Chapter 703 Hunyuan Life
  Luo Yuan can feel that this world has a very strong origin power of wood, but although this space looks very large, it has not completely formed an independent small world, especially since there is no life in it, which means that this space seems to be very large. There's not much living life outside of the lush forest, so it doesn't qualify as a truly small world-building at all.

So the request made by the Supreme Temple to Luo Yuan is obviously to let him perfect this space and transform it into a real small world. If you just listen to this request, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

After all, it is very easy for a god-king level powerhouse to build a small world, but the problem is that there is only a simple source of law and power here, and it is still a space with the origin of wood as the main body, so It is very difficult to build a complete world.

But the problem is that Luo Yuan has come in now, and he can only accept the test next, because according to the rules of the Supreme Temple, if you refuse to accept the test or cannot complete the task, you may be trapped here until time passes. After that, if the task is not completed within the specified time, it will be directly erased by the rules here.

Moreover, the time requirement to complete the task is only one reincarnation era. Of course, the flow rate of time in the Supreme Temple is different from that outside. In other words, spending one era outside is equivalent to one reincarnation era in the Supreme Temple.

So Luo Yuan, in a sense, has enough time to do such a thing, but the premise is that he can truly understand the origin of wood and evolve it into an entity to meet the test requirements.

Those strong men at the level of god kings in the outside world have spent countless reincarnation eras in order to understand an original power and master it. Luo Yuan wants to realize a reincarnation era here and master an original power, and even master it. To an existence beyond the limit, this is a difficult task for everyone.

Even if Luo Yuan has really mastered the origin of chaos now, he actually does not have a complete understanding of this power, and he is only at the elementary level now. This is why Luo Yuan has mastered the power since he broke through to the realm of the God King. The reason why he has never improved his realm and strength after reaching the origin of chaos is because no one knows his next path, so he can only slowly explore on his own.

Although the inheritance that Luo Yuan received also includes levels at the Chaotic Source level, the problem is that the recorded information about the origin of Chaos is not that specific. After all, the inheritance he received is how an ordinary person can practice all the way to the Chaotic Source realm. It’s just a cultivation method.

As for the cultivation methods above the Hunyuan realm, there is no such thing unless Luo Yuan can get more inheritance, but it is obvious that the supreme rules of Fang Yuan's world seem to directly hide such inheritance information.

This is just like how Luo Yuan was unable to interpret the information contained in realms above the True God when he was in the Universe Sea. It can be said that as long as Luo Yuan lives on the Origin Continent, it is impossible for him to obtain a cultivation method above the Hunyuan level. Things, unless he can enter the infinite Chaotic Source space after breaking through to the Hunyuan level, then there will be no such restrictions.

However, after Luo Yuan came to the Supreme Temple, he discovered that the rules here were not that strong in suppressing information above the Chaotic Source level. In other words, the rules here had exceeded the constraints of the Supreme Rules, a bit similar to the Infinite Chaotic Source. Space, but the rules here only belong to the low-end version, but even so it is very shocking.

This means that if Luo Yuan can obtain inheritance and information above Hunyuan level in this supreme temple, then he can bypass the restrictions of the supreme rules here and interpret relevant information and knowledge. Then he will also be able to practice in the future. It's easier, after all, the power of Chaos Origin can only be mastered by Hunyuan level experts.

If placed in other worlds, then the strong ones in them usually comprehend one source of power, and then only after reaching perfect mastery can they break through to the realm of God Kings, and then continue to comprehend and master other source powers until After mastering all the ten original powers, it is possible to fuse them into the origin of chaos, and finally be promoted to a powerful Chaotic Source level. As long as you reach this step, you can enter the infinite Chaotic Source space.

It can be said that this is the normal way of cultivation, but this has stumped many strong people. In the end, only a few people were able to succeed. The entire Origin Continent has gone through tens of thousands of reincarnations so far, and no one has appeared. If you are a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, you can see that the chance of becoming a Hunyuan-level powerhouse is very low, and the difficulty is far beyond imagination.

