Chapter 539 Disposal at will
  When Luo Yuan heard Chengmu's name, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, because according to the information collected by Luo Yuan, this Chengmu was a Lord of the Universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land of the Universe Sea, which was something Luo Yuan could not have imagined. Is it because the Lord of Chengmu did not change his name after coming to the world of Jin? Is this because he is not worried about other explorers from other forces in the Cosmic Sea dealing with them? Or is it because he has the Purple Moon Holy Land as his backer and is fearless? This also made Luo Yuan wary of Ziyue Holy Land again.

Luo Yuan thought that he had not taken the initiative to offend the Purple Moon Holy Land, but the Purple Moon Holy Land had been dealing with the human race and him, just once or twice. After coming to the world of Jin, he did not go on adventures to practice hard. Now he has plans to use the God King's legion. If Luo Yuan hadn't obtained the seal, it would have been really dangerous.

If these strong men from the Purple Moon Holy Land practice honestly and quietly, Luo Yuan will not think of dealing with them. Now that they have taken action this time, Luo Yuan decided to directly wipe out all these strong men from the Purple Moon Holy Land who came to the world of Jin. , after all, Luo Yuan now has this authority. Whether it is the power of the world or the respectful attitude of the four generals towards him, Luo Yuan has reached this level of strength. Luo Yuan now understands the two commanders' respect for him. The causes and consequences of taking action.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought about it. The layout of the Purple Moon Holy Land was really too sinister. If he hadn't carried out the task of increasing the level this time, then the strongest clone would have been wiped out by the two commanders. Then Everything he gained in this era of Jin World will be meaningless, and a large number of treasures will be lost.

While Luo Yuan was still deep in thought, General Xue Yong said: "Your Highness Hunyuan, now the two commanders Hu Hou and Huo Zhuowu can do whatever you want, but as their general, I still want to persuade them. After all, they two I don’t know your true identity, and in the world of Jin, the Void True God-level powerhouses have a condescending attitude towards the Lord of Laws. You should also see a lot of them in the God King Legion. If this is just the case, just wipe it out. It’s inappropriate to get rid of them and show your noble hand.”

Although Luo Yuan has now been awarded the title and has become the inheritor of the God King, as the general of the God King's legion, although Xue Yong cannot directly oppose Luo Yuan's decision, he does not want his old subordinates to lose their lives because of this. If it is In this way, how can he lead the Eastern Army in the future? Although he is powerful, he cannot impose pressure. Although he hopes that Luo Yuan can be lenient, and in the God King Army, the commander's attitude towards ordinary soldiers is high.

Luo Yuan just sneered when he heard this and said: "General Xue Yong, I understand your concerns, and I will not kill the two commanders because of this matter. After all, not only do they not know my identity, but they were also Chengmu used it against me, but they still have to pay the price for their behavior towards me, otherwise I won’t be able to survive in the future.”

General Xue Yong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the two commanders could survive, everything else was easy to say. After all, Luo Yuan now controlled the world power of Jin Zhi's world. Even if Luo Yuan wanted to forcibly erase the two people who offended him. As a commander, the four generals have no choice, because Luo Yuan is now equivalent to the spokesperson of the God King, and Xue Yong also understands that if Luo Yuan does not complete the task of adding a level, then facing the hostility of the two commanders, it will really happen Falling here is no surprise.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and gave instructions to General Xue Yong, and told him how to punish the two commanders. However, this method surprised General Xue Yong, but he did not object. At this time, the two commanders Hu Hou and Huo Zhuo Wu They could only be tied to the ground in embarrassment, with their faces pressed to the ground, looking disgraced, but they did not dare to resist. After all, even their generals were respectful when facing Luo Yuan. How could this not make them shocked and frightened? Shi was also very anxious, waiting for the trial.

In particular, the two commanders saw Luo Yuan and their generals using divine power to transmit messages. Although they didn't know what they were talking about specifically, they knew they were discussing how to deal with the two of them. Huo Zhuowu looked at Hou Hou, who was also tied to the ground, said coldly: "Queen Hou, look at the good things you have done, I have been harmed by you, and I don't want to die with you. Do you know how many years I have worked hard to achieve my current status? And strength, what problem is there with your subordinates?"

Hearing this, Hou Hou smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't expect it to be like this. I just wanted to deal with an ordinary warrior. Who knew he was a high-level figure who had hidden his identity? Even the four generals had to treat him with respect. It is very likely that he would be with His Majesty the God King." It's relevant. How can such secrets be accessible to us at this level? This time, because the soldier named Chengmu used his life to prove that Hunyuan was an outsider, I took action. I didn't expect to be tricked by him. This time it really offended adults."

Huo Zhuowu didn't know what to say when he heard this. After all, he had not thought of these things. He knew that His Majesty the God King actually left behind many super strong men. These super strong men followed the God King to conquer the heavens. Many of the top leaders of Wanjie are more powerful than the four generals, but they have never shown up, and there are many secrets in the world of Jin that their two little commanders cannot know. Now in Huo Zhuowu's eyes, Luo Yuan He is the hidden superpower.

