Yuan can't help but become interested in the flame giant that will appear next. After all, Luo Yuan has not yet obtained the Golden Claw God, a high-level mechanical treasure. It has not been used at full strength. If you want to pass the next test, it is time to use the Golden Claw God. The function of this mechanical treasure is to improve your strength in all aspects.

Regardless of his attack or defense, his speed can directly increase the two realms, giving Luo Yuan a strength comparable to that of the elementary True God of the Void. And this is despite Luo Yuan's massive reserves of divine power. Otherwise, among the five previous warriors Some warriors possess mechanical treasures with a higher level than the Golden Claw God, but they can still only resist in embarrassment. This is the difference in strength. Soon the golden armor will cover Luo Yuan, turning Luo Yuan into There was a strange beast made of gold, but Luo Yuan just thought about it and the color of the armor turned directly into dark gold. This is Luo Yuan's favorite color, low-key, restrained and luxurious. At this time, Luo Yuan had the blessing of the Golden Claw God, and his power was greatly improved. He did not consume a lot of divine power. He simply activated the Golden Claw God to easily avoid all light attacks. Even if there was a light attack on his combat The armor did not have any effect on Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan just waved his hand lightly, and those light attacks turned into light particles and scattered. This is the power of the Golden Claw God, this mechanical treasure, any Luo Yuan steps into the void. Look below to await the Fire Giant.

Not long after, the magma on the ground below began to gather, and then quickly gathered into a giant that seemed to be formed by flames. The flame giant was still solidifying. After it took shape, it let out a roar and looked at it with red eyes. Luo Yuan immediately rushed towards Luo Yuan. Seeing this, Luo Yuan was full of expectations. He wanted to see what would happen if he directly fought the peak true god head-on. So Luo Yuan waited with his feet on the ground, and a ball was immediately blasted out of the ground. Big hole.

Luo Yuan's speed also increased immediately, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the flame giant. In just the blink of an eye, Luo Yuan collided with the flame giant. The strong aftermath of the force directly annihilated everything around him into dust, but Luo Yuan was still motionless, and the flame giant was directly blasted into flames all over the sky. But before Luo Yuan could relax his vigilance, the flame giant immediately regrouped and then raised its fist like a mountain and struck him fiercely.

But this time Luo Yuan noticed that the power of the re-condensed flame giant had actually increased. Was this an increase in the task? Luo Yuan directly used Dream Bubble Dodge while thinking, but the speed of the flame giant was also greatly increased. The blessing also moved rapidly with Luo Yuan's movements, and then the flame giant punched Luo Yuan again, like a sky-covering mountain hitting Luo Yuan. This was intended to directly make Luo Yuan fall here. Yeah, that's a little outrageous.

After all, these flame giants were obviously just puppets formed by Wu Qilou using some kind of power to condense the magma. But Luo Yuan actually saw the anger and Wuqiong's murderous intention in the red eyes of the flame giant. In particular, this flame giant is very good in terms of strength and speed. Each move seems simple but carries the power of law. It's no wonder that the five previous warriors could only be beaten and resisted. This is really too strong. , it is also incredible. From here, we can see the extraordinary features of Wuqi Tower, a top-level mechanical treasure. It is much more profound than the Star Tower. Luo Yuan is a little jealous.

But Luo Yuan would not continue to confront the flame giant head-on, because it would be a waste of divine power, so Luo Yuan directly used Dream Bubble Dodge. With the blessing of the Golden Claw God, his speed also reached the combat power of the primary Void True God. In addition to In addition to being unable to use the power of the void, the strength of this flame giant is actually still at the true god level, but it is immortal. As long as it is still in this magma world, it is impossible to completely destroy it, so Luo Yuan is also helpless.

When Luo Yuan was dodging, he would also punch the flame giant that was getting stronger and stronger. With the power of the Golden Claw God, Luo Yuan smashed the flame giant into pieces with just a few punches, but it only took a blink of an eye. The flame giant recovered. Seeing this, Luo Yuan couldn't help but look at the light attacks of the secret pattern pattern on the sky. He couldn't help but have an idea. Luo Yuan deliberately guided those light attacks on the flame giant, so that the light could consume the light. The power of the flame giant, his body movements flashed.

The flame giant couldn't attack Luo Yuan, and was attacked by the light from the sky. It roared repeatedly, as if it was really angered, so the flame giant directly summoned the underground magma to form a magma sea and enveloped Luo Yuan, trying to limit Luo Yuan's power. The movement surprised Luo Yuan. He didn't expect that this puppet had the ability to think for itself, but it was not enough for Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan guided all light attacks to the flame giant during his dodge.

This flame giant is like a shield, blocking all the light attacks from the secret pattern array for Luo Yuan. No matter how the flame giant attacks Luo Yuan, it can't even touch Luo Yuan's figure. The method of using force can be said to be very clever, but it is also based on Luo Yuan's own strong strength. After all, both the flame giant and the light attack of the secret pattern array are immortal. Luo Yuan does not need to consume divine power. Head-to-head.

Now with the help of extremely fast dodge, let the flame giant and the secret pattern of the sky consume each other's power. This is the best solution to break through the level, instead of just relying on the other warriors to use their own divine power to resist. This way It will only get closer and closer to death. If the divine power is exhausted, it will really only lead to death.

At this time, in the high-rise palace in the Valley of the Gods, the True God of the Void on the throne had been watching the situation on each floor of Wuqi Tower to discover those peerless geniuses. When he saw the situation on the second floor again, Then I discovered that Luo Yuan was different. The other warriors were attacked by the flame giant and the secret pattern and could only resist in embarrassment. But Luo Yuan could easily dodge by relying on his body skills as if he were strolling around, and also relied on the flame giant to resist. and attacks that consume the secret pattern pattern.

The True God of the Void who was sitting on the throne couldn't help but become interested when he saw this. He directly pulled in the scene of Luo Yuan's battle and could see it more clearly. Then he saw Luo Yuan's unparalleled movement skills, the God King. The more Gu's commander watched, the more frightened he became. Even with his strength, he had to admire the power of Luo Yuan's physical skills. Since Wu Qilou started the task of adding a level, countless top geniuses have come through countless reincarnations. After breaking through the level, he has never seen such a powerful movement technique. This movement technique has exceeded the true god level. He has never seen it before, at least not in various inheritances.

Although Luo Yuan only showed his strength in physical skills at this time, and other aspects were not known yet, this physical skill alone had impressed the commander of the God King Valley. Such an excellent warrior should not be unknown, but this The leader of the God King Valley searched for his information and found that he did not know him. You must know that all warriors who show outstanding strength in the four legions of the God King Army will be paid attention to, and then their information will be collected and published.

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(End of this chapter)

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