Chapter 564 Peak Showdown
  Luo Yuan felt incredible that the world beast could use such a powerful secret technique, because he took out several mechanical treasures, and also used the secret technique of destruction to burn a lot of divine power. Finally, he used the magic weapon obtained from the God King of Jin. God's Eye Secret Technique, but even so, the Realm Beast can still have such strength. How could this not shock Luo Yuan? Luo Yuan dared to say that with so many powerful methods he used, even the ultimate true god might fall. But the beast.

Luo Yuan's various tricks still did not trap the world beast in front of him. He has turned his will into a saint. The soul attack generated when using the secret technique of the divine eye is so powerful that even the ultimate Void True God will immediately lose the power of resistance. Eternal The true god will also be unconscious for a moment, but this world beast just roared for a while and then resisted. This shows that he still underestimated the strength of the world beast's will. No wonder it is a terrifying existence that can overthrow the entire cosmic sea. The cosmic sea can resist it. .

At this time, the world beast named Morosa looked at Luo Yuan who was still in peak condition and felt incredible. In Morosa's heart, Luo Yuan activated several mechanical treasures at the same time and consumed a lot of divine power. And he also used soul-like secret techniques that made him feel uncomfortable, but now Luo Yuan's divine body is still intact and seems to be at its peak. He has lost a lot of his own dark power, which shows that Luo Yuan's divine power reserve Incomparably rich.

Morosa knew that when all the powerful men in the Cosmic Sea fought with him, they would consume a lot of energy from each other. Calculated based on the energy consumed before, even the strongest true god in the Cosmic Sea would lose most of his divine body, but Luo Yuan It looked very relaxed, so Morosa couldn't help but think: "No wonder this Hunyuan Lord of the human race can become the strongest person in the universe sea just by being the lord of the universe. His divine power reserve alone has exceeded my energy, but You can’t catch me.”

Morosa would not admit his incompetence, so he looked at Luo Yuan and said with a smile: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, are you shocked by my secret skills, Morosa? I am a noble world beast, born to be a true god, no matter what Whether it's energy reserves or mental will, they are so powerful that you can't imagine. The secret soul attack technique you used before has no effect on me. That's it for this time. I'll leave first when I'm tired. If you want to come after me, just come. Come on, hahaha!" After Morosa said, he used his previous secret escape technique, which turned into countless golden streams of light and flew rapidly in all directions. Seeing this, Luo Yuan could only shake his head and stopped chasing.

Previously, the use of chain treasures with the blessing of Wu Qi Shen failed to capture this realm beast. Now even the use of domain-type mechanical treasures is useless. Luo Yuan cannot catch up even if he wants to, but the strength of this realm beast has also been Luo Yuan tested it out. This realm beast is stronger than all the overlords of the universe sea. It can be said that no one can deal with the realm beast except himself, and there are many such realm beasts in the growth stage. If he didn't have many realm beasts, Strong means may not be enough.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord could still have the upper hand when dealing with this realm beast before, but now it is impossible. This shows that this realm beast has devoured a lot of the original power of small universes over the years, so its strength has improved a lot. If It will be difficult to deal with it if it continues to grow, so he can't delay it for too long. Although the person who is dealing with the world beast this time is only one of his strongest clones, he understands that even if his true form comes, he may not be able to take it down. Realm beast, but I also saw the real form of the realm beast.

In the past, the realm beasts used secret techniques only after changing their appearance. There is no doubt that if they want to use their powerful secret techniques, they need to be in the main body mode. However, I don’t know whether the methods of the realm beasts are more powerful. However, what makes Luo Yuan a little worried is that the world beasts in the growth stage can give birth to countless powerful warriors in their own small world. It will be even more difficult to deal with them at that time. The primitive universe can give birth to countless strong men, and the world beasts naturally can also.

Therefore, after the realm beast reaches the growth stage, it will generally stay behind the scenes and let its powerful warriors fight for it. The realm beast's own life-saving ability is top-notch, so the realm beast may have more powerful methods that have not been used, but This time Luo Yuan has revealed another trump card of the world beast, and he is more prepared to deal with this world beast next time. After all, this time the three strongest clones have separated all their treasures. If they are combined, they will be more prepared. powerful.

