Chapter 707 Origin Fusion
  Luo Yuan didn't expect that he could create a brand new ethnic group so easily. Luo Yuan named it the Mu Clan. The reason why he gave it such a name was because Luo Yuan wanted to create a new ethnic group next. This makes it easier for him to remember the names of other groups with other types of origin power, and he also feels that such names are very suitable for these new beings.

Luo Yuan is very satisfied with the new species he created, because such a life not only has extremely powerful talents and growth potential, but also has reached a starting point that is difficult for many species to reach at birth, that is, the level of immortality, that is, It means that Luo Yuan directly created an eternal and immortal new life.

Luo Yuan believed that as long as the species he created could grow normally and establish a civilized world, he would be able to ensure that he could obtain countless powerful warriors in the future, whether he was conquering the entire Origin Continent or going to Infinite Hun in the future. The source space has extremely powerful foundations.

Sure enough, as the new species created by Luo Yuan continued to evolve in this space, and then a very prosperous civilized world was formed, Luo Yuan discovered that the first floor of the Supreme Temple where he was now actually formed a complete small world.

And as the strong ones inside continue to become stronger, they can also create new worlds on their own, and these worlds will be attached to the original world, which is equivalent to establishing a grand world system. Soon this first The layered world evolved into an independent universe.

According to the normal evolution process of the universe, it takes a very long time, and it must be more than one era of reincarnation. However, it is under the control of Luo Yuan behind the scenes that it develops so quickly. After all, Luo Yuan is a powerful person at the level of a god king, whether it is The secret recipes he has mastered in all aspects and the information he possesses on technology are extremely rich.

Therefore, Luo Yuan did not think about letting the indigenous people of this world explore by themselves, so as to continuously discover the laws of this world and then create a civilized country. Instead, he directly dedicated his rich knowledge to these created countries. New species, they can continue to evolve and evolve across a long period of time, which is why they have today's prosperous scene.

Although Luo Yuan has retreated behind the scenes, he has become the most noble god in the hearts of all the creatures of the Mu clan, because Luo Yuan is not only their creator, but also brought them knowledge and civilization, which is equivalent to their Like Father God, this resulted in the Mu clan being 100% loyal to Luo Yuan.

Of course, another reason is that in the process of creating the Wood Clan, Luo Yuan integrated his life mark into their origin, which made their souls instinctively feel close to Luo Yuan and subconsciously Listen to Luo Yuan's orders so that you can control them more conveniently in the future.

Time passed quickly, and soon he got feedback from the Supreme Temple that he had passed the test on the first level. Soon Luo Yuan was teleported to the second level by the Supreme Temple. Sure enough, the test method here was the same as that on the first level. There is no difference, except that the source power is changed to the source of fire.

This means that Luo Yuan needs to create the Fire Clan and let them build a prosperous and civilized world like the first level. Because Luo Yuan has already had successful cases before, he is now basically following his previous experience. Experiment, so the task could be completed quickly, which made Luo Yuan feel very happy, because the efficiency was much faster than before.

Therefore, Luo Yuan easily passed the test of each layer of the separate world formed by the ten original powers. In other words, he created the ten major ethnic groups, and he still only used one original power to achieve the most perfect Luo Yuan knew that the next test would be much more difficult than before.

Because he needs to fuse two or even more than three original powers to create a new species. If he creates a new species with one original power, he can still maintain its stability and purity. After all, there will be no interference from other original powers. But if you want to fuse different original powers together to produce a perfect species, you must take into account the mutual exclusion of the original powers.

Luo Yuan is very clear about the ten laws and origin powers that exist in this universe. They are essentially at the same level, but because the origins involved are different, the difference in difficulty in controlling them is also huge.

But if two origins of the same level merge together, there will definitely be a direct conflict reaction. After all, they are not willing to be swallowed up by other origins, unless a powerful means can be used to maintain a balanced situation, and in the end Only by truly perfect fusion can we create the most perfect species.

If it is just the power of law, then with Luo Yuan's current strength and realm, it is very easy to create a new species with it, because he has raised the control of the power of law to the limit, but the problem is that there is a difference between the original power and the power of law. There is a huge gap, they exist in different dimensions.

Because the source power is higher than the power of law, and is equivalent to the purest power of law after condensation, the most troublesome thing is the source power, which already has its own will, so if you want to truly control and control according to the source power, The difficulty of fusion far exceeds the power of law.

It can be said that before all the powerful people reach the level of God King, the various secret techniques they practice can only be equivalent to the use of the power of the law. Even if they control the law more and more profoundly, it is difficult to fully control it. However, the higher the level of control, the more powerful the secret technique is.

The reason for this effect is that the power of law itself has no will. They are equivalent to a conceptual substance formed between heaven and earth. For ordinary people, they are completely difficult to sense and cannot capture, let alone Said to be able to use the power of the law.

Only those strong people who have practiced various secret techniques can really react to the power of the law and use it after their realm has been raised to a certain level. They only control it by using secret techniques, so no matter how strong they are, , as long as the conditions are met, the power of the law can be used.

However, it is very difficult to control the origin of the power of the law on this basis. Only after breaking through to the realm of the God King, one can transform the energy of one's own cultivation into the true power of the origin of the law. In this way, great limitations can be overcome, and finally Using the original power, the actual combat methods and power are much more powerful than before.

For example, if a strong man with the power of law and a strong man who has mastered the power of the source cast the same secret method, the power can be said to be vastly different. If the power of the law is a gas, then the power of the source is a solid after solidification. , even though the origins of the two are the same, there is a huge gap in their quality.

Therefore, in terms of consumption, the original power can achieve long-lasting battery life. In addition, it has higher energy reserves and purity, so the power it exerts will be enhanced hundreds of times, so it will be on the Origin Continent. There is a saying that all powerful people below the level of the God King are ants.

