I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 583 Picking up the talent of world beasts, the dark place

Chapter 583 Picking up the talent of world beasts, the dark place

When Morosa heard Luo Yuan's words, he sneered and said: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, you think too highly of yourself. I am a world beast that can be on an equal footing with the original universe. I am a product of the supreme rules of the universe sea, and You are just an ordinary creature born in the original universe in this era of reincarnation. From what I understand, you were worse than the weakest ant when you were born. Now that your strength has increased, do you think you have the qualifications to turn me into a soul servant? , it’s really ridiculous.”

Luo Yuan heard the words and said coldly: "Okay, Morosa, you don't need to continue to anger me. I don't know how many things I have experienced along the way. My state of mind has long been cultivated to a level that is difficult for you to reach. Although you world beasts were born He is a true god, with extremely strong bloodline and innate abilities, but your growth time is too short, which also makes you have no clear understanding of yourself. Do I have the ability to turn you into a soul servant? What will you do next? Just know it.”

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he began to use powerful secret techniques. He has two extremely powerful high-level inheritances, the Donghe Duanhe inheritance and the God King of Jin. Naturally, there are also very profound soul secrets in the inheritance that can transform the strong. If it is just an ordinary true god, even if he obtains this inherited secret technique, he will not be able to turn the world beast into his own soul servant. But Luo Yuan can do this. This is the powerful ability brought by strength. Be able to get rid of the constraints of rules.

As Luo Yuan's mind controlled the divine power, he quickly drew a mysterious secret rune in the void. The rune became more and more solidified and finally formed a simple slave character, which was still constructed in the ancient common language. Luo Yuan Yuan integrated this rune into Morosa's sea of ​​consciousness. After a while, Luo Yuan found that it still didn't work on the realm beasts, which made him confused. According to past experience, it shouldn't be a hundred trials. Is it from Bai Ling? Could it be that divine power is useless against world beasts?

After all, the realm beast uses a power system that is completely opposite to the divine power, and the dark power of the realm beast will immediately cancel each other out once it comes into contact with the divine power. There is no reason for there to be no reaction, and Morosa also burst out laughing at this time. In his opinion, Luo Yuan is only a true god even if he is strong, and as a realm beast, he is an extremely high-level existence. How could he be accepted as a soul servant by a true god so easily? If he really did it, then the realm beast would Long gone.

"Hahaha, Hunyuan Lord of the human race, you have no choice but to use whatever secret soul skills you have. If you can really turn me, Morosa, into your soul servant, then I will admit it. But can you do it? Don’t talk about your divine power. Even other world beasts can’t do it. If you want me to become your servant, you’d better worry less and just give me a pleasure. This will help. What do you mean, you are also the strongest person in the universe sea, why should you be like this?"

Luo Yuan ignored the roaring realm beast. He was thinking about where he went wrong. If he could turn the realm beast into his soul servant, it would be of great help to Luo Yuan in the future, and the significance would be extraordinary. After all, according to Jin Zhi Judging from the information left by the God King, it is not impossible to turn a world beast into his soul servant. There are strong people in the highest plane who have done it. Luo Yuan believes that he can do it too. Since divine power is not enough, then Just use the power of the world beast and have the same origin.

So after Luo Yuan paid attention, Luo Yuan immediately used his invisible power to become a world beast, and his body also exuded the dark power used by the world beasts. This change made Morosa immediately shocked and dumbfounded, because Even if it probes Luo Yuan with the power of a real world beast, it cannot tell whether Luo Yuan is a real or fake world beast. After Morosa calmed down, it roared: "This is impossible, absolutely impossible, you are How did you do it, you are not a world beast, it is all fake."

At this time, Morosa felt that he was going crazy. The Luo Yuan in front of him was the true god of the universe sea. There was no doubt about this. Even if Luo Yuan used the art of transformation to become a world beast, he would only be similar in appearance. How could they be connected? The original power has also become exactly the same as the realm beast. This is impossible. He can't believe it at all, because the energy emanating from Luo Yuan at this time is the same as the dark power of the realm beast, without any aura of divine power. This cannot be faked in any way.

Luo Yuan ignored the shock of the realm beasts. He immediately used the dark power used by the realm beasts to use the secret soul technique to outline the mysterious secret runes. Then as the runes integrated into the body of the realm beasts, he finally reacted, and soon Luo Yuan Yuan sensed the origin of the world beast through the runes, which is the inner world owned by the world beast itself. This world can cultivate a steady stream of powerful warriors for it to fight in all directions. This is very similar to the small universe of the True God, Luo Yuan also understood.

