I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 595: The most powerful one blow, one net to catch them all

Chapter 595 The most powerful blow, catching them all in one fell swoop

The vanguard army composed of half a million realm beasts divided from millions of realms also knows how powerful Luo Yuan is alone. If Luo Yuan gets close, these realm beasts will be completely difficult to resist, so these realm beasts are very smart. They did not get close to Luo Yuan, but jointly launched the strongest attack from a relatively far position. The other realm beasts formed a ball shape and completely blocked Luo Yuan, preventing him from evacuating. It can be said that the entire action of the realm beasts was perfect and neat. It's hard to imagine that this is a group of species that are always fighting each other.

You must know that the battle formed by a hundred thousand realm beasts alone is comparable to that of a sixth-level realm beast. Luo Yuan can't imagine how powerful the combined attack of half a million realm beasts is. At this time, more than 50 realm beasts The powerful beam formed by the combination of world beasts is enough to turn everything into nothingness, and then the beam bombarded the Star Tower, which only caused the Star Tower to move away some distance. Luo Yuan himself was not harmed, but the world beasts joined forces The power still shocked Luo Yuan, if there were more world beasts.

This is only the combined power of half a million realm beasts. How powerful would it be if it were a million realm beasts? Luo Yuan dared to say that if the Star Tower wasn't a god-king level treasure with unparalleled defense power, then he would really have defeated him this time. It is in danger. Even the tomb boat modified by Duan Donghe will be disintegrated if it encounters the joint attack of so many world beasts. Moreover, the Star Tower also incorporated a golden light when it was being refined by the God King of Jin. It has undergone mutation, and is actually more powerful than ordinary god-king level treasures, and cannot be destroyed even by the god-king.

Therefore, Luo Yuan is safe in the Star Tower at this time. No matter how the world beasts attack, they cannot cause any damage to the Star Tower, even if all the world beasts join forces. This is why Luo Yuan dares to come to this dark place alone. The confidence to take risks to deal with the realm beasts is that when Luo Yuan was resisting the attack of the realm beasts, another army of realm beasts approached. Now the realm beasts that dealt with Luo Yuan turned into a real million realm beasts, and this was not over yet. As the armies of realm beasts continue to arrive, the number of realm beasts increases.

Soon the number of realm beasts surrounding the Star Tower reached six million, and they were still increasing. The realm beasts were all extremely huge creatures, each one larger than a star, so there were six million of them at once. Realm beasts directly covered the entire void. Wherever Luo Yuan could see, there were realm beasts everywhere. They were densely packed. If other true gods saw it, they would not collapse. But Luo Yuan felt excited, because the realm beasts that came were more and more... The more, the better the effect he will have by using the Chaos Golden Wings trump card.

No matter how these realm beasts join forces to attack the Star Tower, they cannot disintegrate it. This makes the realm beasts think that this is because their power is not enough, so they decide to wait until all the realm beasts have gathered before joining forces to launch a powerful attack on the Star Tower. Attack, that is the power of millions of world beasts. The world beasts do not know the level of the Star Tower, so they think how can the Star Tower block such a powerful attack, but if they really cannot cause damage to the Star Tower , they are not without any methods.

The world beasts can then drag the Star Tower into an extremely dangerous environment, so that even if Luo Yuan wants to leave, it will be difficult to do so. After all, there are many dangerous Jedi places in the cosmic sea that even the world beasts dare not go to. They are used as a The method of trapping Luo Yuan is the same. If the cosmic sea does not have Luo Yuan as a threat, then the world beasts can develop unscrupulously and devour the original power, but the world beasts will not do this unless they have to. Do it because it is difficult to drag the Star Tower into the Jedi.

Luo Yuan can now control many functions of the Star Tower, including the function of accelerating teleportation. How can he watch the world beast drag the Star Tower into the Jedi? Therefore, if the world beasts want to do this, they need to join forces. Using various means to carry out this will waste a lot of time and affect the opportunity for the realm beasts to improve their strength. Moreover, the realm beasts cannot guarantee that those Jedi can really trap Luo Yuan who owns the Star Tower. After all, the defense of the Star Tower It's not difficult to figure out if you can see that you are invincible.

The defensive power of the treasure is so powerful that it has the strongest attack power. Just one impact is enough to destroy anything. Therefore, the world beasts do not dare to fight against the Star Tower. Luo Yuan uses Morosa to He sensed that nearly eight million world beasts had arrived and surrounded him at this time, and he was afraid that they were not all there yet, so Luo Yuan decided to wait and close the net when all the world beasts came and fell. Luo Yuan was also very excited at this time. He had been waiting for a long time.