This is because a strong person in the realm of God King, even with just a thought or aura, can wipe out all those weaker than him. If he wants to compete with a strong person in the realm of God King, it means You must have an extremely strong energy reserve, and even consume a huge amount in the process of using the secret method, to be able to resist one or two.

So when Luo Yuan came to the eleventh level, he knew that the test he would face next would be increasingly difficult than before, because Luo Yuan would need to integrate more of his original powers. Therefore, Luo Yuan will need more and more time, but fortunately, the flow of time in the Supreme Temple is much faster than outside, so he does not need to worry too much. By the time he comes out, the whole world has been turned upside down. changes in this situation occur.

Luo Yuan's first consideration was the fusion of the original power of the Five Elements Law, because he had knowledge in this area and knew that the powers of the Five Elements restrained each other and could be integrated with each other. It was precisely because of this foundation.

So he decided to start with this aspect first, and then integrate other types of law power after gaining experience. In particular, the upper law space and time can only be integrated at the end, because they will be more difficult to fuse. .

According to the principle of the five elements mutually reinforcing each other, Luo Yuan should integrate the two original powers of wood and fire from the beginning. Because wood generates fire, there is a very deep relationship between the two. In addition, Luo Yuan carefully mastered the power from the beginning. And what is understood is the origin of wood and the origin of fire.

Flame is a very destructive energy form. No matter in any world, flame is difficult to control. However, wood itself does not have very strong destructive power and is very gentle. The more important thing is Wood can be used as fuel for fire burning.

Therefore, the new species formed after the fusion of the two will not have conflicts in origin, so Luo Yuan began to fuse the two origin powers and create a new species. This difficulty was more difficult than the test he had faced before. Luo Yuan It took him twice as much time as before, but because he already had a lot of experience before, he finally perfectly integrated the two powers into a new life form.

Luo Yuan named this newly born life the Fire and Wood Clan. Such beings can master the two powers of fire and wood at the same time, so their development potential and strength are higher than those formed by a single power of origin. Being more powerful is also the trend of the development of the universe. After all, there are already differences in dimensions. Otherwise, why are the beings that integrate multiple source powers stronger? This can be seen from the difficulty of integration.

Moreover, Luo Yuan discovered that he had created a clan of fire and wood. They not only had the defensive power of wood and the infinite vitality of super-speed healing, but also could use the power of fire with destructive power. It was simply a combination of defense, attack and healing ability. On top of a kind of life, this means that the Huomu clan will become very good warriors.

Moreover, any life that is formed by the fusion of original power does not need to practice any secret techniques. They are born with the ability to master this energy, and they can also use various powerful methods according to their own ideas. It can be said that they are true geniuses, even if Any attack can be countless times more powerful than those strong men who have practiced the Law of Correspondence and the Secret of Origin.

That's why Luo Yuan said that birth is very important, because the end you long for is just the starting point that comes with birth. If Luo Yuan had such superior conditions at the beginning, then he believes that he wants to break through the realm and become a Hun. It will be easier for the source level experts.

However, Luo Yuan thought there was no need to belittle himself. After all, he now possesses extremely powerful strength and means. These are all obtained through his own hard work for so many years. Unlike those beings who are born with powerful abilities, he has a strong understanding of himself. You have 100% control over the abilities you master.

Therefore, Luo Yuan can perfectly display his strength without any lack of foundation and control. This is also the reason why he can continue to break through the realm and grow steadily.

But for those beings who are born with powerful means and innate abilities, they still need a period of adaptation before they can truly control their abilities and practice step by step.

It's just that their training speed will be faster than other life forms, but the problem is that if they want to truly break through to the Chaotic Source level, this difficulty can be said to be a dilemma that all beings must go through, and only those who are born with Chaotic Source life forms Only species can have no such concerns.

It can be said that the most noble life with the most powerful bloodline in the entire universe is the Hunyuan life. After all, people have Hunyuan level strength and realm directly from the moment they are born, and they are born with it. They only need to practice a few simple things to achieve it. It is countless times stronger than those ordinary Hunyuan level powerhouses.

As for other beings, if they want to reach such a realm and strength, they don’t know how many long years they have to practice, and whether they can finally break through is very difficult, because in the end they can truly become a Hunyuan-level powerhouse. The possibility is also very low.

Otherwise, a source world like the Origin Continent has existed for so many years, why has there never been a true powerful person at the Hunyuan level? You must know that the number of lives on the Origin Continent can be said to be countless, even the strongest in the God King realm. There are already millions or tens of millions of people, but the problem is that so far no one has really broken through and become a high-ranking manager, that is, a Hunyuan-level powerhouse.

When Luo Yuan created the Fire and Wood clan, he suddenly realized that these two origin powers were stronger than before, and he also tried to reconstruct the origin of chaos he possessed according to the perfect composition model he had comprehended. After distributing the proportion, he found that his control over the origin of chaos was much stronger than before, and the aura exuding from his body was also more powerful than before.

The most important thing is that Luo Yuan found that it was easier to control the two powers of fire and wood than before. This also made Luo Yuan know one thing that although he has mastered the origin of chaos now, But it is a power that is at the ordinary level of Hunyuan level and has not really reached the perfect level. If divided according to the levels of Hunyuan life, Luo Yuan is now equivalent to a defective Hunyuan level life.

If this is just the state, then it will be very difficult for him to break through the Hunyuan level in the future and gain higher strength and status in the infinite Hunyuan space, so he is now equivalent to a purification and evolution. Opportunity, so the current test of the Supreme Temple is not a so-called test for Luo Yuan, but a real heaven-defying opportunity.

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(End of this chapter)

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