It turns out that the world within the body of the world beast itself can play a protective role, not only helping the world beast to give birth to warriors, but also resisting external attacks. Previously, Luo Yuan used divine power to outline runes and was directly devoured by this small world as an external attack. Now that Luo Yuan has used the dark power of the world beast, the world has not directly swallowed it. After all, it is the same power as the world beast, and the soul of the world beast is at the core of this small world. This is the same as the true god of the true god. The heart is the same.

At this time, Luo Yuan controlled the rune to blend into the small world of the world beast and quickly approached its soul. This made the world beast instinctively feel the danger and began to resist fiercely. The small world of the world beast also sensed the crisis and immediately added strength. The runes that helped the world beasts resist Luo Yuan had been fighting like this for an unknown amount of time. Luo Yuan found that the power of his runes was getting weaker and eventually dissipated. However, Luo Yuan was not disappointed. After all, this was just a simple one for him. Just an attempt.

In addition, Luo Yuan discovered that the world beast also consumed a lot of energy and original power in order to resist his own runes. If it didn't work once, he would try a few more times, and he would always succeed. At this time, Morosa really started to be afraid. From its origin, it never expected that a true god would master the power of the realm beast in the cosmic sea. This is completely different from the power given to the servants by the realm beast. This is the power of darkness that has the same origin as the realm beast, and The power that Luo Yuan completely controlled was terrifying.

Although Morosa thought Luo Yuan was powerful before, he only thought that he was unable to deal with Luo Yuan because he was weak. Morosa had never doubted the power of the realm beast, so in his heart it was impossible to obey him. Luo Yuan, because in the hearts of the world beasts, all the creatures in the cosmic sea are just weak food. As long as the strength of the world beasts becomes stronger, or even the king of the world beasts appears, then everything in the cosmic sea will not be able to escape annihilation. .

But now the strength and methods shown by Luo Yuan make Morosa feel that this human race's Hunyuan Lord may really be able to wipe out all the world beasts. Even the last king may not be Luo Yuan's. Opponent, after all, Luo Yuan's strength is also growing. Luo Yuan still has a lot of room for growth, but Luo Yuan is already invincible even after he has just broken through to the true god realm. If Luo Yuan's strength becomes even more powerful in the future, Strong, then it is not impossible to destroy the world beast.

But as a realm beast, Morosa naturally cannot match the ambition of others, so Morosa sarcastically said: "Lord Hunyuan of the human race, you really surprised me. You can actually use the power that only my realm beast can possess." , but it’s impossible for you to turn me into your soul servant. Don’t you know how powerful the soul will of our world beast is? Our ability to use powerful soul secrets is related to our will. The soul is perfect. Far more than the true God.”

Luo Yuan just laughed lightly when he heard this. Morosa didn't know that Luo Yuan's will had reached the level of becoming a saint. This involves the power of the Chaos Lord. No matter how powerful the soul will of the current world beast is, it is impossible. Reaching this level,

Next, Luo Yuan directly used his invisible and formless ability to transform into a realm beast, exerted the power of darkness and used the powerful soul secret technique. The three-star realm completed the soul enslavement of the realm beast demon Rosa, turning the realm beast into His own soul servant.

Then Luo Yuan attacked Morosa and picked up the attribute bubbles it dropped. Soon some of the innate skills of the realm beasts were obtained by Luo Yuan, especially the escape skills of the realm beasts, which can be directly divided into Countless means of golden light escaping.

In fact, the golden light differentiation divides the main body into countless clones. As long as any of the clones escapes, it is considered to have escaped the pursuit and can maintain its peak strength. This also solves the problem of the true god being unable to clone. With this Ability, Luo Yuan's life-saving ability will be stronger in the future. After many years, his system can start to be used again.

After Luo Yuan came out of the Stardust Tower, he returned to the original universe and informed the Chaos City Lord about the world beast becoming his soul servant. The Chaos City Lord was very happy, but he also knew that this matter must be kept secret and cannot be revealed. Those true gods who have taken refuge in the world beasts know it. Next, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City talked about the methods to deal with the realm beasts in the dark land. Luo Yuan felt that he had used the invisible and phaseless form to transform into a realm beast and took Morosa with him to the dark land to deal with other beasts. Realm beasts, the specific method is for Luo Yuan to help Morosa devour other realm beasts and let Morosa grow.

Now the soul origin of Morosa has been replaced by Luo Yuan's own, which means that the original Morosa has fallen, and the current Morosa is actually a clone of Luo Yuan, which is comparable to Luo Yuan. Feng's golden-horned behemoth is much more powerful.

