I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 537 The pressure of the True God of the Void

Chapter 537 The pressure of the True God of the Void

"What, an outsider strongman entered our world of Jin and became a soldier of our Eastern Army's special legion. Are you telling the truth? If you lie, do you know how serious the consequences will be?" After listening to Cheng Mu's words, Commander-in-Chief Hu After the Lord's words, he couldn't help but condense his eyes, as if actual murderous intent permeated the air. For the creatures in the world of Jin, the outside creatures are absolute enemies. If they are discovered, they will definitely be destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be unimaginable to appear in the future. What an unexpected thing.

Commander Huhou also felt that his emotions were a little too excited. In fact, the fact that outsiders came into the world of Jin happened very early, and these outsiders caused a lot of damage to the world of Jin, especially those who came to obtain Jin. There are many cultivation resources in the world, and they will eventually be destroyed by the powerful people in the world of Jin. Therefore, Hou Hou also realized the seriousness of the matter, but she could not just listen to the words of Lord Chengmu, so she asked: " Do you have any evidence?"

The Lord of Chengmu couldn't help but panic when he heard this. How could he have any evidence? He just came here to complain, but he had another move, so the Lord of Chengmu said directly: "I don't have any evidence, but I saw it." The Hunyuan of the Mang River warrior entered the world of Jin from the outside world, so I don’t have enough evidence."

Hou Hou frowned when he heard this and stared at Master Chengmu coldly. If Lord Chengmu was not a soldier of his Hou Hou legion, the commander of Hou Hou would have taught him a lesson, but then he felt something was wrong. After all, he wanted to know a person. The bottom line of a warrior is not difficult. It would be meaningless if Lord Chengmu lied, and what good would it do to him? Is there a contradiction? But if what is said is true, wouldn't it mean that external forces have penetrated into the world of Jin? This is What the local strong men cannot tolerate.

But Hou Hou couldn’t deal with a soldier of the special legion just because of Lord Chengmu’s remarks, so Commander Hu Hou said: “You want me to deal with the Hunyuan of the Manghe Legion because I can’t produce any evidence. If I If you do this, how can I lead the Hou Hou Army in the future? If you take risks because of the personal conflict between the two of you, then I will be used by you." After hearing this, the Lord of Chengmu immediately acted. The emperor possesses the body and behaves extremely aggrieved and determined.

So the Lord of Chengmu knelt down and said with a cry: "Lord Commander, what I said is true. My Chengmu's loyalty to the world of Jin and His Majesty the God King can be seen from the sun and the moon. I really saw that python Hunyuan of the He Legion entered our world of Jin from the outside world. If you take action personally, you will definitely be able to find out his bottom line. Aren't you good at illusions? With your Void True God-level strength, how can Hunyuan resist? If you end up The investigation was wrong, and I, Chengmu, am willing to die to apologize."

Hearing this, Hou Hou said coldly: "How I go about investigating is not something you can interfere with, but your words are full of errors and omissions. I can't take action at will just because of your words, so get out."

When the Lord of Chengmu heard this, he knew that the commander of the Queen was not so easy to trust. Although the Lord of Chengmu did not want to lose the resources of the Jin World, he had to use his last trump card now, so the Lord of Chengmu cried. He shouted: "Lord Commander, my loyalty to the world of Jin is no less than yours. Everything I say is true. Since you don't believe it, I will directly use my life as evidence. I have no regrets." Chengmu Upon hearing this, the Lord immediately chose to commit suicide, and then exploded into nothingness.

Hou Hou was shocked when she saw the Lord of Chengmu suddenly revealed his intention to die. She didn't know that the Lord of Chengmu was also a living being from the outside world, and that the Lord of Chengmu had a clone, so Hou Hou felt that the Lord of Chengmu was actually against him. The loyalty of the world of Jin is so high that it exceeds one's own life. There are many loyal warriors like this in the world of Jin. However, the warriors who can be so determined to die in order to prove themselves also moved the queen of the queen. He also believed what Master Chengmu said.

Hu Hou suddenly felt a little regretful. Such a loyal warrior to the world of Jin had fallen like this. Was it because of his own distrust? Could it be that he was too wary? But if the Lord Chengmu said that The warrior Hunyuan of the Mang River Legion was really an outsider. It would be a disaster for the world of Jin and must be eradicated as soon as possible. So the swan queen immediately turned into a bright stream of light and headed towards the temple where the leader of the Mang River Legion was located, with great momentum. vast.

At the same time, the two warriors from the Purple Moon Holy Land who had been watching the movements of the Mang River Legion also noticed the figure of the Queen of the Hunt. They also smiled, because this meant that the plan against Luo Yuan formulated by the ancestor of the Purple Moon was successful. Now that the Commander-in-Chief of the Hunting Queen has believed in the words of Lord Chengmu, and now that he has found him, the Commander-in-Chief of the Hunting Queen only needs to take action against Luo Yuan to discover Luo Yuan’s identity outside the world. When he falls, he can use the Queen’s hand to capture Luo Yuan. The source is destroyed here.