Otherwise, why can they break through to the Hunyuan level and become the masters and controllers of a source world? These talents can become superior beings, and finally enter the infinite Hunyuan space, and can view the entire source world from the perspective of God. It can be said that there are essential differences in the past experienced by all strong men in terms of life form and status.

However, Luo Yuan is different from other powerful God Kings, because he has mastered the origin of chaos as soon as he breaks through to the realm of God Kings, which is equivalent to reaching the end that other powerful God Kings can reach. This also allows Luo Yuan to have a powerful He is half a step stronger than a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, but the problem is that his realm is only a junior god king. In order to improve his realm, he must further strengthen his mastery of the power of the origin of chaos.

For example, Luo Yuan can improve the reserve power of the Chaos Source he has mastered. Through continuous superposition, he has accumulated a large amount of Chaos Source before he has broken through to the Hunyuan realm. Then once he truly breaks through to the Hunyuan realm, Luo Yuan can After reaching the realm, his combat effectiveness will far exceed those of ordinary Hunyuan level experts.

Luo Yuan knew that Hunyuan levels were divided into five levels, namely low Hunyuan, medium Hunyuan, high Hunyuan, world-level Hunyuan, and the last lord-level Hunyuan, although it seemed that there was only a small distance between them. The gap between the realms, but the real gap is a world of difference, and according to the information Luo Yuan learned, the realm of Hunyuan Lord is not the most powerful, because there may be others who can surpass Hunyuan Lord. Super strong.

But one thing is certain, that is, once you break through to the realm of chaos, the energy you control is the origin of chaos, and this power can directly improve a person's physique, elevate it to a higher level, and then transform it into The new life form becomes Chaotic Source Life.

This is a powerful life that conforms to the rules of the entire universe. It can even directly create new supreme rules. It can completely erase the supreme rules of a certain universe. It can be said to be a supreme existence that overrides the supreme rules.

Of course, if ordinary creatures want to reach this state, they must rely on their own talents and strength, and practice step by step to reach this level. However, some creatures are directly Chaotic Source life forms once they are born, which means that they are born with mastery. With the power of the origin of chaos, it is comparable to a powerful person at the Hunyuan level.

So in the universe, no matter how hard you work or how persistently you practice, just being born has already determined your future development and future path to a certain extent, especially the upper limit of your realm has been locked for you. If you don’t have With great luck, it is very difficult and almost impossible to truly reach the Hunyuan level.

Luo Yuan is also very envious of those Hunyuan beings who have Hunyuan-level power since they are born, because these beings are the most noble existences in the universe. Their bloodline and genetic level have surpassed all other creatures since they were born. , this is completely unreasonable. If ordinary beings like Luo Yuan want to reach this state, they can only spend a long time practicing on their own, and even if they can reach the Chaotic Source level in the end, they may not be able to truly defeat those Chaotic Source beings.

However, Luo Yuan knew that even if he was very envious, he could not change his original birth and destiny, so he could only calm down and practice hard. Why is the universe so vast and there are countless lives?

But everyone still has to climb to the highest peak through continuous practice. In the final analysis, it is because of unwillingness, and also because of being able to master powerful power through practice, so that one can change one's destiny against the will of nature, and finally gain freedom and will not be beaten by other strong people. Around.

When other strong people are cultivating, if you don't practice, then once the gap between your strength and others is widened, others will be able to use their strong strength to restrain your behavior, or even deprive you of your life. This is for everyone. It is difficult for people to accept it, so simply through continuous practice, it is possible to truly gain great freedom and ease.

Luo Yuan's original purpose of training was to control his own destiny, but now he has reached the realm of the God King. If he stops here, basically no other strong person can control him, at least in the source world. It seems, because Luo Yuan has reached the top level in the world of Origin Continent.

