I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 705 Primitive Life and Civilization

Chapter 705 Primitive Life and Civilization

As time went by, Luo Yuan discovered that if he wanted to create the most primitive wood spirit, the first thing he should do was to understand the power of the origin of wood to the highest level, or even the ultimate existence, because only in this way can he To completely condense it into a kind of intelligent existence, after all, if you want to truly condense the elusive laws and original power into actual matter, then you have extremely high requirements.

In fact, most of the powerful God Kings cannot completely and perfectly master a certain source of power after they understand it, so they can only use the most basic level of source power, and sometimes they themselves cannot even use the power of laws. Manifested in a very visible way.

But they can feel the existence of the laws. This is because after their realm reaches a certain level, they can establish a corresponding connection with the laws of the universe, and then they can use these laws for their own use. But only by truly mastering Only the original power can actively control these laws.

Otherwise, if these laws do not accept their call during the process of sensing the laws, then the God King-level powerhouse will not be able to truly use the most powerful power of the laws.

Therefore, if you want to have more powerful power, you must perfectly control the original power. This is a higher existence than the law. It can also be regarded as the source of the law. However, among all the powerful people in the universe, , if they want to practice, they must first practice the secret methods left by their predecessors or other cultivation methods, so as to temporarily possess some extraordinary power, but these are the most superficial ways of using the power of law.

Only when the realm has truly reached the level of a true god, can one have a deeper understanding of the power of the law. However, only by becoming a strong man at the level of a god king can one truly come into contact with the more powerful source power. However, if you want to be more powerful, Further breakthrough to the Hunyuan realm requires the understanding and mastery of the ten original powers to reach an extreme level. This requirement is very high.

Luo Yuan mastered the origin of chaos one step ahead of time, but he did not dare to say that he could really command these ten origin powers and master them perfectly.

Luo Yuan originally thought that the levels of Chaos Origin were all the same, but after spending a long time in the Supreme Temple to comprehend it, he realized that in the infinite Chaotic Source space, the reason why those Chaotic Source-level powerhouses have different levels The difference, in fact, is essentially the difference in their understanding and mastery of the original power of chaos.

And the more perfect the mastery of the origin of chaos, the greater the possibility of being promoted to the level of Hunyuan Lord in the future, and even going a step further to become the Lord of Infinite Hunyuan Space, so if Luo Yuan only merges into the most basic After Chaos Origin, he became arrogant and complacent, thinking that he could cultivate to the Chaos Origin realm without any bottlenecks.

Then it will be difficult for his future achievements to truly improve to the goal he wants to achieve, but the good thing now is that he has not truly broken through to the Hunyuan level, and there is still a long time for him to further strengthen his mastery of the original power. and levels, you can also build a stronger foundation for yourself.

If he has now directly become a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, then this means that his chaotic origin cannot be changed, let alone improved. He can only rely on long-term accumulation or the blessing of some luck. Maybe improve it a little, thereby improving your realm.

For Hunyuan-level powerhouses, their most basic unit of calculation is the reincarnation era, so in their eyes, one reincarnation era is equivalent to one year in the eyes of these ordinary powerhouses on the Origin Continent. From here we can see For those Chaotic Source level experts who have emerged from the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, the time it takes them to improve their strength is too long. Even after tens of thousands of reincarnations, they cannot guarantee that they can improve even a little bit.

This is because after becoming a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, it is more difficult to improve. Every step is countless times more difficult than the previous improvement. This is like saying that a test paper originally has a hundred points, but for those who have already passed the test, For top talents with a score of 90, it is very difficult for them to continue to improve by one or two points.

But for those geniuses who can only get 40, 50 or even fail the test, it is not that difficult to significantly improve their scores. From such examples, we can see that the higher the level of strength of the strong, the more difficult it is to improve. .