If Luo Yuan uses his three strongest clones to deal with this realm beast at the same time, he believes that this realm beast will not be able to withstand it no matter how strong it is. It will not be impossible to catch the realm beast by then. After thinking about this, Luo Yuan directly put away all the treasures and drove the palace treasure away from here. At this time, Morosa, who was fleeing, was panicking. Although he said he was powerful before, he still had no idea how strong he was. Most clearly, I was scared this time.

Morosa never expected that the Luo Yuan he met was just the Lord of the Universe, but Luo Yuan's will had reached the level of becoming a saint, which was much stronger than the world beast. If it weren't for the innate spiritual will of the realm beast, it would really fall into Luo Yuan's hands. The realm beast is different from a cosmic sea powerhouse like Luo Yuan. Almost all of the realm beast's methods are innate to him. Talent, so when the world beast performs secret techniques, it is directly at full level, and it is proficient. After all, it is its instinctive power, and the strong men of the Universe Sea increase their strength by learning various secret techniques. Even if Luo Yuan's spiritual will Even if it is stronger than the realm beast, it may not be possible to win.

But a strong man like Luo Yuan of the Universe Sea has an advantage that a realm beast does not have. That is, the secrets and talents of a realm beast are fixed at birth. However, the secrets and secrets learned by the powerful men of the Universe Sea can be passed through. It has been perfected and supplemented by countless generations of peak powerhouses, and is finally passed down to generations, so the upper limit is undoubtedly much higher than that of world beasts. However, latecomers need a lot of time to learn and comprehend if they want to reach the level of creators. Luo Yuan happens to have a good understanding.

At this time, the world beast named Morosa felt frightened and fearful when he thought of Luo Yuan's previous performance. He couldn't help but think: "How did the Hunyuan lord of the human race practice? Whether it is the reserve of divine power or the spiritual will, Stronger than me, in the end I had to reveal my true form to escape with my life. This is simply stronger than our world beasts. Is this Hunyuan Lord really a strong man born in the original universe? This is too illogical, but he His strength is indeed enough to be called the strongest in the universe sea.

However, after this battle, I gained something. At least I learned what the strongest combat power of the Universe Sea is. This human race's Hunyuan Lord is so powerful that he didn't let me run away, and I have more. My strong methods have not been used yet, so I can safely devour the small universe in the future. Even if my current strength cannot defeat the overlords of the universe sea, no one can stop me if I want to leave, not even the strongest Neither can Lord Hunyuan. "

Although Morosa thought so, he still decided to evacuate directly when encountering Luo Yuan in the future. Although Luo Yuan could not catch up with its speed and secret skills, what if what he saw before was not Luo Yuan's full combat power? , and Luo Yuan can fight him to that extent, so the world beast cannot deal with Luo Yuan, and there is still danger.

In Morosa's mind, instead of competing with Luo Yuan for energy consumption, it is better to evacuate immediately when he sees it. He came to this cosmic sea to devour the original power of those small universes. He has no time to waste on competing with a peak power like Luo Yuan. In order to escape, Morosa not only burned the original power, but also directly consumed the original power of three small universes. I just felt aggrieved.

Morosa thought of his purpose. He finally felt that it would be better to avoid the eight overlords of the Cosmic Sea when he encountered them. Even if a large number of true gods came to attack, he would still find a way to leave. He wanted to mainly devour and retain the original power of the small universe. Use this to promote the growth of your own strength and reach the realm of kings as soon as possible. Who will you have to fear then?

The world beast named Morosa figured this out and immediately used teleportation to leave the void. There was one of the strongest clones of Luo Yuan sitting here. He decided not to come unless Luo Yuan's clone left. Although this time the world beast The battle between Beast and Luo Yuan lost a lot of his original power, but it also made him more and more courageous. He decided to speed up the devouring of the small universes of those true gods. The current sea of ​​universe except for that With eight overlords, what else does he need to worry about. At this time, in the virtual universe of the human race, in an extremely vast meeting hall, countless true gods and powerful men from the original universe arrived, but they were still dominated by the true gods of the human race and Hongmeng. In addition, there were also powerful ones ranked in strength. The first and second Ancestral God Sect and the true gods of the Starry Sky Beast Alliance are all waiting for the result of the battle between Luo Yuan and the world beast. At this time, on the highest throne, Luo Yuan's virtual body formed by consciousness just closed his eyes. , no one will bother Luo Yuan.

All the true gods present knew about the battle between Luo Yuan's strongest clone and the realm beast. This time, it can be said that the strongest combat force in the universe sea took action to fight the realm beast. The result of the battle would have a profound impact on all forces in the entire universe sea. It's very important. If Luo Yuan falls, it means everyone will be doomed. After all, the world beast is too strong.