Didn't Luo Yuan do so much in the Dark Land just to gather the world beasts and catch them all in one fell swoop? This goal will soon be achieved. As long as the crisis of the world beasts is dealt with, he can rest assured to do his own thing. Now, the Origin Continent is his real platform. At this time, nearly 8 million realm beasts have surrounded the Star Tower. Moreover, the number of realm beasts coming is increasing, and soon it reaches 800. Three hundred thousand, which made Luo Yuan look forward to the last moment more and more.

Luo Yuan is very patient, because he knows that he only has one chance, so he must act cautiously and cannot act blindly. Therefore, the number of realm beasts arriving exceeds the previous number, although not all the realm beasts in the dark land have been gathered. , but more than 90% of the realm beasts have been gathered. If these realm beasts can be eliminated, then the remaining realm beasts will not be afraid. At this time, the realm beasts also regard Luo Yuan as their biggest enemy. It is also the biggest obstacle on their way forward and must be removed.

The realm beasts know that Morosa has been turned into a soul servant by Luo Yuan. If Luo Yuan wipes out these realm beasts, and then waits for Morosa to become the king of realm beasts, wouldn't their king become Luo Yuan? The arrogant world beasts will never allow this to happen. They are the products of the supreme rules of the universe. They are powerful beings on an equal footing with the original universe. How could they be killed by an ordinary creature born in the original universe? Become the king of world beasts.

Therefore, the realm beasts decided to eliminate Luo Yuan no matter what, otherwise they would really have no face. At this time, the realm beasts had already reached 8.4 million, and there were no more realm beasts in front of them. Come on, after all, not all realm beasts have such thoughts. There are still some realm beasts waiting and watching, but now so many realm beasts are enough to deal with Luo Yuan, the realm beasts don't believe that they can still concentrate more than 90% of the realm beasts' power. The Star Tower cannot be destroyed. If that is the case, the Star Tower can only be driven to the end.

At this time, the realm beasts are all in contact through telepathy. They know how important this action is to the realm beasts themselves. It is related to the future of the realm beasts, so the realm beasts must destroy the Star Tower. So the realm beasts began to prepare. Soon these 8.4 million realm beasts unified their thoughts and decided to launch an attack together, because they knew that only by focusing all attacks together can they exert the strongest power. If the power is not unified, Seen scattered, the power is greatly reduced.

None of the current world beasts are Luo Yuan's opponent, so they can only rely on their combined strength to deal with Luo Yuan. As the world beasts emit the strongest beams at the same time, these beams soon gather together, and suddenly A black beam of light appeared that penetrated the sky and the earth. This was a change caused by concentrating the power to an extreme. Everything the black beam passed turned into nothingness, and the speed of the beam was extremely fast, so fast that it could not be detected. The boundary The beasts are waiting for the final result.

The world beasts didn't believe that the power of more than eight million world beasts could not be dealt with by the Star Tower. They all looked forward to erasing Luo Yuan, otherwise it would be really dangerous. Luo Yuan felt the extremely fast black The beam is also a little nervous, but he has to stabilize himself. Success or failure depends on this. His trump card will also be used. As long as he can withstand the strongest attack of the beasts from this realm, he can defeat these realms. All the beasts are captured in one fell swoop, so the Star Tower must be blocked. When the extremely powerful black beam bombarded the Star Tower, the Star Tower really lived up to its level as a god-king treasure. The extremely powerful defense of the Star Tower blocked the attack and was not destroyed. However, this extremely powerful attack formed The energy also burst out near the Star Tower, and the surrounding void was completely destroyed.

At the same time, the Star Tower was also blown away. Countless space-time fragments like glass fragments were flying everywhere in the void, making the world beasts look down on the specific situation. They were all looking forward to the scene where Luo Yuan's Star Tower was destroyed. At this time, Luo Yuan In the Star Tower, he immediately controlled the Star Tower to maintain stability. For this reason, he not only input a large amount of divine power, but finally the Star Tower resisted the damage caused by the energy. As the void began to repair itself, the world beasts also saw it. The Star Tower is steadily suspended in the void.

The world beasts discovered that the Star Tower had not suffered any damage from their most powerful attacks. This made the world beasts feel incredible. But suddenly the side door of the Star Tower opened and Luo Yuan walked out. He changed in just an instant. He became a golden giant with a height of hundreds of light years, especially the Wuqi God's armor on his body emitted bright golden light, and the chaotic golden wings behind him also emitted infinite golden light, illuminating Luo Yuan with unparalleled power. Luo Yuan looked at the world beasts. He said coldly: "World beasts, today is the day for you to die."