This is why there are only a few top experts in any universe, while the most basic ones have the largest number. The level of experts in the universe exists exactly according to the pyramid model. It is like this no matter where it is, and it cannot be Changes, and in the end most of the resources and high authority are in the hands of the most powerful ones.

Luo Yuan knew very well that it was impossible for him to change this status quo, so he could only continue to practice on his own, and then judge to become one of the few strong ones above, so that he could truly control his own destiny and gain true freedom.

Luo Yuan spent tens of thousands of epochs like this and finally improved his original power of wood, which had not yet truly reached perfection, to a perfect level. His mastery of this original power was much stronger than before, which also made Luo Yuan understand that he There is still room for further improvement. At the same time, he can also feel that his strength is much stronger than before, especially in terms of background, which has become more solid than before.

At this moment, Luo Yuan understood that the test in the Supreme Temple was completely a chance for him, but if he could improve all the ten original powers he controlled to perfection here, then he would truly create a pure and powerful soul. Only the Source Lord level powerhouse possesses the foundation, so that his upper limit for advancement will become higher in the future, and he will be qualified to compete with other Chaotic Source level powerhouses.

At the same time, Luo Yuan also understood the true intention of creating the Fang Yuan world of Origin Continent and the powerful Hunyuan Lord including the Hunyuan Lord. It seemed that what he really wanted to cultivate with that super strong man was to be with him Strong men of the same realm, rather than just cultivating strong men at the ordinary Hunyuan level.

After all, in the infinite Chaotic Source space, there are many Chaotic Source level experts, but only the Chaotic Source Lord level can really play a decisive role. But the problem is that the number of powerful people at this level is too small. Otherwise, why after countless reincarnations, there are only a few powerful Chaotic Source Lords in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space.

This is not only because there is a huge gap in the degree of mastery of the power of Chaos Origin among those Chaotic Source level experts, but also because there is a gap in talent and understanding between each other.

It can be said that all those who can break through and become Hunyuan level powerhouses are very talented and surpass most powerhouses. However, when these geniuses are all gathered together, there is still a gap between them. It is precisely because of this gap that their future achievements will be different.

If other strong men of the God King level dare to come to the Supreme Temple and pass the test here, it is basically difficult to do so. It can be said that they cannot even pass the first level, because they want to pass one of them. It is already very difficult to raise an origin power to the ultimate level, let alone other origin powers. Even if they happen to encounter the existence of the same type of origin power as themselves, they still don’t know how long it will take to raise it to the perfect level. years. Especially the other powerful God Kings who don’t really understand what kind of power the origin of chaos is, then they naturally have no way of knowing what the real test of the Supreme Temple is. In the end, they are likely to go astray, just like this in the first level. One of them would go through an era of reincarnation, only to die in the end. This also explains why no strong person can pass all the tests of the Temple of Knowledge and finally walk out from here.

Luo Yuan believes that any strong person who can come out of the Supreme Temple will have an extremely brilliant future, and may even break through and become a powerful being at the level of Hunyuan Lord. But the problem is that the number of such strong people is absolutely very rare, and Luo Yuan So he decided to be the first person.

Anyway, Luo Yuan has already implemented his original plan well, and has brought all his relatives and friends to the Origin Continent, and arranged them in a powerful and secret secret world. So Luo Yuan is not worried about their safety.

In addition, there is still his own deity sitting there, so he can now feel safe and worry-free in the Supreme Temple to fully comprehend the realm after the ten original powers reach the perfect level. Luo Yuan has now upgraded his understanding and mastery of the origin of wood to If it reaches the perfect level, then he needs to condense it into something that actually exists in accordance with the rules of the universe, and also give it spiritual intelligence to make it a real life.

To get to this point, the difficulty is actually more difficult than raising the origin of wood to the perfect level before, because the laws and origin power of the universe itself are a concept without rules, especially the foundation of the entire universe around them. , usually only in an invisible state, but it has always been able to affect the development of everything in the universe.