If Luo Yuan knew what these two commanders were thinking, he would only say that they had a lot on their minds. After all, no living creature in the entire world of Jin knew that their God King had actually fallen long ago. As for those hidden superpowers It is possible that His Majesty the God King also died during the battle, but the two commanders are even less likely to know these secrets, so at this time, the two commanders Hu Hou and Huo Zhuowu only hope that Luo Yuan can show his noble hand and bypass their little plot. Life, any punishment will do.

While the two commanders Hu Hou and Huo Zhuo Wu were still praying, their General Xue Yong had ended his discussion with Luo Yuan and looked at the two of them. This made the two of them feel hope of survival. After all, they They had also made many meritorious deeds under the command of General Xue Yong. Their general would definitely say good things to them, but General Xue Yong said calmly: "Huo Zhuowu, and Queen Hu, you are really confused this time, if not Your Highness Hunyuan is kind, you are really finished this time.

His Highness Hunyuan has spared you from death under my persuasion, but death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided. His Highness Hunyuan said, you should use all the military merits and treasures you have obtained to repay it. This is your punishment, Hunyuan His Highness is not punishing you, he just wants these, and you can earn them back in the future. "

When the two commanders Huo Zhuowu and Hu Hou heard this, they were shocked and unwilling. These were military achievements and treasures they had spent countless efforts and time to accumulate. Without these things, their strength would be greatly reduced. Thinking about it in the future It is not easy to earn it back. When General Xue Yong saw the expressions of the two commanders, he knew what they were thinking, and he immediately shouted dissatisfied: "His Royal Highness Hunyuan would be merciful if he did not take your lives. If you are destroyed, Everything you have belongs to His Highness, don't say it's you. Even if our four generals committed a crime and were deprived of everything, we are worthy of recognition, let alone you.

Why are you still willing? "At this time, General Xue Yong's eyes flashed with cold light. Although he tried to dissuade Luo Yuan with words, he understood that if Luo Yuan did not give him face, there was nothing he could do. After all, Luo Yuan was the inheritor of the God King and the next God. King, everything in the world of Jin belongs to Luo Yuan. At that time, Luo Yuan can decide the life and death of these creatures with just a word. Even the eternal true god-level general can easily erase it, let alone two voids. After all, in the eyes of the true god-level commanders, the creatures living in the world of Jin, no matter how powerful they are, are just ants and cannot resist.

Huo Zhuowu had no conflict with Luo Yuan in the first place, but he only took action against Luo Yuan because of Hu. Now that he heard their general say this, and the dissatisfaction and murderous intent in the general's eyes made him feel cold all over, he immediately He said: "My subordinate is aware of my guilt. Lord Hunyuan requested it, and I agreed. I am willing to dedicate all my military achievements and treasures to Lord Hunyuan. I also want to thank the general for interceding with me, otherwise I would really perish here." That's it." After Huo Zhuowu finished speaking, he immediately poured out his treasure.

Suddenly, a mountain-like treasure pile appeared in front of him. There were all the mechanical treasures and treasures used by Huo Zhuowu, and they were at least the true god level. Many of them were the void true god level. After all, Huo Zhuowu himself was the top void. True God, among these treasures there are many resources for cultivation, as well as some precious divine materials. In the end, Huo Zhuowu didn’t have any treasures on him. He even took out the armor on his body and could only use his divine power to transform into clothes to cover his body. . Next to him, Luo Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw some of the treasures. Huo Zhuowu was quite aware of current affairs, and a top True God of the Void had quite a few treasures, especially those several True God-level mechanical treasures of the Void that made Luo Yuan She was very satisfied. As Huo Zhuowu set an example, although Commander Hu was unwilling to do so, she also knew that if she did not take out all the treasures, she would die. After her death, her treasures would still belong to Luo Yuan. In this way Why bother to resist, so he honestly gave away all his treasures, and then felt that he was very shameless, so he had to leave here quickly. No other warrior knew about all this.

Then Huo Zhuowu also left in embarrassment. Luo Yuan had released the restraints on them before. General Xue Yong looked at Luo Yuan and said, "Your Highness, they have done what you said." Luo Yuan was satisfied after hearing this. He nodded, and then put away all the treasures of the two top Void True God-level commanders with a wave of his hand. At the same time, General Xue Yong also said: "I have transferred all the military achievements of the two commanders to your name through authority. This is very important to me." It was a severe punishment for both of them.

As you have been in the legion for so many years, you should know that once your strength reaches the True God of the Void, you cannot receive missions, and you cannot obtain military honors without missions. Although your move did not destroy them, it deprived them of all their resources, and also made them lose their ability. They have no chance of promotion, so it can be said that they are very successful. "

Luo Yuan just smiled at General Xue Yong's compliment. He also knew that in the God King Legion, only the Lord of Laws and True God-level warriors could receive missions and gain military merit by completing missions. However, those with strength reaching the Void True God-level could not Those who take action without permission, because they are considered to be at the peak of their combat power. If the damage caused by the action is too great, there will naturally be no task for them to complete. Therefore, in the world of Jin, those who reach the Void True God level are usually the leaders of a certain tribe or force. , the leaders of each legion of the God King Legion are also at the level of the True God of the Void, and their strength is generally much stronger than that of the tribal leaders, but that's the case.