Luo Yuan's current strength is equivalent to a fifth-level realm beast, which is many times more powerful than Bedi. With Luo Yuan's help, his realm beast clone will become extremely powerful, and can even grow into The king of world beasts.

So Luo Yuan began his journey to conquer the Dark Land. Only the Lord of Chaos City knew about this plan. No one else in the Universe Sea knew about it except him. This was also to protect Luo Yuan's safety. After all, Luo Yuan was taking it directly. If the world beast's lair is known to other world beasts, it would be dangerous for all the world beasts to join forces to besiege Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan said that his consciousness penetrated into the soul origin of the world beast Morosa. Now Morosa can act on his own. Of course, all his actions will be under Luo Yuan's control. Luo Yuan is also very satisfied with this. , he originally wanted to turn Morosa into his soul servant, but in the end he directly turned him into his world beast clone.

Luo Yuan feels amazing when he thinks about it, but it's a pity that he can't complete this step before becoming a true god, otherwise Luo Yuan's background will be even more powerful, and this world beast clone is completely different from Luo Feng's clone, because it uses control The secret technique, which controls the consciousness of the world beast Morosa, is more like a puppet in the world of immortality, and is 100% controlled by Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan took his puppet clone Morosa and teleported for several days and finally arrived at the entrance of the Dark Land. When they approached, other realm beasts immediately discovered their figure. When they saw Morosa, they were very surprised. Shocked, because Morosa had previously informed all the world beasts about the situation of the Cosmic Sea through telepathy.

In particular, Morosa also said that he would seek revenge from the Hunyuan Lord of the human race, the strongest person in the universe sea. He even said his last words at that time. How he came back intact now made them all interested.

A world beast approached Morosa and asked: "Morosa, didn't you go to deal with Luo Yuan of the Cosmic Sea? Why are you back now? Could it be that the things you sent us before were all fake?"

Seeing this, Luo Yuan immediately controlled Morosa and snorted coldly: "How could my words, Morosa, be false? It's just that I still underestimated the strength of the human Luo Yuan. In the end, I was still unwilling to die like this. , so I decided to come back and give it a try. With the help of the brother next to me, I can recover quickly."

Several realm beasts in the Dark Land heard the words and looked at the realm beast transformed by Luo Yuan. They felt that the realm beast in front of them was very strange. They had never seen it before, but there were so many realm beasts in the Dark Land, and they were not I have seen all the world beasts, and the dark power that Luo Yuan is exuding at this time cannot be faked. Even if there is really a strong man from the universe sea who has this change, he would not dare to blindly come to the lair of the world beasts to seek death.

Luo Yuan did not immediately take action against these world beasts. He had just arrived in the dark land and there was no need to conflict with several world beasts at the same time. It was better to consider the long term.

In fact, when Luo Yuan chose to enslave Morosa, he received news from the Supreme Rules. Once Luo Yuan did this, he was provoking the Supreme Rules and would be known to other world beasts immediately. This would lead to Luo Yuan's death. The plan to deal with the realm beast would directly fail, so Luo Yuan finally chose to use a consciousness clone of his to devour the origin of Morosa's soul. This would not be considered as enslaving the realm beast, but the fall of the realm beast.

But when Luo Yuan thought he could get away with this, several realm beasts guarding the dark place suddenly surrounded Luo Yuan and Morosa. Morosa immediately asked: "What do you mean, do you want to fight with me?" Are you an enemy of Morosa? I, Morosa, am lacking your original power to increase my strength."

Several realm beasts looked at Luo Yuan and Morosa with cold eyes. One of the realm beasts said coldly: "Damn you guys, you dare to play tricks on us. We just received a summons from Lord Bedi, saying that He had received the news before. Morosa had obviously been captured by the Hunyuan lord of the human race, and he couldn't control himself. How could he suddenly appear here? Moreover, we sensed it and found that you two can't achieve it with us. telepathy."

Luo Yuan's face turned aside when he heard this, and he realized that he had still neglected something. It seemed that there was still a problem with the consciousness control method, so Luo Yuan simply stopped pretending and directly used the devouring method of the world beast skill he got from Morosa. , suddenly countless dark powers turned into black threads, binding all the world beasts in front of them in the blink of an eye, and then continued to devour their original power. Morosa did the same when he saw this.

Luo Yuan acted too quickly, causing the world beasts to be attacked in the past few days without even reacting. This made them understand that the strength of the strange world beast in front of them was actually stronger than their Lord Bedi, but they no longer had the ability to resist. The message here was also sent directly to all the realm beasts, telling them to be careful. After Luo Luoyuan and Morosa devoured these realm beasts, they returned directly to the cosmic sea. Their plan to go to the dark land failed. .

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(End of this chapter)

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