In addition, the level of the original power is too high. If you want to transform it from a completely rational or even emotionless power of rules into an entity life with its own consciousness and emotions, you first need to enable them to have the ability to think for themselves. .

At this moment, Luo Yuan immediately thought of the magical existence of intelligent life, because intelligent life is actually a kind of intelligence formed after the transformation of a bunch of databases in a sense, but this kind of intelligence can have the same abilities as human beings The ability to feel and think is very magical. After all, the data itself is also a concept and virtual existence.

If you want virtual things to truly have the same abilities and feelings as entities, then it can be imagined that it is very difficult to achieve. However, Luo Yuan can think about how to truly transform the material origin he has mastered from this perspective. Become a being with emotions and intelligence just like intelligent life.

Although intelligent lifeforms need to rely on physical devices to move, they do not completely rely on physical devices because they can completely replace these physical devices, so they are essentially information fragments without entities. Then after emotions and wisdom are generated, it turns out that it is very likely that a large amount of data is gathered together to truly give birth to the original will.

This is somewhat similar to the original will of the original universe. In the final analysis, the original universe is a celestial structure composed of countless galaxies. It can be regarded as a physical device, but it does not seem to have any life forms. In this way, the original will was born and could control the development of the entire original universe.

However, during the long years of development of the original will of the original universe, they are indeed like the intelligence of the system. They have no emotions. Their operations can only follow the most rational instincts. But if they are really in the process of evolution, If so-called emotions appear, then they are likely to become real living beings.

For example, Luo Yuan's original will in the original universe in the cosmic sea was due to the existence equivalent to independent consciousness, so he was unwilling to completely lose it with the demise of the original universe. This would lead to the entire original will. There are so many things in the universe.

In fact, it is the original will that controls it behind the scenes. This is because the original universe will die every reincarnation era, and then evolve and be born again. As long as his original will is always the same existence, it is equivalent to ensuring his permanent survival. Go down.

This is not originally in line with the operation of the original will of the original universe, so the only explanation is that this original will has generated independent consciousness, but does not want to disappear like this, so it wants to save itself and finally control everything in the entire original universe. The strong ones protect them from the attacks of world beasts.

The so-called Ancestral God Religion is just an agent used by the original will of the original universe to execute its own orders. Therefore, no matter in any era of reincarnation, there is always a force like the Ancestral God Religion in the original universe. However, some of the original wills are created because of the creation of the Ancestral God Religion. It has independent consciousness, so it does not want to be replaced by other wills. This is the same as a person's thoughts and ideas that want to live forever.

It can be said that Luo Yuan thought about a lot of things in the process of cultivation, and summarized the rules of operation of various existences he encountered before, which became the foundation for him to pass the test now. Luo Yuan even carefully studied the intelligence The existence model of life finally made him understand the method of constructing life formed by the original power.

However, Luo Yuan is very clear that this method is now only the most basic and primitive one. It can only construct a life form formed by the original power, and there is a huge gap between different original powers, so the constructed life form They are also different. At least there is a huge gap between them in the original core. If there is a problem during the construction process, it is likely to cause the collapse of the entire world.

However, as long as Luo Yuan can condense a life form composed of the original power, then he does not need to worry about the structure of the entire civilized world, because as long as he creates the most primitive life in this world, then it can be maintained over a long period of time. As time goes by and evolution continues, countless identical beings are finally born. Then these beings have wisdom and will naturally form independent civilizations.

Luo Yuan only needs to be a guide behind the scenes. This process can be said to be not complicated. Therefore, for Luo Yuan, being able to condense the most primitive life in the world is the most important and the most difficult thing. , as long as this difficulty is overcome, the rest will become very easy.

Luo Yuan has never thought that it is so difficult to create a world and civilization. Then the creators must have thought of various methods when they created the world, and after continuous attempts, they have now become incomparably bright. cosmic civilization.

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(End of this chapter)

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