Of course, the True God of the Void does not have no chance of obtaining military merit. They can obtain corresponding military merit by guiding and improving the strength of the army, or cultivating powerful superpowers. However, this process is very slow, and there are no warriors to perform the mission. It's so fast, it can only be accumulated slowly over time.

After General Xue Yong dealt with the conflict between Luo Yuan and the two commanders, he also left. After all, as a general sitting on one side, he also had many things to deal with. Luo Yuan did not care about him. Now for Luo Yuan , there is nothing that can threaten him in the world of Jin, and Luo Yuan also intends to keep a low profile to obtain enough benefits. In fact, Luo Yuan also hopes that there will be a few more people who are as strong as the two commanders, so that he can lie down To gain military merit and treasure.

Luo Yuan had a lot of military achievements and treasures, so he naturally went to the equipment battle to exchange for good things. So Luo Yuan came to the equipment point leisurely, and then entered the exchange hall. As time and space changed, an intelligent light man appeared as usual. When he came to Luo Yuan, his attitude was very respectful. He bent down and saluted and said, "Welcome Master Hunyuan." This appearance surprised Luo Yuan. After all, in the past, this man of light had a very cold and gentle attitude towards any warrior. arrogant.

However, Luo Yuan quickly adapted to it. After all, Luo Yuan's current status is not what it used to be. Different statuses naturally lead to different treatment in various aspects. At this time, Luo Yuan also noticed that the exchange space he was in was the same. In the independent space, he is the only redeeming warrior. This is the top VIP treatment.

The intelligent light man also seemed to have wisdom, and his face was sober and normal. This was obviously a change after his status was improved. Then the light man directly took out a golden bracelet and gave it to Luo Yuan, and then explained: "Master Hunyuan, With your current status, you have the same authority as the four generals. What I give you is an equipment ring. You can directly come to this redemption space through this to redeem treasures, and this is directly bound to your exclusive redemption space. I'm responsible."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but be happy when he heard this. He took the equipment ring. He didn't expect that everything would become easier after his status was improved. After all, before he came to this equipment battle and wanted to exchange things, he had to queue up, but now there is not even an equipment station. If you need to come, you can get whatever you want through the equipment ring in your hand. So Luo Yuan said directly: "I want to get specific information about all the Lords of Law who have joined the God King's Legion in recent eras, and I also want to know if they have the ability to disguise and simulate their forms and breaths." Intelligent Light Man Without thinking, he replied: "Master Hunyuan, with your current authority, you can do this. Whether it is the Lord of Laws, the information about the True God and the True God of the Void, you can also query it as you wish, and you can also simulate them. The breath.”

Under the explanation of the intelligent light man, Luo Yuan understood that all warriors who joined the God King's legion would automatically have all information scanned, which naturally included the appearance and aura of these warriors to protect the soul aura. After Luo Yuan's request, Suddenly, a dense virtual image of warriors appeared in front of Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan felt a little numb when he saw it. This was too much, so he directly narrowed the scope to the past two eras. After all, the universe sea found that the world of Jin had passed. It had been two epochs, and Luo Yuan's purpose of looking for this information was still to deal with the warriors in Ziyue Holy Land, and the number of warriors suddenly decreased.

So Luo Yuan began to compare this information with the information about the Law Lords in the Purple Moon Holy Land that he had, and soon found out that all the Law Lord level warriors who had joined the God King Legion in the Purple Moon Holy Land so far were actually There are nearly a hundred people, which makes Luo Yuan a little surprised. After all, these are only those who have joined the God King's Legion. How many warriors have not chosen to join the God King's Legion? After all, not all the Lords of the Universe can join the God King. Legion.

Now Luo Yuan can only find out all the warriors from the Purple Moon Holy Land who have joined the God King's Legion. These warriors can be said to be the elite of the Purple Moon Holy Land. After all, the warriors who can pass the screening of the God King's Legion are very strong in themselves, especially those who If all the soldiers who joined the special legion could be captured in one go, it would be a big blow to the Purple Moon Holy Land. The Purple Moon Holy Land actually attacked Luo Yuan and planned to destroy Luo Yuan. Naturally, Luo Yuan would not be polite. , eliminate hidden dangers.

But Luo Yuan suddenly thought of something. If he really killed all the warriors of the Purple Moon Holy Land who had entered the God King's Legion, wouldn't he tell the Purple Moon Ancestor that he had discovered them directly and had the ability to deal with them? The strong men in the Purple Moon Holy Land must have taken precautions and will not send strong men next time. In this way, Luo Yuan will not be able to continue to destroy them. If he only destroys the hundreds of law masters in the Purple Moon Holy Land, , they are too cheap.

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(End of this chapter)

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