All the realm beasts present were shocked when they saw Luo Yuan become hundreds of light years in size, because they had never seen a powerful man with such a divine body, but at this time Luo Yuan had already walked out of the Star Tower on his own initiative, which made The realm beasts were very excited. As for what Luo Yuan said, they simply ignored it. How could it be possible to destroy the more than eight million realm beasts present? Even sixth-level realm beasts couldn't do it. But if Luo Yuan continued Hiding in the Star Tower, the world beasts really had no choice, but it was different now.

Luo Yuan actually came out of the Star Tower. The world beasts decided to join forces to launch another powerful strike to annihilate Luo Yuan, so the world beasts immediately took action. But how could Luo Yuan let the world beasts succeed? He directly used Divine power activated the energy source in the Chaos Golden Wings. He felt the power left by the previous user. That user was definitely a super strong person, maybe a god king, so the power of this energy source was too strong. , enough to wipe out all these world beasts in one fell swoop.

After Luo Yuan activated the energy source in the Chaos Golden Wings, the golden light emitted from the golden wings suddenly became stronger and stronger. Soon the light flew out from the golden wings and spread rapidly around, and then the golden light turned into golden rain. Like falling on all the world beasts in the void, but if you look carefully, you will find that every drop of golden light rain is a sharp golden blade, and it also exudes a sharp cold light, but there are too many and it looks like gold. Like rain, this made the world beasts feel shocked and confused.

Just when the realm beasts were still wondering, these blades that turned into golden rain fell on all the realm beasts and directly broke the realm beasts into pieces. Even the inner world where the souls of the realm beasts resided could not withstand such power. They were directly transformed into nothingness by the golden blade. The whole process happened very quickly and was very beautiful. These world beasts did not even feel any pain and just turned into nothingness. Suddenly, the entire void suddenly became quiet, as if The world beasts have never been here before, it's very strange.

Because at the moment when the golden rain fell, both the realm beasts and everything in the void, except Luo Yuan and all the things he carried, turned into nothingness, and even the sound disappeared, so the realm beasts were being wiped out by the golden rain. They had also sensed extreme fear before, but they had no time to react or the ability to resist, so the world beasts were eliminated in despair. Luo Yuan's blow directly wiped out 8.4 million world beasts. , and the power of the golden rain is still spreading to all directions.

Luo Yuan looked at the destructive power caused by this powerful blow, and his heart suddenly surged. This is the strength of a super strong man. Although the energy source of the Chaos Golden Wings is only a little power left by the previous user, this power It possesses such powerful destructive power that even more than eight million realm beasts are no match. If there were not still realm beasts still watching, then this blow would be enough to annihilate all the realm beasts in the dark land. This also made Luo Yuan feel awe and yearning for the strength of super strong men.

At this time, Luo Yuan had been planning for so long, and all the adventure he had done to come to the dark land alone had paid off. More than 90% of the world beasts were destroyed by him. He only dared to think clearly, so Luo Yuan put these The good news was informed to the Chaos City Lord, because apart from Morosa, the only one who knew that Luo Yuan came to the Dark Land to deal with the realm beasts was the Chaos City Lord. At this time, those realm beasts who did not participate in dealing with Luo Yuan in the Dark Land were Completely panicked, they numbered less than a million and had been waiting and watching.

But just now, through telepathy, these realm beasts who were still alive knew in the blink of an eye that the more than eight million realm beasts that went to deal with Luo Yuan had all turned into nothingness. This frightened the realm beasts. They were really being attacked. Luo Yuan's methods were frightening. They didn't know what kind of power Luo Yuan used to be so powerful. Who knew that there were more than eight million realm beasts? Even sixth-order realm beasts had to run away in panic when they saw it. But it actually disappeared completely in just an instant.

At this time, these realm beasts who are still alive feel lucky and fearful at the same time. Fortunately, they did not blindly participate in the operation to encircle Luo Yuan, otherwise they would have turned into nothingness like the more than eight million realm beasts. , but they are also extremely fearful, because Luo Yuan cannot let them and the remaining realm beasts survive, and will definitely take action against them. As for summoning the remaining less than a million realm beasts to launch a siege against Luo Yuan again, these realms The beasts all thought it was difficult to do.

The world beasts don't know the details of Luo Yuan. Naturally, they don't know that the power Luo Yuan can use to deal with more than eight million world beasts can only be used once. If these world beasts unite to deal with Luo Yuan again, Luo Yuan will have no choice but to evacuate. But the realm beasts don't know. They are afraid that if they join forces at this time, they will be wiped out by Luo Yuan like the more than eight million realm beasts before. Luo Yuan has become the biggest enemy of the realm beasts. At this time, in the dim The world beasts in the land felt fear they had never experienced before.

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(End of this chapter)

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