So these two warriors immediately reported what happened in the world of Jin to the Ziyue Ancestor. After the Ziyue Ancestor learned about it, he was also in a happy mood. After all, in his opinion, as the Void True God level swan commander, Luo Yuan still survived. opportunity, but he still said: "You have done a good job. The next step is to wait for the news of Luo Yuan's death. When you get the news, you will report it to me immediately. Do you understand?" The Lord of the Universe respectfully agreed.

The ancestor of Ziyue also sighed and said: "The world of Jin is really a treasure land. Both the cultivation resources and the overall strength far exceed our cosmic sea. The commander of the Queen is just an ordinary commander of the many special legions in the God King's legion, but his strength She must have reached the advanced Void True God level or above, especially her illusions are extremely powerful. Even if I face her, I have to avoid her. I'm so envious. It's a pity that I can't enter it to get the chance to improve.

And if it can reach the level of the High Void True God or above, its strength of will will naturally not be weaker than that of the Eternal True God. It is even possible to cultivate the will to the holy realm. If such a powerful super power takes action, I don’t believe that Hunyuan is just a mere person. As long as the Lord of Laws can bear it, if he doesn't reveal all his bottom lines by then, then his identity as an outside creature cannot be concealed, and for the strong men in the world of Jin, outside creatures must be eradicated. Once taken action.

But as long as Na Luo Yuan falls, even if only one of his clones enters the world of Jin, with the strength of the queen, he can be completely destroyed by the origin of his soul. Then the peerless genius of the human race will not become me. I'm worried about this. If Luo Yuan's performance hadn't been so outrageous, I wouldn't have been so afraid. So what if he became a true god? But his performance was so dazzling that I felt dazzled. How could I Tolerate his presence. "

When Ziyue Ancestor heard this, he laughed to himself, as if he had put down a big stone in his heart. The villain's appearance made the cosmos under the temple feel a little embarrassed, but they also understood the human race Luo Yuan. His performance made Ziyue Ancestor extremely worried, otherwise he wouldn't be so concerned about the plan.

At this time in the World of Jin, Commander Hu Hou flew all the way and soon arrived at the gate of the temple where the leader of the Manghe Legion was located. In the World of Jin, the leaders of these special legions were all Void True God level experts, and they were also top Void The True God has existed for countless epochs of reincarnations and is naturally extremely powerful. Otherwise, how could he suppress the leaders of those forces and become the leaders of special legions? However, these leaders have different temperaments and characters, each with its own merits.

However, for those ordinary warriors, these commanders are all powerful men who are superior. If the four generals do not care, even if they attack the soldiers, there will be other strong men to take care of them. This is the power of the strong. At this time, the defender When the guards outside the temple saw the arrival of Hou Hou, they all saluted respectfully. Queen Hou ignored these guards and just sent a message to Huo Zhuowu, the leader of the Mang River Legion: "Huo Zhuowu, I have something important. I'm looking for you because of your subordinates."

Soon a majestic male voice came from the core of the temple: "Queen Hu, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Now that you are here, let's come in and have a good chat." Hearing this, Hou Hou said nothing, and then teleported He walked toward the core of the temple and soon came to the core hall. On the throne of the main hall, there was a handsome man wearing a red armor and six divine ears. He was smiling at the arrival of the swan queen. The handsome man's face There are also mysterious flame patterns on it, making it look noble and powerful. This is Huo Zhuowu, the leader of the Mang River Legion. For these leaders, they are of similar strength and equal status, and are kind.

So Huo Zhuowu said with a smile: "Beautiful Queen Hu, you came so suddenly. From the time we met until now, I have only seen you twice. Except for the time when I succeeded the Manghe Army, it was when you showed up to my subordinates. A soldier who has offended you has taken action. Why is it that the soldier who offended you this time has been asked to come in person? If you want to deal with the soldier who offended you, just tell me and I will help you directly. It's okay to vent your anger, after all, we are not outsiders."

Hu Hou frowned when he heard this. She curled her lips with some disgust and said: "Huo Zhuowu, put away your unreasonable thoughts. I am not just the only warrior who comes to you this time. I really have something." I came to you for important matters, and as the commander, how could I attack a certain soldier for no reason?"

Hearing this, Huo Zhuowu raised his eyebrows and said, "I haven't heard of anything important that makes you so worried in all these years. This is not like your usual style. After all, our status in Jinzhi World is greater than anyone else's." The leader of a force must be tall, and even those True Gods of the Ultimate Void must be polite when they see us. ’

Hearing this, Hou Hou said coldly: "Okay, don't boast. I really have something important to do with you. Previously, a soldier named Chengmu from our Hou Hou legion reported to me that he saw you python. There is a strong man from the outside named Hunyuan in the He Legion, and he is still mixed in your legion at this time. This is very dangerous and needs to be dealt with immediately."

Hearing this, Huo Zhuowu's originally smiling face immediately became serious. After all, outside creatures are natural enemies to the native creatures in the world of Jin. Once discovered, they will be eliminated immediately. But is this possible? Such an important thing , why they didn't get any news, so Huo Zhuowu said: "Are you sure? After all, I don't know how many years have passed since the last time the outside world came. It brought us a lot of trouble at that time. After cleaning them up, how can we clean them up this time?" There are outside creatures coming again, is your news accurate, and how many of these outside creatures are there specifically, they are just a soldier under my command, please give me more details."