At this time, all the true gods are speculating on the final outcome of the battle, but they definitely hope that Luo Yuan can succeed. If the realm beast can be destroyed, then everyone can relax. They are also discussing among themselves through voice transmission. Previously, the small universe of Lord Haiya was swallowed up by the world beast, and it happened that one of Luo Yuan's strongest clones was guarding there, so there was a peak showdown with the world beast, and this battle was blocked by all the forces of the universe sea. Pay attention, they care a lot.

The true gods who can come to this independent space through the virtual universe are forces allied with the human race. At the same time, other forces have also established contact with these true gods through various relationship networks. If the result of the battle between Luo Yuan and the world beast comes out, , could reach all the forces in the cosmic sea at the first time. They all looked at Luo Yuan on the throne, with anxiety and expectation in their eyes. The Lord of Chaos City next to Luo Yuan looked at Luo Yuan who suddenly opened his eyes and asked. : "What's the result, World Beast?"

As the Lord of Chaos City spoke, all the true gods present quieted down and looked at Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan just said calmly: "The world beast hid its strength and escaped."

All the true gods present showed incredulous expressions when they heard this. They never expected that Lord Hunyuan, as the strongest person in the universe sea, would personally take action and let the realm beast escape, not to mention destroying the realm beast. Without catching it, all the true gods felt bad at this moment. If the realm beast could escape from Luo Yuan's hands, wouldn't this mean that if the realm beast dealt with them, they would not even have a chance to resist? If the realm beast came, If attacked, they may perish.

Suddenly all the true gods present panicked. They were most worried about the ethnic group behind them. If the world beast came to devour their small universe, it meant that they had no power to resist at all. After all, even the strongest Luo Yuan had not been taken down. That realm beast, and Luo Yuan couldn't possibly arrive in time to help them deal with that realm beast.

Luo Yuan watched the scene become noisy. He frowned and said, "Everyone, please be quiet. I haven't finished speaking yet." As Luo Yuan spoke, the true gods present had no choice but to put their worries and worries at ease, and then It was quiet to listen to what Luo Yuan wanted to say. After Luo Yuan saw that the scene had quieted down, he continued: "Previously, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord led a dozen high-level true gods to besiege the realm beast, causing the realm beast to display countless golden lights. A powerful secret to escape.

But this time, the realm beast used a more powerful escape method. Even though I used several mechanical treasures, I couldn't take down the realm beast. Therefore, the realm beast has been devouring the small universe for more than ten years. The original power has improved a lot, and now its strength is stronger than that of several overlords. "

The true gods present were all shocked when they heard this, and at the same time, their worries became more serious. They did not expect that the strength of the realm beast would increase so quickly. In just a dozen years, it would be able to surpass overlords such as the Nine-Headed Demon Lord. People, doesn't that mean that there is no strong person in the universe sea who can deal with that realm beast? If that realm beast takes action against them, true gods, then they can only sit back and wait for death. In the eyes of those realm beasts, they are the small universes of true gods. It's all food.

After Luo Yuan waited for the true gods present to calm down, he continued: "Besides this, the appearance of the realm beast we saw is not its true state, and the changed state will also affect the realm beast's strength. , this time I fought with the realm beast, and I had trapped the realm beast at the last moment. Unfortunately, the realm beast directly showed its true body state, and then was able to cast more powerful secret techniques, which even bound me to mechanical flow. Even the most precious treasures can’t stop the beast from this realm.”

Luo Yuan waved his hand as he spoke, and a holographic projection suddenly appeared in the air. It really looked like the real body of the beast. The ferocious beast made all the true gods present change their expressions. They felt dangerous just by seeing this projection. , let alone seeing the Realm Beast itself, Luo Yuan continued: "The Realm Beast's one eye can emit an extremely powerful energy beam by consuming a large amount of its original energy, and its power is even greater than the strongest power exerted by the Realm Beast itself. Several times stronger.

That world beast relied on this secret method to smash the cage formed by my mechanical flow treasure and escape. Even I didn't react. If they use it on you, I dare say you won't be able to resist it even for a moment. , will fall directly, but everyone is estimated to be gone before the realm beast uses this move. This is probably the strongest method of the realm beast. Of course, this is my distraction. As for there is no stronger trick, I don't understand either. "

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(End of this chapter)

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