If Luo Yuan didn't know the structure of the entire universe, he didn't know that there is a higher infinite Hunyuan space above the source world, and there were even these Hunyuan level powerhouses watching quietly behind the scenes of the source world. If he can follow them and even control their destiny at any time, then Luo Yuan may be like other powerful people in the world.

I will not continue to practice, but think about how to enjoy the rest of my life. After all, how many strong people are willing to practice hard like this. In the final analysis, their purpose of practice is to enjoy life. This is also because they do not understand the entire universe. The truth will be taken for granted.

Luo Yuan has actually had such thoughts now, but the problem is that when he thinks that there are more powerful people on the Origin World, watching him jump up and down on the Origin World like an ant, Luo Yuan feels Got a creepy feeling.

Because he really didn't want to suddenly see a Hunyuan-level strongman being unhappy with him one day, and then directly take action to wipe him out. This feeling of life being controlled by other strongmen was difficult for Luo Yuan to accept. That's why he will continue to strengthen his foundation and continue to practice so that he can truly achieve transcendence.

He is basically walking a path that he doesn't know how to move forward. At least he has no guidance information so far, and the strong people on the Origin Continent can't draw lessons from him. Even the inheritance he received before can't be used as a reference. There is no record of this, unless Luo Yuan can obtain a powerful inheritance far beyond the level of Hunyuan, he will be able to find the correct method to improve his realm and strength.

That's why Luo Yuan came to the Supreme Temple without hesitation, because he knew that there was a inheritance at the Hunyuan Lord level. If he could pass all the tests and finally obtain such a inheritance, then his future cultivation path would be very different. What would be the problem, at least there would be correct guidance on how to use and enhance the source of chaos.

It's just that the problem he faces now is this first level of test, which puts him into a dilemma all of a sudden, because he has no idea how to create an independent world using only one source of law and power. , especially to create intelligent life from scratch.

If the content of this test were to be replaced by other powerful God Kings, they would only fall into despair. Then in the end, they would be left here to wait boredly for an era of reincarnation, and then disappear between heaven and earth, or they would find ways to come. Solving the current dilemma is like an ant constantly struggling in it.

Now that Luo Yuan is here, he is naturally unwilling to give up. Although it is only one of his clones that has entered the Supreme Temple now, and it will not really affect his true self, he is not willing to give up the inheritance of Lord Hunyuan. Chance.

Next, Luo Yuan did not immediately create an independent world. Instead, he explored the space and found that the size of the entire space had reached tens of billions of light-years. The original size of the space alone was already large. Compared to a small universe, the next thing Luo Yuan has to do is to further improve the source of chaos he has mastered. It is best to break through the current limit, so that he can improve his mastery of this source of power to 100%.

If Luo Yuan wants to use the origin of wood as he wishes, the level of control cannot be low, and he can also create some life by integrating other origin powers into it, and see if he can create them, and then Eliminate all other original powers it possesses, and finally retain only one kind of wood origin. This can be regarded as completing the requirements of this level of test. This is equivalent to achieving the result first, and then deducing the cause.

But the problem is that if the structure of this life body cannot be maintained after eliminating other original powers, and finally dissipates directly into nothingness, then the test goal will not be achieved. At this moment, Luo Yuan understands that the ultimate goal of this test is to allow himself to achieve Only when the ten original powers are used to perfection can it be possible to complete the final test.

In fact, among the secret worlds that Luo Yuan has seen before on the Origin Continent, it can be said that there are also life forms that only have one source of power to survive. For example, in the secret world of fire that he currently occupies, there are There are many lives.

They themselves only possess the original law and power of fire, but the problem is that their situation is completely inconsistent with the provisions of the supreme rules, and such life forms can survive intact. The most important thing is that they are gods directly after their birth. The existence of the king realm.

Moreover, the talent and potential are very high, but they do not reach a high level in terms of IQ. This can be regarded as a flaw on the one hand, but the problem is that those life forms that can only possess one source of power are basically made of They were created by real Hunyuan level experts, so they probably mastered some means that Luo Yuan didn't know about.

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(End of this chapter)

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