Hu Hou replied: "How could I lie about such an important matter? In order to prove his news, my soldier named Chengmu did not hesitate to spend his life to prove it to me. Is this still false? We They are all creatures in the world of Jin, and these outside creatures must be eliminated. I know that it makes no sense to attack another warrior just based on his words, so I want to use illusion to explore it first. Know the concrete truth. ’

Huo Zhuowu also looked serious when he heard this. The information that could make a soldier of a special legion risk his life to prove that it was definitely not without aim. Moreover, outside creatures like this have always been based on the principle that they would rather kill the wrong person than let them go. So Huo Zhuowu nodded and said: "I understand what you said. There is indeed a soldier named Hunyuan in our Manghe Legion. Although this soldier has only performed one disaster-level mission, his performance is indeed the best. I know that among them Location. ’

As Huo Zhuowu said that, he led the swan queen to fly to the island where the soldiers of the Mang River Legion lived. As the leader of the Mang River Legion, Huo Zhuowu naturally had some understanding of all the soldiers, especially the outstanding warriors. In this way, it was easier to detect the specific location of the soldiers under his command, so he quickly found out the island where Luo Yuan lived. At this time, Luo Yuan was celebrating himself for completing the sealing-level task. Not only was he awarded the title of Jin, but he also became As the successor of the God King, he also obtained the most precious inheritance of the God King in Jin World, so Luo Yuan directly exchanged it for the most expensive and delicious food in Jin World and tasted it leisurely.

However, Luo Yuan's true self and several other clones are constantly practicing the inherited secret techniques, and Luo Yuan discovered that his Wu-killing Wings are also the ultimate mechanical treasure, which is on par with Wu Qishen's level. If The combined power is amazing. If the two ultimate mechanical treasures can be fully mastered, even the eternal true god, Luo Yuan, can fight one or two, because Wu Qi Shen is mainly used for attacking and fighting, and Wu Yuyi is used for Auxiliary combat, it has a great bonus to speed and the use of laws. Coupled with his own self-made Tyrant Sword and Law Sword, the combat power is really unimaginable, even the True God of the Void has to kneel down.

With Wu Qishen, the ultimate mechanical treasure, the Golden Claw God originally exchanged became a bit cumbersome. Luo Yuan temporarily put it in the storage space without using it, and this time it was the biggest problem for Luo Yuan. The harvest is the world power of Jin World, which is simply the power of the world. With the world power, Luo Yuan is equivalent to the control of Jin World. As long as he wants to be able to suppress any strong person in Jin World, Even the Eternal God must kneel down.

Just when Luo Yuan realized the wonder of the power of the world, he suddenly felt two extremely powerful auras coming. Luo Yuan looked directly into the void, and then saw two figures, one with nine colorful divine feathers. A beautiful woman, and a handsome man wearing a red armor with six divine ears. However, the two of them looked at Luo Yuan with cold eyes, as if they wanted to look at ants, looking aloof. This look made Luo Yuan Yuan was very unhappy, he was too arrogant.

Moreover, Luo Yuan also found that the island he was on had been completely blocked by a force of void, as if the island had become a void of its own. This method could only be accomplished by the True God of the Void, and it was not an ordinary True God of the Void. Among the legions of God Kings, Those who reach this level of strength are usually commander-level experts. Luo Yuan immediately guessed the identities of these two figures. They should be the commanders of the special legion. However, the clothes of these two commanders did not indicate that they belonged to that legion.

If they are soldiers of the legion, they can know the specific legion they belong to just by looking at the logo on their armor. As the leader of the legion, you can choose to dress as you like. At this time, the two commanders directly released their weapons to Luo Yuan. The powerful pressure. If it were an ordinary warrior, he would have knelt down in embarrassment under this kind of pressure, but for Luo Yuan, he could still bear it. Only those who have the strength to reach the Eternal True God can really have an impact on Luo Yuan. This is obvious. It's a show of force.

Luo Yuan didn't know what it meant that these two commanders suddenly came to him to release their pressure. If other warriors saw it, they would definitely be trembling, because in the God King's Legion, the commander has the right to deal with warriors, even if It doesn't matter if the warrior is destroyed, as long as the commander of the legion to which the warrior belongs does not care. However, Luo Yuan is now a sealed-level powerhouse and the successor of the God King. His status is much higher than that of the four eternal true god-level generals. How could you be afraid of the leader?

Luo Yuan stood fearlessly like this. When the two commanders in the sky saw this, they couldn't help but get angry. In their eyes, the warriors at the level of the Lord of Laws were just ants. They dared to confront their pressure head-on. Suddenly, the two commanders were furious. The commander looked at Luo Yuan with an unkind look. The queen felt that her position had been provoked, so she said coldly: "Huo Zhuowu, your warrior is really powerful. He is not afraid of the pressure of the two of us, and You still have such an arrogant attitude, you really don’t know how to live or die.”

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(End of this chapter)

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